AORN Chapteis continue to offer their memhers exciting and thought-piovokitig pi ograms aimed at developing their growth as operating room nuises. The AORN of Western Michigan, just seven months old but numbering 115 membets, designated January as an Open Educational Meeting and invited OR technicians and LPN’s to hear Jeiome Smith, attorne), speak on the legal aspects of operating room nursing. Since technicians arid LPNs a i r involved more and more in technical and patient-care aspects of the operating room. it h a s felt that they should be aware of the legalities involved. Licensed vocational nurses and technicians were also invited to attend the January meeting of the AORN of Los Angeles. Their program, entitled “Working under Pressure,” festuied a discussion of the growth and p~esent applications of hyperbaric oxygenation. Tours of the hyperbaric unit at the Hospital of the Good Samaritan preceded the talk. Cardiovascular surgery and its many aspects has been an especially popular suhject with chapters this year. The AORN of Seattle
recently heard Dr. Lester Sauvage speak on the role of research in reconstructive cardiov‘iscular surgery, while the AORN of Omaha listened to a lecture on cardiac resuscitation. l h e AORN of Houston, on the other hand, heard a talk by Mrs. Lorraine Alivis, Associate Dean of Texas Women’s University, on continuing education for both underpaduate and graduate students. The AORN of Florida has held two interesting meetings-one on eye surgery and one on fetal and maternal hazards in obstetrical anesthesia. Attendance at the latter included OB nurses, obstetricians and pediatricians. Members have also attended two other programs pertinent to their field. A symposium --on Professional Hospital Procedures and Techniques-was given in Tampa, Florida i n February with one day being devoted to the operating room and another to the emergency room. The annual two-day Nurse Anesthetists Workshop followed. AORN of Superior (Sacramento, Calif.) has been doubly busy. In early January memhers viewed a 30-minute film on explosion hazards in the OR. Later in the month the chapter held its annual luncheon-seminar covering such far-reaching and varied topics as hormonal therapy. hospital emergency Continued on page 84
Coritiriued froin ptrge 81
procedures. autoclaving techniques, new CSR items, and transactional analysis. Special luncheon entertainment included the Gammagals Barbershop quartet and the 360th Regiment Pipe and Drum Bagpipers. MARTHA HENRY HONORED Martha Henry, Surgical Department Supervisor at Good Samaritan Hospital in Suffern. N.Y., was honored recently for her 40 years service to the Hospital. A bronze plaque dedicating a major operating room in her name was presented at a surprise tea attended b! members of the medical and nursing staffs. department directors, families and friends. Miss Henry joined the hospital’s nursing staff immediately upon her graduation from St. Mary’s Hospital in Passaic, New Jersey. She has been a contributor to national nursing publications as well as a guest lecturer at seminars throughout the country. Currently chairman of the National AORN Legislation Committee, she is a charter member of the Association and belongs to the AORN of New York City.
AORN OF MISSISSIPPI The AORN of Mississippi has been busy challenging doctors to benefit softball games while reaping fun and fortune in the process. Two games-one at Hattiesburg and the other at Jackson-earned the chapter $600. Because so little effort is involved as compared to other money-making projects, everyone thinks it is a marvelous way to make moiiey for Congress delegates and Chapter activities. Members have also toured Berivon Plant where Rush pins are made and at a later meeting heard Michael Dizdar, microbiologist, speak on contaminated cases. Members brought and exchanged copies of their hospital’s procedure for handling contaminated cases. All voted the meeting enormously beneContinued on page 89 ficial.
AORN Journal
(,ontrnric~djrom page 84
AORN OF ELUE RIlXII The AORN of Blue Ridge. n o w j u h t (elr],rating its first birthda). numhers 61 memheis iepiesenting a 120-mile area. atid 14 hospitals. Because of the distances in\ O I L ecl dinner meetings are alwajs held. Attentlatire has been good, 110 clouht due to the thal)tc.r’s many excellent pi(iprams. Membei s h a \ e heard doctors talk on various n e ~ nirtlical . sul)j
obleni clinics.
The chapter. albare of its “image.” has designed an unusual lettei head. The n o i tlc “AORN of Blue Ridge Rrra oI Virginia“ appear in green nt the top of thr. +tationel\ . a i t h the word AORN being former1 1)) -cimt surgical instruments. Distinctive and h a n c l home. the chapter should be pioud of it.
unusual design. Officer$ for the chapter are Colleen l’oitidexter. Presiclent; Mildred Doole\. Vice President; Zella Pitzer. Secretar); an(1 Iblil-
dred Cline. Treasurer.
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