473 assistant house-
house-physician house-surgeon, METROPOLITAN HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL physician, assistant house-surgeon, ophthalmic assistant, SCHOOLS. registrar’s assistant, and to become clinical clerks for tWt/ periods of three months each, and dressers for similar period,-. J
1 reduction is made in the case of students who have already ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S HOSPITAL AND COLLEGE. -TheA < a part of their course at an English univiversity. clinical practice nf the hospital comprises a service of 750 completed beds, of which 67G are in the hospital at Smithfield, and 75 The house-physician and house-surgeon receive their board and lodging free, and no payment is made for the appointare for convalescent patients at S wanley. r Gentlemen are admitted to the hospital practice and Four house-physicians, ten house-surgeons, and a mid.ment. 1 lectures each of assistant are them holdrequired by the College of Physicians and Surgeons wifery appointed annually, the Society of the Apothecaries on payment of f45 at ing office for one year, and provided with rooms by therand commencement of the first year of study, C45 at the hospital authorities. The ophthalmic house-surgeon is ap.tthe (commencement of the second year of study, C20 for the for six and for for is re-election a months, eligible pointed and £ 15 for each subsequent year of attendance. The senior assistant chloro-tthird, second term of six months. r formist and junior assistant chloroformist are appointed These payments entitle the pupil to hold the offices of clerk and dresser for three months each, and to annually, and are provided with rooms. No fee is paid for (clinical 1 become a candidate for the offices of medical and surgical and each receives a of these of appointments, salary any r and demonstrator of anatomy and curator ot the f25. The clinical clerks, the obstetric clerks, the clerks toregistrar r These are all salaried offices. The obstetIÌc the medical out-patients, the dressers to the surgical out-museum. is with a salary of £1OO. assistant I resident, and the dressers in the are special departments patients, Prizes.-The William Brown Exhibition of £100 per chosen from the diligent student?. Forty ward-dresserships I tenable for two years, open to any perpetual pupil are given annually to the students who pass the best exami-annum, nation in the subjects of study of the first year. Other(of St. George’s who is under twenty-five years of age, and shall have obtained a diploma or licence entitling him ward-dresserships may be obtained by payment of the usualwho to be registered as a practitioner of medicine or surgery in fees. within two years previous to the period fixed for in England, is the attached to which students A college hospital, 1 the examination (July).). The examination is to test the to the can reside, subject college regulations. of the candidate in Medicine, Midwifery, and Foundation and other Prizes.-Open Scholarshipi! in proficiency J The William Science of the value of i130 each, tenable for one year, willSurgery, including Ophthalmic Surgery. be competed for in September. Candidates must not be Brown Exhibition of £40 per annum, tenable for three years, more than twenty-five years of age for one, and twenty-onefor general fitness for the exercise of the medical profession, for the other, and must ubt have entered to the medical orand for moral conduct, open to perpetual pupils in their year of study. Sir Charles Clarke’s Prize (interest of surgical practice of any metropolitan medical school. Thefourth for good conduct. The Brackenbury Prize in £200 Consols) of examination are subjects Physics, Chemistry, Botany, value nearly £40; the Braekenbury Prize in Surgery, Physiology (not more than four subjects to be taken), and Medicine, nearly £40 ; the Brodie Prize for Clinical Surgery; the Zoology.-Preliminary Scientific Exhibition (founded 1873). value The subjects of examination are identical with those ofAcland Prize for Clinical Medicine; the Pollock Prize in the Open Scholarship in Science. This Exhibition, of the Physiology; the Henry Charles Johnson Prize in Anatomy, value of :E50, is tenable for one year. The Examination is iand General Proficiency Prizes, value 910 10s. each, for confined to students of the Hospital of less than bix months’ students of each year. standing, and will be held in October. The Jeaffreson GUY’s HOSPITAL.—House-physicians and house-surgeons, Exhibition, of the value of ;C50, and tenable for two years, is awarded after examination in the subjects of General obstetric residents, dressers, clinical and other clerks, are Education. It is now an Open Exhibition. A Senior Scholar- selected from the students, according to merit, and without The house-physician, of whom there are three ship, i50, in Anatomy, Physiology, and Chemistry. Law- payment. on constantly duty, one as junior and two as seniors, hold rence Scholarship, and Gold Medal, of the value of forty each, the first two months in the former guineas (founded in 1873 by the family of the late Sir Wm. office for six months Lawrence. Two Brackenbury Scholarships in Medicine and capacity, the other four in the latter. The duty of the house-physician is to attend in the medical out-patient Surgery, i30 each. Junior Scholarships in the subjects of: junior room three times a week, in a room adjoining that occupied of the first :E20. study year : 1st, 50 ; 2nd, £30 ; 3rd, by the assistant-physician for the day, and prescribe for those who are not seen by the assistant-physician. The patients CHARING-CROSS HOSPITAL AND COLLEGE.