ability to teach the Pyramid and utilize it themselves as they make food choices. Overall, The Kid's Club Cubs and the Search for the Treasures of the Pyramid is a delightful tool for either parents or educators to use as they teach young children about choosing foods for a healthful diet. Not only is the story book itself worthwhile, but teachers in particular will find the reproducible activity and song sheets very usefuL Noteworthy Creations also offers a "classroom pack" containing one book, one tape, and 25 puzzles. Since it is not always possible to have a parent or teacher present to read the story or lead songs, the accompanying cassette tape can let youngsters enjoy the materials on their own. Carol E. Hedd(k , MS, RD, Nutritionist, Krqft Foods, IlIl., 555 S. Broadrvay '1"22-1,
TarrytOWtl, NY 1059J Reference Achterberg C, et al. How to put the Food Guide Pyramid into practice. J Am Diet Assoc 1994; 1O:103Cf-S.
Educational Curriculum Super Nutritionally Active Kids (S.N.A.K.) Posse. Orchanian D, Orchanian R, 1994. From HCOM , Inc., P.O. Box 462, Jefferson Valley, NY 10535; comic book, softcover, 520 (annual subscription).
Abstract: S.N.A.K. Posse, an innovative comic book series, combines nutrition education and enlertainmellt to children. The S.N.A.K. Posse are comic book superheroes with a power-packed message for kids that a healthy lifestyle is fun and exciting. S.N.A.K. stands for Super Nutritionally Activated Kids . The Posse includes Banana Bolt, Blush (the tomato woman), Silky Stalker (the celery woman), Kernel Com, and Flash (the carrot man). Each veggie hero has a specific superpower based on the vegetable's nutrient value, which is used to help rid the world of unhealthy elements such as junk food, tobacco, and drug.;. The S.N.A.K. Posse comic book series is an innovative approach to reach an elementary-aged audience with health and nutrition information. The colorful graphics and action figures could appeal to any young comic book enthusiast. The story includes all of the element~ of a successful comic book adventure including heroes (the S.N.A.K. Posse), vil1ains (the "Boss," a drug-dealer named "Coke-Face," and ciga-
rette-smoking camels), creatu res from ocher dimensions (the Alutiom and the Vithrigoths), a space ship (shaped like a carrot), and regular kids that the reader can relate to as they encounter various adventures. The health messages are presented in a "nonpreachy" manner so that kids will tune in rather than tune out. The young reader will seek to imitate the Posse and will find the viUains appropriately despicable. The Posse not only teaches kid~ how to "keep your powers sharp by eating right and exercising," but also shares tidbits of wisdom, such as "[it is] shocking what can happen when you hang out with the wrong crowd. " This reviewer would prefer elimina tion of all objectionable language to really promote dean living. Although it might be realistic for Coke Face to say. "Who the hell does he think he is?" I'd rather not have my children use that phrase. I preferred Kernel Corn saying "Holy Broccoli!" over Blush the tomato using "My God!" J was also surprised by the use of "Give that carrot a cigar!" as a statement of praise in a story teaching kids about the dangers of smoking. The reading level is too high for the elementary-aged group most likely to be attracted to the series. The heroes use especially complex language, perhaps because they stretch scientific truth to create a "power." But if the authors want readers to learn something about nutrient'i, simpler and more true-to-life explanations would be more appropriate. This series would he better suited as an animated cartoon series than as a comic book, since it would allow a younger audience, possibly nonreaders , to follow the fast-paced and complicated script better. An older audience (ages 9-11) might find this educational approach appealing as part of an imegrated health education campaign. At school, the S.N.A.K. Posse could promote h ealthy school lunch menus and participation ill physical education class and sports, as well as reinforce messages about not smoking or taking drug.;. The same student~ who might compare this series with other comic books and find it less exciting might find it a more interesting approach when compared with many of the health education materials used in schools. The S.N .A.K. Posse was created by a husband and wife team who are also a financial consultant and a fitness dub instructor, respectively, and the parent<; of five children. They are concerned about kids adopting healthier lifestyles and want to ap-
peal to what interests and motivates children to make healthier choices. J encourage their team of writers and artists to have each issue reviewed by children for readability and appeal, by health educators for accuracy, and by parents andlor teachers for appropriateness. I applaud the publisher's policy to include only advertisements that promote products consistent with the themes of the comics. Barbara I Mal!field, MS, RD, WIC Nil'
tdtion Educator, White and Carroll Coutlty WIC Program, and President, Noteworlhy Creations, Inc., P.o. Box 335, Delphi, IN 46923
of excellent materials received itl the of extemive reviews that the Materials Review section can aaommodate. This new "Abstracts" format is designed to expose readers to fhese interesting works, without review commentary. Pn'nted abo stracts are talmr verbatim from book jackets. Selectiom aTe based 011 otle or more of tire following: nt~mber
JNE office far exceeds the lIumber
1. Single copics of international and domestic books/materials. 2. Encyclopedias, calorie or nutrient counter books, statistical books, etc. 3. Annual editions. 4. Subsequent editions of populat, wellrespected texts. 5. H ighly scientific books, but worthy of mention. 6. Short pamphlets, brochures worthy of mention. 7. Selected books. 8. Overflow of books inJNE office. The Risk of Getting Sick from Bacteria in Meat mid Poultry, Light L, ed, 1994. Insti-
tute for Science in Society, P.O. Box 2339, Kensington, MD 20891-2339, educational handbook, 46 pp.
