Analysis of complicated thermal conditions in the region of closed cyclic Atlantic currents

Analysis of complicated thermal conditions in the region of closed cyclic Atlantic currents

Oceanographic Abstracts 141 SI-LMELEVAA. A., 1965. A new species o f Copepoda (Calanoida) from the Adriatic Sea. (In Russian; English abstract). Zoo...

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Oceanographic Abstracts


SI-LMELEVAA. A., 1965. A new species o f Copepoda (Calanoida) from the Adriatic Sea. (In Russian; English abstract). Zool. Zhurn., Akad. Nauk, SSSR, 44 (5): 768-770. A new species of Copepoda (Calanoida), Calocalanus adriaticus, its distribution in the Adriatic Sea, and relationship to temperature and salinity are described. This species may have entered the Adriatic Sea with water from the eastern Mediterranean. SHULEYKIN V. V., 1965. Analysis of complicated thermal conditions in the region of closed cyclic Atlantic currents. (In Russian; English abstract). Fisika Atmosferi i Okeana, 1 (4): 413-425. The role of advection in forming the temperature field in the central North Atlantic is analyzed. The problem o f heat transfer in a closed cycle o f surface currents in the region from 10° to 40°N is solved by a third approximation. The seasonal temperature oscillations in different parts of the current trajectories were taken into account. The integral curve describing temperature change on the water mass path during six complete cycles for seven years resembles a similar curve obtained by using the Sea Atlas data. Theoretically calculated amplitudes are close to the actual ones. There are some few phase differences. To clarify these a new curve was constructed defining the thermal regime when there is no heat transfer by cyclic currents and no influence o f cold deep currents from high latitudes. As a result, theoretical values for maximum summer surface water temperature were obtained which are sufficiently close to experimental data for enclosed seas. The role of cold currents was distinctly clarified as well as the role o f cold surface currents off North America and off West Africa. Shortcomings of the present data are noted and proposals for future investigations are proposed. SXMSHAROLD W. Jr., 1965. The phyllosoma larvae of Parribacus. Quart. J. Florida Acad. Sci., 28 (2): 142-172. During routine plankton sampling in northwestern Caribbean Sea, the Gulf o f Mexico, and the Atlantic Ocean east of Florida, a large number o f phyliosoma larvae apparently belonging to the genus Parribacus were captured. Twelve o f the many possible stages are illustrated and described. The finding o f the first phyllosoma stage o f this genus indicates that adult populations must occur in the Gulf o f Mexico and Atlantic Ocean as well as the Caribbean Sea. Such populations have not been found or reported previously. The possible life history and distribution of the phyllosomes via ocean currents is given. SKOPIrCrSEV B. A., 1965. Calculation of organic matter formation and oxidation in sea water. (In Russian; English abstract). Okeanolog. Issled., Rez. lssled, po Programme Mezhd. Geofiz. Goda, Mezhd. Geofiz. Komitet, Prezidiume Akad. Nauk. SSSR, No. 13: 96-107. The total organic carbon content varies vertically from 2.10 to 1.05 mg C/1. in the North Atlantic and from 4"05 to 1"98 mg C/1 .--in the Black Sea. The weighted mean organic carbon content in the ocean is about 1-5 mg C/l-and in the Black Sea--about 2.7 mg C/1. The calculated average for the annual formation of water " h u m u s " o f planktonic and terrigenous origin is about 0.009 mg C/I. in the World Ozean and about 0"030 mg C/1.--in the Black Sea. Assuming a dynamic equilibrium in the sea between the annual formation o f humus and its decrease, the time has been calculated for reaching the present level of organic matter--water humus---concentration in the ocean and in Black Sea waters. The average annual oxygen consumption for humus oxidation (biochemical oxygen demand) in the ocean is about 0.02 ml O/1. and in the Black Sea--about 0"05 ml O/1. The average annual oxygen consumption for the unstable organic matter oxidation in the ocean is about 0"06 ml O/1. Based on the vertical distribution of zooplankton (and bacteria, averages have been calculated for the annual formation of organic matter and the annual biochemical oxygen demand in separate layers of the ocean. SKOPINTSEVB. A., 1965. Investigation o f the oxygen minimum layer in the North Atlantic during the autumn o f 1959. (In Russian; English abstract). Okeanolog. Issled., Rez. lssled, po Programme Mezhd. Geofiz. Goda, Mezhd. Geofiz. Komitet, Prezidiume Akad. Nauk, SSSR, No. 13: 108-114. Based on materials collected by the R/V M. Lomonosov and on some previous investigations, conditions were considered for the formation o f the oxygen minimium layer near Africa in the tropical North Atlantic. In the open ocean there is no direct indication of the processes which must lead to great a decrease o f oxygen. It is to be supposed that the existence o f the oxygen minimum layer in the open ocean is, first of all, a result o f the penetration of waters carried by the trade wind current from its eastern part. SOROKIN YU. I., 1965. On bacterial chemosynthesis in the Black Sea. (In Russian; English abstract), lzv. Akad. Nauk, SSSR, Ser. Biol. (3): 413-422. The amount o f organic substance produced by chemosynthesis in the water o f the Black Sea was determined by means o f laC. Besides the activity o f thiobacilli, the oxidative-reductive potential was studied. In taking samples and for experimental work, sterile glass balloons were used. At the deep stations the maximal amount o f chemosynthesis (4 to 8 nag C/m 3) was observed near the upper boundary o f the H~S zone under Eh---40 mV, rH~ 14 and H2S content in the water = 0-3--0.5 mg/l. Chemosynthesis was almost zero at depths less than 100 m or more than 300 m. At 0-100 m and 300-50) m the fixation o f labelled COe by bacteria through heterotrophic assimilation (not more than