Euphausiacea (Crustacea) from Tropical West Africa

Euphausiacea (Crustacea) from Tropical West Africa

Oceanographic Abstracts 31 BHATTACHARYA,R. N., 1962. Shallow water effect on wave resistance of a ship moving in a circular path. Proc. Nat. Inst. S...

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Oceanographic Abstracts


BHATTACHARYA,R. N., 1962. Shallow water effect on wave resistance of a ship moving in a circular path. Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. Ind., (A, Physical Science) 28 (5): 820-833. The problem of wave resistance of a symmetrical thin ship moving in a circular path in deep water was discussed in two previous papers (Bhattacharya 1958 and 1961). In this paper the corresponding problem in shallow water has been solved and a resistance formula obtained containing three multiple integrals---fourfold, fivefold and sixfold respectively. A suitable ship model (the same as in the earlier papers) has been taken for which the first two multiple integrals vanish and the third can be completely evaluated. An examination of the resistance for ascertaining shallow water effect has led to the theoretical discovery of a critical angular velocity Qo, analogous to Havelock's (1922) critical linear velocity, such that the shallow water resistance exceeds or falls short of the corresponding deep water resistance according as the angular velocity of the ship is less or greater than ~0. This result calls for experimental verification. BOCQUET-VI~DmNE,J., 1963. Structure du test calcaire chez Chthamalus stellatus (Pol.). C . R . , Acad. Sci., Paris, 257 (6): 1350-1352. L'6tude du test calcaire de Chthamalus stellatus (Poli) montre que la croissance de ce Cirripb,xte Opercul~ ob~it ~t un d~terminisme cyclique tr~s comparable/t celui des autres Crustac~s. BODEN, B. P., 1961. Euphausiacea (Crustacea) from Tropical West Africa. Atlantide Rep. 6: 251-262. The paper deals with twenty-four species many of which are recorded for the first time from West African waters,

BOLTOVSKOY,E., 1961. Foraminiferos de la plataforma continental entre el Cabo Santo Tome y la desembocadura del Rio de la Plata. Revist., Mus. Argent. Cleric. Nat. ' Bernardino Rivadavia,' Cienc. ZooL, 6 (6): 249-346. The foraminiferal fauna from bottom samples collected on the shelf between 21.5°S and 36°S were studied. The total number of species found was 346 (326 benthonic and 20 planktonic). The following species are predominant : Bulimina marginata, Uvigerinaperegrina ( f parvula), Cibicides bertheloti ( f boueana) and Cassidulina eurvata. The following species showed also a rather wide distribution, but not such as the ones given above : Cibicides pseudoungerianus, Nonion affine, Planulina foveolata, Siphonina reticulata, Cassidulina subglobosa, C. crassa ( f media). T h e ' Species number' is an average of forty with a maximum of about ninety. T h e ' Foraminiferal number' is 316 (225 benthonic and 91 planktonic). The analysis of the benthonic, foraminiferal populations leads to the conclusion that the zoogeographical province that could be called subtropical occurs in the region studied from its southern limit to latitude 23°S. The tropical zoogeographical province begins ca. from latitude 23°S. The author reaches several taxonomical conclusions and describes a new subspecies. Bouois, P., 1962. Le cuivre en ~cologie marine. Problemi ecologici delle zone litorali del Mediterraneo 17-23 lugiio 1961. Pubbl. Staz. Zool. Napoli, Vol. 32 Suppl.: 497-514. From published analyses the distribution of copper in the oceans is given. Taking into account percentages of this metal in marine organisms the problem of a deficiency is questioned. Experiments on the toxicity of copper are reviewed. Its effect as an accelerator of larval metamorphosis is studied. BP.~TSCHNEIDER, C. L., 1963. A one-dimensional gravity wave spectrum. In: Ocean Wave Spectra, Proc. Conf., Easton, Md., May 1-4, 1961 Prentice-I/all, N.J., 41-56. A one-dimensional gravity wave spectrum might be interpreted as a frequency analysis of a continuous recording of the sea-surface elevations at a particular point, where the recording mechanism is a blind staff, itself not knowing from which direction or directions the undulations approach. This is of no concern to the recorder since the recorder cannot think for itself. The analysis and the interpretation of the data is the responsibility of the professional scientists. If the spectrum is to be nonlinear, then no higher harmonic components should be present. In nature it is a well-known fact that the sea surface undulations are quite irregular in direction of approach, in the peaks or the maximums, and in successions of zero elevations. There is much use in having a knowledge of the one-dimensional linear spectrum, both in practical engineering works and as a basis for studying actual deviations therefrom as might be required in other scientific problems. The present text is limited primarily to the non-linear, one-dimensional wave spectrum, although it is not always possible to disassociate the non-linear factors. It is not intended to make comparisons of the various proposed wave spectra, which is a separate task in itself. The development of the wave spectra given by Bretschneider (1959) is discussed, together with a brief summary of, and some additions to, the derivation. Although the spectrum of Neumann (1952) is mentioned for illustrative purposes, comparing some of the similarities and dissimilarities with the spectrum of Bretschneider (1959), it is not intended to impede the other proposed wave spectra found in the literature, i.e. Darbyshire (1952, 1955, 1959), Roll and Fisher (1956), among others. A number of seemingly justified assumptions are used to derive the theoretical wave spectrum. These assumptions arc discussed in detail, and a number of computed wave spectra are given to illustrate the principles used in this derivation. No attempt is made to compare the computed