Physical oceanography of upwelling

Physical oceanography of upwelling

Geoforum 11172 Physical Oceanography of ~pwetting Physikatische Ozeanographie des Auftriebsprozesses L’oc~anograp~e Koji HIDAKA, physique de I’upw...

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Physical Oceanography of ~pwetting Physikatische Ozeanographie des Auftriebsprozesses L’oc~anograp~e


physique de I’upwelting


Abstract: Upwelling - the ascending motion of water in the ocean - is a very important phenomenon as it brings, with the ascending water, the nutrients from the deeper layers where consumption is only small, into the surface layers. For this reason, upwelling increases the fertility of the surface and subsurface layers, which results in the establishment of rich fishing grounds. Upwelling is classified into three categories according to the place of occurrence, origin and to the mechanism: (1) coastal upwelling (2) mid-ocean upweliing and (3) equatorial upwelling. The physical explanation of the nature and occurrence of each of these three is given, including examples of upwelling occurring at different areas of the world’s oceans. No particular description is made on the downwelling or sinking which exists in the ocean as the result of continuity of the incompressible fluid. Zusammenfassung: Als ein Prozess, bei dem aufsteigendes Wasser die NXhrstoffe der tieferen Schichten des Ozeans, deren NBhrstoffzehrung nur gering ist, in die oberfi&chennahen Schichten bring& ist Auftrieb-von groger Bedeutung. Auftrieb erhoht die Fruchtbarkeit der obe~l~chennahen Schichten, die die Grundlage fdr reiche Fischgriinde bildet. Auftrieb wird in drei Gruppen unterschleden, eingeteilt nach dem Ort des Auftretens, der Unache und dem physikalischen Prozess: (1) Kbstennaher Auftrieb, (2) Auftrieb im offenen Ozean und (3) Xquatorialer Auftrieb. Form und Vorkommen der drei Gruppen werden physikalisch erklgrt, und Beispiele aus verschiedenen Gebieten des Weltozeans werden dargestellt. Eine besondere Beschreibung des Absinkens des OberflBchenwassers, das infolge der Kontinuitit des inkompressible Mediums aus dem Auftrieb im Dzean resultiert, wird nicht gegeben. R&urn& L’ ~upwelling~ le mouvement vertical des eaux ocianiques vers la surface - est un phenom&ne trds impo~ant, entrainant un transport des nutrients des couches d’eau s’itendant i grande profondeur 02 la consomption des nutrients est insignificante, aux couches suprrficielles. Par consiquant l’upwelling augmente la fertilite’ des eaux superficielles et sub-superficielles causant I’existance des rigions de p&che tris poissonneux. L’upweiling est divide entre trois types selon la region d’occurrence, I’origine et le mechanisme: (1) upwelling &tier, (2) upwelling de pleine mer et (3) upwelling equatorial. La nature et I’occurrence de chacun des trois w sont expliquees par rapport au mdchanisme physique, et des exemples d’upwelling de diffirentes regions de I’ocian mondial sont present& On s’abstient d’une description du tdownwelling% ou de la descente des eaux en particulier qui i cause de la continuite’ des fluides incompressibles, doit exister dans I’ocdan.

1. Introduction The physical interpretation of the phenomenon of upwelling is not very old. We can go back to 1909 when Hermann THORADE the California chapter:




a very elaborate


and discussed the upwelling


in a

und Ursachen des kalten Auftriebwas-

sers (Teil I I). He showed how the temperature cycle of San Francisco differedfrom that off the estuary of the Columbia, and ascribed the cold water temperature during the period from July to September to the upwelling of cold water by NNW monsoon from beneath the surface and subsurface fayers. George F. MCEWEN could estimate *

Prof. Dr. Koji HIDAKA, Ocean Research institute, Tokyo University, Nakano, Tokyo 164, lapan.

the velocity of upwelling by finding out the theoretical relation between the monthly changes of temperature and the vertical velocity off the Californian coast (1912, 1918). Afterwards, several physical oceanographers tackled this problem. We can mention, among others, Albert DEFANT (1936)

and H. u. SVERDRUP


who have de-

veioped the theoretical explanation of this phenomenon. Recent development is due to Koji HIDAKA, HIDA,



Kozo YOS-

and others.

