Environment (twliution,health protection, safety)
Homes for a greener world 95105329 Bartlett, P. Energy WorM May 1995, (228), 13-14. Reports on the launch of an EnvironmentalStandard,which is a dcvelopment of the successful BILE EnvironmentalAssessment Method (BREEM) targetedfor the homes sector. BREEM is aimed at reducing the environmental impacts of buildings, which account for 50% of the UK’s annual carbon dioxide emissions. The homogeneous gas phase reactlon of mercury 95105329 with oxygen, and the corresponding heterogeneous rsactlons In the presence of activated carbon and fly ash Hall, B. et al., Chemosphere, 1995, 30, (4), 611-627. A laboratory-scalestopped flow reactorwas used to study the homogeneous gas phase reactions of elemental H with 0 and tlie correspoiiding heterogeneous reaction in the oresence o%activated carbon and flv ash at differeit temperatures. No honio eneous gas phase reaction oc&ed during a reaction time of 1 h at 20-$ 00”. Hydrogen sulfide rstsntlon on llmestone at hlgh 95105330 temperature and high pressure Illerup, I. B. et al., Proc. Int. Symp. Gas Clean High Temp., Blackie, Glasgow,UK 492-509. The suitability of limestone as a sorbent for hydrogen sulphide was tested at coal gasification conditions. Experimentswere carriedout in a fixed bed reactor at pressures and temperaturesup to 10 bars and 1223 K respectively. The influence of pressure,temperature,particle size and gas corn sition was tested The conclusion is that for gasification processes wi*tK partial pressure of CO below the equilibrium pressure over CaCO,, e.g. 0.2 bar at 1073 K and i.0 bar at 1173 K, limestone is a suitable aorbent for hydrogen sulphide. Hydroxyl radical gensratlon by coal mine dust: 95lQ5331 Possible lmpllcatlon to coal workers’ neumoconlosls (CWP) Dalal, N. S. et aL, Free RadicalBioL Me %, 1995, 18, (1). 11-20. Discusses occupational exposure to coal mine dust which causes coal workers’ pneuniowniosis (&VP) and other pulmonary diseases by me&anisms that remain unclear. Because the hvdroxvl radicals mav dav an important role in the pathogcnesis of CWP,‘the aithors studied ihi p&ential role of bituminous coal mine dust samples for catalyxing the generation of hydroxyl radicals from hydrogen peroxide. 95105332 The Impact of US envlronmental laws Fusaro, P. PetrolewnReview,May 1995.49, @SO), 207-209. Discusses how in the past, the world oil markets had two major risks to manage: sup ly and price. But now there is a third. With pollution laws in the United dtates and elsewhere becoming increasingly stringent, global environmentalism is set to become a key variable in the trading of oil products. And with it cornea major new trading opportunities. 95105333 In-situ measurement and classlflcatlon of oil pollution Green, D. A. et a&, EnvironmentInt., 1995, 21, (2). 245-250. An in situ optical sensing technique is used to measure and classiry suspension of oil-in-water in the concentration ran e O-100 uLL Correct classification is shown for concentrations of 1% III& and above; the lower detection limit reachedto date.is 0.3 uLL ‘Ihe sensor system is baaed on a pipeline mounted nephelometer and artificial neural network processor. Experiments conducted on a range of oil suspensions demon&ate that crude oils ma easily be distinguished from examples of cutting and lubication oils. d e technology is simple, robust, and could be deployed in a wide range of environmental momtoring applications. lncluslon of external costs: What are the possible 95lo5334 approaches? Bauduin, P. Revue de I’Energie, Apr. 1995. (467), 209-214. (In French) Failing to consider external environmental costs is a source of inefficiency in terms of public welfare. However, the economist who goes beyond this sim le statement of fact and tries to nmedy the situation is faced with a doug le-edged question. Fit, how can the individual behaviour of the economic players be effectively oriented so as to be compatible with the collective requirements of air and water quality, landscaping, and so forth? And secondly, how can these requirements or social gains be measured against the cost of the correspondin environmental preservation measures? The article identifies the con%ltions under which one or another environmentalwlicv mav be oreferable.There is no simule rule for cboosing a given in&r&t, gowe&, because of the frequen’tly complex problem and the diversity of the contexts in which they arise. lncreaalng carbon monoxide blood lsvels In Sang95105335 kok bus drivers Saenghirunvattana, S. et aL, EnvironmentIn& 1995, 21. l), 81-84. In order to study the effects of air pollution in Bangkok, I 1 bus drivers were examined- and blood was drawn for measiirement of carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) prior to and after work. THe COHb level before work was 2.19 +I- 2.46% (range O-7.18). It had increased after work to 5.26 +I- 2.52% (range O-10.4) (pcO.001). 21 drivers complained of chronic headaches, myalgia, and eye irritation during working hours. The COHb level was not statistically different between smokers and nonsmokers.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts September 1995
