398 AN INSANITARY PORT.-The Board of Trade has notice that in consequence, as they assume, of the insanitary condition of the Port of Santop, Brazil, the British Consul there has suggested that no ships should for the, present be chartered for that port. issued
preliminary the ’
, work of carrying out a sewerage scheme is occupying attention of the local board of Matlock, Bath. The estimated outlay is about £9000. It is proposed to carry thej efflnent through Crowford, and join the works belonging to that village. ,
fourth annual dinner in aid of the funds of this institution will take place at the Hotel Metropole (Whitehall Rooms) on Saturday, the 20th inst., at 6.30 P.M., the French Ambassador in the chair, ’supported by the Lord Mayor and the Sheriffs of the City of London.
BRYCE & SON, Glasgow. Tuberculosis and its Successful Treatment. By Robert Bell, M.D., F.F.P.S. 1892. pp. 60. CASSKI.L a COMPANY, London. The Year-Book of Treatment for 1892. pp. 486. Cox. HORACE, "The Field" Office, Bream’s-buildings, London, E.C. Poultry for the Table and Market versus Fancy Fowls. By W. B. Tegetmeier, F.Z.S. 1892. pp. 111. London. KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, & Co., A State Iniquity ; its Rise, Extension, and Overthrow. By 1890. pp. 401. F.R.A.S. Benjamin Scott, LIVINGSTONE, E. & S., Edinburgh. Yellow Fever. A Monograph. By James W. llartin, M.D. 1891. pp. 56. Price 4s. net.
LEWIS, H. K., Gower-street, London, W.C. Coca and Cocaine ; their History, Medical and Feonomic Uses, and Medicinal Preparations. By Wm. Martindale, F.C.S. Second Edition.
pp. 76.
Price 2s.
CHR., Cleveland, 0. CAPE.-The work SIHLER, The Hydriatic Treatment
adding a new wing to this institution has been successfully completed. The wing faces Table Bay, the extension being towards Mouille Point. It is two storeys high. The ground floor is fitted up as a children’s ward. The first floor is divided into twenty cubicles for the nurses. The cost of this addition is 96000.
eighty-fourth-shows a slight increase in the number of in-patients and a decreaRe of out-patient?. The disbursements exceeded the year’s income by a small amount. A special effort, with only partial success, had been made to obtain additional subscriptions. The result of the testimonial to the late chairman, Mr. Gold Edwards, was that he donated the amount raised towards support of a free bed, which will be called after his name. THE CITY OF LONDON TRUSS SOCIETY. The report for the year 1891 is satisfactory. The applicants relieved in the course of the year numbered 9584, bringing up the total assisted since the foundation of the charity in 1807 to 470,829. The year’s total income from all sources amounted to £4370 4sand the expenditure to £5179 6s. 8d. The Society continues to vigorously carry on its good work in the relief of sufferers of all ages from hernia in all parts of the United Kingdom. the
MEDICAL NOTES IN PARLIAMENT. The Opening of Parliament. THE sixth session of the present Parliament began on Tuesday, the 9th inst. There are many important matters affecting the public health and the profession most closely in touch with it already set down for discussion, of various shades of interest and utility, intended to secure to the people better means of living under conditions tending to their welfare. The Queen’s Speech alludes to the establishment of local government in Ireland and the improvement of national education. Among the private members’ Bills already on the table of the House the questions of the hours for labour in shops, in mines, and elsewhere will be introduced by Mr. Provand, Mr. Pritchard Morgan, Sir John Lubbock, and Sir J. M’Kenna. Sanitary improvements are recommended by Mr. Stephens in his Bill to enable local authorities to deal separately with the sewage of their districts ; by Lord H. Bruce, who has tabled a Bill to provide improved cottages for rural labourers ; and by Mr. Knowles, the advocate for the registration of plumbers. Bills dealing with the liquor question have been presented by Mr. Conybeare, Dr. Cameron, Mr. B. Rowlands, Mr. Broadhurst, and Mr. Johnston; while Colonel Kenyon Slaney and also Mr. Quilter have put forward Bills intended to secure the purity of beer. Mr. Mather wishes to give local authorities the power of assisting the hospitals out of the rates, and the Poor-law question receives attention from Mr. Pickersgill, Mr. Cobb, and several other hon. members. Foot-and-Mouth Disease. In the House of Commons on Thursday, Mr. Chaplin, Minister of Agriculture, was questioned at great length as to the outbreak of footand-mouth disease. He explained the steps which had been taken by his Department, and assured the House that he was not without hope of preventing the escape of the disease beyond the metropolitan area. The Influenza. In answer to Colonel Howard Vincent and Mr. Cobb, Mr. Walter Long, who replied for Mr. Ritchie, said that the Local Government Board having been of opinion that a further investigation ought to be instituted with reference to influenza, with a view to discovering its origin and the best mode of checking its fatal prevalence, an inquiry had already been commenced, and was now being conducted by the medical department of the Board with the assistance of pathological and other experts. In reply to further questions. Mr. Long said that if anything should result from the present inquiry, or if the Board should see their way to offer any assistance to local authorities or the general public, they would do it at once and to the very best of their
of Typhoid Fever, according to Brand, Bouveret, and Vogl. By C. 6iblei,, M.D., Ph.D.
pp. 340.