The phenomenon of upwelling is mostly correlated with the divergence on the sea surface produced by the prevailing winds. It can occur in an open sea far from the coast on all sides. According to E. C. La FOND (1966), localized upwelling deveiops in: (1) the iees of islands; (2) the lees of major land promontories projecting into a current; (3)


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over shoais or sea-mounts; (4) in counterclockwise (clock-

phenomenon is correlated with surface convergence and

wise) eddies in the northern (southern) hemisphere; (5) at

the divergence at a lower layer where the descending

water mass boundaries; and (6) in thermal domes or ridges

motion terminates.

in the open sea. However, it develops quite strongly when there is wind approximately parallel to a coast which lies

The upwelling is very important from the biological points of view, as it brings a lot of water from intermediate

to the left (right) of an observer looking leeward in the northern (southern) hemisphere. Because the water is up-

depths, supplies a great deal of nutrients to the surface water, and thus gives rise to the development of large and

welled from the intermediate depths to the surface and

rich fishing grounds.

subsurface layers, the surface water temperature in the upwelled areas is considerably lower than the surrounding surface water. This difference often amounts to 7 “C

2. Classification

(SCHUMACHER, 1933) off the north-western coast of

R. I_. SMITH (1968) classified the upwelling into two patterns: (1) the coastal upwelling, which is the rising motion of water produced by interaction with coastal barriers, and

Africa (Fig. 7). Generally speaking, the upwelling velocity is estimated from low5 to 10e2 cm/set, and it is so small that during the past no instrument was sensitive enough to directly measure this ascending velocity. Thus the speed of upwelling is almost exclusively calculated from the equations of motion, continuity,

advection, etc.

(2) the open ocean upwelling, or mid-ocean upwelling, which occurs in a much larger scale and produces vertical motions as those driven by wind stress curl, the main oceanic thermocline, and equatorial oceanic currents. The intensity of coastal upwelling is typically much larger than that of open ocean upwelling. Vertical velocity of an or-

Descending motion of water, which is the reverse of the upwelling, is called “sinking” or “downwelling.”

of upwelling


der of low3 cm/set are quite common in coastal upwelling, while Henry STOMMEL (1956) considers 10T4 cmlsec to be characteristic of the mid-ocean upwelling. In addition. to the two patterns mentioned above, the present author wants to stress the importance of a third type of upwelling, i. e., (3) the equatorial upwelling. However, the equator, where the Coriolis force changes sign from plus to minus as we cross it from the northern to the southern hemisphere, can be treated as a kind of dynamical barrier. As a matter of fact, the upwelling along the equator is characterised by its greater vertical velocities, which sometimes amount to 10 to 100 times as large a value as usual mid-ocean upwelling. This fact was pointed out by the present author in 1965 from much evidence, and was recently supported by H. ROTSCHI (1968) from the result of actual observations. Equatorial upwelling has been described as a special class of upwelling process by j. t.. REID (1967).

3. Coastal upwelling Coastal upwelling is common to the areas where there Source: DEFANT 1961 Fig. 1

0 Mean anomalyof the seasurfacetemperatureoff the north-west coast of Africa for April in ‘C.

0 Mittlere Abweichungder Oberfkhentemperatur von der ozeanischen Verteilung entlang der NW-afrikanischen Kiiste im April P3. l Anomalie moyenne de la temphrature superficielle le long de la

c&e de I’Afrique du Nordauest pendant I’Avril (“C).

blows a wind parallel to a coast which lies to the left (right) of an observer looking leeward in the northern (southern) hemisphere. To this category belongs the upwelling off the Pacific coasts of North America, and South America, the Atlantic coasts of Africa, and northwestern coast of Australia and off Somaliiand, East Africa. The most common and well-studied upwelling takes place off the North American Pacific coast between about 46 “N and 25 ON, especially off California. It starts usually in March and reaches its maximum during the summer months, July and August, coinciding with the m~imum frequency of the northwest winds parallel to the coast. No upweliing is seen in the fall and winter.

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onomdy ,


Fig. 2 0 Schematic cross-section normal to the coastof south-west Africa, showing the lines of constant density, the axis of the current vortex (wavy line), the zonal and vertical velocity components (arrows) and the meridional flow parallel to the coast (N towards north, S towards south). l Schematischer Schnitt senkrecht zur SW-afrikanischen

Kiiste, mit Darstellung der tinien gleicher Dichte, der Achse der Stromvortex (Schlangenlinie), der zonalen und vertikalen Striimungskomponente (Pfeile) und der meridionalen Komponente der Strijmung entlang der Kiiste (N nach Norden, S nach Men).

Source: DEFANT


0 Coupe schtmatique perpendiculaire i la c&e de I’Afrique du Sud-Ouest, prdsentante les lignes de den&C constante, I’axe de la ctvortex, du courant (ligne ondulie), les composantes du courant zonales et verticales (flbches), et la composante du courant meridionale le long de la c&e (N vers le Nord, S vers le Sud).