-Total fees, senior are chiefly occupied in the medical house-physicians jE99 15s., payable by instalments, including the fee of 922s. and attend to all emergencies that may arise in the wards, for matriculation, which involves no examination. Matri- absence of the physicians. They have separate rooms in the culated students pay proportionately lower fees, and are clinical and are boarded at the charge of the hosbuilding, admitted without additional fee to the courses of Clinical of whom there are also three pital. house-surgeons, Medicine and Surgery and to the practice of the Royal on hold office for six months each. During the first duty, Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital. They alone are entitled two months the house-surgeon assists in the out-patient to compete for the scholarships, gold medal, and Pereira department. During the next two months he has the general prize. of the surgical casualty department, and Two entrance scholarships, of the value of JE30 and i20)1 superintendence assists the senior when required ; and subsequently, as respectively, tenable for one year, are awarded annually in senior house-surgeon, he has, in the ab5ence of tne surgeons October, after a competitive examination in the followingIr and sssista.nt-surgeons, the care of the patients in the surgical subjects :—Co?KpMon/. English, Latin, French, or German, wards, and lives during these four months in the hospital, Mathematics ; Optional (only one of which may be selected), being boarded free of expense. The dressers are selected Chemistry, Mechanic", German or French, the subjects being from those gentlemen who have completed their third winter those of the matriculation examination of the University oft and who have been most diligent in the junior London. Candidates must give notice of their intention to) session, They hold office for six months each. Three appointments. compete on or before Saturday, September 20th, 1884.’ are attached to each surgeon. During their week of special Two scholarships are open for competition among the reside in the hospital, and board with the housematriculated students :the Llewellyn Scholarship of :S25,’ duty’theyfree of Two obstetric residents reside surgeons for students who have just completed their second year; and and are boarded inexpense. the hospital. the Golding Scholarship of 15, for students who have just’ Prizes, &c.-Open scholarships of the value completed their first year. The Pereira prize of i5is open1 of Scholarships, 9131 5s. in Arts, Latin, Greek, Mathematics, and modern to all matriculated students, and is awarded annually for thee languages. Open Scholarship of £131 5s. in Science. Subbest clinical reports. The Governors’ Gold Medal is given for r Inorganic Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Physics excellence in clinical work. Silver or Bronze Medals aree jects: will be competed for on Thursday, September 25th). (these the awarded to most distinguished students in all classes. At the end of the bummer session : first prize £50 ; second prize, 925. Subjects: Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry, ST. GEORGE’S HOSPITAL.-Perpetual pupils, by payment t Materia Medica, and Botany, or Comparative Anatomy.of i130 in three instalments, or j6125 in one sum, are For Students in their second year : First prize, £25; second e entitled to admission to the medical and surgical practice ;; prize 910. Subjects: Anatomy, Physiology. The Sands to compete for prizes and exhibitions ; to hold the appointt- Cox Scholarship of 915 per annum for three years. Sub. -
ject :Physiology.
the winter
and be open to all students
Anatomy. For students in their third year: First prize, conditions to those of the Hospital Scholarships. The sub£25; second prize, 910. Subjects: Medical and Surgical jects of examination will be Practical Medicine and Surgery.
Anatomy, Midwifery, and Therapeutics. Fourth year’s The Hutchinson Prize, value £35, will be given triennially students : First prize, £25; second prize, £10. Subjects : to the author of the best essay upon a subject in Clinical Medicine, Surgery, Midwifery, and Medical Jarisprudfnoe. Surgery. Candidates must be full students of the hospital For senior students : The Treasurer’s Gold Medal in Medicine ; the Treasurer’s Gold Medal in Surgery; the Gurney Hoare Prize of £25 for Clinical Medicine and Surgery; the Beaney Scholarship of 30 guineas for Pathology ; the Mackenzie Bacon Prize of 10 guineas for Ophthalmoscopy ; the Mackenzie Bacon Prize of £15 for Nervous Diseases; the Burdett Prize, value 910, for Hygiene. The t’hysical Society awards the following prizes : Two of £5each to the members who send in the best essays on selected subjects ; prizes of £10 and £5for the best papers read before the Society ; and one of E5 to the member who has most distinguished himself in the debates of the sessions.
KING’S COLLEGE.-The physicians’ assistants, the physician-accoucheur’s assistant, the clinical clerks, and the house-surgeon and dressers, are selected by examination from among those matriculated students of the College who Rooms are provided within the are pupils of the hospital. walls of the college for the residence of a limited number of matriculated students. Rooms and commons are provided at the hospital for the resident officers free of charge. Scholarships.-Warneford Scholarships : Two of £25 per annum for three years. Science: One of £50 and one of £25 each for two years. Sambrooke : One of £60 and one of £40 for Science and Literature. College Scholarship : One of £40 per annum for two vears ; one of £30, for one year ; threeof £20, forone year. The Daniell Scholarship, for Chemistry, of the annual value of £20. Sambrooke Registrarships, of the annual value of £50 each, and tenable for two years, are open to all matriculated students who have filled any one of the higher appointments of the hospital, or who have become Associates. The Leathes Prizes, value £7, and the Warneford Prizes, value f40, are given annually amongst the matriculated medical students. Two Medical Clinical Prizes, one of £3for the winter session, and one of £2for the summer session, and two Surgical Clinical Prizes, of .S3 each, are given. The Todd Medical Clinical Prize consists of a hronze medal and books to the value of j644s. The Tanner Prize for Obstetric Medicine, value £10, and the Carter Gold Medal and Priza for Botany, value £15, are given annually in July. -
who have not b?en registered more than ten years. OutSix prize?, of the aggregate Dressers’ Prizes. value of £60, will be offered for competition at the end of the winter session. Candidates must pass an examination in Minor Surgery, have dressed diligently for twelve months, and have passed the Primary Examination of the Royal College of Surgeons. Two Dissection Prizes, valuef:6and .E4-.4.
