Die avertinnarkose in der chirurgie

Die avertinnarkose in der chirurgie

138 AmericanJournalof Surgery Book Reviews By PrivatLiver and the Bihary Tract). dozent Dr. H. V. AIbrecht. Introduction by Professor F. VoIhard. L...

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AmericanJournalof Surgery

Book Reviews

By PrivatLiver and the Bihary Tract). dozent Dr. H. V. AIbrecht. Introduction by Professor F. VoIhard. Leipzig, Georg Thieme, 193 I. Up to the minute in every respect, this voIume at once commends itseIf as a modern textbook on the x-ray examination of the digestive organs and of the biIiary system. The iIIustrations are superb, Ieaving IittIe to be desired. Many expIanatory drawings suppIement the text and the roentgenograms. The striking feature of the work is the adoption throughout of the newer methods of study by visuahzing the gastrointestina1 mucosa with reIativeIy smaI1 quantities of muciIaginous mixture rather than by compIete filling of the various organs with opaque materia1. Some of our readers may not have Iearned that an entireIy new chapter has been written into the x-ray study of gastrointestina1 diseases by seeking to bring out detaiIs of the mucosa of the esophagus, stomach and intestine. Chronic which we thought was a passe gastritis, subject, has been revived and eIaborated since the device of methods for demonstrating the gastric rugae. This book shouId be of vaIue to the physician as we11 as the surgeon, for much space is given to the consideration of functiona disorders as seen on the screen and roentgen Mm. It is refreshing to find a German work with such recognition of American contributions to gastrointestina1 roentgenoIogy. The chapter on the biIiary tract is an adequate presentation of this newer American contribution. DIE AVERTINNARKOSE IN DER CHIRURGIE. By W. Anschiitz, K. Specht, and Fr. Thiemann. BerIin, Springer, 1930. This first textbook on tribromethano1 narcosis, based on the authors’ own experiences and the Iiterature unti1 1930, was pubIished as a paper in VoIume 23 of the “ Ergebnisse der Chirurgie und OrthopBdie.” PubIished as a monograph of 200 pages, it was onIy too soon out of print. The cIaims concerning the efficacy of proprietaries in the fieId of pharmacoIogy, especiaIIy as experimentaIIy controIIed by the manufacturers, have often resuIted in many exaggerations. Anschiitz and his co-workers have successfuIIy tried to evaIuate cIaims of the earlier investigators sponsored by the producers

in the manufacturers’ cataIogue. After describing in detai1 in the introductory chapter the chemistry and pharmacoIogy of avertin, they discuss dosage, the its pre-medication, usual suppIementation, the course of the anesthesia, accidents, mortaIity statistics, and its contraindications. In spite of rapid technica deveIopment in avertin anesthesia since the printing of the monograph, the bookIet is not antiquated and may be stiI1 used as a reference book for experimenta1 and cIinica1 work, as it is stimuIating and reIiabIy instructive. Of course, the chapters on pre-medication and on satisfactory supplementation with IocaI anesthesia, the antidotes, as coramin, the statistics, etc. wouId have to be revised to correspond with the Iater hundred or more pubIications in America and abroad. The unique action of tribromethano1 in the treatment of tetanus, its astounding quieting effect on patients on whom thyroidectomies are to be done for thyrotoxicosis, the smaI1 amount of suppIementa1 inhaIation narcosis required, the very few contraindications to its use, support the authors’ prophecy that we have in avertin a vaIuabIe addition to the list of anesthetics. This monograph besides is of historica vaIue as the first comprehensive criticism of this new recta1 narcosis and as the first textbook on tribromethano1 anesthesia. EINE


This paper-bound treatise of 138 pages, which forms Vol. 68, No. 18 of Acta Chirtqica Scandinavica, is an exhaustive anaIysis of data coIIected during the study of cases of renaI tubercuIosis at the SurgicaI Clinic in Lund between IgoI and 1923. It is a most respectabIe addition to the Iiterature on this subject and presents very compIeteIy the many points in the diagnostic probIem and the probabiIities as to the trends of events on the side of prognosis. Of 155 patients who were nephrectomized, 101 are stiI1 Iiving, 86 of whom are considered cured. Of the 54 who died, 21 died within the first year after operation. Among 36 unoperated patients, 28 died in the first year and 4 are healed in a clinical sense.