425 AI%D, A HIM3MURA, R eat transfer with malting or freezing.14R. AP. SOC. MECH. EN3RS. BUI/~.NI7 (i04), FEB. 1974, P233- 240.
Underground excavations
426 IL~, BO AD~,DL ACCONHELL, WP tudy of soil freezing in Western Massachusetts nd techr~ques of measurement: paper presented at he Eastern Snow Confereuce 1973. 13R. ASTERN SNOW CONF. PROCE~DINGS, 1973, FT1-91.
427 RADDOCK, C ~rth science investigations: United States Antarctic esearch program for the period July 1,1971-June 30,1972. lef8. ~T. ACAD. SCIENCES-NAT. RES. COU~C IL, WASHINGTON, DC. 1972,44P.
428 IRADDOCK, C ~rth science investigations: United States Antarc;Ic research programme for the period July l, 1972une 30, 1973. Refs. L~T.ACAD. SCIENCES-NAT. RES. COUNCIL,WASHINGTON, D. C. 973,52P.
Hydrogeology '.429 [OZLOVA,NF ~eological model for determining the coefficients )f viscosity and filtration. In Russian. 3R. ~OSCOW. INST. INZHEN. Z ~ k ~ D . TRANSPORTA. TRUDY, V432, .973, PI05-I14.
Sroundwater ;43o LRUTIUNIAN, RN ~owerlng the grourd-water level under complicated k~Iro~eological conditions.-In Russian. 5R. )S~OVANIIA FUNDAMENTY I PODZEMNYE SOORUZHENIIA, ~62,1973, P37-48. description of wells equipped with vacuum pumps for ~ater drainage, and lowering of the table, which are Junk below the levml of undergrourd construction is given. ~431 ,XCKKAMCK,K ~NDO, M ~udles on the groundwater in alluvl~n. 3. She ~stimation of the unconfined aquifer constants ?ore the attennations of the tidal and the river3tage fluctuations. In Japanese. Figs. WIT. SC I. RES. REP. KOCHI UNIV. JAPAN, V21,1972, P329- 340.
See also abstracts: 2348,2523.
2432 ANONYM(XIS Storing natural gas umdergroumd.-The British Gas Corporation plans to store gas in cavities to be formed in thick salt measures a mile underground at Hornsea Yorkshire. 7F. GROUND ENGNG .VT, NS, SE~. 1974,P21-23.
Mines 2433 CSIRO The geomechanics of filled high-rise stopes.28R. PROGRESS REPORT CSIRO-AFPL.GEC~4ECH.DIV.NT,MARCH, 1974, 20P. The r e l ~ covers the pro~ess made~ up to Feb 28th 1974, in an integrated geomechardcs study %o define and monitor the parameters of the factors of safety (in both sand and rock components ) in mining operations involving hydraulically filled high-rise stopes, which is being carried out at the CSA Mine,Cobar,N.s.w. The ~roJect is divided into seven components and a report is given of the progress made in investigating each component. The co~@onents are:- (i) Liquefaction of fill; (2) Bearing capacity of fill; (3) Rock defect structure defined response; (4) Stope wall response; (5) Response of intact rock; (6) Crown pillar dimensions; (7) Large scale rock movement.
2434 INGLES, OG An assessment of mine fill p r o l ~ i e s , Warrego Mine, N.T. 17F,4T, 3R. C. S. I. R. O. DIV. APPL. GEOMECH.TECH.REPORT, N19,1973, 22P. This report offers a preliminary appraisal of the material properties of a local fill pzoposed for use in the Warrego Mine, Northern Territory; and seeks to define significant factors for the stabilization of such fill. Grading, density, additive csmposition and stability to mine water are considered in relation to strength of the natural and stabilized material. These tests are complemented by model studies which seek to reproduce, on a greatly reduced scale, the filling conditions as given. From the model studies, estimates are made of the role of density, moisture content, segregation ard angle of repose (cohesion and friction) in bulk properties of the placed fill. Auth.
Tunnels 2435 LOEGTERS, G Displac~nents during layirg tunnel pipes near to the surface. In German. FigsjTablsjRefs. UNIV. FRIDERICANA, INST. B O D E N ~ . F E L S ~ H . KARLSRUHE, D. N5 9,1974,102P. Model tests have been carried out using transl~rent gelatine as the model ,mterial. The circular tunnel section was excavated mechanically using a special device. The tunnel lining consisted of a thin walled altunlnium tube. Deformations during and after excavation were photogral~nically recorded using two cameras.