five resident medical
officers, four of whom are appointed for twelve months, and one, the obstetric officer, for six months, who board free of expense in the hospital. These appointments are awarded after competition, without additional fee. Two demonstrators of anatomy are appointed annually with a salary of £70 and £5O respectively; a demonstrator of physiology at XIOO a year, and a medical tutor at 9100 a year. All these otficers are eligible for re-election. A Demonstratorship in Pathological Anatomy, of the value of £l5, and tenable for six months, will be given by competitive examination in Pathology and Morbid Anatomy, among those students who have completed their third winter session. The holder of the scholarship will assiat the patho. logist in the discharge of his duties in the Museum ani Dead-house. Two Prosectors of Anatomy, and two Assistant Demon. strators of Physiology, are appointed annually, and receive a certificate and £5 each .for satisfactory service in their
respective departments.
All students are required to perform the duties of clinical clerk and dresser during the last two years of their curriculum. Students of the third year and of subsequent years are also appointed as clerks and dressers to assist the physicians and surgeons in charge of the out-patient?. A Maternity Department is attached to the hospital. There are special departments for Diseases of the Eye, the Ear, the Skin, and the Throat, in which clinical demonstra. tions are constantly given by the physicians and surgeons. Seliolctrsltips, Prizes, 9,-c.-Five Open Scholarships in Natural Science, one of the value of f:103, and four of £50 each, will be offered for competition on Tuesday, September 23rd, and following days. In addition to the open Entrance Scholarships, Class Prizes, and usual Appointments, Scholarships will be offered for competition at the end of each year, open to all pupils. These Scholarships are of the value of £20, £25, and .630, for the first, seoond, and third years respectively.
LONDON HOSPITAL AND COLLEGE.-The Medical School of the London Hospital is under the direction of a College board, composed of six members of the hospital staff, and The executive authority is six of the house committee. committed to a Warden. The hospital, which is the largest in Great Britain, contains nearly 800 beds. Laat year the MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL.-There is a special Cancer Denumber of in-patients was 7388, out-patients 62,256. partment, affording accommodation for thirty-three in.The following Scholarships and prizes will be offered for patients, whose period of residence in the hospital is uncompetition during the ensuing winter and summer ses- limited. Classes, open to all the students, are held for sions :-Two Entrance Scholarships in Natural Science, practical instruction in the microscopical examination of of the value of £6O and f40 respectively, will be offered for healthy and diseased tissues, and also in the application of competition on September 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, 1884. The bandages and other surgical apparatus. Students are subjects are Physics, Botany, Zoology, and Inorganic allowed to take out to read at their own homes the books Chemistry. The successful candidates must forthwith be- from the large and carefully selected medical library of the The Museum has recently been rearranged anda come full pupils of the hospital and school, if not already school. entered; and are not eligible to compete for the Buxton complete catalogue prepared of the various specimens. Scholarships :-The two Buxton Scholarships, value £30 and Two Entrance Scholarships, of the annual value of £25 .620, will be offered for competition on September 25th, 26th, and jE20, and tenable for two years, also an Entrance and 27th, 1884. The subjects are those appointed by the Science Scholarship, value £50, are offered for competition General Council of Medical Education and Registration as at the commencement of the winter session. An Exhibition the subjects of the Preliminary Examination. A Scholar- in Elementary Anatomy, Osteology, and Physiology, value ship, value £25, in Anatomy, Physiology, and Chemistry, £10 lOs., is awarded to students at the end of their first year. will be competed for at the end of the winter session by The Lyell Medal is awarded annually for proficiency in first and second year students. The Letheby Prize, value SurgicalAnatomy and Practical Surgery. Two Broderip £30, for proficiency in Chemistry. (At the end of the sum- Scholarships, of the annual value of £30 and ;S20, tenable mer session.) Open to all full students who have com- for two years, are awarded to those students who pass pleted their second summer session up to the termination of the best examination at the bedside and the post-mortem their fourth year from entrance. A Hospital Scholarship, room. The Murray Medal and Scholarships, founded in value £20, for proficiency and zeal in Clinical Medicine. connexion with the University of Abereeen, is awarded (At the end of the winter session.) A Hospital Scholar- every third year to a student of this hospital; it will be ship, value ;S20, for proficiency and zeal in Clinical Surgery. next awarded in May, 1886. The Governors’ Prize of (At the end of the winter session.) A Hospital Scholar- twenty guineas is also awarded annually to the student who ship, value £20, for proficiencv and zeal in Clinical Obstetrics. shall most distinguish himself during his three years’eur. (At the end of June.) The Duckworth Nelson Prize, value riculum. Valuable class prizes are also given, and ten £10, will be offered biennially for competition at the end of resident clinical appointments are awarded, after
