VOL. 67, NO. 12, 2016
ISSN 0735-1097/$36.00
Imaging Coronary Blood Flow in AS Let the Data Talk, Again* K. Lance Gould, MD, Nils P. Johnson, MD
n this issue of the Journal, Ahn et al. (1) correlate
AS. Moreover, the wide scatter provides contravening
an index of relative myocardial perfusion reserve
physiological insights. Although no optimal cutoff of
(MPRI) by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in
MPRI for angina is plotted, the data points plotted in
patients with aortic stenosis (AS) and angina pectoris,
Figure 4 (1) suggest that MPRI at a threshold of 0.9
those with AS without angina, and control patients
identified only 60% of patients with angina, thereby
without aortic stenosis. The results confirm previously
leaving 40% failing to fit the microvascular hypoth-
established inverse relationships of coronary flow
esis for angina in severe AS. Furthermore, w35% to
reserve (CFR), severity of AS, and left ventricular (LV)
40% of asymptomatic patients had MPRI <0.9, again
hypertrophy (LVH) or mass. They sorted data into 3
failing to fit the microvascular hypothesis.
groups in Figure 4 (1): patients with the most severe
Such great scatter with 35% to 40% of cases not
AS with angina, those with less severe AS without
fitting the microvascular hypothesis suggests another
angina, and control subjects with no AS, LVH, or angina
mechanism for angina in AS. As detailed in the
for the expected continuum of clinical AS in Figure 5.
following, previous literature indicates data that the
On the basis of the reduced mean MPRI in the AS-
authors may, or should, have to test the microvas-
angina group, the authors conclude that microvascular
cular hypothesis. However, they did not report the
dysfunction explains angina in severe AS.
critical data, perhaps due to their retrospective anal-
ysis rather than a hypothesis-testing design. Moreover, MPRI is a relative ratio of stress-to-rest upslope of the MRI signal. Therefore, lowered relative MPRI is
likely due to increased resting perfusion associated with LVH and high-pressure workload than due to
Although the mean differences among the 3 groups
reduced stress perfusion. The “why angina in AS” is
are statistically significant, the data overlap is
not new, as addressed in a series of papers and edi-
so great as to preclude predicting who gets angina in
torials since 1997 with cumulative data supporting a potentially definitive alternative answer reviewed in the following (2–11).
*Editorials published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology reflect the views of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of JACC or the American College of Cardiology. From the Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, McGovern
Medical School at the University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, Texas; and the Memorial Hermann Hospital, Houston, Texas.
Let us start with a brief review of coronary physiology
Dr. Gould received internal funding from the Weatherhead PET Center
before returning to the current MRI paper. Hyperemia
for Preventing and Reversing Atherosclerosis and is the 510(k) applicant
of coronary blood flow follows every systole as a rapid
for CFR Quant (K113754) and HeartSee (K143664), for software for quantifying absolute flow using cardiac positron emission tomography
increase in diastolic coronary blood flow after systolic
and analysis, including absolute flow quantification. Dr. Johnson receives
compression, as illustrated in Figure 1 (2). Experimen-
internal funding from the Weatherhead PET Center for Preventing and
tally, the rate of increase in coronary blood flow in early
Reversing Atherosclerosis and significant institutional research support from St. Jude Medical (for CONTRAST, NCT02184117) and Volcano/Philips
diastole is fastest in the epicardium and slowest in the
Corporation (for DEFINE-FLOW, NCT02328820), makers of intracoronary
subendocardium. The time delay in subendocardial
pressure and flow sensors.
after subepicardial hyperemia is significant, even for a
Gould and Johnson
JACC VOL. 67, NO. 12, 2016 MARCH 29, 2016:1423–6
Mechanisms of Angina in Aortic Stenosis
myocardial perfusion in AS before and after aortic
F I G U R E 1 Subendocardial and Subepicardial Reactive Hyperemia
Coronary Blood Flow (% Maximum Mean Coronary Flow)
valve replacement (AVR) (3,4). In patients with severe AS undergoing quantitative PET perfusion imaging
Subepicardial flow Subendocardial flow & peak flow delayed 20 sec
the subendocardial-to-subepicardial perfusion ratio decrease directly with the decrease in hyperemic
100 Average transmural flow 50
diastolic perfusion time (Figure 5 in Rajappan et al. [3]). Follow-up studies after AVR showed a direct relationship
hyperemic diastolic perfusion time, and increased 0
20 Control 90 sec Occlusion
100 120
140 160 180
aortic valve area (4). The relationship of CFR and the subendocardial-to-subepicardial perfusion ratio to
Seconds After Release of 90-Sec LAD Occlusion
the hyperemic diastolic perfusion time before and after AVR indicates that hemodynamic conditions
During reactive hyperemia after brief occlusion, the rapid rise and peak sub-
determine CFR, not microvascular disease. Micro-
endocardial perfusion is delayed by up to 10 seconds after the subepicardial
vascular disease would be expected to reduce
rise and peal perfusion. Reduced diastolic perfusion time of tachycardia plus slow subendocardial perfusion may cause subendocardial perfusion and ischemia. Adapted from Downey et al. (2).
perfusion uniformly throughout the LV wall and remain fixed transmurally without a subendocardialsubepicardial perfusion gradient that is directly related to diastolic perfusion time.
