Preventive Medicine 31, 757–773 (2000) doi:10.1006/pmed.2000.0810, available online at on
Cumulative Subject Index for Volumes 30–311,2 A Ability to pay and use of primary care, 30, 453 Abstinence from smoking, for 1 and 5 years, predictors of, 30, 392 Access to mammography screening by older women, implications of impact of Medicare funding on utilization, 31, 658 to tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs by youth, relative importance of social vs commercial sources, 31, 39 to tobacco by youth, sociocultural variables: study replication, 30, 433 Accidents cost-effectiveness of bicycle helmet use related to age, 30, 401 Acculturation cultural barriers to breast cancer screening among Chinese-American women 60 and older, 31, 575 Accumulated exercise daily stair-climbing, training effects in previously sedentary young women, 30, 277 Acknowledgment manuscript reviewers, 30, 81; 31, 752 Activity Counseling Trial baseline data: characteristics of inactive primary care patients, 31, 513 Adherence dietary change retention, role of participation in Women’s Health Trial: Feasibility Study in Minority Populations, 31, 474 multiple-drug prophylaxis vs isoniazid alone for tuberculosis, in Southeast Asian refugees and migrants, 30, 425 patient reminder letters to promote mammography screening, 31, 315 Adjuvant treatment for nicotine replacement therapy in real-world setting, telephone counseling as, 31, 357 Adolescents, see also Youth and adults, weight-control behaviors, associations with dietary intake, 30, 381 body composition and health status, 31, S34 dietary assessment methods, 31, S11 girls, social-cognitive determinants of physical activity, factorial validity and invariance of questionnaires measuring, 31, 584 Hispanic migrant predictors of cigarette and alcohol susceptibility and use, 31, 115 prevention program for tobacco and alcohol use, evaluation, 31, 124 increasing weight-bearing physical activity and calcium intake for bone mass growth, 31, 722 obesity and associated comorbidity and prevention: type 2 diabetes, 31, 702 1 Boldface numbers indicate volume; lightface numbers indicate pagination. 2 Page numbers preceded by ‘‘S’’ refer to Volume 31, Number 2, Part 2.
peer educator training curriculum for sexual risk reduction in rural South, 30, 441 physical activity assessment, review and synthesis, 31, S54 physical activity and healthy eating, interventions in health care settings promoting, 31, S112 Adolescent smoking adolescent occasional smokers as potential target group for smoking cessation, 31, 682 effectiveness of state tobacco control program among youth in Massachusetts, 31, 287 in inner-city, model, 31, 107 monetary incentives for recruiting adolescents to intervention trial to reduce smoking, effectiveness, 31, 706 predicting by personality variables, 30, 115 prevention, Hutchinson Smoking Prevention Project trial, 30, 485 relationships of stress, depression, and other psychosocial factors to, models, grades 6 and 8, 30, 463 uptake, effect of cigarette promotions, 30, 320 Adults and adolescents, weight-control behaviors, associations with dietary intake, 30, 381 nutrition: sociodemographics of food patterns at breakfast, ages 18–65 in U.S., 30, 415 African Americans cost–benefit of nursing telephone intervention to reduce preterm and low-birthweight births, 30, 271 low-income women, predictors of stage of adoption of colorectal cancer screening, 31, 410 parents, exposure to immunization media messages, 31, 522 physical activity among, descriptive epidemiology, 30, 43 smoking cessation among, 31, 23 women, overweight and depressive symptoms, 31, 232 Aging and cost-effectiveness of bicycle helmets, 30, 401 effect on food consumption in middle-aged English cohort, 30, 26 erectile dysfunction and coronary risk factors: Massachusetts male aging study, 30, 328 and physician advice to smokers ages 50+, 31, 364 and population frequency distributions of HDL, HDL2, and HDL3 and apolipoproteins A-I and B, 31, 335 social relations, physical activity, and well-being in older adults, 31, 608 Alaska Native women breast and cervical cancer screening practices, 29, 287; erratum, 30, 348 Alcohol in combination with dextropropoxyphene, fatal poisoning due to, middle-aged men as risk category, 31, 103 susceptibility and use among Hispanic migrant adolescents, predictors, 31, 115 youth access to, relative importance of social vs commercial sources, 31, 39 Alcohol consumption association with exercise in community sample of working adults, 30, 217
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association with HDL, HDL2, and HDL3 and apolipoproteins A-I and B, 31, 346 at-risk drinking among patients making routine primary care visits, 31, 595 excessive, evaluation of workplace brief intervention for, 30, 51 health-associated changes, 31, 81 health risk behaviors among high-risk drinkers in primary care population, 31, 140 by Hispanic migrant adolescents, evaluation of prevention program, 31, 124 physical activity and correlates of leisure-time sedentary behavior in Baltic countries, 31, 665 relationship to use of health care services in Spain, 31, 554 Alcohol intervention workplace Australian National Workplace Health Project, 31, 249 for excessive consumption, evaluation, 30, 51 Allostatic load glycated hemoglobin as indicator of social environmental stress among indigenous versus westernized populations, 29, 405; letter to editor, 30, 438; reply, 30, 439 Ambulatory care direct observation of preventive service delivery in community family practice, 31, 167 American Indian women breast and cervical cancer screening practices, 29, 287; erratum, 30, 348 Anger physical exercise and psychological well-being, 30, 17 Announcements Adjuvant Therapy for Breast Cancer: An NIH Consensus Development Conference, Bethesda, Maryland, November 2000, 31, 90 Fourth Annual MEN’S HEALTH 2000 Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, March 2000, 30, 178 new low vision booklet available, 31, 627 Apolipoproteins A-I and B associations with lifestyle factors, 31, 346 population frequency distributions, associations with age, gender, hormonal status, and sex hormone use, 31, 335 Appointment reminder letters to promote mammography screening, 31, 315 Assessment dietary fat intake in children, instrument for, 31, 214 Asthma Page for Patients, 30, 361 screening, economic effects, 30, 302 Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study cohort, health-associated changes in alcohol drinking, period prevalence study, 31, 81 total plasma cholesterol levels in, 30, 252 Attendance mammography screening program: attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge as predictors of nonattendance, 31, 417 rate, for cervical cancer screening, in family practices in The Netherlands, 30, 35 Attitudes concern about health in German metal industry, 30, 295 immunization: exposure to immunization media messages among African-American parents, 31, 522 maternal, role in childhood immunization, 31, 49 physical activity among adolescent girls, questionnaires measuring, factorial validity and invariance, 31, 584 as predictors of nonattendance in mammography screening program, 31, 417 predictors of stage of adoption of colorectal cancer screening, 31, 410 tobacco-related, of health care providers in Upper Midwest, 30, 282
validity of residents’ self-reported cardiovascular disease prevention activities, 31, 241 Australian National Workplace Health Project design and baseline findings, 31, 249 Australians older, physical activity, social–cognitive and perceived environmental influences associated with, 31, 15 Awareness high blood pressure and risk of stroke, in northwest England, 30, 288 and prostate cancer screening trends, New York state men 50 years or older 1994–1997, 31, 195 B Back pain Page for Patients, 30, 93 physical load in daily life and low back problems, 31, 506 Baltic countries physical inactivity in, and correlates of leisure-time sedentary behavior, 31, 665 Behavioral change in sedentary older adults: Groningen Active Living Model, 31, 547 Behavioral control perceived, of physical activity among adolescent girls, factorial validity and invariance of questionnaires measuring, 31, 584 Behavioral counseling in primary care, changes in physical activity in overweight sedentary adults after, psychosocial predictors, 31, 183 Behavioral intervention telephone counseling as adjuvant treatment for nicotine replacement therapy in real-world setting, 31, 357 Beliefs immunization: exposure to immunization media messages among African-American parents, 31, 522 as predictors of nonattendance in mammography screening program, 31, 417 as predictors of stage of adoption of colorectal cancer screening, 31, 410 Bicycle helmets cost-effectiveness of use, age gradient, 30, 401 Biological markers for breast cancer mortality, cancers (mainly male) as, 30, 167 Biracial community risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in young adults, 31, 1 Births preterm and low-birthweight, in African-American clinic population, cost–benefit of nursing telephone intervention for reducing, 30, 271 Black/white differences effect of race on risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in young adults in biracial community, 31, 1 relative weight and obesity among girls, 30, 234 Blood pressure prevalence, treatment, control, and awareness of high blood pressure and risk of stroke in northwest England, 30, 288 seven-year stability of, in Canadian population, 31, 403 social relationships and cardiovascular disease risk factors, 30, 83 Body composition and health status, among children and adolescents, 31, S34 Body mass index association with HDL, HDL2, and HDL3 and apolipoproteins A-I and B, 31, 346 Body weight black/white differences in relative weight and obesity among girls, 30, 234 low-birthweight births in African-American clinic population, cost– benefit of nursing telephone intervention for reducing, 30, 271