competitive examination, to students who have completed their education, and complied with the regulations of the school. The officers thus appointed reside and board in the hospital free of expense. The tutors assist all general student?, especially those who are preparing for examination, free of charge ; and their instruction is arranged with a view to avoid the necessity of students obtaining any private tuition apart from that of the Medical School. The fee for attendance on the hospital practice and lectures required by the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons and by the Society of Apothecaries is 90 guineas, if paid in one sum on entrance. The fees may be paid by instalments- £40, first year; £40,
second year; £20, third year ; £5, fourth year. The clinical clerk and dresser of the physician and surgeon of the week dine at the board-room table, free of charge. A limited number of general students are also allowed to dine at the board-room table. The paid offices of medical registrar, surgical registrar, resident medical otricer, and demonstrator of anatomy are open to qualified men as they become vacant. ___
ST. THOMAS’S HOSPITAL.-Prizes and Appointments for the year 1884-85.-For First-year’s students : Two Entrance Scholarships in Natural Science of the value of £100 and £60 respectively, open to all first-year’s students, will be awarded during the first week in October, after an examination in Physics, Chemistry, and either Botany or Zoology at the option of the candidate; the William Tite Scholarship, the proceeds of £1000 Consols (£30 per annum), is awarded each year; also prizes of jE20 and :E10; summer £15 and £10. For Second-year’s Students: The Peacock Scholarship of 40 guineas, and the Muagrove Scholarship of 40 guineas, are awarded biennially to the students who shall take the highest place in the first-class list in the examinations at the end of the second winter session; they are tenable for two years, provided the holder obtains a place in the first class in the subsequent examinations : making the winter prizes, £42, jE20, and jElO, and the Prosector’s Prize of £5 ; summer, jE15and £10 ; with the dresserships and the clinical clerkships. For Third-year’s students (winter) : Second Tenure of Scholarship £42, and prizes of £20, £15, and £10; summer, i15 and £10. Clinical clerks and dressers are selected according to merit. The Grainger Testimonial Prize of £20, awarded biennially to students who shall be from three to six years’ standing, for the best Physiological Essay, to be illustrated by preparations and dissections ; the next award will be made in 1886. The Cheselden Medal for Surgery and Surgical Anatomy ; and the Mead Medal, for Practical Medicine, are awarded annually to fourth-year’s students. The Solly Medal, with a prize from 10 to 20 guineas, will be awarded biennially to a student of the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth year, for the best report of Surgical Cases. The next award will be made in 1886. The Treasurer’s Gold Medal, for general proficiency and good conduct, is awarded annually to a fourth-year’s student. The house-physicians, house-surgeons, assistant house-physician and surgeon, and resident accoucheur are chosen from gentlemen who have obtained their professional diplomas according to merit, and, with the dressers, are provided with rooms and commons. Two hospital registrars, at £100 per annum each, will be selected from gentlemen distinguished for merit. The medical and surgical casualty out-patients are seen by the resident assistant-physician, the resident assistantsurgeon, the house-physicians, house-surgeons, and dressers, at from 12 to 1 o’clock daily. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON.-The fees for lectures and hospital practice required by the College of Physicians and Surgeons and the Society of Apothecaries during the student’s entire course amount to 125 guineas if paid in one sum, or 130 guineas if paid by instalments-viz., first year 60 guineas, second year 50 guineas, third year 20 guineas. Entrance Exhibitions, of Exhibitions, Prizes, &c.-Three the respective values of £100, £60, and £40 per annum, tenable for one year, are annually awarded, upon examination by printed papers, to gentlemen who are about to commence their first winter attendance in a medical school. The subjects of the examinations are-Chemistry, Physics, Botany, and Zoology. The next examination will take place at the College on September 25th and 26th. The Atkinson Morley Surgical Scholarship of £45, tenable for three years, is annually awarded to the student who, upon examination, is found to possess the greatest proficiency in
Theory and Practice of Surgery. The Sharpey Physiological Scholarship of about £105 per annum, tenable for
three years, for proficiency in Biological Science. Filliter Exhibition : a prize of X30 is awarded annually, in July, to the most proficient student in the class of Pathological Anatomy. An Atchison Scholarship, value about £55 per annum, tenable for two years. The Erichsen Prize, a surgeon’s operating case of the value of £10 lOs., awarded yearly to the student of the class of Practical Surgery who shall most distinguish himself by manipulative skill. The Morris Bursary of jE25 a year, tenable for two years. Besides the above, gold and silver medals and other prizes are awarded in each class. The appointments of demonstrators of anatomy, of resident medical officer to the hospital, and of surgical registrar-all of which have emoluments attached to them-are almost invariably conferred upon students of the
College. Physicians’ assistants, house-surgeons, midwifery assistants, physicians’ clerks, surgeons’ dressers, ward clerks,
and ophthalmic surgeons’ assistants pupils, without additional fees.
