Maruriras,4 (1982) 349-35 1 Elsevier Biomedical Press
Book reviews International Bibliography of Social Gerontology: an annotated core list by c...
Book reviews International Bibliography of Social Gerontology: an annotated core list by country: 65 countries, 1500 references. Centre International de Gtrontologie Sociale, 91 rue Jouffroy, 75017 Paris, France. FF 155,- for France, FF 160,- for Europe, FF 175,for all other countries (this includes postage).
Following the recent World Assembly on Aging, this is a work of a new conception which will facilitate a preliminary approach to the problems and achievements in gerontology at the international level. Thanks to the collaboration of specialists from different countries, this publication has tried to respond to two frequently voiced inquiries, the first being “where when research involves countries with an extensive number of do I begin?“, publications in gerontology. The second question is usually “Does it exist and where can I find it?“, when research involves countries where gerontology is a relatively new field and where contact between researchers and specialists working in the field is difficult. For each country, a limited list of basic documents (books and/or articles) is provided under the following headings: (1) Comprehensive documents; (2) Description of the elderly population; (3) Work and the transition from working to retirement; (4) Old age policies and services for the elderly (general policies, pension and income maintenance plans; community services; collective housing and health care institutions; health, the aged and the dependent elderly); and (5) Bibliographies. A list of specialized periodicals is also added to the selection of general reference documents when available. Almost all references published - documents and periodicals - are followed by a descriptive summary in French and English. Publishers’ addresses are also listed at the end of Volume 2 as well as an index for authors and periodicals, making this bibliography a valuable and time-saving reference book. This bibliography in two volumes (about 680 pages) includes 65 countries from all regions of the world: Africa, North America, South America and Asia (Volume 1) and Europe, Oceania and U.S.S.R. (Volume 2).