156 and only slightly affected by the heat). The residual 5-nucleotidase activity is eliminated by the storage at 2-4° of the heated mixture for 48 hr. "Under these conditions a precipitate containing 5-nucleotidase activity fell out while the supernate contained 90 per cent of the starting phosphodiesterase activity". The zinc was removed by dialysis or column chromatography . A table is given describing the relatively less effective method of separation by precipitation with ammonium sulphate, together with thermal treatment. J.F.G.
and DE VRIES, A. (ROgoff Medical Research Tnstitute, Beilinson Hospital, Petah Tikva, Israel) : Afibrinogenemia and throlllbocytopenia in guinea pigs following injection of Echis colorata venom. Blood, 20, 735, 1962 . RECHNIC, J., TRACHTENBERG, P., CASPER, J., MOROZ, CH .
1njeCtlOn lnt0 the guinea pig of lethal doses of Echis colorata venom or of each of its two chromatographic fractions, separately, caused hemorrhage, afibrinogenemia, factor V deficiency and thrombocytopenia . Sublethal venom doses caused afibrinogenemia, factor V deficiency and thrombocytopenia in the absence of hemorrhage . Early intravascular clotting was observed following injection of high lethal doses of both whole venom and of procoagulant~ontaining fraction 11, but not of fraction 1 which was devoid of procoagulant activity . The afibrinogenemia produced by fraction I was due to its fibrinogenolysin, whereas the afibrinogenemia produced by fraction lI, which also had fibrinogenolysic activity, was due chiefly to its procoagulant . Anti-Echis colorata venom rabbit serum inhibited the fibrinogenolytic, the procoagulant and the thrombocytopenic activities of the venom. A. do V. INTRAVENOUS
E. and THEAN, P. C. (Snake and Venom Research Institute, Penang . Malaya) : Prolonged coagulation defect (defibrination syndrome) in Malayan Viper bite . LaRCet, 1, (7282), 621, 1963 . BEID, H . A., CHAN, K .
defect persisting an average of 15 days is seen after bites by the Malayan Pit Viper, A~rci.s-
trodon rhodastorna . Pertinent laboratory findings in thirty-two patients are summarized . Thrombin titer is zero, platelets are greatly reduced, and fibrinogen level low . Whole blood samples fail to clot, or the clot
remains abnormally small. Electrophoresis shows absence of the fibrinogen peak . The one-stage prothrombin time is indefinately prólonged ; this is partly corrected by normal plasma but not by serum . Bleeding time is rarely prolonged. A continual process of microcoagulation with virtually simultaneous lysis of the clot best accounts for the findings . Observation of clot quality is a simple bedside index of the severity of the coagulation defect . Coagulation returns to normal rapidly following specific antivenin therapy. Blood transfusion, fibrinogen infusion, and administration of nonspecific antivenins caused no lasting improvement in clotting . Clinical sequelae of the defibrination syndrome were less serious than anticipated. S.A . M. ROTH, L. M.
(United Fruit Co . and Dept . Entomol., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y.) : Ann . Rev. Entomnl.,7, 107, 1962 .
review of the structure of the integumentary glands in arthropods that produce defensive secretions, the chemistry of these secretions, and some thoughts on the special refinements of the discharge mechanisms and the effectiveness of the toxins in both offensive and defensive actions. F.E .R .
E . alld ROEMER, A. (IrISÍIt . d'Embr}'dogie Fac. Med., Strasbourg) : Modifications du squelette de l'appareil locomoteur des embryons de poulets soumis à l'action de l'apiveine . C.R. Soc. Biol., 156, 930, 1962 . RUCH, J. V ., GABRIEL-ROBEZ-KREMER, O., SCHENEEGANS,
de 0~2 à 0~4 cme de venin d'abeille ("Apiveiné") dans l'albumen d'oeufs fécondés de poules ; provoque des malformations diverses de l'embryon en voie de développement. Étudiant les squelettes d'une dizaine de monstres et ceux de 39 embryons, apparemment normaux, après 11, 13 et 15 jours, tous traités par I"`Apiveine", les expérimentateurs constatent que tous les monstres observés et 32 embryons sur les 39 examinés présentent des lésions caractéristiques d'un retard dans le L'INJECTION