For Review
C., AND SURGENOR, D. M., (eds.) “The Red Blood Cell.” A Comprehensive Treatise. Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xiv + 556 pp., $17.00. BOURNE, G. H., BND DANIELLI, J. F., (eds.) “In ternational Review of Cytology.” Volume 17. Academic Press, New York and London 1964. viii + 401 pp., illus., $16.00. BRO\VN, C. C., AND WEBB, G. N., “Instrumentation with Semiconductors for Medical Researchers.” American Lecture Series. Charles C Thomas, Springfield, Illinois 1964. xviii + BISHOP,
nisms; Photobiochemical Mechanisms; Bioluminescence. Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xiv + 441 pp., illus., $15.00. GREEN, J.%MEs, AND LEE, JOHN, “Positronium Chemistry.” Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xii + 105 pp., $5.50. GCNSILUS, I. C., .~ND STANIER, R. Y., (eds.) “The Bacteria: A Treatise OR Structure and Function.” Volume 5: Heredity Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xvi + 517 pp., $16.00. GUNTHER, F. A., (ed.) “Residues of Pesticides and Other Foreign Chemicals in Foods and Feeds.” Volume K-Residue Reviews. Springer Verlag, Berlin 1964. 165 pp., illus. BARRIS, R. J. C. (ed.) “Cytogenetics of Cells in Culture.” Volume 3-Symposia of the International Society for Cell Biology. Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xii + 313 pp., illus., $13.00. IIAHN,D.,METZDORF, J., SCHLEY, U., AND PERCH, J., “Seven-Place Tables of the Planck Function for the Visible Spectrum.” Academic Press Inc., New York 1964. xxii + 135 pp., $5.50. I~ARTMAN, P. E., BND SUSKIND, S. Ii., “Gene Action.” Foundat,ions of Modern Genetics Series. Prentice-Hall, London-Sydney-Toronto-New Delhi-Tokyo 1965. xiv + 158 pp., $2.95 paperbound, $4.95 clothbound. Ihwt3, T. F., AND GROSS, P., “Pulmonary Deposition and Retention of Inhaled Aerosols.” Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xiv + 192 pp., illus., 85.95 clothbound, $3.45 paperbound. HESS, BENNO, “Enzymes in Blood Plasma.” Academic Press, New York and London 1963. xii + 167 pp., $8.00. “NonGlycolytic Pathways of IIOLLMAN, S., Metabolism of Glucose.” Translated from the German by C)SCAR T~~JSTER. Academic Press, New York and London 1964. x + 276 pp., $12.00. H~TNER, S. H., (ed.) “Biochemistry and Physiology of Protozoa.” Volume 3. Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xvi + 616 pp., $18.50. “International Symposium Control of Cell Division and the Induction of Cancer.” National Cancer Instit,ute Monograph 14, May 1964. Held at Lima, Peru, and Cali, Colombia 1963.
2% PP., S. P., AND K,\~L~N, N. O., (eds.) “Methods in Enzymology.” VTolume 7 Cumulative Subject Index, Volumes l-6; prepared by 1.1~~1~1~ C. I)EXVEY. Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xii + 266 pp., $14.00. COLTHUI', N. B., DALY, L. H., AND WIBERLEY, 8. ‘[Introduction to Infrared and Raman E., Spectroscopy.” Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xiv + 511 pp., $12.00. DANIELLI, J. F., PANKHURST, K. G. A., AND RIDDIFORD, A. C., (eds.) “Recent Progress in Surface Science.” Volume 1. Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xii + 414 pp., illus., $16.00. D~NIELLI, J. F., PANHLXST, K. (2. A., AND RIDDIFORD, A. C., (eds.) “Recent Progress in Surface Science.” Volume 2. Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xvi + 541 pp., illus., $18.00. DEICHMANN, W. B., .\ND GER.\RDE, II., “Symptomology and Therapy of Toxicological Emergences.” Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xvi + 605 pp., $18.00. DIXON, M., AND WEBB, E. C., “The Enzymes.” 2nd Edition Academic Press Inc., New York 1964. xx + 950 pp., illus., $16.00. ECCLES, JOHN C.~RE\I, “The Physiology of Synapses.” Academic Press, New York 1963. xii + 316 pp., illus., $9.00. EL-B.\DRY, H., “Micromanipulators and Micromanipulat,ion.” Academic Press, New York 1963. viii + 333 pp., illus., $15.00. EMELB~S, 1-I. J., AND SHARPE, A. G., (eds.) “Advances in Inorganic Chemistry and Radiochemistry.” Volume 6. Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xii + 530 pp., $16.00. GIESE, il. C., (ed.) “Photophysiology.” Volume 2: Action of Light on Animals and Microorga-