selected from the
WESTMINSTER HOSPITAL.-The Hospital contains upwards of 200 beds. There are separate departments for Disease of the Eye, Ear, Skin, Teeth, and Throat, and for Diseases of Women. The Anatomical Museum is constantly There are also a Pathological open to the students. Museum and a Materia Medica Museum. A Curator of the Museum and Pathologist, with a salary of fifty guineas, and a Medical and a Surgical Registrar are appointed annually, each with a salary of 940. Two HousePhysicians, a House-Surgeon, and a Resident Obstetric Assistant are appointed for six months after examination, and are provided with rooms and commons. The Senior House Physician, who is also the chloroformist to the in addition an honorarium of twenty hospital, receives guineas. An Assistant House-Surgeon is appointed from among the senior students ; he is provided with commons at the hospital table. Clinical Assistants to the Physicians and Surgeons, and to the officers in charge of special departments, are appointed from students of the fourth year. Scholarships and Prizes.-The Fence and Houldsworth Entrance Scholarsnip, on alternate years, each f40 a year; and one Entrance Scholarship value £40. The Treasurers’ Prize, an exhibition in Anatomy, Physiology, and Chemistry, value £10 10s., tenable for one year for first year’s men. A Prize of f22s., by Mr. James Black, to the first year’s student who is most regular and diligent in the Dissecting Room. The President’s Prize, a Scholarship in Anatomy, Histology and Physiology, value f21, given by His Grace the Duke of Westminster, President of the Hospital, to student of second year (to be styled Assistant Demonstrator). At the end of the third summer, Prizes of 95each (books or instruments), in Clinical Medicine and Clinical Surgery. Frederick Bird, Medal and Prize, value £l5, to students who have completed their fourth winter; subjects of examination : Medicine, Midwifery, Diseases of Women and Children, and Pathology. Chadwick Prize for General Proficiency, £21 (books or instruments), to the most meiitorious student or students of any year not exceeding the
GREAT NORTHERN CENTRAL HOSPITAL, Caledonianroad. -Consulting Surgeon: Frederick Le Gros Clerk. Physicians : Drs. Cholmeley, Cook, Robert Bridges, Burnet, and Beale. Obstetric Physicians: Drs. Gustavus C. P. Murray and Fancourt Barnes. Ophthalmic Surgery : Mr. R. Marcus Gunn. Surgeons : Messrs. Gay, W. Adams, W. Spencer, Watson, J. Macready, and C. B. Lockwood. Aural Surgeon: Mr. A. E. Cumberbatch. Chloroformist : Mr. George Eastes. Dental Surgeon : Mr. E. Keen. House-Surgeon : Mr. Francis A. Stokes. Junior Resident Medical Ofbcer: Mr. H. M. Sutton. Dispenser : Mr. B. Marks. ___
CHEST, Brompton.—Consulting Physicians : Dr. C. J. B. Williams, F.R.S., Dr. W. H. Walshe, Dr. R. Quain, F.R.S.,
Dr. J. E. Pollock. Consulting Surgeon: Professor John Marshall, F.R.S. Physicians : Drs. E. S. Thompson, C. T. Williams, R. D. Powell, J. Tatham, R. E. Thompson, and F. Roberts. Assistant-Physicians : Drs. T. H. Green, J. M. Bruce, J. Fowler. P. Kidd, C. Y. Biss, and C. T. Acland. Pathologist: Dr. P. Kidd. Dental Surgeon : Mr. C. J. Noble.
Resident Medical Officer : Dr. H. D. Waugh. Secretary : Mr. H. Dobbin.-Three Clinical Assistants reside in the hospital for a period of six months. Pupils are admitted to the practice of the hospital: terms JE33s. for three months ; perpetual, £5 5s. The medical practice of the hospital is reco. gnised by the University of London, the Apothecaries’ Company, and the Army and Navy and Indian Medical Boards. The hospital contains 192 beds. 137 additional in the new extension building. ROYAL HOSPITAL FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEST, City-
road, E.C.-Established
26 beds.
Consulting Phy-
Messrs. Hepburn, Woodhouse, Gregson, Hutchinson, Moon, and Canton. Assistant-Surgeons : Messrs. Read, Under. wood, Claude Rogers, Parkinson, Storer Bennett, and TrnChloroformists : Messrs. Braine, Bailey, Bird, and man. Mills, House-Surgeon : Mr. Buckland. Assistant House. Surgeon ; Mr. King. Medical Tutor : Mr. W. Paterson, The winter session wilt commence October lst. All com. munications to be addressed to Mr. Morton Smale, Dean. SEAMEN’S HOSPITAL (late Dreadnought), Greenwich, S.E. This institution is established for the relief of seamen of all nations. Casualties are received at all hours. Apartments are provided in the house of the Principal Medical Officer for students and others who may be desirous of studying diseases incidental to tropical climates before entering the services or going abroad. Taere is a House-Physician and
sicians : Drs. Herbert Davies and HoraceDobell. Physicians : Drs. P. J. Hensley, Gilbart-Smith, and D. W. Finlay. Assistant-Physicians: Drs. W. Murrell, W. H. White, and J. J. Pringle. Consulting Surgeon : Mr. Jonathan Hutchinson. Surgeon : Mr. Pearce Gould. House-Physician : a House-Surgeon. Honorary Consulting Physicians: Dr. Mr. Halpin. In-patients, 576; out-pa.tiet cases, 7432. Robert Barnes, F.R C.P., and Dr. Richard Quain, F.R C.P. This hospital has recently been enlarged by the addition of Visiting Physicians : Drs. John Curnow, F.R.C.P., and a very complete new out-patients’ department, and wards R E. Carrington, M.R.C.P. Honorary Consulting SUIfor 14 additional in-patients ; and is now being still further geon : Mr. George Busk, F.R.C S., F.R S, &e. Visiting enlarged by the addition of wards for about 60 more in- Surgeon : Mr. G. Robertson Turner, F.R.C S. Medical patients. The office of house-physician, tenable for six Officer, Well-street Dispensary: Mr. E. Muirhead Little, months, and for which a sum at the rate of jE80 per annum M.R.C.S. Principal Medical Officer : Mr. W. Johnson is voted in lieu of board, is filled up in April and October. Smith, F.R.C.S. Secretary : Mr. W. Thomas Evans. THE HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN, Great Ormond. NATIONAL HOSPITAL FOR THE PARALYSED AND EPILEPTIC, Qlleen-square, Bloomsbury.