normal heart with a 10- to 20-s delay in peak hyperemia in the 2 different myocardial layers. With tachycardia, the diastolic filling time is reduced, which would impair subendocardial perfusion in a normal heart, but subendocardium vasodilates further to maintain the rapid early diastolic hyperemia. Many factors impede this rapid early diastolic hyperemia including segmental or diffuse coronary artery disease, hypotension, diastolic dysfunction, delayed diastolic relaxation, LVH, AS, sympathetic overdrive, localized coronary spasm, endothelial dysfunction, and rarely myocardial bridges, all separate and independent of microvascular disease. As these hemodynamics or pathophysiologies reduce the rapid early diastolic hyperemia, tachycardia shortens the diastolic perfusion time in direct proportion to heart rate. As the diastolic perfusion time shortens,
INVASIVE HEMODYNAMICS BEFORE AND AFTER PERCUTANEOUS AVR In patients with angina and severe AS, invasive pressures and flow velocities have been measured before and after percutaneous AVR. The impaired CFR before valve replacement immediately normalizes after AVR with immediate relief of angina. This observation indicates that the impaired CFR and angina are due to hemodynamic factors with immediate normalization of CFR and relief of angina when the hemodynamic factors were corrected. These observations rule against microvascular dysfunction as causing the reduced CFR and angina because microvascular disease would not correlate so closely with hemodynamic factors or normalize immediately after valve replacement (8).
there is not enough time between serial systoles for
impeded, slowly increasing diastolic coronary blood
flow to supply the subendocardium with adequate
blood flow. Subendocardial ischemia ensues with angina and ST-segment depression on electrocardi-
The gold standard for microvascular dysfunction is
ography that are directly related to the dual interact-
coronary vascular bed resistance from invasive pres-
sure and flow velocity measurements during vasodi-
perfusion time and slowed early diastolic hyperemia.
lator hyperemia (9). Therefore, one might ask
Therefore, reduced hyperemia or CFR is commonly
whether perfusion alone can uniquely define micro-
due to hemodynamics that are not synonymous with
vascular dysfunction. On the basis of coronary phys-
microvascular disease.
iology, there is an observation on perfusion alone that should differentiate pure isolated microvascular dis-
ease from other causes that reduce hyperemic perfusion or CFR. The clue is absolute subendocardial
Although positron emission tomography (PET) imag-
and subepicardial perfusion and their ratio. Micro-
ing lacks the resolution of MRI, it has clarified
vascular disease should be uniform throughout the
Gould and Johnson
JACC VOL. 67, NO. 12, 2016 MARCH 29, 2016:1423–6
Mechanisms of Angina in Aortic Stenosis
LV wall and uniformly reduce transmural myocardial perfusion
subepicardial perfusion gradient. In contrast, all
The complexity of cardiovascular medicine, e.g.,
other pathophysiologies reducing hyperemic perfu-
imaging, interventions, prevention, medical man-
sion or CFR cause an abnormally low subendocardial-
agement, is so great that expertise derives from
highly focused skills, thinking, and reading. The
reduction in subendocardial perfusion to ischemic
resulting “silos of expertise” are understandable but
low-flow levels associated with angina and electro-
carry great risk of isolation from fundamental
cardiographic changes.
clinical coronary physiology. This incomplete paper
MRI has better spatial resolution than PET suffi-
by clearly experts in the “MRI silo” overlooks
cient to examine subendocardial and subepicardial
essential physiology in the literature, perhaps what a
perfusion in milliliters/minute/gram and absolute
skeptic might call a “physiology silo.” However, the
CFR (10,11). Consequently, one might expect MRI to
latter is basic to life, whereas the former is a tech-
provide uniquely definitive data on perfusion alone
nology intended to see truths in the physiological
to differentiate microvascular disease from hemody-
silo of life.
namic or other causes of reduced CFR by measuring
Nature is a complex of processes and truths that
absolute subendocardial and subepicardial perfusion
care little about our mental silos and preconceptions
correlated with diastolic perfusion times.
from which we view nature. Our task as medical sci-
entists is not dedication to a methodology “silo” but to use that silo of expertise to see nature’s truths, to let the data talk to us, and to tell us nature’s truths for
With current literature as the basis for a potentially definitive MRI study, do the data in the current paper resolve the mechanism of angina in AS? The essential fundamental data not reported are hyperemic heart rate, blood pressure, diastolic perfusion time, subendocardial and subepicardial perfusion in milliliters/ minute/gram, their ratio, and absolute CFR. In the literature, these data explained reduced stress flow, CFR, angina, and their normalization with relief of angina after valve replacement. Perhaps their omission derives from the retrospective analysis as opposed to hypothesis-testing design. Therefore, the conclusion that microvascular dis-
improving our patients lives. With this paper and editorial as a springboard, perhaps another carefully designed MRI study will measure diastolic perfusion time, hyperemic blood pressure and heart rate, rest and hyperemic subendocardial and subepicardial perfusion in milliliters/ minute/gram, their ratio, and absolute CFR. Such definitive physiological data would then be the classic paper on angina in AS that would lay to rest this old question, perhaps worthy of a final editorial integrating the technology of myocardial perfusion imaging
different silos of expertise.
ease causes angina in AS is simply not related to reduced MPRI because no data on the hemodynamic or microvascular mechanisms are reported. Although the
references acknowledge some of the literature on the
Lance Gould, Weatherhead P.E.T. Center for Pre-
topic, the lesson of “let the data talk” (5–7) seems to
venting and Reversing Atherosclerosis, University of
have gotten lost in a retrospective analysis to support a
Texas Medical School, 6431 Fannin, Room 4.256MSB,
preconceived notion rather than measuring data
Houston, Texas 77030. E-mail: k.lance.gould@uth.
designed to challenge the hypothesis as true or not.
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Mechanisms of Angina in Aortic Stenosis
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KEY WORDS cardiac magnetic resonance, exertional angina, left ventricular mass index, myocardial perfusion reserve