The cold upwelted water in February and March off the

offshore and banked up at a distance about 100 km from

South American Pacific coast is remarkable and has been studied by GUNTHER (1936). There is some upwelling

the coast.

along the west coast of Australia as described by Gerhard SCHOTT (1935).

A somewhat different picture is obtained by a detailed analysis of the data. From the vertical displacement of the temperature, salinity and oxygen curves, the average

comes to the surface after flowing in the lower part of the

vertical velocities during the interval were computed. Knowing the vertical velocities, the equation of continuity gave the horizontal flow. The final result is

top layer, in the thermocline and beneath it towards the

shown in Fig. 3.

coast and gradually rises just off the coast. The upwelling

The lines with arrows represent the average streamlines

is largely confined to the narrow strip between the diver-

in the 4l-day interval. The horizontal velocities are indicated by curves. The average outward velocity of the

The first model of coastal upwelling (Fig. 2) was given by DEFANT (1936). It consisted of a divergent stream which

gence line and the coast. The water is brought to the sea surface from only a depth of 100 to 200 m.

boundary region between the upwelled water and the offshore surface water in the same period was computed

A necessary consequence of this type of circulation is the destruction of the thermocline in the upwelling region off

to be 3 cm/set. The distance of this outer boundary from the coast was about 90 km. At a distance of 75 km from

the coast. The gradual breakdown of the thermocline,

the coast, the outward transport above a depth of 40

which at times also strongly develops in the area closest to the coast, is a result of internal tidal waves which be-

meters, as computed from the equation of continuity,


26 x lo3 cm3 Isec, whereas a value of 25 x lo3 cm3 jsec

come gradually unstable as was shown by a series of ob-

is obtained from the average tangential stress of the wind


in the interval. The thickness of the upper homo-

For the mechanism of coastal upwelting, SVERDRUP (1938) gave a detailed analysis and interpre~tion of this

geneous layer is 41 meters.

phenomenon, which took place along the California coast, from the data of three cruises of the “Bluefin,” the vessel of California State Fish and Game Commission off Port San Luis in the earlier part of 1937. It is necessary, in order that the upwelling takes place most favourably, that a north-west monsoon blows continuously for a sufficient-

a cellular circulation extends to about 80 meters from the surface within which the water flows away from the coast above 40 meters, and towards the coast below 40 meters. Near the coast the motion is ascending, near the offshore boundary it is descending. The offshore boundary is, however, moving slowly away from the coast and the inner cell is, therefore, being fed from below by water which flows towards the coast. This inflow appears to take place at depths not exceeding 200 meters.

ly long duration. And this occurs on the California coast throughout April, May, and june. According to SVERDRUP’S analysis, the light water along the coast is driven

Between the coast and the banked-up light surface water,


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Fig. 3 0 Computed vertical circulation in the time interval between two successivecruises. l Ve~ikalzirkuiation,

berechnet fiir den Zeitraum zwischen zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Beobachtungsfahrten.

l Circulation verticale, calculCe

pour I’interval entre deux campagnes successives.

Source:SVERDRUP 1938

Finally the crosses (+) show a zone with a stronger flow parallel to the coast and directed into the picture. in a study of a large amount of data of Californian upweliing collected at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, DEFANT (1950, 1951) pointed out that the piling-up and upwelling processes are associated with characteristic displacements of the sea surface and of the internal boundary layer which gradually develop under wind influence and adjust itself with the circulations simultaneousiy formed and normal to the coasts. They finally tend tb a stationary state. During the first cruise, February 28 to March IS, 1944, the wind component towords the coast predominated over the entire region with a maximum of S m/set, which caused considerable piling-up of water along the coast. During the second cruise, April 27 to May 15, in contrast

surface in the direction of the coastline, the equations of motion and the equation of continuity are:

a2u A, a=u -.--f_.+Zwsinrpv -g -xax = 0 p az2 p a2


A,4,+A, P

a2v G--2wsinqu=O,

-. P


&+aw=, ax



where { is the elevation of the surface of the sea varying in the direction perpendicular to the coast. If the wind blows in a positive direction ofy in the belt between the coast, then x = 0 and x = L. The conditions to be satisfied on the surface of the sea are

to the first case, the water was driven uwuy from the coast where as a consequence upwelling took place. Thus the first cruise gave a typical example of water accumulation along the coast, while the second furnished a typical example of coastal upwelling. The result can be seen in the topographic representations of the sea surface off this

