Intracardiac ultrasound determination of left ventricular volumes: In vitro and in vivo validation

Intracardiac ultrasound determination of left ventricular volumes: In vitro and in vivo validation

JACC Vol. 24, No. I hly 247 8994:24-F53 are superior because the ~~gi~gra~~~c (7) and tanta ec~~card~~gra~~~c methdards have validated transt ods ...

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JACC Vol. 24, No. I hly



are superior because the

~~gi~gra~~~c (7) and tanta ec~~card~~gra~~~c methdards have validated transt ods of ca~c~~ati~gleft ventricular volumes and ejection availak imthe left ventricle. From the Division of Cardiology and Department of Medicine, Hartford spital, University of Connecticut, Hartford, Connecticut. This study was sented in part at the 4lst Annual Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology, Dallas, Texas, April 1992. This study was supported by a grant Foundation, Hartford, Connecticut. fro 1993; revised manuscript received February 994. 1, Dr. Linda D. Gillam, Director of Echocardiography, Cardiac Laboratory, Hartford Hospital, 80 Seymour Street, Haltford, Connecticut 06115. 01994 by the American

College of Cardiology

ventricle (14). Ah






JACC Vol. 24, No. 1 July 1 :247-53

may be obtained in smaller animal he tained using transthoracic parasternal analogous to thos re therefore edgily suited to volume short-axis views a determinations using Simpson rule algorith of this study, therefore, intracardiac ultrasound volumes with Simpson


mm. The catheters

nation of the ~lt~so~nd

ts of the left ventricle were und, and their volume was acement method. . In vivo studies were anesthetized, intubated pigs (weight 14 to were premeditated with tiletamine byd

was always included as the first slice in the reconstructed volume. es calculatedfrom the intracar-

using least-squares lin pressure monitoringand arterial bl sampling. Ventilatory settings were adjusted in response to blood gas sampling performed at least every 30 min. Femoral vein access was USedfor the intravenous delivery of fluids and medication, and continuous electrocardiographicmonitoring was established to monitor heart rate and rhythm.

cross-sectional area measurements, images from a single heart recorded at 10 short-axis levels were analyzed in duplicate by each of two different echocardiographers. The

es ragged



method of Shrout and Fleiss (17)and by the Cronbach alpha estimate of the reliability coefikietat (18). The reliability refers to the pr~po~~o~of the variation of an observation that is due to section to section variability in

sectional images (at

from3 to



JACC Vol. 24, No. 1 July 1994:247-53


Relation between left ve~t~cul~r volumes de!ermined by iac Mlt~sou~d and latex cast v0~l~rn~~ for ammal hearts eration alone. ~~t~s0~~d images recorded at O.S-cm intervals were used.

respectively). In viva, ~e~lo~yna~i~ variables. There was no sign cant change in heart rate and systemic arterial and I ventricular pressures between the intracardiac ultrasound and angiographic studies. Vo/unre determinarions. When all imaged sections were used, intracardiac ~lt~sou~d v end-systole correlated well with phy (Y = I .04X - 3.6, r = 0.91, end.diastolic and end-systolic values were cons rateiy, the relations we 1.04X - 3.5, r = 0.82, S .3 ml, respectively), alth r correspondence with en

tionswere riot si

ejection &action was des 4. Relation between left ventricular volumes determined by intracardiac ultrasound and latex cast volumes for hearts preserved by formalin fixation tier balloon distention. Ultrasound images recorded at O.S-cm intervals were used.

ic volume (cc)

contrast angiographic

volume (co)

fewer cross sections were

larger error


The choice ofa

of volume calculation acco tion was based on two

ventricle (23). second, the imaging orientaracardiac ultrasound beam yields images ideuited to Simpson rule reconstruction. Aitb~ug~ from int of view of ease of application it might bc to adapt single or biplane prolate ellipsoid a~goritbms to intracardiac ultrasound use because they require fewer component measurements, both the limited field of view and

of ~a~erest~~at~o~

at this

is study is ea titation and The results suggest that more complex an three~d~m~asioaal ~e~oastr~~tive tee construction are not necessary for ac nations in normal ventricles. In additiofl, a study, the ability of disto~ed venlricular

closely to the latex cast volumes b the angiographic volumes is in transthoracic studies. These differences

are ex



the intrinsic diiferenccs in the two imaging techniques and the methods ofvohune calculation.First, even with the high resolution images obtained with high frequewcyintracardiac ic techniquesdefine the endocardialdevices, e innermost prominent trabeculae, blood in ad thus the volume within the muscufar ~~fQldin~s is not considered.Furthermore, the contribution of the left ventricular outflow track to total left ve recognizedby the Simpson rule meth


error ~nbcre~tin an ccc the fact that because the

c ultrasound tech

papWry muscles and trabeculae. dye (19)and the errors inke 20). Finalty, but extrer~~~y art

basis for the correction factors proposed by Kennedy et aP. (16)and used in this study. However, it might be argued that even with use of the correction factor, angio~~h~c volu

as it is at the skia. Thus

is farther removed fro catheter will track t

This study demonstrated a weaker c intmcardiac ultrasound and an systolc than at end-diastok. Thi of end-systolicvaluesavailab

we of trabecular In

s IS most ~rouounced at factors w also reflected in the COE&between ultrasound and angiographic

because systolic contraction tends to obscure

ecauseintracardiacultrasoundvolumes at end-systslewere generallysmallerthan those nxasurc-d the tendency to underestimate end-systolic volumes is due ~u~~~~~I~, the derivedultrasound ejection fractions to the fact that a catheter that is relativelyimmobile throughtended to overestimate their angiographic counterparts. However,althoughmost of the points were closely clustered, the correlationobtainedwasfair (0.69),and the slope was unity. Although encouraging, these data suggest that if this method is to be used for determinations of ejection fraction in the clinical setting, a normal range of values for this technique should be established, and the validation should be extended to include a wider range of ventricular fu . The ability of intravascularultrasound to provide accurate measurements of crosssectionalareas of arteries has been previously demonstrated I21,22), but the importance of a central coaxial catheter position has been emphasized. A coaxial position is important bxause my deviation from this alignment will result in

out the cardiac cycle will result in a disproportionate weighting of smaller apical volumes into the end-systolic volume determinations. it& the current state of the art of the following limitations of this iermination should be noted. First, vices, the field of view provided by intracardiacultrasound catheters is limited and prevents the recording of a full cross-sectional area in large hearts, icularlyat the mitral valve level. At this time, this woul preclude total volume dete~inat~o~s in most adult human hearts and possibly those of smaller animals with grossly dyskinetic segments. However, ongoing technologic advances should ameliorate this problem by providing lower frequency devices. Jt is expected that the optimal frequency

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