CUMULATIVE SUBJECT INDEX Bogalusa Heart Study black/white differences in relative weight and obesity among girls, 30, 234 risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in young adults in biracial community, 31, 1 Bone mass growth in children and adolescents, increasing weight-bearing physical activity and calcium intake for, 31, 722 Bone mineral density in young women, relationship to caffeine intake, 31, 562 Bowel cancer, see Colorectal cancer BRCA1/2 gene testing prophylactic surgery decisions and surveillance practices one year following, 31, 75 Breakfast food patterns of adults 18–65 in U.S., sociodemographics, 30, 415 Breast cancer mortality, cancers (mainly male) as population biomarkers for, 30, 167 Page for Patients, 31, 639 prophylactic surgery decisions and surveillance practices one year following BRCA1/2 gene testing, 31, 75 risk factors, determinants of infant feeding method in relation to, 30, 363 stage at diagnosis, changing patterns in southern Italy, 30, 174 women with family history of, lower perception of heart disease risk, 31, 714 Breast cancer screening American Indian and Alaska Native women, 29, 287; erratum, 30, 348 cultural barriers among Chinese-American women 60 and older, 31, 575 culturally appropriate intervention, impact among native Hawaiian women, 31, 529 importance of health insurance as determinant of, 31, 261 older women: systems model of clinical preventive care, 31, 481 Breast exam clinical and self-exam, cultural barriers among Chinese-American women 60 and older, 31, 575 Breast-feeding determinants, in relation to risk factors for breast cancer, 30, 363 Brief intervention family physician-delivered smoking cessation program, cost-effectiveness analysis, 31, 641 Bupropion sustained-release, and/or nicotine patch, cost–benefit analysis for smoking cessation, 30, 209 C Caffeine intake relationship to bone mineral density in young women, 31, 562 Calcium intake and association with bone mineral density in young women, 31, 562 and weight-bearing physical activity, increasing in children and adolescents for bone mass growth, 31, 722 California colorectal cancer incidence, trends by race/ethnicity, stage, and subsite, 31, 447 Canadians blood pressure, seven-year stability of, 31, 403 Cancer risk likelihood of undergoing genetic testing for, 30, 155 Cancers mainly male, as population biomarkers for breast cancer mortality, 30, 167 Cancer screening importance of health insurance as determinant of, 31, 261
Carcinogens in indoor air pollution, personal exposures 1999 best student medical paper in preventive medicine, 31, 631 commentary, 31, 629 Cardiac patients smoking cessation counseling after myocardial infarction, randomized controlled trial, 30, 261 Cardiovascular disease measurement of dietary intake in UNC Alumni Heart Study, 31, 56 prevalence, treatment, control, and awareness of high blood pressure and risk of stroke in northwest England, 30, 288 residents’ self-reported prevention activities, validity, 31, 241 Cardiovascular disease risk factors erectile dysfunction and, 30, 328 homocysteine levels, lowering by vegan diet-based lifestyle program, 30, 225 intervention, in low-income women, 31, 370 and social relationships, 30, 83 total plasma cholesterol levels in Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study, 30, 252 Carpal tunnel syndrome Page for Patients, 30, 189 Catecholamines plasma, reduction in humans during clinically controlled severe underfeeding, 30, 95 Central Europe predictors of sunscreen use in dermatological patients, 31, 134 Cerebrovascular disease prevalence, treatment, control, and awareness of high blood pressure and risk of stroke in northwest England, 30, 288 Cervical cancer Page for Patients, 31, 465 Cervical cancer screening abnormal, effectiveness of interventions to improve follow-up after, 31, 429 attendance, in family practices in The Netherlands, 30, 35 culturally appropriate intervention, impact among native Hawaiian women, 31, 529 in hospital settings, improving, 31, 538 importance of health insurance as determinant of, 31, 261 practices among American Indian and Alaska Native women, 29, 287; erratum, 30, 348 Change-related variables among high-risk drinkers in primary care population, 31, 140 Child of impaired parents smoking-attributable deaths at ages 15 to 54, motherless or fatherless youths, and social security costs in U.S, 30, 353 Children body composition and health status, 31, S34 Child Pedestrian Injury Prevention Project, 30, 179 dietary fat intake assessment, development and validation of instrument for, 31, 214 field-based fitness testing in, status of, 31, S77 Hutchinson Smoking Prevention Project trial, 30, 485 immunization, maternal role, 31, 49 increasing fruit and vegetable consumption of fourth graders, 30, 309 increasing weight-bearing physical activity and calcium intake for bone mass growth, 31, 722 obesity and associated comorbidity and prevention: type 2 diabetes, 31, 702 physical activity assessment, review and synthesis, 31, S54 physical activity and healthy eating, interventions in health care settings promoting, 31, S112 physical activity and nutrition opportunities for assessments and interventions, 31, S150 overview of obesity prevention, 31, S1
preschool, fires caused by playing with cigarette lights: global overview, 31, 91 proper nutrition and physical activity, community-based promotion, 31, S138 protecting from lead, Page for Patients, 30, 451 school-aged, dietary assessment methods, 31, S11 serum total cholesterol familial aggregation, eastern Finland population, 31, 603 and sports: Page for Patients, 31, 9 sun protection family intervention for, effect of language intensity, 30, 103 persistent increase in randomized controlled community trial, 31, 569 China cigarette smoking among medical college students, 29, 210; , letter to editor, 30, 346; reply, 30, 347 Chinese Americans women 60 and older, cultural barriers to breast cancer screening, 31, 575 Chiropractors and other health care providers, tobacco assessment and intervention practices, Upper Midwest, 30, 282 Cholesterol dietary intake assessment in children, development and validation of instrument for, 31, 214 HDL, HDL2, and HDL3 associations with lifestyle factors, 31, 346 population frequency distributions, associations with age, gender, hormonal status, and sex hormone use, 31, 335 hypercholesterolemia and 5-yr risk of CHD, university and school workers, 31, 390 hypocholesterolemic effect of soymilk supplementation with usual diet in premenopausal normolipidemic Japanese women, 31, 308 social relationships and cardiovascular disease risk factors, 30, 83 total plasma levels in Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study, 30, 252 total serum changes over 18 years, 30, 138 familial aggregation in eastern Finland population, 31, 603 Chronic disease risk factors: measurement of dietary intake in UNC Alumni Heart Study, 31, 56 status, relationship to drinking change, 31, 81 Chronic obstructive airway disease screening, economic effects, 30, 302 Cigarette lighters fire-injury, disaster, and cost effects: global overview, 31, 91 Cigarette promotions effect on smoking uptake by adolescents, 30, 320 Cigarette-related deaths increasing taxes as strategy to reduce, 31, 279 Cigarettes and cigarette lights, fire injuries, disasters, and costs from, global overview, 31, 91 Cigarette smoking among inner-city adolescents, model, 31, 107 association with HDL, HDL2, and HDL3 and apolipoproteins A-I and B, 31, 346 erectile dysfunction and, 30, 328 by Hispanic migrant adolescents, evaluation of prevention program, 31, 124 increasing taxes as strategy to reduce, 31, 279 susceptibility and use among Hispanic migrant adolescents, predictors, 31, 115 workplace intervention: Australian National Workplace Health Project, 31, 249
Cigarette taxes increasing, as strategy to reduce cigarette use and deaths, 31, 279 Cigar smoking erectile dysfunction and, 30, 328 Classification of preventive interventions, inconsistencies in, 31, 153 Clinical breast exam cultural barriers among Chinese-American women 60 and older, 31, 575 Clinical decision-making cross-cultural consumer-based decision aid for screening mammography, 30, 200 Clinical preventive care systems model: breast cancer screening among older women, 31, 481 Cohort Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study, health-associated changes in alcohol drinking, period prevalence study, 31, 81 changes in serum total cholesterol levels over 18 years, 30, 138 measurement of dietary intake in UNC Alumni Heart Study, 31, 56 College students exercise behavior characteristics, 31, 494 medical college students in China, cigarette smoking, 29, 210; , letter to editor, 30, 346; reply, 30, 347 Colorectal cancer in California, trends in incidence by race/ethnicity, stage, and subsite, 31, 447 diet diversity and, 31, 11 Page for Patients, 31, 203 screening importance of health insurance as determinant of, 31, 261 older adults’ interest in participating in, psychosocial influences, 31, 323 predictors of stage of adoption of, 31, 410 Colorectal neoplasms fecal occult blood test ordering rate, support staff intervention for increasing, randomized controlled trial, 30, 244 Communication using entertainment television to build context for prevention news stories, 31, 225 Community-based programs peer educator training curriculum for sexual risk reduction in rural South, 30, 441 to reduce delay in seeking care for heart attack symptoms: focus group findings, 31, 205 smoking cessation: role of health professionals in helping women quit, 30, 126 targeting physical activity and nutrition among youth, evaluating, 31, S98 Community hospital improving inpatient smoking cessation programs, 30, 496 Community interventions children’s sun protection, randomized controlled trial, 31, 569 to promote proper nutrition and physical activity among youth, 31, S138 Community sample working adults, associations between exercise and health behaviors, 30, 217 Community trial Hutchinson Smoking Prevention Project trial, 30, 485 Competence personal, role in smoking among inner-city adolescents, 31, 107 Compliance multiple-drug prophylaxis vs isoniazid alone for tuberculosis, in Southeast Asian refugees and migrants, 30, 425 smoking by patients in smoke-free hospital, 31, 159
CUMULATIVE SUBJECT INDEX Contaminants indoor air, commentary, 31, 629 Coronary artery disease existing, ␣-tocopherol supplementation for men with, feasibility, 29, 112; erratum, 30, 80 Coronary heart disease five-year risk of developing, and hypercholesterolemia, university and school workers, 31, 390 Page for Patients, 30, 269 risk factors, erectile dysfunction and, 30, 328 Cost analysis effectiveness of monetary incentives for recruiting adolescents to intervention trial to reduce smoking, 31, 706 screening for obstructive airway disease, 30, 302 Cost–benefit analysis nursing telephone intervention to reduce preterm and lowbirthweight births in African-American clinic population, 30, 271 sustained-release bupropion and/or nicotine patch for smoking cessation, 30, 209 Cost-effectiveness bicycle helmet use, age gradient, 30, 401 family physician-delivered smoking cessation program, 31, 641 zidovudine regimens to prevent perinatal HIV transmission in United States, 30, 64 Costs effectiveness of monetary incentives for recruiting adolescents to intervention trial to reduce smoking, 31, 706 smoking: fire injuries, disasters, and costs from cigarettes and cigarette lights, global overview, 31, 91 Counseling effectiveness of Physician-Based Assessment and Counseling for Exercise in staff model HMO, 30, 504 physical activity, by health care providers in Israel, quality and correlates of, 31, 618 physician–patient interactions regarding diet, exercise, and smoking, 31, 652 in primary care, changes in physical activity in overweight sedentary adults after, psychosocial predictors, 31, 183 smoking cessation, after myocardial infarction, randomized controlled trial, 30, 261 telephone, as adjuvant treatment for nicotine replacement therapy in real-world setting, 31, 357 Cultural barriers to breast cancer screening among Chinese-American women 60 and older, 31, 575 D Decision aid cross-cultural consumer-based, for screening mammography, 30, 200 Demographic patterns food consumption in middle-aged English cohort and effect of age, sex, and education, 30, 26 Denmark gender and determinants of smoking cessation, 29, 57; erratum, 30, 80 Dentists and other health care providers, tobacco assessment and intervention practices, Upper Midwest, 30, 282 Depression physical exercise and psychological well-being, 30, 17 relationships to smoking and stress and other psychosocial factors, models, grades 6 and 8, 30, 463 symptoms among African-American women, correlation with overweight, 31, 232