; z



(3) -A,g=r

i =OforL
coast quite dearly. In 1922, Harold JEFFREYS investigated the effect of a steady wind on the surface of a homogeneous ocean near the coast. In 1952, DEFANT gave a similar theoretical explanation on the assumption of a sea composed of two layers with different densities. Even by these simple models it was possible to explain the behaviour of upwelling rather satisfactorily, A theory of stationary upwelling produced by a wind parallel to a coast has been given by Koji HIDAKA (1954), whereby the effect of the Earth’s rotation and the frictional forces due to both vertical and lateral mixing have been taken into account. He deals with the steady state only. Because there is no slope of the sea

where r is the stress of the wind and may be either a constant or a function of x. On the bottom z = h, the boundary conditions are z=h:u=~=O,


because of vertical friction. Along the coast which is considered to consist of vertical cliffs, x=o:lJ=v=o, because of horizontal friction. In the region very far from both the coast and wind region, x= m:U=“=%O




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60 8-


Source: TOMCZAK 1970


Fig. 4 Computed vertical circulation in an ocean with turbulent diffusion: a) homogeneous (identical to Hidaka’s solution), b) weakly stratified, c) strongly stratified. Berechnete Vertikalzirkulation c) starker geschichtet.

in einem Ozean mit turbulenter Diffusion: a) Homogen (identisch mit Hidakas Losung), b) schwach geschichtet

Circulation verticale, calculQe pour un ocean avec diffusion turbulante: a) Homogane (identique avec la solution de Hklaka), b) avec une faible stratification, c) avec une stratifaction plus forte. L’ = z/D,,, Lo = L/D,.


x0 = x/DV. (A,/Al)“‘.

The solution is rather complicated and numerical calculation of the magnitude of the offshore currents and the up-

HIDAKA also investigated the case arising when a wind

welling velocity allows the results to be compared with

the direction of the wind is perpendicular to the coast, the induced circulation has a rather complicated structure

values estimated correctly from observations. Figure 4a gives the solution in the form of streamlines in a vertical section perpendicular to the coast. Upwelling develops close to the coast, and there is no offshore movement of the water in the upper layers of the sea directly beneath

blows at a certain angle to the direction of the coast. If

with two vortices with horizontal axes in the upper layers, one of which is situated close to the coast and the other is near the outer boundary of the wind belt. The upwelling due to a longshore wind is far more effective in lowering

the surface swept by the wind. The upwelling is confined

the temperature of the coastal region than that induced

to the strip within i Dh (Oh = ndm)

by a wind perpendicular to the coast since the former

from the

coast, and the downwelling process occurs outside the wind zone. If the vertical mixing coefficient A, is estimated at 1,000 c. g. s., the vertical Ekman’s depth Dv will be 162 m at 30 ON. For a horizontal mixing coefficient, Ar = 10’ was chosen because the ratio Al/A,

- 3.14 x 10e3 cm/set or 2.7 m/day or 80 m/month, for the wind stress r = 1 c. g. s.

favourable wind direction for upwelling is 21O.5 cum sole with the coastline for a person looking leeward.

= lo6 ap-

pears to be reasonable. For this value of A,, the horizontal frictional depth D,, will be 162 km. Estimation gives the width of the wind zone to be 2.0944. Dh = 339 km. The average horizontal velocity between the surface and 0.2 Dv was calculated as 3.35 cm/set offshore. The maximum upwelling velocity can be estimated to be

brings a larger amount of cold subsurface water to the surface from deeper levels than the latter. The most

Extension of HIDAKA’S

theory to the transition stage was

worked out by Yasukazu SAITO (1956) who calculated the development of the upwelling process after the sudden occurrence of a wind. In the case of a circulatory wind like a typhoon or a heavy cyclone, the wind blows approximately parallel to the isobars or towards the centre. Intuitively it may be imagined that upwelling will not occur when there is a wind stress component towards the centre. However, the upwelling will still take place when the wind has, like in


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a typhoon or a cyclone, the components by some angle

As is shown by observations, the process of upwell~ng is

towards the centre of the circular wind system. in a

not a steady phenomenon. If the duration of the wind is

paper of 1955, HIDAKA and AKIBA assumed a circular wind system:

as short as a few hours, the offshore component of surface water transport will not be very large because drift currents will not fully develop. If the winds are more or less steady for several hours up to as much as a day, the drift

current may develop but it will not be accompanied by considerable upwelling due to the oscillations of the thermocline. However, the process will be different if the where r,,, is the maximum wind stress, while r,

is the

distance of the maximum wind stress from the centre (P = 0) of the wind system. First they treated the case when the wind blows contru so/em tangential to the isobars. In this case, the upwelling occurs mainly within the distance r = &

where i& = II x_!-

and AI is the

coefficient of lateral eddy viscosity. The upwelling is most intense approximately