-The new hospital, street, Queen-square, W.C., and Cromwell House, Highnow in course of building, will contain £180 beds and cots. gate. -Pnysicians : Drs. Sturges, Gee, and W. B. Coeadie. The physicians attend every Moaday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Assistant-Pnysicians : Dfs. R. J. Lee, Thomas Barlow, and Friday, at 2 30 P.M. In- and out-patients’ practice and D. B. Lees, Montagu Lubbock, and Abercrombie. Sur. electrical room treatment at that hour. Physicians: Drs. geons :-Mr. Howard Marsh, Mr. Edmund Owen, Mr. J. H. Ramskill, Radcliffe, Hughlings Jackson, and Bnzzard. ’, Morgan, Mr. Bernard Ptts, and Mr. Arbuthnot Lane, Physicians for out-patients: Drs. H. Charlton Bastian, W. Ophthalmic Surgeon: Mr. R. Marcus Gunn. SurgeonR. Gowers, and Ferrier. Assistant-Physicians : Dr.;. Orme- Dentist: Mr. A. Cartwright. Secretary: S. Whitford, rod and Beevor. Surgeon : W. Adams, F.R.C,S. Resident Tnere are now 121 beds in the hospital, Gceat OrmondMedical Officer and Registrar : J. Oliver. street, and 52 beds at the country branch ; total 173 In. ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL, MOORFIELDS. patients last year, 943 ; out-patients, 14,700. The practice The hospital, founded in 1804, and considerably enlarged at the hospital has recently been thrown open gratuitously in 1876, now contains 100 beds for patients, which were to the pupils of the different hospitals and medical schools occupied during last year by 1988 persons. The out-patients of London on conditions which may be ascertained of the are are
Secreta,ry. QUEEN CHARLOTTE’S LYING-IN HOSPITAL, Marylebone. road, London, W.-Physicians to the iu-patients : Drs. Hope and Chapman Grigg. Tnis hospital has been recently enlarged and is in full operation. It receives nearly 700 patients annually, besides having a large out-patient maternity. The pupils are permitted to see the practice in both departments. Medical pupils are received at all times of the year. Papils enjoy unusual opportunities of seeing obstetric complications and operative midwifery, on account of the very large number of primiparous cases-upwards of
furnish further information, as may be desired. ROYAL WESTMINSTER OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL, 19, King William-street, West Strand.—The hospital contains 50 beds; and the patients, who number 10,000 annually, are The seen and operations performed daily at two o’clock. following are the days of attendance of the surgeons : Mr. Power, Monday and Friday; Mr. Rouse, Tuesday and Saturday ; Mr. Macnamara, Monday and Thursday; Mr. Cowell, Wednesday and Saturday. The practice of the hospital is open to students. Feea for six months, jE33s.;; perpetual, £55s. Students of the bospital are eligible for the post of house-surgeon. Special Demonstrations and Lectures will be given during the session. Secretary, Mr. T. Beattie-Campbell. ROYAL ORTHOPEDIC HOSPITAL, 297, Oxford-street.Surgeons : Messrs. B. E. Brodhurst, H. A. Reeves, Charles Read, and William E. Balkwill. House-Surgeon : Mr. H. F. Baker. Secretary : Mr. Maskell. Operations on Mondays at 2 P.M. The hospital is open to all legally qualified practitioners. Pupils are admitted to witness the practice of the hospital on the following terms : Six months, j633s.; twelve month, £55s.; perpetual, £10 10s. DENTAL HOSPITAL OF LONDON MEDICAL SCHOOL, Leicester-square. -Lectures are delivered in winter on Mechanical Dentistry, by Dr. J. Walker, on Wednesdays at 5 P,M. In summer, by Mr. Coleman, on Dental Surgery and Pathology, on Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 A.M., and by Mr. Arthur Underwood, on Dental Anatomy and Physiology (Human and Comparative), on Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 8 A. M..Fees.’General fee for special lectures required by the curriculum, fl5 15s.fee for two years’ hospital practice required by the curriculum, jgl5 15s. ;total fees for lectures and practice, £31 10s. Hospital Surgeons :
given on the more important cases that present themselves in both departments. Certificates of attendance at this hospital are received by all universities, colleges, and licensing bodies; and a diploma is granted in midwifery. Monthly nurses and midwives are received for training. For further particulars, application should be made to the Secretary, at the hospital.
yearly over 20,000; attendances, 121,190. Operations performed daily from half-past ten to one o’clock, and three surgeons attend on each day : Mr. Streatfeild, Mr. Waren Tay, and Mr. Adams, on Monday and Thursday; Mr. Lawson, Mr. Couper, and Mr. Tweedy, on Tuesday and Friday; Mr. Hulke, Mr. Nettleship, and Mr. Gunn, on Wednesday and Saturday. Students are admitted to the practice. Fees for six month?, 933s. ;perpetual, E55s.; with admission to demonstrations and lectures, to be given during the winter. Students of the hospital are eligible for the office of house-surgeon, or may be appointed clinical assistants. The Secretary, Mr. Robert Newstead, will
three-fourths of the total admissions.
