Electrodialysis — A bibliography 1975-1985

Electrodialysis — A bibliography 1975-1985

Journal of Membrane Science, 43 (1989) 327-328 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands 327 Book Review Electrodialy...

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Journal of Membrane Science, 43 (1989) 327-328 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands


Book Review Electrodialysis


A Bibliography

Science Relations U.S.$106.00


1975-1985, compiled by E.A. Scheuermann, (SRS), Ohningen, F.R.G., 1988, 284 pp.,

This publication is a literature search of ED-related topics for the period from 1975 through 1985. There are 850 references, most with abstracts or short summaries, taken from the wide range of international journals covered by SRS. A list of books on ED is included, in addition to an ED market statement and table of producers of ED plants and equipment. Most of the text and abstracts are in English, some are in German. Scheuermann makes a good case for the need of a current literature search, due to the lack of a modern monograph on the recent growth of new ionic membranes and membrane processes. Bipolar membranes, composite perfluorinated membranes, electrodialysis reversal, and new food and biotechnology applications of ionic membranes are all represented. The literature search results are divided into 24 chapters. Here are the abbreviated titles: 1. Reviews 2. Theory 3. Membranes for ED 4. Electrodialysis plants 5. ED processing 6. Electrodialysis reversal (EDR) 7. Thermodialysis (high temperature ED ) 8. Applications 8.1. Seawater desalination 8.2. Waste water treatment 8.3. Process water 8.4. Other water treatment 8.5. Metal finishing 8.6. Whey, milk, dairy 8.7. Beverage industry 8.8. Biotechnology 8.9. Other foods 8.10. Other applications 9. ED and dialysis for laboratory use 9.1. Devices and methods 9.2. Donnan dialysis 9.3. Equilibrium dialysis 9.4. Applications in biochemistry, pharmaceuticals, medicine, biotechnology and microbiology


9.5. Applications for laboratory use. The references are cross-indexed with several search words. By using the English to German translation list provided, references can be found in the comprehensive index (in German) with only minor effort by the non-German reader. Industry people will also be interested in the 255page ED patent report and the 53-page ED market study which are published under separate covers by SRS. In summary, Electrodialysis - A Bibliography is a well organized collection of references to recent journal articles on ionic membranes and processes. It is a valuable up-to-date literature search of the electrodialysis field through 1985. BRUCE M. JOHNSON Bend Research Inc. Bend, Oregon, U.S.A.