Statistical and Computational Problems in Drug Surveillance and Health Monitoring (U. Feldmann, Germany) 3. Statistical Computing for Total Quality (P. Erto, Italy) 4. Statistical Treatment of Databases for Business, Banks and Insurance Companies (J.N. Bouroche, France) 5. Database Management: Analysis and Integration of Large Databases (joint with IASS) (Organizer: N.N.) All members of IASC are called for proposing qualified and distinguished authors who can provide excellent contributions to these Invited Sessions.
ember 7 - 141992 The IASRl plans to organize an international Symposium under the joint sponsorship of the IASC, rhe Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, and other national and international societies with main theme on computers in agricultural statistics. Suggested topics are: data from surveys, 1. Collection of agricultural processing of survey data, and software supPan 2. Establishment of databases in agriculture 3. Teaching of topics related to computer applications in agriculture 4. Efficient maintenance and distribution of software 5. Development of expert systems in agriculture 6. Computer graphics 7. Management of centres for computing 8. Computer and remote sensed data The Organizing Committee consists of P. Narain (India), M. Muller (USA, IASC representative), J.E. Gentle (USA), D.M. Alien (USA) and J.S. Rustagi (Philippines).
Further topics for Organized Contributed Sessions have been proposed: 1. Statistical Graphics Algorithms for Nonlinear MuWariate Analysis 3. Computational Needs of Statistical Organizations in Developing Countries 4. Parallel Statistical Computing 5. Packages and Systems Evaluation 6. Non- and Semi-parametric Models 7. Non-Symmetrical Multivariate Analysis. These topics are still open for proposals of organizers as well as contributors by IASC members.
Any correspondence 1agarding IASC programme issues for Florence should be with the IASC representative in the ISI Programme Committee: Prof. E Marubini lstituto di Statistica Medica e Born. Universita degli Studi Via G. Venezia I-201 33 MILANO, Italy Tel. : +39 (2) 706-009-08 Fax: +39 (2) 2362930
International experts will be invited to present papers of the state-of-the-art of each field. Any other participants are called for contributed papers, to be send to: Dr. P. NAFIAIN Director of the Agricuttural Statistics Research Institute Library Avenue New DELHI , 110 012, India (L. Edler, Heidelberg, Germany)
(L Edler, Heidelberg, Germany)
Following IASC members have been nominated and confirmed to serve for IASC in ISI organizations: J.C. Lee (Korea) There have been some final changes in the programme concerning IASC topics. The most current state now is give11below.
for ISI Programme Co-ordinating Committee for the 50th Session in Bejing, China Euriat (France)
IASC will organize 5 Invited Sessions and 7 Organized Contributed Sess;ons for the 45th Session of the ISI in Florence, August, 25 - September 3,
for ;Sl Elections Committee for 1992 . Chambers (USA)
IASC Invited Sessions (and their organizers) are 1.
Object-oriented Approaches for Statistics (R.W. Oldford, Canada)
for ISI Membership Committee ordbotten (Norway) as Associate Editor of the ISI Review (L Edler, Heidelberg, Germany)