544 no
pain, and expired day after the
second grene.
in the evening, the Synoptical Table of Midwifery, showing appearance of gan- the Management of Natural and D
Labours, their Consequences and Treatment
By H. H. GOODEVE aud T. EVANS. High, Examination twelve hours after Death. London. A large portion of skin surrounding the A Manual of Midwifery, for the use wound has passed into a state of sphacelus, Practitioners of botli sexes. By W. and air and bloody serum were effused into Young MACLURE, Surgeon ; Member of the asthe subjacent cellular texture. The exgow Faculty of Medicine. l:1mo. pp. 4. posed fascia was of a dark ash colour, soft, Underwoods, London. and easily lacerable; the muscular texture I was unaffected. The right iliac vein, vena Preparingfor the Press, cava inferior, and the right auricle aud ventricle, were filled with fluid blood of’ a very Vol. 1. of the Principles and Practice r1 black colour ; the lining membrane of these Physic. By JOHN MACKINTOSH, M.D., veins and the right cavities of the heart, Lecturer on the Practice of Physic, Ecm. was of a deep crimson colour. The blood burgh. contained in the left cavities of the heart Outlines of Comparative Anatomy, 1 vol. was free from air, and the lining membrane 8vo. its colour. The liver natural was By ltoBFRT E. GRANT, M.i)., ?? presented of a pale colour, soft, and easily torn; the fessor of Comparative Anatomy in the Lonother viscera were healthy. Two of the don University. ribs on the rif!’ht side were fractured.
To the Editor
SIR,—As a satisfactory
reply would doubt-
Communications have been received from
oblige many of your readers, I wouldMr. Harmsworth—Dr. Thompson—Dr. solicit you to have the following inquiryMaule—Mr. T. Williams—Mr. Priceinserted in some corner of your invalu- R. S. T.-Inquirer-S.-On the Couiparaable publication. In the last Number, tive Positions of the Medical Professionin Sir A. Carlisle proposes " the legal es-France and England.—T. H.-O. P.—R.— tablishment of an equitable scale of fees,"A Regular Surgeon—Dr. T. Woodford, Taunton. as he calls of and less
them ;
sicians and surgeons, says, " payments for journeys to remain as they now stand." Queries. Is this payment regulated by law, that it should continue as it now stands; if so, by what law? If not, by what regulations is the payment guided, whether in or out of London ? I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, T. H. July 14, 1828.
We have received the two guineas forwarded by Dr. Jephson, of Learnington for the " distressed medicat gentleman." The list of subscribers will be continued in our next number. There are ten or twelle additional names. Thanks to W. H. P.; we hope to hear from him again. The report shall be inserted in the next LANCET.
The verses of the "Satirist" were calculated for a few only of the profession ia Dublin. Papers not inserted are invariably unless accompanied with an espe. destroyed, BOOKS RECEIVED FOR REVIEW. cial request to the contrary. Advertisements must be sent to the PubThe .Morbid Anatomy of the Bowels, lisher at the office. Liver, and Stomach, illustrated by a series J. W. M., Glasgow, is a valuab,e corof Plates from Drawings after Nature, with
explanatory Letter-press, and a Summary respondent. of the Symptoms of the Acute and Chronic The Stanzas"of have much mont. Affections of the above-named Organs. By Will the author favour us with his name. JOHN ARMSTRONG, M.D., Lecturer on the confidentially ? Principles and Practice of Physic, and conto London Fever Hosthe The first part of Dr. Mackintosh’s paper sulting physician pital. Fascic. 1 and 11, 4to. pp. 69. Bald- on Intermittent Fever, shall be inserted a:a win and Cradock, London. an early period.