J'ournalof Neuroimmunolo~, I (1981) 365 E.Isevier/North-Holland Biom~di~.Pre~
An international lr.eeting will be ~aeld on November 12 and 1!~ at the Mo~ical Society of London, on "The Immunology of Nervous System Infection,s". Invited speakers include over 40 international authorities. The meeting will provide a comprehensive overview of modern aspects, including therapy and direction.,: of future research. The contents wil! be published as an edited volume in the series "Progress in Brain Research" by Elsevier/North-Holland. For further information contact Dr. P.O. Behan, Institute of Neurc,logical Sciences, Southern General Hospital, 1345 Govan R¢.ad, Ghsgow G51 4TF, ScotlahCb U.K. 1st INTERNATIONALCONGRESS OF ~EUROIMMUNOLOGY (Sm;sa, l a k e Maggiore, Italy, 27 September-- l October, 1982) Thi~ omgress will be org~mized by Federico ,~pre;lfico, M.D., Mario Negri Pharmacological Research Institute, Via Eritrea 62, 20157 Mila~ (Italy) and Peter O. Behan, M.D., Institute of Neun:logical Sciences, Southel~ General Hospital, 1345 Govan l~,oad, Glasgow (351 4TF, Scotland, U.K.
~JI~5-5728/Si/OOOO-OOOO/S02..50 © 1981 Elscv~cr/North-HollsndBiomedical/h'ess