among older adults, changes in intensity of physical exercise as predictors of, 30, 371 Dermatological patients in Central Europe, predictors of sunscreen use, 31, 134 Dextropropoxyphene in combination with alcohol, fatal poisoning due to, middle-aged men as risk category for, 31, 103 Diabetes mellitus glycated hemoglobin as indicator of social environmental stress among indigenous versus westernized populations, 29, 405; letter to editor, 30, 438; reply, 30, 439 type 2 childhood obesity, comorbidity, and prevention, 31, 702 evaluation of population-based screening for, 31, 396 health-promoting behaviors of adults with, 30, 407 risk in young adults from biracial community, 31, 1 Diagnostic delay changing patterns in breast cancer stage at diagnosis in southern Italy, 30, 174 Diet adults with type 2 diabetes, 30, 407 assessment methods, for school-aged children, 31, S11 association with exercise in community sample of working adults, 30, 217 association with HDL, HDL2, and HDL3 and apolipoproteins A-I and B, 31, 346 cardiovascular disease risk factor intervention in low-income women, 31, 370 diversity, and colorectal cancer, 31, 11 eating habits in German metal industry, 30, 295 food patterns at breakfast of adults 18–65 in U.S., sociodemographics, 30, 415 healthy, promotion community-based interventions among youth, 31, S138 in health care settings among children and adolescents, 31, S112 use of school environment for, 31, S121 in youth, measuring implementation of school programs and policies for, 31, S86 increasing fruit and vegetable consumption of fourth graders, 30, 309 patterns in middle-aged English cohort, effect of age, sex, and education, 30, 26 physical activity and correlates of leisure-time sedentary behavior in Baltic countries, 31, 665 physician–patient interactions regarding, 31, 652 poor, among high-risk drinkers in primary care population, 31, 140 smokers, ex-smokers, and never smokers in HMO, 31, 177 social relationships and cardiovascular disease risk factors, 30, 83 tailored self-help intervention, randomized trial, 31, 380 Dietary change retention adherence, role of participation in Women’s Health Trial: Feasibility Study in Minority Populations, 31, 474 Dietary fat intake high, and/or low physical activity, smokers with, 31, 299 instrument for assessment in children, development and validation, 31, 214 randomized trial of tailored self-help dietary intervention, 31, 380 Dietary intake measurement in UNC Alumni Heart Study, 31, 56 total intake, associations with weight-control behaviors in adults and adolescents, 30, 381 Digital rectal exam prostate cancer screening trends, New York state men 50 years or older 1994–1997, 31, 195 Disasters from cigarettes and cigarette lights, global overview, 31, 91
Disease control high blood pressure and stroke risk in northwest England, 30, 288 Drama using entertainment television to build context for prevention news stories, 31, 225 Drinkers high-risk, in primary care population, health risk behaviors, 31, 140 Drugs youth access to, relative importance of social vs commercial sources, 31, 39 E Earthquake victims Hanshin-Awaji earthquake in Japan, relationships among mental health status, lifestyle, and NK cell activity, 31, 467 Ecological theory structural model of health behavior, 30, 146 Editorial Preventive Medicine in the Year 2000, 30, 1 Education effect on food consumption in middle-aged English cohort, 30, 26 graduate medical: validity of residents’ self-reported cardiovascular disease prevention activities, 31, 241 patient: feasibility of tailored intervention to improve preventive care use by women, 31, 440 Energy expenditure association with HDL, HDL2, and HDL3 and apolipoproteins A-I and B, 31, 346 physical activity assessment in children and adolescents: review and synthesis, 31, S54 England East Anglia, food consumption in middle-aged cohort, effect of age, sex, and education, 30, 26 northwest, prevalence, treatment, control, and awareness of high blood pressure and risk of stroke, 30, 288 Environment health, for physical activity and nutrition among youth, measuring, review and applications, 31, S98 school, use for promotion of physical activity and healthy eating, 31, S121 Environmental influences perceived, associated with physical activity in older Australians, 31, 15 Environmental intervention Australian National Workplace Health Project, 31, 249 Epidemic measles, in Israel—successful containment in military, 31, 649 Epidemiology changes in serum total cholesterol levels over 18 years, 30, 138 descriptive, physical activity among African-American women, 30, 43 diet diversity and colorectal cancer, 31, 11 glycated hemoglobin as indicator of social environmental stress among indigenous versus westernized populations, 29, 405; letter to editor, 30, 438; reply, 30, 439 health-associated changes in alcohol drinking, 31, 81 physical load in daily life and low back problems, 31, 506 population frequency distributions of HDL subclasses and Apo AI and Apo B in relation to age, gender, hormonal status, and sex hormone use, 31, 335 Epinephrine plasma, reduction in humans during clinically controlled severe underfeeding, 30, 95 Equity distribution of primary care service: health risks, ability to pay, and use, 30, 453
Estonia physical activity and correlates of leisure-time sedentary behavior, comparison with Latvia and Lithuania, 31, 665 Ethnic groups importance of culturally appropriate interventions: breast and cervical cancer screening among native Hawaiian women, 31, 529 Ethnic identity and overweight and depressive symptoms among African-American women, 31, 232 Ethnicity and trends in colorectal cancer incidence in California, 31, 447 and youth access to tobacco: study replication, 30, 433 Ethnic minorities, see Minority research Europe international Quit and Win 1996, standardized evaluation, 31, 742 trends in social class health inequalities in southern European urban area, 31, 691 Exercise, see also Physical activity accumulated daily stair-climbing, in previously sedentary young women, training effects, 30, 277 changes in intensity of, as predictors of depressive symptoms in older adults, 30, 371 by college students, characteristics, 31, 494 and health behaviors, associations in community sample of working adults, 30, 217 health behaviors of smokers, ex-smokers, and never smokers in HMO, 31, 177 health-promoting behaviors of adults with type 2 diabetes, 30, 407 Physician-Based Assessment and Counseling for Exercise, effectiveness in staff model HMO, 30, 504 physician–patient interactions regarding, 31, 652 and psychological well-being, population study in Finland, 30, 17 social relationships and cardiovascular disease risk factors, 30, 83 Explosions from cigarettes and cigarette lights, global overview, 31, 91
F Factorial invariance questionnaires measuring social-cognitive determinants of physical activity among adolescent girls, 31, 584 Factorial validity questionnaires measuring social-cognitive determinants of physical activity among adolescent girls, 31, 584 Familial aggregation serum total cholesterol, eastern Finland population, 31, 603 Family history breast cancer, lower perception of heart disease risk among women with, 31, 714 Family intervention protection of children from ultraviolet radiation, effect of language intensity, 30, 103 Family medicine interventions to promote healthful eating and physical activity in children and adolescents, 31, S112 Family physician smoking cessation program delivered by, cost-effectiveness analysis, 31, 641 Family practice attendance to cervical cancer screening, The Netherlands, 30, 35 preventive service delivery in, direct observation, 31, 167 Fat dietary intake, see Dietary fat intake Fatal poisoning due to dextropropoxyphene in combination with alcohol, middleaged men as risk category for, 31, 103
CUMULATIVE SUBJECT INDEX Fathers estimates of smoking-attributable deaths at ages 15 to 54, motherless or fatherless youths, and social security costs in U.S, 30, 353 Fecal occult blood test test order rate, clinic-based support staff intervention to increase, randomized controlled trial, 30, 244 Finland eastern, familial aggregation of serum total cholesterol, population study, 31, 603 exercise and psychological well-being, population study, 30, 17 Fires cigarette smoking-attributable: global overview of injuries, disasters, and costs, 31, 91 Fitness field-based testing in children and youth, status, 31, S77 training effects of accumulated daily stair-climbing exercise in previously sedentary young women, 30, 277 Focus group findings patient delay in seeking care for heart attack symptoms, 31, 205 Follow-up after abnormal cervical cancer screening, effectiveness of interventions to improve, 31, 429 Food consumption dietary assessment methods for school-aged children, 31, S11 in middle-aged English cohort, effect of age, sex, and education, 30, 26 Food frequency questionnaire for middle age: dietary intake in UNC Alumni Heart Study, 31, 56 Food habits diet diversity and colorectal cancer, 31, 11 Food patterns at breakfast, among adults 18–65 in U.S., sociodemographics, 30, 415 Fruits increasing consumption among fourth graders, 30, 309 randomized trial of tailored self-help dietary intervention, 31, 380 G Gender differences, in determinants of smoking cessation, 29, 57; erratum, 30, 80 and population frequency distributions of HDL, HDL2, and HDL3 and apolipoproteins A-I and B, 31, 335 Genetic predisposition hypercholesterolemia: familial aggregation of serum total cholesterol in eastern Finland population, 31, 603 Genetic testing BRCA1/2, prophylactic surgery decisions and surveillance practices one year following, 31, 75 for cancer risk, likelihood of undergoing, 30, 155 Germany metal industry, eating habits, health status, and concern about health, 30, 295 Girls adolescent, social-cognitive determinants of physical activity, factorial validity and invariance of questionnaires measuring, 31, 584 relative weight and obesity among, black/white differences, 30, 234 Glycated hemoglobin as indicator of social environmental stress among indigenous versus westernized populations, 29, 405; letter to editor, 30, 438; reply, 30, 439 Groningen Active Living Model stimulating physical activity in sedentary older adults, 31, 547