at r = 0.6 Oh, and the maxi-

mum vertical velocity is w = 2.4 * 10m3cm/set or 2.1 m/day for T = 1 c.g.s. (Fig. 5). In the second place, the case was treated where the wind stress is directed 45 degrees in an inward direction from the isobars, which is

wind continues for several days up to a week. If the wind blows continuously for a longer duration than a week, the surface currents will reach a steady state with an intermediate stage for a wind lasting for a few days up to a week during which geostrophic equilibrium is approached. Kozo YOSHIDA (1955) treated this latter section of the process, relying on a case of Californian upwelling. In his model the x-axis is directed eastwards, they-axis northwards, the latter representing the coast. The z-axis is taken positive downwards with z = 0 being placed on the mean sea level. The process was assumed to be independent of the north-south direction so that only the variables x and z were considered. YOSHIDA considered only a

welling taking place at r = 0.6 Dh and the upward velocity

small-scale process extending over a period of several days and over a distance of up to 10 km. The equations of

being 1.5 * 10m3cmlsec or 1.3 m/day for the same wind

motion are then

less effective in producing upwelling, the maximum up

stress 1 c. g. s. -fv=gwithf=Zwsing







A, is the vertical coefficient of eddy viscosity, T,, is the northward component of wind stress. H is the average thickness of the upper mixed layer. The corresponding vorticity and divergence equations are a$ fwh V--mat H

curi, 7



where wh is the vertical velocity at the depth of thermodine z = h. The equation of continuity and condition for the quasi-isostatic adjustment with g* = g 9 give Source: HIDAKA




wh----. g*


The mutual adjustment between the pressure and the current seems to be completed within a day or two, so that

Fig. 5 @ Upwelling as induced by a circular wind parallel to the isobars. & Durch einen j~baren~ar2llelen, vorgerufener Auftrieb.



wehendtn Wind hep

0 Upwelling due a un vent soufflant circulairement le long des isobares.

the above equation is reasonable for up to about a week after this first stage of adjustment is over. From Equations (8), (9), and {lo}, equation k= a*W -_-k*W=-.. axz f

a7 ax


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is obtained where k = f/ &%.

The boundary condition

The second half of YOSHIDA’s

paper deals with the

changes in surface conditions derived from the above model which represents a transient state of upwelling. He

u = 0 along the coast requires

found that the variations in surface characteristics were largely confined to within a narrow coastal region. The with the condition w = 0 when x = -m. (1 ‘I ) then witI be

The solution of

coastal upwelling is associated with considerable changes in surface conditions within the coastal water of width L, while upwetling or downwelling outside of this strip will not give rise to such signi~cant changes during a period of only a week or two. In the succeeding stage of the upwell-




If Ikxl%


ing process, in which the isostatic ~jus~ent now can be considered as complete, the lateral mixing process in the inshore regions stands out as the most important factor. The dynamic equations are now

1, it follows


1 a?,

W=-f&, _-

where AI is the coefficient of laterai mixing. The upward and


movement of the thermocline, due to the ascending motion, will produce a sharp horizontal density gradient, and

rye” dx

when conditions are variable in an oscillatory way, as is usually the case, internal waves will be produced and


along the coastline. A uniform northerly wind over offshore water will give rise to a coastal upwelling of the amount W.

cause intense mixing across the ~~er~~/jRe.

The equa-

tion for the conservation of mass now becomes aP =A$


ax= ’

“az 04)

The upwelling velocity wilt be proportional to the intensi-

or approximately



ty of the northerfy wind but is not directly dependent on the latitude. When g* = g $$ = 2.5,~=~m=4x103cm,

The boundary condition at the coast gives v = 0, so that

and rY,O = - 0.5, w follows

finally it follows

W%=O = - 5 x 10m3 cm/set. In five days this upwelling will give an upward displacement of the thermocfine of 22 meters. This upward movement of the thermociine off the coast will continue until an equilibrium is reached in about a week. This state seems then to be maintained for about one month or two. This coastal upwelling is almost entirely confined to a narrow strip close to the coast. With the numerical values introduced above, w will be reduced to 6 % of that of the coast and to 3 % of the coast w-value at 50 km only, the-process being practically Jimited to a distance of 40 to 50 km from the coast. The effective width of coastal upwelling is given by a characteristic length n


L=k=f’ whose value varies from 10 km to 340 km for different values of gH& and different latitudes.