Risk of Gelling Silk from Bacteria in Meal and POilitry was developed to provide the American public with an objective, scientifically based examination of the causes of recent large-scale outbreaks of bacterial food poisoning in the u.S. The report presents a stark picture of the extent and severity of meat and poultry contamination and the resulting health problems. Extensive data from scientific literature and numerous experts offer a clear, unvarnished portrayal of the current situation and needed changes in national laws and programs.
Jul y . August 1995
Journal of Nutrition Educa ti on Vol ulll C' 27 Number 4
Nutritio1l Slide Kit for Stlldellts and Health Prc?fessiOllals, American Heart Association, 1994. American Heart Association, National Center, 7272 Greenville Avenue , Dallas, TX 7523 1-4596, 120 slid es, narrator's text, references and handouts, $33.00. To order e,1I1-800-AHA-USAl.
RECENT ARRIVALS TIu' materials listed below were recently received in the )NE editorial office. TI,e majoTic}' will appear as rel/iews or abstracts ill upcomirlg JNE issues. Professional Advanced Nutrition: Macronlltrients, Berdanier C, 1995. CRC Press, Inc., 2000 Corpor~ue Blvd., NW, Boca Raton, FL 33431; 277 pp, hardcover, $,75.00. ISBN 0-8493-8500-8. Buifding Food Sewrity in Canada: A CommuIdfy Actioll Guide on Hunger, Kalina L, 1993. Kantloops Foodshare, c/o S. Central Health Uni t. 905 SouthiIJ St., Kamloops, BC, Canada V2B 729; 78 pp, softcover, $25.00.
Prevenrion oj Diabetes Mellitus - WHO Technical Report Series 844, World Health Organization, 121 1 Geneva 27, Switzerland; 1()() pp, ,ofi:eover, S . ISBN 92-4-120844-9. Winning Sports Nu/rition, H ou tkooper L, AJdag L, Tinsley A, Stewart B, 1994. Cooperative Extension, Department ofNutritional Sciences. College of Agriculture,
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721; 93 pp, hardcover manual, $30.00; video, S40.
Diabetes in Ellrope. Williams R. ct al, cds, 1994. John Libbey & Company, Ltd. , 13 Smiths Yard, Summcrlcy St., London SW18 4HR , England, 215 pp, hardcover. S57.00. ISBN 0-86196-130-7. Growi"~ Will, Plants. Wam L, Garrett S, 1994. WSU Pierce County Cooperative Extension, 3029 S. 36th St., See. 300, Tacoma.WA 98409. First-second grade curricul um blending science. nutrition, and eco logy, softcover, $20.00.
Obesity ill Europr '93: Proceedings oj the 5th European Congress ou Obesity. Ditschuneit H, e. ,I.,
Professional / Consumer Hearl and Soul: A Psychological alld Spiritual Guide /0 Prevenlitlg and Healing Heart Disease, Cortis D. 1995. Random House, 201 E. Fiflielh S•. , New Yo.k. NY 10022; 211 pp, hardcover, $23.00 ISBN 0-679-42380-X. Makiug tlte Honor Roll: A Community Action Guide to Improving Kids' Health Throl4gh CI,iid Nutrition Programs. Advocates for Better Children's Diets, 1994. Advocates for Detter Chi ldren's Diets. 1723 U Street. NW, Washinglon . DC 20009. Resource packet; to order, send check or money order for S 15.00 plus applicable sales tax.
nil' Natural Health Guide to AlIlioxidants: Usitlg Vitamius and Orher SI~ppleme" ts to Fight Diu/lse, Boost bnmullity, alld Maintain Optimal Health. Druning, N., 1994. Bantam Books, 1540 Broadway, New York. NY 10036; 198 pp, sof.eover, $4.99. ISBN 0553- 56579-6.
Doctor, Wllat Should I Eat?: Niltn'tion Presm'l'tiollS for Ailment in Which Diet Can Really Make a Difference. Rosenfeld J. 1995. Random House, In c. , New York, NY 10022, 425 pp, hordcover, S25.00. [SBN 0-679-428 18-6. Hard to Swallow: A Brief History oj Food. Lacey R, 1994 . Cambridge University Press, 40 West 20th St. , New York, NY 10011-4211, 340 pp, hardcover, $22.95. lSBN 0-521-44001-7.
Super Nutritionally Active Kids (POSSE). Orchanian R , 1994. H COM, Inc., P.O. Box 462. Jefferson Valley, NY 10535. Comic book, annual subscription rate: $20.00. Wometl's Health Care: A Comprehensive Handbook. Fogel C I, Woods, NF, 1994. Sage Publications, Inc., 2455 Teller R oad, ThouS3nd O,k" CA 91320-2218. 744 pp , soflcover, S54.95. ISBN 0-8039-7022-6. Audio / Visual
Stop, Look & Cook witll David Parker. Tabor D, producer, & Dairy Nutrition Council, Mid East, 1994. Yellin Tabor Productions, 404 Cedar Ave . #5. Piusburgh, PA 15212, 3/ 3" VHS, $19.95 + S/H.