H Harm marijuana-related, risk of, effect of early and frequent marijuana use, 31, 455 Hawaiian women native, impact of culturally appropriate intervention on breast and cervical cancer screening, 31, 529 Health behaviors adults with type 2 diabetes, 30, 407 characteristics of inactive primary care patients, 31, 513 and exercise, associations in community sample of working adults, 30, 217 measurement of dietary intake in UNC Alumni Heart Study, 31, 56 relationship to mental health status and NK cell activity in victims of Hanshin-Awaji earthquake in Japan, 31, 467 smokers, ex-smokers, and never smokers in HMO, 31, 177 smokers with/without multiple behavioral risk factors, differences among, 31, 299 social class inequalities in, trends in southern European urban area, 31, 691 social relationships and cardiovascular disease risk factors, 30, 83 structural model, 30, 146 Health belief model attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge as predictors of nonattendance in mammography screening program, 31, 417 likelihood of undergoing genetic testing for cancer risk, 30, 155 Health care providers in Israel, quality and correlates of physical activity counseling by, 31, 618 Health care settings interventions to promote healthful eating and physical activity in children and adolescents, 31, S112 Health education using entertainment television to build context for prevention news stories, 31, 225 Health environment for physical activity and nutrition among youth, measuring, review and applications, 31, S98 Health inequalities occupation, hours worked, and leisure-time physical activity, 31, 673 social class-related, trends, in southern European urban area, 31, 691 Health insurance importance as determinant of cancer screening, 31, 261 Health lifestyle and overweight and depressive symptoms among African-American women, 31, 232 relationship to mental health status and NK cell activity in victims of Hanshin-Awaji earthquake in Japan, 31, 467 Health maintenance organization effectiveness of Physician-Based Assessment and Counseling for Exercise, 30, 504 health behaviors of smokers, ex-smokers, and never smokers in, 31, 177 Health promotion at-risk drinking among patients making routine primary care visits, 31, 595 Australian National Workplace Health Project, 31, 249 feasibility of tailored intervention to improve preventive care use by women, 31, 440 healthful eating and physical activity in children and adolescents, interventions in health care settings for, 31, S112 use of school environment for, 31, S121 use and effectiveness of Total Quality Leadership in U.S. Navy for, 30, 478
using entertainment television to build context for prevention news stories, 31, 225 Health and Retirement Study health-promoting behaviors of adults with type 2 diabetes, 30, 407 Health risks and use of primary care, 30, 453 Health seeking behavior patient delay in seeking care for heart attack symptoms, 31, 205 Health services utilization social class inequalities in, trends in southern European urban area, 31, 691 in Spain, relationship to tobacco and alcohol consumption, 31, 554 Health status and body composition, among children and adolescents, 31, S34 perceived associated changes in alcohol drinking, 31, 81 social class inequalities in, trends in southern European urban area, 31, 691 workers in German metal industry, 30, 295 Heart attack symptoms, patient delay in seeking care for, 31, 205 Heart disease risk lower perception of, among women with family history of breast cancer, 31, 714 High-density lipoprotein HDL, HDL2, and HDL3 associations with lifestyle factors, 31, 346 population frequency distributions, associations with age, gender, hormonal status, and sex hormone use, 31, 335 HDL-C and subfractions, effects of transdermal nicotine patch on normalization of, 31, 148 High 5 Project increasing fruit and vegetable consumption of fourth graders, 30, 309 High-risk drinkers in primary care population, health risk behaviors, 31, 140 Hispanics migrant adolescent predictors of cigarette and alcohol susceptibility and use, 31, 115 prevention program for tobacco and alcohol use, evaluation, 31, 124 History of Medicine historical reflections on current preventive practice, 30, 5 HIV perinatal transmission in U.S., incremental cost-effectiveness of two zidovudine regimens for prevention, 30, 64 HIV prevention peer educator training curriculum for sexual risk reduction in rural South, 30, 441 Homemakers leisure-time, occupational, and household physical activity, 30, 191 Homocysteine plasma levels, lowering by vegan diet-based lifestyle program, 30, 225 Hormonal status and population frequency distributions of HDL, HDL2, and HDL3 and apolipoproteins A-I and B, 31, 335 Hospital improving cervical cancer screening in, 31, 538 improving inpatient smoking cessation programs, 30, 496 smoke-free, smoking by patients in, 31, 159 Hospital employees smoking survey at midwestern U.S. medical center, 31, 271 Hospital noise literature review, 30, 339 Household physical activity and occupational category, 30, 191
Hutchinson Smoking Prevention Project trial design and baseline characteristics, 30, 485 Hypercholesterolemia and 5-yr risk of CHD, university and school workers, 31, 390 familial aggregation of serum total cholesterol in eastern Finland population, 31, 603 Hypertension clinically controlled severe underfeeding in patients with, reduction of plasma catecholamines during, 30, 95 seven-year stability of blood pressure in Canadian population, 31, 403 and stroke risk, prevalence, treatment, control, and awareness in northwest England, 30, 288 Hypocholesterolemic effect soymilk supplementation with usual diet in premenopausal normolipidemic Japanese women, 31, 308 I Immunization childhood , maternal role, 31, 49 media messages about, exposure among African-American parents, 31, 522 Implementation school programs and policies to promote healthy eating and physical activity in youth, measurement of, 31, S86 Impotence erectile dysfunction and coronary risk factors, 30, 328 Indigenous peoples versus westernized peoples, glycated hemoglobin as indicator of social environmental stress, 29, 405; letter to editor, 30, 438; reply, 30, 439 Indoor air pollution volatile organic compounds in, personal exposure 1999 best student medical paper in preventive medicine, 31, 631 commentary, 31, 629 Infant feeding methods determinants in relation to risk factors for breast cancer, 30, 363 Injury fire-injuries, disasters, and costs from cigarettes and cigarette lights, 31, 91 pedestrian: Child Pedestrian Injury Prevention Project, 30, 179 reduction by bicycle helmet use: age gradient in cost-effectiveness, 30, 401 Inner city adolescents in, smoking model, 31, 107 Intentions to change risk behaviors, among high-risk drinkers in primary care population, 31, 140 Interventions behavioral: telephone counseling as adjuvant treatment for nicotine replacement therapy in real-world setting, 31, 357 brief, family physician-delivered smoking cessation program, costeffectiveness analysis, 31, 641 cardiovascular disease risk factor, in low-income women, 31, 370 community-based, to promote proper nutrition and physical activity among youth, 31, S138 culturally appropriate, impact on breast and cervical cancer screening among native Hawaiian women, 31, 529 dietary, tailored self-help, randomized trial, 31, 380 in health care settings, to promote healthful eating and physical activity in children and adolescents, 31, S112 to improve follow-up after abnormal cervical cancer screening, effectiveness, 31, 429 minimal, use of nicotine patches with, 30, 504 obesity prevention in children and youth, overview, 31, S1 physical activity and nutrition in children and youth, opportunities for, 31, S150
CUMULATIVE SUBJECT INDEX preventive, inconsistencies in classification of, 31, 153 and smoking cessation among African Americans, 31, 23 tailored, to improve preventive care use in women, feasibility, 31, 440 trials for increasing weight-bearing physical activity and calcium intake for bone mass growth in children and adolescents, review, 31, 722 Isoniazid comparison with multiple-drug prophylaxis for tuberculosis, in Southeast Asian refugees and migrants, 30, 425 Israel health care providers, quality and correlates of physical activity counseling by, 31, 618 measles epidemic—successful containment in military, 31, 649 Italy maternal role in childhood immunization, 31, 49 southern, changing patterns in breast cancer stage at diagnosis, 30, 174 J Japan premenopausal normolipidemic women, hypocholesterolemic effect of soymilk supplementation with usual diet, 31, 308 victims of Hanshin-Awaji earthquake, mental health status, lifestyle, and NK cell activity among, 31, 467 K Knowledge immunization: exposure to immunization media messages among African-American parents, 31, 522 as predictor of nonattendance in mammography screening program, 31, 417 predictors of stage of adoption of colorectal cancer screening, 31, 410 sun protection, and effect of language intensity on parents’ compliance for child protection from sun, 30, 103 L Language expectancy theory predictions: language intensity and success of family intervention to protect children from ultraviolet radiation, 30, 103 Language intensity and success of family intervention to protect children from ultraviolet radiation, 30, 103 Latvia physical activity and correlates of leisure-time sedentary behavior, comparison with Estonia and Lithuania, 31, 665 Lead protecting children from, Page for Patients, 30, 451 Leisure-time physical activity and occupational category, 30, 191 relationship to occupation and hours worked, 31, 673 in school environments, 30, 70 in sedentary older adults: GALM behavior change model, 31, 547 Lifestyle and breast cancer mortality: male and female cancer mortality as biomarkers for BCM, 30, 167 relationship to mental health status and NK cell activity in victims of Hanshin-Awaji earthquake in Japan, 31, 467 vegan diet-based lifestyle program, lowering of homocysteine levels by, 30, 225 Lifestyle factors associations with HDL, HDL2, and HDL3 and apolipoproteins A-I and B, 31, 346