fB wh=--'--_ g*

av ax


The expression for w will become the same as in the earlier stage and the vertical velocity distribution will therefore remain unchanged throughout the entire period of the process as long as the wind is kept steady. During this period, the ascending water movement will be subject to mixing with the su~ounding waters, and the thermocline will not be elevated to any large extent. From Equation (17), it follows that at this stage the vorticity in the surface layer will be proportional to the vertical velocity. Thus upwelling will be associated with cyclonic vorticity in contrast to the initial inshore increase in negative vorticity produced by the coastal upwelling. YOSHIDA and Mizuki TSUCH~YA (1957) noticed something like a “vertical divergence of isotherms” at certain intermediate depths, say, between 200 and 500 meters. In some sections normal to the California coast, it is often

observed that the isotherms or isopycnals above 100 to


Geoforum 11172

200 meters conspicuously rise towards the coast, while those in the lower layers beiow 200 to 500 meters fall towards the coast. These two authors explained it as the

The upwelling phenomenon taking place at a spot in the

northward current in deeper layers correlated with-the up-

ocean far apart from the coast may be classified in this

welling in surface and subsurface layers above from 20C1-

category. Kozo YOSHIDA and Han-tee MAO were the first to discuss the theory of this problem. They used the

500 m, and developed a theory thereof.


Mid-ocean upwelling or Open-ocean upwelling

There appeared recently several improved theories on coastal upwelling. First of ah, there can be mentioned that of Matthias TOMCZAK, Jr. (1970) which is an im-

approximate vorticity equation derived by eliminating the

provement of HIDAKA’S

they obtained

theory of coastal upwelling ap-

plied to a stratified sea instead of the homogeneous ocean. An addition of the equation

horizontal pressure gradients from the equations of motion. After disregarding the terms which are less important,

i&!=@,+U!_ az f f ar cur&r


with p = -




Substituting from the equation of motion


where r is the coefficient of vertical diffusion, enabled TOMCZAK

to solve various inter~ting cases which could

not be solved in HIDAKA’S result was that TOMCZAK

theory. The most remarkable

welled from shallower layers than when simply the homogeneous water is assumed. Figures 4a, 4b, and 4c give the streamlines generated by the same wind field as that had been used by HIDAKA,

where p is pressure, it follows at the surface layer

could show that water is up-


wizo=-P P



(TV + f cur!, 7) P

but with different degrees of strati-

fication represented by a parameter US. Figure 4a is identical with HIDAKA*S there is no water stratification

result, that is, when

(OS = 0), while Figs. 4b and

4c show the streamlines when the stratification is specified by US = 0.002 and US = 0.02 respectively, the latter being stratified more strongfy. This result shows that the water upwells to the surface layer directly even at strong stratification from very deep layers. This conclusion may be visualized from actual observations. Moreover, the density distribution strongly depends on diffusion even for the same pattern of circulation and on wind speed. These results show that it is not possible to obtain a definite conclusion as to the depth of upwelling and to the pattern of

where z = z. is the sea surface and r is the wind stress at the sea surface with its components rX and rY. After several simplifications, the verticai velocity at a level z = H where stability is great, say 150 m, is obtained:

WH=-- :f$dz H

(21) =-.-P

More recently Richard W. GARVINE

(1971) pointed out

that HIDAKA eliminated the chief mechanism whereby fluid is returned beneath the wind friction layer to supply mass for the upwelling motion by omitting the longshore pressure gradient at the outset. GARVINE argues that the return flow supplying the upwelling motion in HIDAKA’s problem must have been intimately related not only to the intermediate layer but to a strong Ekman layer at the



circulation from observed density distributions.


after substitution from (19). Equations (20) and (27) represent the vertical component of flow across the horizontal plane. If h is the thickness of the mixed layer, (20) the vertical flow across the plane z = h is


bottom. In the same year, HSUEH and Q’BRIEN f1971) discussed a possibility for an upwelling to be induced on a continental shelf by the existence of a large-scale ocean current. Their theory does not necessitate winds blowing over the sea surface. They explain this vertical motion in relation to the actually existing ocean currents off the Oregon, Peruvian, and West Florida coasts. This means that the California and Peruvian upwelling can exist all year round as the effects of the California and Peru currents.

wk m-! curl, 7



very closely. Equation (21) shows a close relationship between the vertical velocity at z = H and meridional mass transport

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in the layers deeper than the layer z = H. Thus a subsur-

