Dentistry on Stamps

Dentistry on Stamps

D IA G N O S IN G McGraw-Hill Book Co, 1976, pp 352-355. 2. Garland, H.G., and A nning, S.T. Hereditary hem orrhagic telangiectasia: genetic and bibl...

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McGraw-Hill Book Co, 1976, pp 352-355. 2. Garland, H.G., and A nning, S.T. Hereditary hem orrhagic telangiectasia: genetic and bibliog­ raphical study. Br J Derm 62:289-310, 1950. 3. Flessa, H.C., and Glueck, H.I. Hereditary hem orrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu disease). A rch Otolaryngol 103:148-151, 1977. 4. Shafer, W.G.; Hine, M.K.; and Levy, B.M. A textbook of oral pathology, ed 3. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Co, p 145. 5. H odgson, C.H., an d o th ers. H ered itary hem orrhagic telangiectasia and pulm onary ar­ teriovenous fistula. Survey of a large family. New Eng J Med 261:625-636, 1959. 6. Bean, W.B. Vascular spiders and related le­ sions of th e skin. S p ringfield, 111, C harles C Thomas, 1958, p 132. 7. W introbe, M.M. Clinical hematology, ed 6. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1967, p 967. 8. Durocher, R.T.; Morris, A.L.; and Burket, L.W. Oral m anifestations of hereditary hem or­ rhagic telangiectasia. Oral Surg 14:550-555,1961. 9. Gorlin, R.J., and Sedano, H.O. Hereditary hem orrhagic telangiectasia: The Rendu-WeberOsler syndrome. J Dermatol Surg Oncol 4:86-865, 1978. 10. Austin, G.B.; Quart, A.M.; and Novak, B. Hereditary hem orrhagic telangiectasia w ith oral manifestations: report of periodontal treatm ent in two cases. Oral Surg 51:245-251, 1981. 11. Hashimoto, K., and Pritzker, M.S. H eredi­ tary hem orrhagic telangiectasia: an electron m i­ croscopic study. Oral Surg 34:751-768, 1972. 12. Burket, L.W. Oral m edicine; diagnosis and treatment. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co, 1971, p 124. 13. Koch, H.J.; Escher, G.C.; and Lewis, J.S. H orm onal m anagem ent of h ered itary hem or­ rh ag ic telan g iectasia. JAMA 149:1376-1380, 1952. 14. Harrison, D.F. Fam ilial hem orrhagic telan­ giectasia: 20 cases treated w ith system ic oestro­ gen. Q J Med 33:25-38, 1964. 15. Heyde, E.C. Hereditary hem orrhagic telan­ giectasia: a report of pulm onary arteriovenous fistulae in m other and son; m edical (hormonal) and surgical therapy of this disease. Ann Intern Med 41:1042-1054, 1954. 16. Menefee, M.G., and others. H ereditary hem orrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu disease): an electron m icroscopic study of the vascular lesions before and after therapy with horm ones. Arch Otolaryngol 101:246-251, 1975. 17. Hattler, A.B., and Summers, R.B. H eredi­ tary hem orrhagic telangiectasia: report of case and clinical considerations. JADA 103(3):421422, 1981.



Dentistry on stamps

O f the many materials used in the dental office, none is found more frequently than plaster of Paris and dental stone, regardless of the den­ tal specialty. Much work has gone into the production of different gyp­ sum derivatives to allow for uses such as im pressions, investm ents, or model and die materials. Gypsum is a naturally occurring dihydrate form of calcium sulphate (CaS04 •2H2O). Dental stone and plaster of Paris are both hem ihydrates of gypsum. The powders of dental stone and plaster of Paris are chem i­ cally similar and are obtained by heating the gypsum to approxim ately 115 F to remove some of the water of hydration (calcination). Whereas the pow der of plaster of Paris has rough porous crystals, those of dental stone are smooth and nonporous. This difference results from the way in w hich the gypsum is heated and must be taken into consideration w hen the products are mixed w ith water. Plaster of Paris is prepared by heating the gypsum in open air, and dental stone by heating the gypsum in a closed container under steam pressure. The setting reaction is de­ pendent on the type of particles, is the same for both forms, and is caused by a progressive solution of the hem ihydrate in w ater and precipitation of the subsequent supersaturated dihydrate. The setting reaction can be altered by the addition of accelerators, retardants, im ­ proper storage, and changes in mixing time. The m ineral is found in many parts of the world. Greece has recently issued a series of seven stamps depicting some of the im portant m iner­ als m ined in that country. The 8-drachma value shows a chunk of gyp­ sum rock. The stamp is printed in multicolor offset in sheets of 50 by Aspioti-Elka Graphic Arts Ltd. of Athens and was issued on Sept 22, 1980. Hannelore T. Loevy, CD, PhD Aletha Kowitz, MA