SPRINGER, JULIUS, Berlin. Die Untersuchung des Pulses. Von M. von Frey. 1892. pp. 260. Handbuch der Arzneimittellehre. Bearbeitet von Dr. Theodor Husemann. 1892. pp. 687. Lehrbuch der Geburtshulfe. Von Dr. Max Runge. 1891. pp. 504. Lehrbuch der Untersuchungsmethoden innerer Krankheiten fur Studirende und Aerzte. Von Dr. F. Wesener. 1892. pp. 490. THACKER, SPINK, & CO., Calcutta. Aids to Practical Hygiene. By J. Carter Battersby, ;11.B,, B.Ch. Dab, 1891. pp. 165. THOM & Co , Dublin. Royal University of Ireland. The Calendar for the Year 1892. pp. 389. -
Liverpool Medico-Chirurgical Journal, No. 22, January, 1892’ (Medical Institution, Liverpool, and H. K. Lewis, London); price 3s. Gd.-On the Ambulance Organisation and Medical Arrangements of an English Army Corps in the Field ; by Surgeon-Captain C. J. Addison (J. T. Lemon, Netley).—Influenza, and how to go through it; by Clare Goslett (A. Iredale, Torquay, and Simpkin, Marshall, & Co. London, 1892) ; price 3d.-O Problema Medico-Legal no Processor Urbino de Freitas (Imprensa da Universidade, Coimbra, 1892).-DieMenschliche Stimme : nach Chas. Lunn’s Philosophy of Voice"; von. Ludwig J. Triig (Druck und Komm, Dusseldorf, 1892).—Elektrotherapeutische Studien ; von Dr. A Sperling, Berlin (Th. Grieben’s, Leipzig, 1892).-The Public Health (London) Act, 1891: a Handbook for the Use of House Property Owners; by Wm. H. Blanch (P. S. King & Son, Westminster, and E. W. Allen, London, E.C.) ; price 1s.— National Leprosy Fund : Journal of the Leprosy Investigation Committee ; edited by P. S. Abraham, M. A., M.D. Irel.; No. 4, December,. 1891 (Macmillan & Co., London); price 2s. 6d.—A Portrait Gallery: Our Celebrities ; January, 1892 (Sampson Low, Marston, & Co., London) ; price 2s. 6d.-The Advertiser’s A B C Directory, 1892 (T. B. Browne, Victoria-street, London); price 10s. 6d.-Journal of British and Foreign Health Resorts ; No. 1, new series, January 1892 (i, Paternoster-buildings, London, E.C.); price 1s.—De l’Hydronéphrose Intermittente ; par MM. F. Terrier et M. Baudouin (F61ixAlean, Paris 1891) ; pp. 308.—Quelques Cas d’Hystérie Male et de Neurasthénie; "
par le Professeur Grasset. Leçons Recueillies etPubli6es par le Dr. S. Jeannel (G. Contet, Montpellier, et G. Masson, Paris, 1892).-Das Scheidensekret und seine Bedeutung fiir das Puerperaltieber; von Dr. Albert Doderlein (E. Besold, Leipzig, 1892).
Appointments. Successful applwnts for Vacancies, Secretaries of Public Institutions, and others possessing information suitable for this column, are invited toforward it to THE LANCET Office, directed to the Sub-Editor, not later than 9 o’clock on the Thursday morning of each week for publication in the next number.
BARRETT, W. P., M.R.C.S., has been appointed Medical Officer for the Folkestone Sanitary District of the Elham Union, vice Bateman, deceased.
BAYLEY, J. H., M.B., C.M. Edin., has been appointed Assistant House Surgeon to the Northampton General Infirmary. BROOKS, C., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., has been appointed House Surgeon to the Northern Hospital, Liverpool, vice R. D. Mothersole, resigned. BULLIVaNr, S., L.R.C.P. Lond., M.R.C.S., has been appointed Honorary Visiting House Surgeon to the Mansfield and Mansfield Woodhouse District Hospital. CADMAN, A. W., has been appointed a Demonstrator of Anatomy at King’s Cpllege. CHILD, EDWIN, M.R C.S., has been reappointed Medical Officer of Health for New Maldon.
COLUNGRIDGE, WILLIAM, M.D., D.P.H., M.R.C.S., has been reappointed Medical Officer of Health for the Porb of London. CRESSY, GEO. J., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. Irel., has been reappointed Honorary Surgeon of the Mansfield and Mansfield Woodhouse District Hospital.