Now a~ can be known by occupying two hydrographic

face poleward component of the current must be associated with an ascending motion in both hemispheres. In ac-

stations on the same latitude circle, while F(z) is to be

cordance with the theory, we may anticipate the following

regarded as a more or less undeterminable function of z. It differs from zero only in a thin upper layer extended

facts which are confirmed in reality: Off California ascending motion exists in the inshore areas with a north-

from z = 0 to z = - D, where D is the depth of frictional

bound current in lower layers, while a descending motion occurs offshore with a southbound current in lower layers. On this principle, they could calculate

influence. Of course F(0)

is known explicitly in terms of

the distribution of wind stress on the sea surface in the neighbourhood of the pair of hydrographic stations. Integrating Equation (26), it follows

wh = 7 x 10s4 cm/set


16 meters/month taking H = 150 m and cp= 30”. They could show that the distribution of calculated ascending velocity at the 150 m

where we define

level is in good agreement with the areas where the density changed in equal amount between April and June 1949. These two authors also stressed that their method is ap plicable satisfactorily to coastal upwelling, not only off California, Peru, and West Africa but also to the western boundary of the oceans where the Kuroshio and Gulf Stream flow. On discussing the abyssal circulation of the oceans, it was


And C is a constant of integration. Now the meaning of the function a(z) is familiar, for it follows from the first equations

pv = 9(z) + c

necessary for Henry STOMMEL (1958) to investigate the behaviour of the oceanic thermocline. Allan ROBINSON and STOMMEL (1959) have derived an upwelling velocity

which is the equation of pure geostrophic flow, and C is the undetermined reference velocity. Thus determination

3 x lo-’

of the constant C is equivalent to determining the depth

cm/set as the most probable value in lower lati-

tudes. The vertical velocity 1 - 5 x 10m5 cm/set obtained by Klaus WYRTKI also is in good agreement. In his paper on determination of the depths of no meridional motion,

at which v vanishes. Here it is seen that the level of no meridional motion coincides with that of the maximum vertical motion, and that the level of no zonal motion

Henry STOMMEL (1956) derived an expression to compute the vertical velocity in the open ocean from observed

does not necessarily coincide with either.

distributions of mass and of wind stress on the sea surface.

Integrating Equation (28) once more, it follows

He starts with the equations of motion

aP -2wsirnp*pv=--+-



a% a2


ap a5




cP(z)dz+ C . (z + B)



- F(z),


if pw vanishes at the surface I = 0 or is fixed by some small

aP 9P = z

known mean evaporation-precipitation

correction. The con-

stant C can be determined as

and the equation of continuity

& (PU)+ $ (PV)+$ (PW) =0.


c=-j1 2wsinq F(O)

6 (PW) = -


wtinp)2 .$ - $

Although STOMMEL



can be obtained, where F(z)


a -.-k-

ax 2wsincp


a ay

7x 2wsinlp

and (27)

/3 = a (2wsinp). ay

(30) --B

From these equations, -&j



could determine the depth of no

motion only for meridional flow, his method was successful in determining the velocity of vertical motion. Although his method can only determine pw + F(z), the function will vanish below Ekman’s depth of frictional influence, so that it will be applicable to the depths below 100 m level except at or very close to the equator. Some of his results were extracted from Table 1 of his paper.


Geoforum 1 l/72



in Honolulu occupied on board the “M/S Hugh M. Smith”

0 Geschwindigkeit 0 Velocity


des Vertikalstroms

of Vertical



0 so 100 tso 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700







are all located at approximately





9 - 6 - 4 1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 16 19

on her Cruise No. 30, July-August

900 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600


&J In the computation, it is assumed that ;i;; and ap practicalay ly vanish at and below the 1,000 m level. The result shows

1 O-5 cmjsec

1,800 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 s ,000


that there is weak upwelling in most depths.

21 22 22 23 24 24 23 23 20 17 13 9 5 0

Thus the maximum vertical velocity was 24 x 10’

Table 2 0 Geschwindigkeit zusammengesteiit

des Auftriebs f-) und Absinkens (+) in cmfsec, nach POFI NorPac-Daten (HIDAKA, 1961)

0 Velocities of Upwelling (-) and Sinking (+) (cm&c), from POFI NorPac Data (HIDAKA, 1961)

T Depth


at about 1,500 meters. Another method was given by HIDAKA

1955. These stations

the same latitude 50 “N.

in 1961 for calcu-

lating mid-ocean upwelling. He started again from Equations (24) and (25) but expressed the pressure by density differences explicitly. The resulting equation for the vertical velocity in terms of the density field is

0 2oR (sin* 9/cos 9) . p(z),


0 10 50 100 200 300 400 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000


Stations 81-83 (cmjsec)


0 0.028 0.121 0.199 0.309 0.346 0.434 0.432 0.464 0.778 0.623 0.467 0.311 0.156 0



84-86 (cm/secf


0 0.00s 0.009 - 0.009 -0.118 - 0.257 - 0.332 - 0.450 - 0.676 - 0.522 - 0.417 - 0.313 - 0.209 - 0.104 0

(cm/=) x IO”



0 0.062 x lO”l 0.306 0.568 1 *OS4 1.498 1.942 2.283 3.050 3.492 2.793 2.09s 1.397 0.698 0



The velocity of mid-ocean upwelling is mostly of an order of IO-’ to 10T5 cm/set. This is consistent with the result



5. Equatorial


Even if there are no land barriers, the equator is a kind of

f-172 hi + 20R




i * (ph wh - p. wo).

