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Network news

NETWORK NEWS Nt/llcy Bt/.tJllt/ll, RN, eRNI pring has swung its way into the Great Lakes Region, and in typical Michigan fashion the weather changes ...

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NETWORK NEWS Nt/llcy Bt/.tJllt/ll, RN, eRNI

pring has swung its way into the Great Lakes Region, and in typical Michigan fashion the weather changes from day to day. But for all who boat and swim, the warm days of sununer are greatly anticipated! One thing that has not changed is the importance of 10c":I1 NAVAN Networks and the benefil' of participation. As a preeminent professional association, we


over the reins to incoming President-

Adirondack Area Vascular Access Network

Elect Lea Mason, RN, CRN!. Lea hails from Glensfalls Haspilal, in Glen,falls, NY. We thank you Vivian, for your leadership and commitment to local NAVAN

Vivian Whitehead BSN, RN - President (518) 793-6296

of design, utilization and clinical han-

dling of safer devices, and it would seem that our patients sland only to benefit from our ability to deliver care using new and improved technologies. NAVAN Networks work to educate you,

the topic of women's health and this year they will hear a presentation on therapeutic touch. Vivian Whitehead repons that she is rounding out her

tional health industry professionals. We serve to enhance the care of persons

requiring infusion devices through our collaborative efforts in education and research. This has never been more

important in light of legislation enacted in the United Slates last fall. The legislation certainly has impacted the process

the year is tied into a topic related to

the professional, as well as protect our

patienl'. Recall that a Network is a group of NAVAN members who hold regular meetings. The structure and function of Networks are determined by its local members. Our organization serves to promote conununication and a conunon underslanding among indUSlty, clinicians and patients unlike any other professional group. We are unique! Be sure to attend the NAVAN Networks

breakfast at our upcoming annual meeting. We will meet on Monday, September 17th, for breakfast and to report on our local activities and exchange success stories from all corners of the world. Please check out the meeting's program schedule and plan to attend. Anyone interested in local Network activities is welcome-even if you are j\.l!)t one person thinking about a Network! In the meantime, here is a short description of what is happen-

ing at the localleve1:



Sum mer

Networks, and we welcome Lea as the

new ADVAN President. The Adirondack Network's local logo describes it all: "Soaring to New Heights of Practice." Current President Yivian Whitehead reports that over the last year their Network's emphasis ha, been on topics having a collaborative relationship to infusion practice, such as sentinel node biopsy, lithotripsy, and Hepatitis C to name just a few. (They meet 6 times a yearl!) On Tuesday, May 15th, the Network will gather for their final dinner meeting for this term of office. Tmrutionally, the last meeting of

are made up of national and interna-

year as Network President and will turn


2 0 0 I

BAVAN Bay Area Vascular Access Network Jan Dillion, RN - President

(415) 721-2273

BAVAN, along with Slanford Hospilal and Clinics, will present a one day educational event focusing on "ProblemSolving Vascular Access Complications" on Wednesday, June 27, 2001. Our NAVAN national President Lynn Hadaway, MEd , RNC, CRN!, will speak on the topic of "Vasmlar Access: Risks, Complications and Casl'," while Kathy

NETWORK NEWS Nallcy Ba,qllal!, RN, eRN! Kokotis, BSN, MBA, will address new trends in vascular access and "Infusate Properties: Drug pH and Osmolarity," Jim Lacy, RN, CRN!, takes on "When Your Vascular Access Device Let's You Down" as his edUt:.:ational presentation

of the day, Each of these educators is highly respected in their area of practice, The collaborative efforts of BAVAN and Stanford are an excellent example of a NAVAN Network teaming up with a local institution in order to promote tl,e practice of infusion therapy, Congramlations to all involved in this endeavor'

CALVAN Northern California Vascular Access Network Nina Elledge, RN, Network President (510) 727-0540 CaIVAN North is looking forward to a

vety productive second year. They had over 60 members at the end of last year and are looking for more! So far this year, their Website planning is progressing, and they hope to have www,caJvan,org up and running by late summer or early fall, While they are hard at work, Nina reports "there just doesn't

seem to be enough hours in the day," CalVan also launched their first Newsletter in January, It was very well received by the members and will be published quarterly, Current plans are coming together for a Remicade presentation sponsored by Centocor, Thanks to Nina and her team of CalVAN Network folks for all their diligent efforts!

OCVAN Orange County Vascular Access Network Sue Hegarty RN - President (714) 294-9727

On June 13th, OCVAN will host an

educational evening program and welcome Jim Lacy, RN, nationally known educator, for a presentation

entitled "When Your Catheter Lets You Down". This interactive progrdm has proven to be very popular with clinicians working with infusion devices of all kinds, In May, three members of OCVAN, Don Moore, Pat Dobbs and Josie Stone staffed a NAVAN booth at the AACN (Critical Care Nurses)

filtration, Michigan is a learning and eating Network, so our journal club format is always centered around both a good meal and great conversation, We love to learn, but also highly appreciate the Networking forum these gatherings provide, We are very grateful to our sponsors for support of our learning needs,

annual conference at the Anaheim


Convention Center, They were fortunate to also be joined by the newly appointed NAVAN Executive Director Mary Lea Nations. Having a display

Utah Vascular Access Network Carolyn Montgomery - President

booth to present our organization to

(801) 352-2724

other professional organizations was a new venture and proved very successful. There was a great deal of

Carolyn reports they will host a May Networks meeting with Christy A, Price-Rabetoy RN, MSN, FMP, addressing the topic of "Renal Disease and the Patient's Life Line - VAD and Dialysis," The location of the meeting will take place at the VA Hospital in Salt Lake City. UVAN greatly appreciates the continued, generous support of BectinDickinson for this meeting, as well as the prior meetings held over the last

interest in a multi-disciplinary vascular

access group and particularly how it can offer benefits to other professionals groups and specialties.

MVAN Michigan Vascular Access Network Nancy Bagnall RN, eRNI - Facilitator (734) 913-6175 Michigan continues to meet with a

several years. lNAN meets on a monthly basis and typically has 20 to 25 attendees, Terrific work UVAN!

Other Networks and Contacts:

journal club format. Our last meeting focus was on outpatient treatment of

DVT, with Paul Derderian, MD, speaking on the care required to promote positive clinical outcomes with these

patients, Aventis Pharmaceuticals provided a lovely dinner meeting setting for the twelve nurses and pharmacists that attended, We will meet again in mid-June for a presentation on TPN Nutritional Impact, with sponsorship provided by Ross, Our fall meeting will take place in Ann Arbor where we will have a tour of a parenteral therapy filter production area and learn more about the clinical and economic benefits of add-on or end-line

Other Networks in the process of forming are in Central Calif9rnia (inclusive of Bakersfield, Tulare, Visalia, Fresno to the North Valley) as well as Hawaii. Dan Tovar, who is coordinat-

ing the Central California effort, is looking for people who are interested in local Network development, He may be reached at (559-226-3650), Our Hawaii connection is still in the pro-

cess of info gathering, Stay tuned for more on that Network in future issues!
