116. Reactionen von Graphit mit Wasserstoff unter den Bedingungen eines Hochtemperaturreaktors

116. Reactionen von Graphit mit Wasserstoff unter den Bedingungen eines Hochtemperaturreaktors

Abstracts 304 quality presently demanded by reactor engineering for large-dimensional blocks can be achieved by this technique. 105. Entwickluag des...

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quality presently demanded by reactor engineering for large-dimensional blocks can be achieved by this technique. 105. Entwickluag des Grap~tierungsve~a~~ E. Wege (Sigri Elektrog~phit GmbH, 8901 ~eitingen). The energy efficiency of discontinuously operated Acheson-furnaces for graphitization is comparatively low as in addition to the carbon shapes a large quantity of resistor material is to be heated up. Further disadvantages are a relatively high emission rate and the dilhculty in pr~uci~ very uniform graphite shapes. The advantage of the Castner-process and some other continuous methods for graphitization are lower energy consumption and improved reproducibility of the graphite properties. 104. Mat&iauxobtenusa partirde graphitenaturei exfolie J. P. Slonina (Le Ca~one Lorraine, Paris, France). Our industrial experience has led us to make mixtures of fine mineral particles with exfoliated natural graphite. The evidence of the triboelectrisation of the exfoliated graphite surfaces has allowed to fix the powder to the exfoliated graphite surface in very particular spots. The bonds between the graphite and the powder have been studied with the corona effect after the mixing by a fluidization technique. vlN. APPLICATIONS,NUCLEARGRAPHKE, ANALYTICAL AND TlWlWG METHODS

107. Fiexibler Grapbit ais ~h~ngswer~toff G. Hoehegger and H. Either (Sign’ Elektrogruphif GmbH, 8901 Meitingen). Flexible graphite shapes made by compaction of expanded graphite particles are well suited for gaskets and packing rings. Some properties of those gaskets are discussed, e.g. compressibility, resilience, thermal conductivity, wear resistance.

111. Die Aumichten des Koh~ko~kto~ in der modemen Elektrotechnik W. Lauterbach, J. Schmid und F. Rittmann (C. Conrudty, Ntirnberg). Due to its special mechanical and electrical properties, the carbon collector presents an in~resting development project for modern electrical engineering. Refined productions technics and employment of modern materials afford prospects for new solutions in their production. In this connection, the present standing of these technics as well as known and new fields of application are shown and discussed. 112. Ko~eb~~~ mit Ko~utie~ngs~~e W. Volkmann (Schunk & Ebe GmbH, Giessen). 113. Der Einguss von Impriignierungen auf das Verscbleissverhaltenvon Kohiebiirsten A. E. Kindler (Rjngsdo~-Were GmbH, D-5300 Bonn -Bud Godesberg 10). 114. Beitrag zur spektrochemi&hen Analyse von Fliissigkeiten mit RotierendenGralitelektroden 3. Kirch (Ringsdo~-Werke GmbH, Postfuch 9087, 5300 Bonn-Bud Godesbe~ 10). Der EinlIuB der physikalischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften des Grafits der Radelektroden auf des Analysensignal und auf charakteristischen Qualit5tsmerkmale des die Analysenergebnisses der Losungsspektralanalyse sind phanomenologisch bekannt. Es wird iiber MeBergebnisse berichtet, die den funktione~en Zusammenhang zwischen einigen Eigenschaften des Grafits und der Qualitat des Ergebnisses der Losungsspektralanalyse quantitativ beschreiben. Daraus werden Forderungen an die Grafiteigenschaften zur Optimierung des Analysenergebnisses abgeleitet und diskutiert.

108. Les materiaux carbones-leur utilisation comme isolauts thermiques h tr&shaute temperature J. Rogue (So&% Le Curbone-Lorraine, Paris-17tme,

115. Development and evahmtion of H-451 graphite for LHTGR fuel elements G. B., Engle (General Atomic Company, San Diego, Calif., U.S.A.) and L. H. Juel (Great Lakes Carbon


Corporation, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.).

109. BeeinUussungsm@iiehkeitendes seiten- und spitzenverbrauchs von Graphitelektroden F. Schieber, D. Ziillner, W. Lippert und G. Klier (C. Conrudty, 8500 Niirnberg, Postfuch 480). To date, the only practicable possibility of reducing the graphite consumption per ton of steel is through a lowering of lateral electrode consumption. Studies with different furnaces using coated and uncoated electrodes have shown that protectively coated electrodes give rise to consumption values which are approx. 25% lower than those of equivalent uncoated electrodes.

116. Reactionen van Graphit mit Wasserstoff unter den Bedingnngen ebtes Hochtemperaturreaktors R. Nieder (Arbeitsgeminschaft Versuchsreuktor, AVR,

primary circuit of an HTR is the diffusion reaction from the steam circuit. The graphite corrosion by hydrogen, which produces methane, is a radiolytic reaction. The formation of methane can be inhibited by nitrogen. Furthermore the hydrogen causes some exchange reactions.

110. ijberblick iiber die Methoden der Hochstromiibertragungbei elektrischen Fahraeugen fur hohe Geschwbrdigkeiten F. Rittmann und J. Schmid (C. Conradty, Niirnberg).

117. Die GeIpermeationscbromatographie ah neue Methode zur Perchcbarakterisierung H. Tillmanns, W. Ulsamer and G. Pietzka (Sign’ Elektrographit GmbH., D 623 Frankfurt 83). The high

Jiilich, delegiert uon Interutom, Intemutionule Atomreaktorbuu, Bensberg). The main source of hydrogen in the