Clinical instruction is
Waterloo-bridge-road.—Instituted 1816. Consulting Phy. sicians : Dr. Wilks, Dr. John Williams. Consulting Surgeons : Mr. J. Cooper Forster, Mr. Edwin Canton. Physicians : Drs. W. A. Dunca.n, W. B. Haddon, W. Park, and G. Gulliver. Surgeon: Mr. H. C. Jacobson. AssistantSurgeon : Mr. E. Overman D,iy. Surgeon Dentist: Mr. W. Whitehouse.
Resident Medical Officer : Dr. Sunderland.
Secretary: Mr. R. G. Kestin. Advanced students in medicine, and such practitioners as may desire it, are permitted to attend the practice of this hospital gratig. If a certificate signifying such attendance be required, the sum of £55s. must be paid to the physicians and surgeons in ordinary conjointly. HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN, Soho-square, W.-Physicians : Drs. Protheroe Smith, Heywood Smith, C. H. Carter, Richard T. Smith. Assistant-Physicians : Dr. E. Holland, Mr. J. A. Mansell Moullin, Dr. Bedford Fenwick, Dr. James Oliver. Surgeon : Mr. H. A. Reeves. AssistantSurgeon : Mr. S. Osborn. Registrar : Dr. Bedford Fenwick. Anæsthetist: Dr. Dudley Buxton. Pathologist: Dr. James
Oliver. Clinical Department.-Qualified medical men, students of three years’ standing, are appointed for terms of three months, to act as assistants to the Physicians and Surgeons of the in- and out-patients’ departments. Thorough practical
Gynæcology can be thus obtained. The inpatients in 1883 numbered 573, the out-patients 4980. Two instruction in
are offered annually for competition. Clinical lectures are given on alternate Thursday afternoons throughout the winter session. Fee for a three months’ course three guineas.Auy further information can be obtained by letter to the Registrar at the Hospital. VICTORIA. HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN, Chelsea. S.W., and Churchfields, Margate.-The Hospital contains 60 beds and 12 at the home at Margate; and has a large out-patient department (over 500 weekly). Physicians : Dr. Julian Evans and Dr. Ridge Jones. Physicians to the out-patients: Drs. Aibsrt Venn, T. Colcott Fox, F. D. Drewitt, and Henry Philpot. Surgeon : Mr. Cowell. Surgeons to the out-patients: Messrs Churchill and Walter Pye. Dental Surgeon: Mr. Francis Fox. House - Surgeon : Henry Blatherwick. Registrar: John A. Shaw. Secretary: Captain W. C. Blount, R.N. Out-patients ara seen daily as under:-Medical cases: Daily, except Saturday and Sunday, at 9 A,M. ; also on Mondays and Thursdays at 1.30. Surgical cases : Daily, except Monday and Thursday, at 10 A.M. Dental cases : Saturdays at 9 A.M. EAST LONDON HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN AND DISPEN-
valuable prizes
WOMEN, Shadwell, E.-Consulting Physicians :
Dr. Robert Barnes and Sir Andrew Clark, Bart., M.D. Consulting Surgeon : Mr. Buxton Shillitoe. Consulting Ophthalmic Surgeon : Mr. George Cowell. Physicians : Dr. Eustace Smith, and Mr. Horatio B. Donkin. Surgeons: Mr. Arthur Cæsar and Mr. H. A. Reeves. Assistant Physicians : Mr. R. W. Parker, Dr. H. Radcliffe Crocker, and Dr. G. N. Pat. Administrator of Anæsthetics: Mr. Thomas Bird. Medical Officer: Mf. J. Scott Battams. Secretary : Mr. Ashton Warner. The hospital contains 92 beds, besides
since forgotten; (2) beginners entering upon their medical studies by a short term of apprenticeship. For the former, rapid advance classes, complete in three months, but stiil thoroughly practical, are provided ; and for the latter, when required, more elementary classes of six months’ duration. dissecting-room is open daily. The Physiological Laboratory is fitted up with the requisites for practical work, and every effort is made to render the teaching thoroughly practical and demonstrative. The operations of surgery are all performed on the dead body by the students. Private address: 16, Woburn-place, Russell-square. SCHOOL OF PHARMACY OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN. -Lectures On Chemistry and PnarmRcv by Professor Redwood, Ph.D., F.I.C., F.C.S" and Mr. W. R. Dunstan, F.C S Botanv and Materia Medica by Professor Bentley, M.R.C.S. Eng., F.L S. Practical Chemistry, Professor John Attfield, Ph. D., F. R S., F.I.C., F.C.S., Director of the Laboratories; F. W. Short, Demon. strator ; E. J. Etstes, Assistant- Demonstrator. The session commences on Wednesday, October 1st, at 9 A.M. Application for admission to the School, or for further information, may be made to the professors or their assistants in the lecture theatre or laboratories, 17, Bloomsbury-square, London, W. C.
