Palm programming: The developer's guide

Palm programming: The developer's guide

BOOK REPORTS 145 Dynamic Modules: User's Manual and Proqramminq Guide for MuPAD 1.4. By Andreas Sorgatz. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. (1999). 234 pages...

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Dynamic Modules: User's Manual and Proqramminq Guide for MuPAD 1.4. By Andreas Sorgatz. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. (1999). 234 pages. $59.95, DM 89.00, 5S 650.00, sFr 81.00, G B P 34.00 (CD-ROM included). Contents: 1. Introduction and quick start. 2. Modules user interface. 3. Introduction to module programming. 4. Inside MuPAD. 5. Module generator. 6. Application Programming Interface (MAPI). 7. Special features. 8. Technical information. 9. Trouble shooting. 10. Demos and applications. Appendices. A. The accompanying CD-ROM. B. Changes. C. mmg short reference. D. MAPI short reference. E. Glossary. Bibliography. Index. Palm Proqramminq: The Developer's Guide. By Neil Rhodes and Julie McKeehan. O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA. (1999). 457 pages. $32.95 (CD-ROM included). Contents: Foreword (by David Pogue). Foreword (by the Palm Development Tools Team). Preface. I. P a l m - - W h y it works and how to program it. 1. The Palm solution. 2. Development environments and languages. 3. Designing a solution. II. Designing Palm applications. 4. Structure of an application. 5. Forms and form objects. 6. Databases. 7. Menus. 8. Extras. 9. Communications. 10. Debugging Palm applications. III. Designing conduits. 11. Getting started with conduits. 12. Uploading and downloading data with a conduit. 13. Two-way syncing. 14. Debugging conduits. Appendix: Where to go from here. Index.

Java T M Servlet Proqramminq. By Jason Hunter. O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA. (1998). 510 pages. $32.95. Contents: Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. H T T P servlet basics. 3. The servlet life cycle. 4. Retrieving information. 5. Sending HTML information. 6. Sending multimedia content. 7. Session tracking. 8. Security. 9. Database connectivity. 10. Applet-servlet communication. 11. Interservlet communication. 12. Internationalization. 13. Odds and ends. Appendices. A. Servlet API quick reference. B. H T T P servlet API quick reference. C. H T T P status codes. D. Character entities. E. Charsets. Index. Cross-Lanquaqe Information Retrieval. Edited by Gregory Grefenstette. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA. (1998). 182 pages. $115.00, NLG 260.00, G B P 78.25. Contents: Preface. 1. The problem of cross-language information retrieval (Gregory Grefenstette). 2. On the effective use of large parallel corpora in cross-language text retrieval (Mark W. Davis). 3. Statistical methods for crosslanguage information retrieval (Lisa Ballesteros and W. Bruce Croft). 4. Distributed cross-lingual information retrieval (Christian Fluhr, Dominique Schmit, Philippe Orlet, Faza Elkateb, Karine G u r t n e r and Khaled Radwan). 5. Automatic cross-language information retrieval using latent semantic indexing (Lmichael L. Littman, Susan T. Dumais and Thomas K. Landauer). 6. Mapping vocaularies using latent semantics (David A. Evans, Steve K. Handerson, Ira A. Monarch, Javier Periero, Laurent Delon and William R. Hersh). 7. Cross-language information retrieval: A system for comparable corpus querying (Eugenion Picchi and Carol Peters). 8. A language conversion front-end for cross-language information retrieval (Yamabana Kiyoshi, Muraki Kazunori, Doi Shinichi and Kamei Shin-ichiro). 9. T h e SYSTRAN NLP browser: An application of machine translation technology in cross-language information retrieval (Denis A. Gachot, Elke Lange and Jin Yang). 10. A weighted Boolean model for cross-language text retrieval (David Hull). 11. Building a large multilingual test collection from comparable news documents (P~raic Sheridan, Jean Paul Ballerini and Peter Sch~uble). 12. Evaluating cross-language text filtering effectiveness (Douglas W. Oard and Bonnie J. Dorr). References. Index. The Veriloq~ Hardware Description Lanquaqe (Fourth edition). By Donald E. T h o m a s and Philip R. Moorby. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA. (1998). 354 pages. $98.00, NLG 225.00, G B P 66.70 (CD-ROM included). Contents: Preface. Acknowledgments. 1. Verilog--A tutorial introduction. 2. Behavioral modelling. 3. Concurrent processes. 4. Logic level modeling. 5. Advanced timing. 6. Logic synthesis. 7. Behavioral synthesis. 8. Userdefined primitives. 9. Switch level modeling. 10. Projects. Appendices. A. Tutorial questions and discussion. B. Lexical conventions. C. Verilog operators. D. Verilog gate types. E. Register, memories, integers, and time. F. System tasks and functions. G. Formal syntax definition. Untanqlinq Ecoloqical Complexity: The Macroscopic Perspective. By Brian A. Maurer. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. (1999). 251 pages. $50.00, £39.95 (cloth); $18.00, £14.50 (paper). Contents: Acknowledgments. 1. Of entangled banks and humble bees. 2. From micro to macro and back again. 3. Communities on small spatial and temporal scales. 4. Communities as linear systems. 5. Communities as nonlinear systems. 6. Macroecology: Expanding the spatial scale of community ecology. 7. Geographic range structure: Niches written in space. 8. Geographic assembly of local communities. 9. The evolution of species diversity at the macroscale. 10. The macroscopic perspective and the future of ecology. Literature cited. Index.