U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, 1964. viii + 403 pp. WOLFG.ZNG, “Carbene Chemistry.” KIRMSE, “Organic Chemistry: A Series of Monographs,” Volume 1, edited by A. T. Br,ouQUIST. Academic Press, New York and London 1964. viii + 302 pp., $9.50. KUGELMASS, I. N., “Biochemical Diseases: Chemcal Pediatrics.” American Lecture Series. Charles C Thomas, Springfield, Illinois 1964. xx + 1229 pp. KCRTZ, STANLEY M., (ed.) ‘LElectron Microscopic Anatomy.” Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xii + 425 pp., illus., $14.00. LASCELLES, JVNE “Tetrapyrrole Biosynthesis and Its Regulation. W. A. Benjamin, New YorkAmsterdam 1964. xii + 132 pp., $7.00. L~~DIN, P., .~ND PCLLY.ZN, B., (eds.) “Molecular Orbitals in Chemistry, Physics, and BiologyA Tribute to It. S. Mulliken.” Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xiv + 578 pp., $22.00. LOWENTHAL, A., “Agar Gel Electrophoresis in Neurology.” Elsevier, Amsterdam-New YorkLondon 1964. x + 204 pp., $11.00. LUDVIK, J., LOM, J., AND V~VR.Z, J., (eds.) “Progress in Protozoology.” Academic Press, New York and London 1964. 728 pp., $24.00. MCLEAN, F. C., Y\ND BUDY, A. M., Radiation, Isotopes, and Bone.” IT. S. Atomic Energy Commission and American Institute of Biological Sciences: Monograph Series on Radi:ttion Biology. Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xiv + 216 pp., $5.95 clothbound, $3.45 paperbound. MALEK, I., BER.%N, K., BND HOSPODK~, J., (eds.) “Continuous Cultivation of 1Microorganisms: Proceedings of the Second Symposium Held in Prague.” Academic Press, New York and London 1964. 391 pp., illus., $14.50. MANXING, J. I’., et al., “Effects of I)iethylstilbetrol on BetaGlucuronidase Activity of TTamster Liver and Kidney: Tlist,ochemical, Biochemical and Biometrical St,udy. Supplementum 51-l ad 1.01. 58 (1964) ACTA ANATOMICA. S. Karger A. G., Basel-New York 1964. iv + 48 pp., illus., sFr/L>M 13.00. MONTAGXA, W., ANU LOBITZ, W. C., JIM., (eds.) “The Epidermis.” Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xx + 649 pp., illus., $15.00. MOORE, JOHN A., (ed.) “Physiology of The Amphibia.” Academic Press, New York and London, 1964. xii + 654 pp., $18.00. MUNRO, 1-I. N., END ALLISON,J. B., (eds.) “Mammalian Protein Metabolism.” Volume 2. Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xvi + 642 pp., $21.00.
NORMAN, A. cr., (ed.) “Advances in Agronomy.” Volume 16, Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xii + 414 pp., $13.50. P.\OLETTI, R., .\ND KRIT~HEVSKY, D., (eds.) “Advances in Lipid Research.” l’olutne 2, Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xii + 497 pp., $16.00. PHILLIPS, J. P., “Spectra-St,ructure Correlation.” Academic Press, New York and London 1964. x + 172 pp., $6.00. P~scrx, Gn~conu (ed.) “Recent Progress in Hormone Research.” \‘olume 20. ilcademic Press, New York and London 1964. viii + 606 pp., illus., $21.00. PULLMAN, BERS.\RI) (ed.) “Electronic Aspects of Biochemistry.” Proceedings of the Ittterttational Symposium held at Ravello, Italy, September lli-18, 1963, Sponsored by NATO. Academic Press, New York attd London 1964. xvi + 582 pp., illus., $20.00. RIcH,t’EttIcH, I’L., “Klinische Chemie: Theorie und Praxis.” R. Karger A. G., BaseLNew York 1965. xii + 416 pp., illus., sFr/DM 69.00. ROCKSTEIN, MORRIS, (ed.) “The Physiology of Insecta.” Volume 1. Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xiv + 640 pp., illus., $22.00, subscription price $19.50. R~~ILLEI~, CH., (ed.) “The Liver: Morphology, Biochetnistry, Physiology.” Volutne 2. Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xiv + 674 pp., illus., $24.00. SCHAFER, H.\tt \r,n, “Chemical Transport Reactions.” Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xii + 161 pp., illus., $6.80. SCOTT, ARTHt-IL F.. (ed.) “Survey of Progress in Chemistry.” \.olume 2. ilcademic Press, New York and London 1964. xii + 345 pp., $7.95. SQYIXES, TERENCE L., “ An Introduction to Electron Spin l
THOMPSON, R. H. S., AND KING, E. J., “Biochemical Disorders in Human Diseases.” 2nd Edition Academic Press, New York 1964. xx + 1066 pp., illus., $22.00. UMBREIT, W. W., (ed.) “Advances in Applied Microbiology.” Volume 6. Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xii + 259 pp., illus., $10.00. VEIS, ARTHUR “The Macromolecular Chemistry of Gelatin.” Volume &“Molecular Biology: An Int,ernational Series of Monographs and Textbooks,” edited by B. L. HORECTER, N.ZTHM 0. LAPLAN, and HAROLD A. SHERBGA.
Academic Press, New York and London 1964. x + 433 pp., illus., $14.50. Z~RROW, M., YOCHIM, J. M., AND MCC.~RTHY, J. L., “Experimental Endocrinology: A Sourcebook of Basic Techniques.” Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xvi + 519 pp., illus., $15.00. “Infrared Spectroscopy of ZBINDEN, liuno~~, High Polymers.” Academic Press, New York and London 1964. 264 pp., illus., $9.50. ZIMMERMANN, M. H., “The Formation of Wood in Forest Trees.” Academic Press, New York and London 1964. xvi + 562 pp., illus., $16.00.