BATH ROYAL UNITED HOSPITAL.-120 bed?. Honorary Consulting Physician: Dr. Crates. PhysiciansDrs. Good. ridge, Cule, and Fox. Surgeons: Messrs. Stockwell, Fowler, and Freeman. Assistant-Surgeons : Messrs. Green, Scott, 10 beds iu an infirmary for nurses and children who require and Ransford. Honorary Medical Officers for Out-patients: isolation. Dr. Field, and Messrs. Cowan and Craddock. Dental SurWEST LONDON HOSPITAL, Hammersmith-road, W.-By Mr. Gaine. Pathological Registrar and Curator : In geon : a recent enlargement this hospital hat now 100 beds. H. Culliford Hopkins. The hospital is recognised by Mr. 1882 (47 beds), 678 in patients and 13,503 out-patients were the General Medical Council, and licensed for dissection. It treated. There are two appointments of House-Surgeon, has a good library and an excellent museum, containing a each tenable for six months, salary £80 per annum, no number of interesting specimens, both in Pathology large board. A new one of Registrar, honorarium, £25 per and Comparative Anatomy. A year spent at the hospital annum. Also appointments for a limited number of clinical counts as one out of the four required before qualifying for Assistants. Physicians : Drs. G. Goddard Rogers, J. C. practice. Fees for attending the hospital practice, six Thorowgood, D. W. C.. Hood. Physician for Diseases of months, X5 months, £10 10s. Instruction in Women: Dr. Alfred Wiltshire. Surgeons : Messrs. Bruce Practical 5s. ;twelve5s. The number of patients ad=E5 Pharmacy, Clarke, C. B. Keettey, and F. Swinford Edwards. Surgeon mitted during the past year was 1053 ; out-patients 8914. for Diseases of the Eye : Mr. B. J. Vernon. Secretary : to the Registrar and Curator. For further particulars apply Mr. It. J. Gilbert. A Preparatory School of ’Medicine has recently been opened in connexion with this hospital and a definite Course QUEEN’S COLLEGE, BlRMlNGHAM.—The Sands Cox Prize, of Practical Instruction is now offered to students who of the value of E20, is offered annually in the Medical Dewish to prepare themselves for either one of the medical partment. It is open to students who have completed their schools of the metropolis. The objects now aimed at are : curriculum, and is awarded after examination in Medicine, 1. To give in a more complete and systematic manner than Surgery, and Midwifery. The examination for this prize in has heretofore ever been attempted all the advantages of 1885 will be held in the last week in March. Two Ingleby a year’s pupilage at a first-class provincial infirmary or Scholarships will be offered annually after examination in county hospital. 2. To give instruction in Natural Science. Obstetric Medicine and Surgery, and Diseases of Women 3. To give commencing medical students an early insight and Children. The Scholarships are open to students who into medical work, so that they may, without needless loss have completed the first two years of their curriculum in of time or money, b-- able to judge whether or not they have this College. One or more Sydenham Scholarships will be chosen the right profession. Instruction will be given in the offered annually, of the value of thirty guineas each. The following subjects: -Elementary Medicine, Elementary orphan sons of former students of the Birmingham Medical Surgery, Elementary Pnysiology and Histology, Materia School shall have priority of election. No Sydenham scholars Medica and Pharmacy, Osteology, Physics, Chemistry, and shall be elected whose age exceeds twenty-three years on the Botany. day of election. The Scholarships shall be held for three One or more Queen’s EVELINA HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN, Southwark- years, subject to good behaviour. bridge-road, S.E.-Consulting Physician : Dr. W. S. Play- Scholarships will be offered annually of the value of thirty fair, Consulting Surgeons : Mr. Prescott Hewett and Mr. guineas. They are held for three years, one third being paid W. Morrant Baker. Physicians : Drs. Fred. Willcocks, F. each year, subject to good behaviour. Students of Queen’s Taylor, N. 1. C. Tirard, James Goodhart. Surgeons : College are qualified to compete for all Scholarships, gold Messrs. H. G. Howse, R. Clement Lucas, and C. J. Symonds. medals, and other prizas offered by the University of London, Ophthalmic Surgeon : Dr. W. A. Brailey. Dental Surgeon : the Royal College of Surgeons, and the Apothecaries’ Society. THE GENERAL AND THE QUEEN’S HOSPITALS, BIRMINGMr. Newland Pedley. House-Surgeon : Dr. W. H. C. HAM.-The General Hospitat.-Consulting Physician: Dr. Newnham. Hon. Secretary : Dr. I. Dobree Chepmell.’ THE ALL SAINTS CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL, Margaret- Fletcher. Consulting Surgeons : Mr. Crompton and Mr.
street, W.-Twelve heds ; chiefly for Chronic Joint Diseases. Baker. Phvsicians : Drs. Russell, Wade, Foster, and Founded by the All Saints Sisterhood. Surgeon: Mr. Noble Rickards. Surgeons : Messrs. Pemberton, Bartleet, Jolly, Smith.
and Chavasse. Obstetric Officer : Dr. Malins. AssistantMR. TSOMAS COOKE’S SCHOOL OF ANATOMY, PHYSIO- Physicians : Drs. Saundby and Sioion. Assistant-Surgeons : LOGY, AND SURGERY.—This school is intended to meet the Messrs. Archer and Haslam.—The Queen’s Hospital: Conrequirements of two distinct classes of students-i.e., (1) sulting Obstetric Surgeon : Mr. Berry. Consulting Surgeon : Advanced students and qualified practitioners, who may Mr. S. Gamgee. Phvsicians : Drs. Sawyer, Carter, and Hunt. wish either to extend their knowledge of the foregoing sub- Surgeons : Messrs. Furneaux Jordan, Wilders, Bennett May, jects or to recall to mind what they once knew and have and Lloyd. Obstetric Surgeon : Mr. John Clay. Ophthal.