Lipids training effects of accumulated daily stair-climbing exercise in previously sedentary young women, 30, 277 Lipoproteins effects of transdermal nicotine patch: effects on normalization of HDL-C and subfractions, 31, 148 HDL, HDL2, and HDL3 and apolipoproteins A-I and B associations with lifestyle factors, 31, 346 population frequency distributions in relation to and age, gender, hormonal status, and sex hormone use, 31, 335 Lithuania physical activity and correlates of leisure-time sedentary behavior, comparison with Estonia and Latvia, 31, 665 Low back pain and physical load in daily life, 31, 506 Low-birthweight births in African-American clinic population, cost–benefit of nursing telephone intervention for reducing, 30, 271 Low-density lipoprotein oxidation, effect of ␣-tocopherol supplementation in men with existing coronary artery disease, 29, 112; erratum, 30, 80 Low-income women African-American, predictors of stage of adoption of colorectal cancer screening, 31, 410 cardiovascular disease risk factor intervention, 31, 370 smoking cessation, impact of free nicotine patches plus proactive telephone peer support, 31, 68 Lung Health Study characteristics of participants who stop smoking and sustain abstinence for 1 and 5 years, 30, 392 M Mammography screening American Indian and Alaska Native women, 29, 287; erratum, 30, 348 cross-cultural consumer-based decision aid for, 30, 200 cultural barriers among Chinese-American women 60 and older, 31, 575 nonattendance in, attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge as predictors of, 31, 417 patient reminder letters to promote, 31, 315 practices one year following BRCA1/2 gene testing, 31, 75 use among older women, impact of Medicare funding, 31, 658 utilization, relationship to physician recommendations and clinical breast examination, older women, 31, 481 Marginalization glycated hemoglobin as indicator of social environmental stress among indigenous versus westernized populations, 29, 405; letter to editor, 30, 438; reply, 30, 439 Marijuana early and frequent use, influence on risk of desistance and of progression to marijuana-related harm, 31, 455 Marketing tobacco, effect on smoking uptake by adolescents, 30, 320 Markov model evaluation of population-based screening for type 2 diabetes, 31, 396 Massachusetts youth tobacco use: effectiveness of state tobacco control program, 31, 287 Mass media using entertainment television to build context for prevention news stories, 31, 225 Mass screening cervical cancer, attendance in family practices in The Netherlands, 30, 35
fecal occult blood test ordering rate, support staff intervention for increasing, randomized controlled trial, 30, 244 Measles epidemic in Israel—successful containment in military, 31, 649 Measurement body composition and health status among children and adolescents, 31, S34 health environment for physical activity and nutrition among youth, review and applications, 31, S98 implementation of school programs and policies to promote healthy eating and physical activity in youth, 31, S86 leisure-time physical activity in schools, with SOPLAY, 30, 70 questionnaires of social-cognitive determinants of physical activity among adolescent girls, factorial validity and invariance, 31, 584 Media messages about immunization, exposure among African-American parents, 31, 522 Medically vulnerable and distribution of primary care: health risks, ability to pay, and use, 30, 453 Medical students Chinese, cigarette smoking, 29, 210; , letter to editor, 30, 346; reply, 30, 347 Medicare funding impact on use of mammography screening among older women, 31, 658 Men middle-aged, as risk category for fatal poisoning due to dextropropoxyphene in combination with alcohol, 31, 103 prostate cancer screening trends, New York state men 50 years or older 1994–1997, 31, 195 validity of self-reports, 28, 297; letter to editor, 30, 78; reply, 30, 79 Metal industry German, eating habits, health status, and concern about health, 30, 295 Middle age food frequency questionnaire: dietary intake in UNC Alumni Heart Study, 31, 56 men in, as risk category for fatal poisoning due to dextropropoxyphene in combination with alcohol, 31, 103 physician advice to smokers ages 50+, 31, 364 smoking-attributable deaths at ages 15 to 54, motherless or fatherless youths, and social security costs in U.S, 30, 353 Migrants Hispanic adolescent predictors of cigarette and alcohol susceptibility and use, 31, 115 prevention program for tobacco and alcohol use, evaluation, 31, 124 Military in Israel, successful containment of measles epidemic, 31, 649 Total Quality Leadership in U.S. Navy, use and effectiveness for health promotion, 30, 478 Minimal intervention use of nicotine patches with, 30, 504 Minority research dietary change, role of participation in Women’s Health Trial: Feasibility Study in Minority Populations, 31, 474 model of smoking among inner-city adolescents, 31, 107 predictors of stage of adoption of colorectal cancer screening, 31, 410 role of participation in Women’s Health Trial, feasibility study, 31, 474 Monetary incentives effectiveness for recruiting adolescents to intervention trial to reduce smoking, 31, 706 Mood physical exercise and psychological well-being, 30, 17
Mortality breast cancer, cancers (mainly male) as population biomarkers for, 30, 167 estimates of smoking-attributable deaths at ages 15 to 54, motherless or fatherless youths, and social security costs in U.S, 30, 353 increasing taxes as strategy to reduce cigarette use and deaths, 31, 279 Mothers estimates of smoking-attributable deaths at ages 15 to 54, motherless or fatherless youths, and social security costs in U.S, 30, 353 role in childhood immunization, 31, 49 Motivation effectiveness of monetary incentives for recruiting adolescents to intervention trial to reduce smoking, 31, 706 Music effects in health care, literature review, 30, 339 Myocardial infarction consecutive patients with, smoker characteristics and long-term changes in smoking behavior, 31, 732 patient delay in seeking care for heart attack symptoms, 31, 205 smoking cessation counseling after, randomized controlled trial, 30, 261 N National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III social relationships and cardiovascular disease risk factors in U.S., 30, 83 Natural killer activity Hanshin-Awaji earthquake victims in Japan, relationship to mental health status and lifestyle, 31, 467 Navy U.S., Total Quality Leadership use and effectiveness for health promotion, 30, 478 Needs assessment physician–patient interactions regarding diet, exercise, and smoking, 31, 652 The Netherlands attendance to cervical cancer screening in family practices, 30, 35 New York state prostate cancer screening trends, men 50 years or older 1994–1997, 31, 195 Nicotine dependence smoking by patients in smoke-free hospital, 31, 159 Nicotine gum relationship to long-term abstinence from smoking, 30, 392 Nicotine patch effects on normalization of HDL-C and subfractions, 31, 148 free, plus proactive telephone peer support, impact in helping lowincome women stop smoking, 31, 68 and/or sustained-release bupropion, cost–benefit analysis for smoking cessation, 30, 209 use with minimal intervention, 30, 504 Nicotine replacement therapy adjuvant treatment for, in real-world setting, telephone counseling as, 31, 357 Nijmegen Cohort Study changes in serum total cholesterol levels over 18 years, 30, 138 Noise effects in health care setting, literature review, 30, 339 Nord–Trøndelag Health Study Norway: adolescent occasional smokers as potential target group for smoking cessation, 31, 682 Norepinephrine plasma, reduction in humans during clinically controlled severe underfeeding, 30, 95
CUMULATIVE SUBJECT INDEX Norway adolescent occasional smokers as potential target group for smoking cessation, 31, 682 Nurses and other health care providers, tobacco assessment and intervention practices, Upper Midwest, 30, 282 Nutrient intake dietary assessment methods for school-aged children, 31, S11 measurement in UNC Alumni Heart Study, 31, 56 Nutrition and breast cancer mortality: male and female cancer mortality as biomarkers for BCM, 30, 167 cardiovascular disease risk factor intervention in low-income women, 31, 370 in children and youth opportunities for assessments and interventions, 31, S150 overview of obesity prevention, 31, S1 food patterns at breakfast among adults 18–65 in U.S., sociodemographics, 30, 415 proper, promotion among youth, community-based interventions, 31, S138 weight-control behaviors among adults and adolescents and associations with dietary intake, 30, 381 workplace intervention: Australian National Workplace Health Project, 31, 249 in youth, measuring health environment for, review and applications, 31, S98 Nutrition assessment instrument for assessment of dietary fat intake in children, development and validation, 31, 214 O Obesity black/white differences in relative weight and obesity among girls, 30, 234 body composition and health status among children and adolescents, 31, S34 changes in physical activity in overweight sedentary adults after counseling in primary care, psychosocial predictors, 31, 183 childhood, complications: type 2 diabetes in adolescents and childhood, 31, 702 overweight and depressive symptoms among African-American women, 31, 232 prevention, overview: physical activity and nutrition in children and youth, 31, S1 Occasional smokers adolescent, as potential target group for smoking cessation, 31, 682 Occupational categories and hours worked, relationship to leisure-time physical activity, 31, 673 and leisure-time, occupational, and household physical activity, 30, 191 Occupational physical activity and occupational category, 30, 191 Older adults Australians, physical activity, social–cognitive and perceived environmental influences associated with, 31, 15 depressive symptoms, changes in intensity of physical exercise as predictors of, 30, 371 interest in participating in bowel cancer screening, psychosocial influences on, 31, 323 low sunscreen use: predictors of sunscreen use in dermatological patients in Central Europe, 31, 134 physician advice to smokers ages 50+, 31, 364 sedentary, stimulating behavioral change: Groningen Active Living Model, 31, 547