95105336 lndivldual and occupational correla1sa of thr sick building ayndroms Hedge, A. et aL, InhAir, Mar. 1995, 5, (l), 10-21. The results of a questionnairesurvey of 939 workers from five air conditioned offices where smoking was prohibited is discussed. 95105337 IntentIonal oil Dollutlon at sea. Environmental DOC Icy and treaty compliance . Mitchell, R. B. The MIT Press, CambridgG&I, UsA, $39.95,19!J4,361 PP. The book attempts to answer how international environmental treaties affect internationalbehaviour. 95105338 The Inter-agency Joint pro ect decades: A frame= work for comparatively assessinn slectri city _-pensratIon optlons and strateglee Bertel, E. Revue de I’Energic, Apr. 1995, (467), 266273. The environmental and health-related impacts of different ener systems have become the important issues for the years to come. The By act that all fuel chains for the electricity generation system involve some health risks and leads to some environmental impacts and that many countries have the need to define their energy programmes for the coming decade, have aroused a nrowinn interest m the aoolication of imoroved data. tools and techniqueslforco:parative asses&L of differentelectricity systems, and more especially for the environmental and human health aspects. The need to desigi and implement sustainable strategies in the electicity sector has been stressed in many international forums. 95105339 The Interaction of acid mine dralnage wlth a carbonate tsrrane: Evidence from the Obey River, north-oentral Tennessee Webb .,-- ,,L*J A. and Sasowsky, I. D. J. HydroL &nsterdu@, 1994,161, (l), x’--* lnteractlons of chlorosulfonated polyethylene 95105340 geomembranes with allphatlc esters: Sorptlon and dlffuslon phenomena Aminabhavi, T. M. et al., WasteManagement,1995. 15, (1). 69-78. The resistance of chlorosulphonated pal ethylene geomembranes to nine aliphatic esters viz., methyl acetate, eI yl acetate, methyl acetoac&ate, ethyl acetoacetate, n-butyl acetate, diethyl oxalate, iso-amyl acetate, diethyl malonate and diethyl succinate was mvestigated in the temperature interval 25.60°C by measuring the liquid sorption using a gravimetric method. 95105341 InternatIonal envlronmental polltlce. Protsctlng the Antarctlc Elliott, L. M. St. Martin’sPress, New York, Nu, USA, $65.00, 1994,336
The author, a political scientist, addresses the environmental issue on how to deal with the Antarctic. lnterventlon crlterla In a nuclear or radlatlon 95105342 emergency SafetySeries No.109, IAEA, Div. of Publications,PO Bar 100, A-1400 Vienna,Austria,400 AustrianSchillings,I1 7 pp. The book represents an international c&senati ti understands on principles for intervention and numerical values for generic interventton levels. 95105343 NO’s nucllde removal system takes to the road Tusa,E. H. Nuclear Engineering Int., Jul. 1995, 40, (492). 41-43. Since details of the development and capabilities of IVO’s system for removing caesium from li uid wastes at nuclear power plants were de&id in the February 198 4 issue of Nuclear En ’ eering International, uipment has been fitted into a standar lYn* shIpping container to the entire “6.Ile unit ready to undertake decontamination wherever a lorry create a mo cangainacccas. Klnstlc modellng of the H,O, enhanced lnclneratlon 95105344 of heetane and chlorobenzens Mart&, A. et aL, WasteManagement,1995, 15, (l), 43-53. The addition of hydrogen peroxide (H 0 into a stream of heated air containing volatile organic compounds (L d Ca), such as heptane sod chlorobenxene,. has been found to increase the destruction of those BOCa. Detailed kmetic models for the enhanced oxidation of heptane (44 chemical species, 144 reactions), and chlorobenxene (62 species, 212 reactions) were developed. The computer code CHEMKJN was used for the model simulations, and sensitivity analyses were performed using the code SENKIN. Additional thermodynamic data needed for the model were calculated using the group addition methods of Benson, and the computer code THERM.