67th Ditto, Assistant- Surgeon Doyle to be assistant-surgeon, v Lathian. 2nd West India Rcgt. Hospital Assistant Murray, M.D. to be assistantsurgeon.
Anatomie des Vers Intesti- HOSPITAL STAFF.-Dr. J. Arthur to be I’hysician to the Forces v Den: naux, Ascaride Lombricoide et ecke ; Assistant-Surgeon Prosser, to MeGeant. be assistant-surgeon to the forces, v Ecbinorhyneque moire couronne, par 1’Academie Wharrie, deceased. Royale des Sciences -avec huit Planches, par JULES CLOQUET. Dictionnaire Abregé des TO CORRESPONDENTS: Sciences Medicales Tom. XI.OMV. .MAN. must authenticate. Fodere, Lecons sur les Epide- E. The practice of which PHILLOLOGOS mies et l’Hygiene publique.--- complains is truly ridiculous. We lament that it has become so very freTom. iv. 8vo. quent, and will do all in our power to This work is now complete eradicate it. We can assure F. W. that our rein four volumes. marks on the conduct of Mr. T. have Recherches Experimentales not been too severe ; indeed, when we reflect on the circumstances which sur les Proprietés et les Foncgave rise to them, we feel that we have tions du Systeme Nerveux, dans been particularly lenient towards that Par individual. les Animaux Vertébrés. We highly applaud the benevolent P. Flourens. 8vo. Pp. xxvi. suggestion of HUMANITAS. We wish the plan proposed by the Noble Lord 331. Paris, 1824. .
,could be carried into effect. IrMr.
had any
in his
of’shame or he would,
after having committed such egregious JUST PUBLISHED. blunders, resign that oflice which he Observations on the History now holds to the disgrace of’ the Instiand Treatment of the Opthal- tution. The hints of AMICVS are valuable. .mia, accompanying’ the secon- We shall not fail to turn them to acdary forms of Lues Venerea. count. Correspondent from AbbotsBy THOMAS HEWSON, Esq. To ourwill address a letter in a very A. B. Surgeon to the Meath few days. have to apologise to VERITAS .Hospital, and County of Dublin forWe having mislaid his Jirst letter ; we
bury we
MEDICAL PROMOTIONS. 32d Foot Surgeon Wm. Bampfield to be surgeon, v J. H Walker, M. D.
sorry that he should have experi. enced any neglect; we beg leave, how. ever, to observe, that we never will the integrity of any individual from the statements of anonymous are
communicants. R. of Dublin shall have
Printed and Published by G. L. HUTCHINSON, at THE LANCET Office, 210, Strand, London ; where all communications for the Editor, are requestedto ba addressed (post paid.) This work is published at an early hour every Saturday morning, and sold by all Booksellers in the United Kingdom.