well-being in, relationship to social relations and physical activity, 31, 608 Older women breast cancer screening: systems model of clinical preventive care, 31, 481 Chinese-American, 60 and older, cultural barriers to breast cancer screening, 31, 575 use of mammography screening, impact of Medicare funding, 31, 658 Organizational approaches to cervical cancer screening, effectiveness, in family practices in The Netherlands, 30, 35 Osteoporosis Page for Patients, 30, 3 relationship between caffeine intake and bone mineral density in young women, 31, 562 Outdoor workers low sunscreen use: predictors of sunscreen use in dermatological patients in Central Europe, 31, 134 Ovarian cancer prophylactic surgery decisions and surveillance practices one year following BRCA1/2 gene testing, 31, 75 Overweight body composition and health status among children and adolescents, 31, S34 and depressive symptoms, among African-American women, 31, 232 Oxidative stress LDL oxidation, effect of ␣-tocopherol supplementation in men with existing coronary artery disease, 29, 112; erratum, 30, 80 P Page for Patients asthma, 30, 361 back pain, 30, 93 breast cancer, 31, 639 carpal tunnel syndrome, 30, 189 cervical cancer, 31, 465 children and sports, 31, 9 colorectal cancer, 31, 203 coronary heart disease, 30, 269 lead and protecting children, 30, 451 osteoporosis, 30, 3 pesticides, 31, 297 prostate cancer, 31, 101 Pap smear, see also Cervical cancer screening abnormal, effectiveness of interventions to improve follow-up after, 31, 429 American Indian and Alaska Native women, 29, 287; erratum, 30, 348 Parental history and risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in young adults in biracial community, 31, 1 Parent–child communication and cigarette and alcohol susceptibility and use among Hispanic migrant adolescents, 31, 115 promoting for protection against tobacco and alcohol use by Hispanic migrant adolescents, 31, 124 Parenting protection of children from ultraviolet radiation, effect of language intensity of intervention, 30, 103 Parents African-American, exposure to immunization media messages, 31, 522 Passive smoking erectile dysfunction and, 30, 328
Patient education feasibility of tailored intervention to improve preventive care use by women, 31, 440 Patient participation cross-cultural consumer-based decision aid for screening mammography, 30, 200 patient delay in seeking care for heart attack symptoms, 31, 205 Pedestrian injury Child Pedestrian Injury Prevention Project, 30, 179 Pediatrics interventions to promote healthful eating and physical activity in children and adolescents, 31, S112 Peer education training curriculum, for sexual risk reduction in rural South, 30, 441 Peer support proactive telephone, plus free nicotine patches, impact in helping low-income women stop smoking, 31, 68 Perceived behavioral control physical activity among adolescent girls, factorial validity and invariance of questionnaires measuring, 31, 584 Perceived health associated changes in alcohol drinking, 31, 81 social class inequalities in, trends in southern European urban area, 31, 691 Perceptions lower, of heart disease risk, among women with family history of breast cancer, 31, 714 risk behaviors as problems, among high-risk drinkers in primary care population, 31, 140 social benefits of smoking, role in smoking among inner-city adolescents, 31, 107 Perinatal transmission HIV in U.S., incremental cost-effectiveness of two zidovudine regimens for prevention, 30, 64 Period prevalence study health-associated changes in alcohol drinking, 31, 81 Personal exposures volatile organic compounds in indoor air 1999 best student medical paper in preventive medicine, 31, 631 commentary, 31, 629 Personality variables predicting adolescent smoking, 30, 115 Pesticides Page for Patients, 31, 297 Physical activity, see also Exercise in adolescent girls, social-cognitive determinants of, factorial validity and invariance of questionnaires measuring, 31, 584 in African-American women, descriptive epidemiology, 30, 43 in Baltic countries, and correlates of leisure-time sedentary behavior, 31, 665 cardiovascular disease risk factor intervention in low-income women, 31, 370 children and sports: Page for Patients, 31, 9 in children and youth, opportunities for assessments and interventions, 31, S150 in children and youth, promotion assessment: review and synthesis, 31, S54 community interventions for, 31, S138 in health care settings, 31, S112 measuring implementation of school programs and policies for, 31, S86 overview of obesity prevention, 31, S1 use of school environment for, 31, S121 counseling, by health care providers in Israel, quality and correlates of, 31, 618 daily activities, physical load in, and low back problems, 31, 506
determinants: characteristics of exercise behavior among college students, 31, 494 in inactive primary care patients, characteristics, 31, 513 leisure-time relationship to occupation and hours worked, 31, 673 in school environments, 30, 70 in sedentary older adults: GALM behavior change model, 31, 547 leisure-time, occupational, and household, among professional, skilled, and less-skilled workers and homemakers, 30, 191 low, and/or high dietary fat intake, smokers with, 31, 299 in older adults changes in intensity of physical exercise as predictors of depressive symptoms, 30, 371 and social relations, relationship to subjective well-being, 31, 608 in older Australians, associated social–cognitive and perceived environmental influences, 31, 15 in overweight sedentary adults after counseling in primary care, psychosocial predictors of changes in, 31, 183 weight-bearing, and calcium intake, increasing in children and adolescents for bone mass growth, 31, 722 workplace intervention: Australian National Workplace Health Project, 31, 249 in youth, measuring health environment for, review and applications, 31, S98 Physical load in daily life, and low back problems, 31, 506 Physician advice and breast cancer screening among older women, 31, 481 patient reminder letters to promote mammography screening, 31, 315 to smokers ages 50+, 31, 364 telephone counseling as adjuvant treatment for nicotine replacement therapy in real-world setting, 31, 357 Physician-Based Assessment and Counseling for Exercise effectiveness in staff model HMO, 30, 504 Physician–patient interactions regarding diet, exercise, and smoking, 31, 652 Physician practices improving cervical cancer screening in hospital settings, 31, 538 and other health care providers, tobacco assessment and intervention practices, Upper Midwest, 30, 282 Physicians residents’ self-reported cardiovascular disease prevention activities, validity, 31, 241 Plurimetabolic syndrome clinically controlled severe underfeeding in patients with, reduction of plasma catecholamines during, 30, 95 Poisoning fatal, due to dextropropoxyphene in combination with alcohol, middle-aged men as risk category for, 31, 103 Policy adoption school programs and policies to promote healthy eating and physical activity in youth, measuring, 31, S86 Population structural model of health behavior, 30, 146 Population-based screening mammography screening program in Sweden, attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge as predictors of nonattendance in, 31, 417 type 2 diabetes, evaluation, 31, 396 Population-based study exercise and psychological well-being in Finland, 30, 17 familial aggregation of serum total cholesterol, eastern Finland, 31, 603 likelihood of undergoing genetic testing for cancer risk, 30, 155 physical load in daily life and low back problems, 31, 506
CUMULATIVE SUBJECT INDEX Posttraumatic stress association with NK cell activity in victims of Hanshin-Awaji earthquake in Japan, 31, 467 Prehospital emergency care heart attack symptoms: patient delay in seeking care, 31, 205 Preterm births in African-American clinic population, cost–benefit of nursing telephone intervention for reducing, 30, 271 Preventive interventions inconsistencies in classification of, 31, 153 Preventive Medicine Attitudes and Activities Questionnaire validity of residents’ self-reported cardiovascular disease prevention activities, 31, 241 Preventive service delivery in community family practice, direct observation, 31, 167 historical reflections on, 30, 5 Preventive service use association with health risks and ability to pay, 30, 453 by women, feasibility of tailored intervention to improve, 31, 440 Primary care at-risk drinking among patients making routine visits, 31, 595 characteristics of inactive patients, 31, 513 counseling in, changes in physical activity in overweight sedentary adults after, psychosocial predictors, 31, 183 direct observation of preventive service delivery in community family practice, 31, 167 health risk behaviors among high-risk drinkers, 31, 140 historical reflections on current preventive practice, 30, 5 use of, association with health risks and ability to pay, 30, 453 Process evaluation measuring implementation of school programs and policies to promote healthy eating and physical activity in youth, 31, S86 Professionals leisure-time, occupational, and household physical activity, 30, 191 Prophylactic surgery decisions one year following BRCA1/2 gene testing, 31, 75 Prophylaxis tuberculosis, multiple-drug vs isoniazid alone in Southeast Asian refugees and migrants, 30, 425 Prostate cancer Page for Patients, 31, 101 screening, validity of self-reports, 28, 297; letter to editor, 30, 78; reply, 30, 79 screening trends of New York state men 50 years or older 1994– 1997, 31, 195 Prostate specific antigen test prostate cancer screening trends, New York state men 50 years or older 1994–1997, 31, 195 Psychological stress posttraumatic, relationship to lifestyle and NK cell activity in victims of Hanshin-Awaji earthquake in Japan, 31, 467 Psychological well-being exercise and, population study in Finland, 30, 17 in older adults, relationship to social relations and physical activity, 31, 608 Psychosocial factors predictors of changes in physical activity in overweight sedentary adults after counseling in primary care, 31, 183 and stress and depression, relationships to smoking, models, grades 6 and 8, 30, 463 Psychosocial influences on older adults’ interest in participating in bowel cancer screening, 31, 323 Psychosocial stress among indigenous versus westernized populations, glycated hemoglobin as indicator of, 29, 405; letter to editor, 30, 438; reply, 30, 439
Public health historical reflections on current preventive practice, 30, 5 inconsistencies in classification of preventive interventions, 31, 153 Puget Sound Eating Patterns study randomized trial of tailored self-help dietary intervention, 31, 380 Q Questionnaires measuring social-cognitive determinants of physical activity among adolescent girls, factorial validity and invariance, 31, 584 Quit and Win 1996 international contest, standardized evaluation, 31, 742 R Race/ethnicity and trends in colorectal cancer incidence in California, 31, 447 Racism and youth access to tobacco: study replication, 30, 433 Rebelliousness predicting adolescent smoking, 30, 115 Recall of prevention news stories, effect of tie-in to entertainment television, 31, 225 Rectal cancer, see Colorectal cancer Relapse prevention improving inpatient smoking cessation programs, 30, 496 Reliability dietary assessment methods for school-aged children, 31, S11 field-based fitness testing in children and youth, 31, S77 physical activity assessment methods used for children and adolescents: review and synthesis, 31, S54 Reproductive factors determinants of infant feeding method in relation to breast cancer risk factors, 30, 363 Risk colorectal cancer: predictors of stage of adoption of screening, 31, 410 desistance from use and progression to marijuana-related harm, effect of early and frequent marijuana use, 31, 455 Risk behaviors among high-risk drinkers in primary care population, 31, 140 Risk factors BRCA1/2 gene testing, prophylactic surgery decisions and surveillance practices one year following, 31, 75 chronic disease: measurement of dietary intake in UNC Alumni Heart Study, 31, 56 coronary heart disease, erectile dysfunction and, 30, 328 middle-aged men as risk category for fatal poisoning due to dextropropoxyphene in combination with alcohol, 31, 103 multiple behavioral, differences among smokers with, 31, 299 physician–patient interactions regarding diet, exercise, and smoking, 31, 652 type 2 diabetes mellitus in young adults from biracial community, 31, 1 Risk perception lower, of heart disease risk, among women with family history of breast cancer, 31, 714 of risk behaviors as problems, among high-risk drinkers in primary care population, 31, 140 Risk reduction sexual risk, rural peer educator training curriculum for, 30, 441 Risk taking predicting adolescent smoking, 30, 115 sexual, rural peer educator training curriculum for reduction of, 30, 441
Road safety Child Pedestrian Injury Prevention Project, 30, 179 Rural areas southeast U.S., peer educator training curriculum for sexual risk reduction, 30, 441 S Saudi Arabia hypercholesterolemia and 5-yr risk of CHD among university and school workers in Jeddah, 31, 390 School Child Pedestrian Injury Prevention Project, 30, 179 environment of, use for promotion of physical activity and healthy eating, 31, S121 Hutchinson Smoking Prevention Project trial, 30, 485 leisure-time physical activity, 30, 70 persistent increase in children’s sun protection in intervention communities in randomized controlled trial, 31, 569 programs and policies to promote healthy eating and physical activity in youth, measuring implementation of, 31, S86 Schoolchildren black/white differences in relative weight and obesity among girls, 30, 234 increasing fruit and vegetable consumption of fourth graders, 30, 309 School workers hypercholesterolemia and 5-yr risk of CHD, 31, 390 Screening, see also Breast cancer screening; Cervical cancer screening; Mammography screening bowel cancer, older adults’ interest in participating in, psychosocial influences, 31, 323 breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer, importance of health insurance as determinant of, 31, 261 colorectal cancer, stage of adoption of, predictors, 31, 410 mammography and ovarian cancer, practices one year following BRCA1/2 gene testing, 31, 75 obstructive airway disease, economic effects, 30, 302 population-based, for type 2 diabetes, evaluation, 31, 396 prostate cancer trends, New York state men 50 years or older 1994–1997, 31, 195 validity of self-reports, 28, 297; letter to editor, 30, 78; reply, 30, 79 Secondhand smoke smoking survey at midwestern U.S. medical center, 31, 271 Sedentariness changes in physical activity in overweight sedentary adults after counseling in primary care, psychosocial predictors, 31, 183 high-risk drinkers in primary care population, 31, 140 older adults, behavioral change: Groningen Active Living Model, 31, 547 Self-efficacy perceived, to change risk behaviors, among high-risk drinkers in primary care population, 31, 140 physical activity among adolescent girls, questionnaires of, factorial validity and invariance, 31, 584 Self-help use of nicotine patches with minimal intervention, 30, 504 Self-quitting smoking cessation among African Americans, 31, 23 Self-reporting evaluation of smoking prevalence in medical students in China, 29, 210; letter to editor, 30, 346; reply, 30, 347 prostate cancer screening, validity, 28, 297; letter to editor, 30, 78; reply, 30, 79 Sense of coherence physical exercise and psychological well-being, 30, 17 Sex differences determinants of smoking cessation, 29, 57; erratum, 30, 80
food consumption in middle-aged English cohort, 30, 26 Sex hormones hormonal status, sex hormone use, and population frequency distributions of HDL, HDL2, and HDL3 and apolipoproteins A-I and B, 31, 335 use of, association with HDL, HDL2, and HDL3 and apolipoproteins A-I and B, 31, 346 Sexual development and black/white differences in relative weight and obesity among girls, 30, 234 Sexual risk taking reduction, rural peer educator training curriculum for, 30, 441 Sigmoidoscopy predictors of stage of adoption of colorectal cancer screening, 31, 410 Skin cancer prevention family intervention to protect children from UV irradiation, effect of language intensity, 30, 103 persistent increase in children’s sun protection in randomized controlled community trial, 31, 569 predictors of sunscreen use in dermatological patients in Central Europe, 31, 134 Smokeless tobacco use by youth in Massachusetts: effectiveness of state tobacco control program, 31, 287 Smoking adolescent, see Adolescent smoking association with exercise in community sample of working adults, 30, 217 costs and effects: global overview of fire injuries, disasters, and costs from cigarettes and cigarette lights, 31, 91 differences among smokers with/without multiple behavioral risk factors, 31, 299 estimates of smoking-attributable deaths at ages 15 to 54, motherless or fatherless youths, and social security costs in U.S, 30, 353 health behaviors of smokers, ex-smokers, and never smokers in HMO, 31, 177 by high-risk drinkers in primary care population, 31, 140 increasing taxes as strategy to reduce cigarette use and deaths, 31, 279 by inner-city adolescents, model, 31, 107 by medical college students in China, 29, 210; letter to editor, 30, 346; reply, 30, 347 models of relationships of stress, depression, and other psychosocial factors to, grades 6 and 8, 30, 463 by patients in smoke-free hospital, 31, 159 physical activity and correlates of leisure-time sedentary behavior in Baltic countries, 31, 665 physician advice to smokers ages 50+, 31, 364 physician–patient interactions regarding, 31, 652 smoker characteristics and long-term changes in smoking behavior in consecutive patients with myocardial infarction, 31, 732 social relationships and cardiovascular disease risk factors, 30, 83 state of change, relationship to health behaviors in HMO members, 31, 177 survey at midwestern U.S. medical center, 31, 271 by youth in Massachusetts: effectiveness of state tobacco control program, 31, 287 Smoking bans smoking by patients in smoke-free hospitals, 31, 159 Smoking cessation adolescent occasional smokers as potential target group for, 31, 682 by African Americans, 31, 23 characteristics of participants who stop smoking and sustain abstinence for 1 and 5 years, 30, 392 cost–benefit analysis of sustained-release bupropion and/or nicotine patch, 30, 209
CUMULATIVE SUBJECT INDEX counseling, after myocardial infarction, randomized controlled trial, 30, 261 determinants, gender differences, 29, 57; erratum, 30, 80 differences in assessment and intervention practices, Upper Midwest, 30, 282 effectiveness of monetary incentives for recruiting adolescents to intervention trial to reduce smoking, 31, 706 family physician-delivered program, cost-effectiveness analysis, 31, 641 inpatient programs, improving, 30, 496 international Quit and Win 1996, standardized evaluation, 31, 742 by low-income women, impact of free nicotine patches plus proactive telephone peer support, 31, 68 nicotine patch effects on normalization of HDL-C and subfractions, 31, 148 nicotine patch use with minimal intervention, 30, 504 nicotine replacement therapy, adjuvant treatment in real-world setting for, telephone counseling as, 31, 357 physician advice to smokers ages 50+, 31, 364 role of health professionals in helping women quit, in communitybased program, 30, 126 smoker characteristics and long-term changes in smoking behavior in consecutive patients with myocardial infarction, 31, 732 by smokers with/without multiple behavioral risk factors, 31, 299 Smoking initiation by adolescents, effect of cigarette promotions, 30, 320 Smoking prevention effectiveness of monetary incentives for recruiting adolescents to intervention trial to reduce smoking, 31, 706 Smoking prevention and control differences in assessment and intervention practices, Upper Midwest, 30, 282 Hutchinson Smoking Prevention Project trial, 30, 485 Social benefits perceived, of smoking, role in smoking among inner-city adolescents, 31, 107 Social class health inequality trends, in southern European urban area, 31, 691 Social-cognitive determinants physical activity among adolescent girls, factorial validity and invariance of questionnaires measuring, 31, 584 Social-cognitive influences associated with physical activity in older Australians, 31, 15 Social-cognitive theory application to predicting stage of change in exercise behavior of college students, 31, 494 Social environmental stress among indigenous versus westernized populations, glycated hemoglobin as indicator of, 29, 405; letter to editor, 30, 438; reply, 30, 439 Social relationships and cardiovascular disease risk factors, 30, 83 and physical activity, relationship to subjective well-being in older adults, 31, 608 Social security costs and smoking-attributable deaths at ages 15 to 54 and motherless or fatherless youths, 30, 353 Social support and cigarette and alcohol susceptibility and use among Hispanic migrant adolescents, 31, 115 and impact of appropriate intervention on cancer screening among native Hawaiian women, 31, 529 Sociocultural variables youth access to tobacco: study replication, 30, 433 Sociodemographics food patterns at breakfast among adults 18–65 in U.S., 30, 415
Socioeconomic status impact of Medicare funding on use of mammography screening among older women, 31, 658 occupation, hours worked, and leisure-time physical activity, 31, 673 trends in social class inequalities in southern European urban area, 31, 691 SOPLAY observing leisure-time physical activity in schools, 30, 70 Sources social vs commercial, relative importance in youth access to tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs, 31, 39 Southeast Asians refugees and migrants, multiple-drug prophylaxis for tuberculosis vs isoniazid alone, 30, 425 Soymilk supplementation with usual diet, hypocholesterolemic effect in premenopausal normolipidemic Japanese women, 31, 308 Spain relationship between tobacco and alcohol consumption and use of health care services, 31, 554 Sports and children: Page for Patients, 31, 9 Stage breast cancer at diagnosis, changing patterns in southern Italy, 30, 174 colorectal cancer incidence, trends in California, 31, 447 Stage of change exercise behavior of college students, predicting, application of social cognitive theory, 31, 494 smoking, relationship to health behaviors in HMO members, 31, 177 Stair climbing accumulated daily, training effects in previously sedentary young women, 30, 277 STAND peer educator training curriculum for sexual risk reduction in rural South, 30, 441 Stress association with exercise in community sample of working adults, 30, 217 oxidative: ␣-tocopherol supplementation for men with existing coronary artery disease, 29, 112; erratum, 30, 80 posttraumatic, relationship to lifestyle and NK cell activity in victims of Hanshin-Awaji earthquake in Japan, 31, 467 relationships to smoking and depression and other psychosocial factors, models, grades 6 and 8, 30, 463 social environmental, among indigenous versus westernized populations, glycated hemoglobin as indicator of, 29, 405; letter to editor, 30, 438; reply, 30, 439 Stroke risk high blood pressure and, prevalence, treatment, control, and awareness in northwest England, 30, 288 Structural equation modeling likelihood of undergoing genetic testing for cancer risk, 30, 155 Structural model health behavior, 30, 146 Sun protection children’s family intervention for, effect of language intensity, 30, 103 persistent increase in randomized controlled community trial, 31, 569 predictors of sunscreen use in dermatological patients in Central Europe, 31, 134 Support staff intervention to increase rate of fecal occult blood test ordering, randomized controlled trial, 30, 244
Surveillance practices decisions one year following BRCA1/2 gene testing, 31, 75 Survey response rates in adolescents, to survey leading to intervention trial to reduce smoking, effectiveness of monetary incentives, 31, 706 Susceptibility cigarette and alcohol use, among Hispanic migrant adolescents predictors, 31, 115 prevention program evaluation, 31, 124 Sweden nonattendance in population-based mammography screening program, attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge as predictors of, 31, 417 Systems model of clinical preventive care breast cancer screening among older women, 31, 481
T Tailored interventions dietary self-help, randomized trial, 31, 380 to improve preventive care use in women, feasibility, 31, 440 Taiwan Puli, evaluation of population-based screening for type 2 diabetes, 31, 396 Target group for smoking cessation, adolescent occasional smokers as, 31, 682 Taxes increasing, as strategy to reduce cigarette use and deaths, 31, 279 Telephone counseling as adjuvant treatment for nicotine replacement therapy in realworld setting, 31, 357 Telephone intervention nursing, cost–benefit for reduction of preterm and low-birthweight births in African-American clinic population, 30, 271 Telephone support proactive peer, plus free nicotine patches, impact in helping lowincome women stop smoking, 31, 68 Television entertainment, using to build context for prevention news stories, 31, 225 Time hours worked, and occupation, relationship to leisure-time physical activity, 31, 673 Tobacco marketing, effect on smoking uptake by adolescents, 30, 320 smoking survey at midwestern U.S. medical center, 31, 271 susceptibility and use among Hispanic migrant adolescents, predictors, 31, 115 use by Hispanic migrant adolescents, evaluation of prevention program, 31, 124 relationship to use of health care services in Spain, 31, 554 by youth in Massachusetts: effectiveness of state tobacco control program, 31, 287 youth access to relative importance of social vs commercial sources, 31, 39 sociocultural variables: study replication, 30, 433 Tobacco control effectiveness of control program in Massachusetts: tobacco use by youth, 31, 287 Tobacco policy increasing taxes as strategy to reduce cigarette use and deaths, 31, 279 Tobacco survey smoking survey at midwestern U.S. medical center, 31, 271 tobacco use by youth in Massachusetts and effectiveness of state control program, 31, 287
␣-Tocopherol supplementation for men with existing coronary artery disease, feasibility, 29, 112; erratum, 30, 80 Total Quality Leadership in U.S. Navy, use and effectiveness for health promotion, 30, 478 Toxins in indoor air, personal exposures 1999 best student medical paper in preventive medicine, 31, 631 commentary, 31, 629 Training effects accumulated daily stair-climbing exercise in previously sedentary young women, 30, 277 Tuberculosis multiple-drug prophylaxis vs isoniazid alone in Southeast Asian refugees and migrants, 30, 425 U Underfeeding clinically controlled severe, reduction of plasma catecholamines in humans during, 30, 95 United Kingdom East Anglia, food consumption in middle-aged cohort, effect of age, sex, and education, 30, 26 northwest England, prevalence, treatment, control, and awareness of high blood pressure and risk of stroke, 30, 288 United States American Indian and Alaska Native women, breast and cervical cancer screening practices, 29, 287; erratum, 30, 348 food patterns at breakfast among adults 18–65, sociodemographics, 30, 415 perinatal HIV transmission, prevention, incremental cost-effectiveness of two zidovudine regimens for, 30, 64 rural southeast, peer educator training curriculum for sexual risk reduction, 30, 441 social relationships and cardiovascular disease risk factors, 30, 83 University of North Carolina Alumni Heart Study measurement of dietary intake in, 31, 56 University staff hypercholesterolemia and 5-yr risk of CHD, 31, 390 Urban environment model of smoking among inner-city adolescents, 31, 107 southern European, trends in social class health inequalities, 31, 691 V Vaccination mass, successful containment of measles epidemic in military in Israel, 31, 649 Validity dietary assessment methods for school-aged children, 31, S11 factorial, of questionnaires measuring social-cognitive determinants of physical activity among adolescent girls, 31, 584 field-based fitness testing in children and youth, 31, S77 physical activity assessment methods used for children and adolescents: review and synthesis, 31, S54 residents’ self-reported cardiovascular disease prevention activities, 31, 241 self-reported prostate cancer screening, 28, 297; letter to editor, 30, 78; reply, 30, 79 Vegan diet lifestyle program based on, lowering of homocysteine levels by, 30, 225 Vegetables increasing consumption among fourth graders, 30, 309
CUMULATIVE SUBJECT INDEX randomized trial of tailored self-help dietary intervention, 31, 380 Vision announcement of availability of low vision booklet, 31, 627 Vitamin E supplementation for men with existing coronary artery disease, feasibility, 29, 112; erratum, 30, 80 Volatile organic compounds in indoor air, personal exposures 1999 best student medical paper in preventive medicine, 31, 631 commentary, 31, 629 W Weight-control behaviors among adults and adolescents, associations with dietary intake, 30, 381 Weight loss health-promoting behaviors of adults with type 2 diabetes, 30, 407 physician–patient interactions regarding diet, exercise, and smoking, 31, 652 Weight reduction counseling correlation with physical activity counseling by health care providers in Israel, 31, 618 Well-being exercise and, population study in Finland, 30, 17 in older adults, relationship to social relations and physical activity, 31, 608 Westernization indigenous peoples, and glycated hemoglobin as indicator of social environmental stress, 29, 405; letter to editor, 30, 438; reply, 30, 439 WISEWOMAN Project North Carolina, cardiovascular disease risk factor intervention in low-income women, 31, 370 Women African-American, overweight and depressive symptoms, 31, 232 American Indian and Alaska Native, breast and cervical cancer screening practices, 29, 287; erratum, 30, 348 cancer screening, importance of health insurance as determinant of, 31, 261 with family history of breast cancer, lower perception of heart disease risk, 31, 714 low-income cardiovascular disease risk factor intervention, 31, 370 smoking cessation, impact of free nicotine patches plus proactive telephone peer support, 31, 68 low-income African-American, predictors of stage of adoption of colorectal cancer screening, 31, 410 native Hawaiian, impact of culturally appropriate intervention on breast and cervical cancer screening, 31, 529 older breast cancer screening: systems model of clinical preventive care, 31, 481
Chinese-American, 60 and older, cultural barriers to breast cancer screening, 31, 575 use of mammography screening, impact of Medicare funding, 31, 658 premenopausal normolipidemic Japanese, hypocholesterolemic effect of soymilk supplementation with usual diet, 31, 308 preventive care use by, feasibility of tailored intervention to improve, 31, 440 previously sedentary young, training effects of accumulated daily stair-climbing exercise, 30, 277 smoking cessation, role of health professionals, 30, 126 young, caffeine intake and bone mineral density, 31, 562 Women’s Health Initiation evaluation of importance of health insurance as determinant of cancer screening, 31, 261 Women’s Health Trial: Feasibility Study in Minority Populations role of participation in, 31, 474 Workers skilled and less-skilled, leisure-time, occupational, and household physical activity, 30, 191 Workplace intervention Australian National Workplace Health Project: design and baseline findings, 31, 249 for excessive alcohol consumption, evaluation, 30, 51 Worksite health promotion and Total Quality Leadership in U.S. Navy, 30, 478 Y Young adults from biracial community, risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus, 31, 1 women, caffeine intake and bone mineral density, 31, 562 Youth, see also Adolescents access to tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs, relative importance of social vs commercial sources, 31, 39 access to tobacco, sociocultural variables: study replication, 30, 433 field-based fitness testing in, status of, 31, S77 Hutchinson Smoking Prevention Project trial, 30, 485 motherless or fatherless from smoking-attributable deaths at ages 15 to 54, and social security costs in U.S, 30, 353 physical activity and nutrition community-based promotion, 31, S138 measuring health environment for, review and applications, 31, S98 opportunities for assessments and interventions, 31, S150 overview of obesity prevention, 31, S1 tobacco use in Massachusetts: effectiveness of state tobacco control program, 31, 287 Z Zidovudine regimens to prevent perinatal HIV transmission in U.S., incremental cost-effectiveness, 30, 64