Practically qfz] can be disregarded if either or both of w. and wh is or are smaller than 10e3 cmfsec, so that the upwelling velocity -w(z) is given by Equation (31) with

dynamical boundary as long as the motion of sea water is concerned. Therefore, close to the equator the upwelling phenomenon may be considered greatly different from the usual open-ocean upwelling. The most remarkable feature of the equatorial upwelling is that the upwelling velocity is so intense that a velocity of theeorder of 1Oa2 cmjsec is quite common. This means that the vertical

q(z)= 0. Of course, this formula fails to be valid at the equator and poles because the denominator of it vanishes

flows along or close to the equators are 10 to 100 times as large as those occurring in the open ocean of higher latitudes.

there. The following table is extracted from a computation of vertical water flows by Equation (31), use being made of the density data at four NorPac stations 81,83, 84, and 86 of the Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations

In 1960, HIDAKA gave a simple theory on the equatorial upwelling. He did not evaluate the resulting equation or the vertical velocity numerically; however, he published a paper in 1965 in which he pointed out several evidences

Geoforum 11172

Source: HIDAKA



Fig. 6 0 Distribution of divergence (shaded) and convergence areas in the Pacific Ocean, mg/m’/sec. l

Verteilung der Divergenz- (schraffiert) und Konvergenzgebiete im Pazifischen Ozean, mg/m3/sec.


Distribution des r&ions de divergence (hachures) et de convergence dans I’Oc6an Pacifique, mg/m3/sec.

of an intense upwelling at the equator. He gave some results of the estimation of upwelling velocity for some

ern Pacific has reinforced the upwelling of the subsurface

simple cases and checked the magnitude of the equatorial upwelling.

phosphate concentration in the upper 60 meters had practically doubled and the surface water was heavier.

The formula for the estimation did not give a vertical

The observed distributions of nitrate and density imply

velocity less than 1O-’ cm/set unless AY > 1O4 c. g. s.

a vertical speed (of upwelling) much higher than that

There is other evidence of unexpectedly intense upwelling velocity at the equator. Recently Henri ROTSCHI and

which has been evaluated in a steady state circulation.” They derived from the change of concentration of nitrates,

F. JARRIGE (1968) published a paper indicating the intense upwelling produced by the intensification of the east component of the trade wind at the equator. They state, “in October 1966 an intensification of the east component of the trade wind at the equator in the west-

waters. After the wind had blown for three days, the

- w = -w= -w=

9 3 2 - w = 0.3

x x x x

1B2 cm/set low2 cm/set 10d2 cm/set 1OS2 cm/set

at at at at

10 20 30 50

meters meters meters meters,


Geoforum 11/72

and they obtained -w=2x


A. (1951):

10V2 cm/set

out several other examples for the intense upwelling at the equator.


A. (1952):

des Windstaus hydrogr. DEFANT,

A glance at the atlas of the Pacific (Fig. 7) reveals an

cold because of the intense upwelling in the area of the Peru/Chile current which extends to the north broadening in the westward direction and merges in the narrow equatorial tongue just mentioned. It must be the object

prevailing easterlies along the equator. Part of this water







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A report on oceanographical ‘Discovery”



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276. K. (1954):


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K. (1955):

to the theory




of upwelling

of surface drift currents

in terms

to the location


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and sinking;/ap.

K. (1960):


K. (1961):

Wks /apan,

J. Geophys.,

On the equatorial

Kobe Mar. Observatory,

14, 12-l


6, 1 l-l






of upwelling; Rec. oceanogr.


K. (1965):

Evidences of an intense upwelling

equator; Bull. Sot. franco-jap. K. and Y. AKIBA



Y. and J. J. O’BRIEN

induced by along-shore





at the

3, l-8.


circular wind system; Rec. oceanogr. HSUEH,


Trans., 35,431-444.

of wind stresses, with special application


ing at the equator as far west as 170 “E or more.

zum Phanomen

an ozeanischen

A simple model of coastal upwelling

E. R. (1936):


far apart from the west coast of South America show


an ozeanischen

W/en, 4, Ser. A,


tions in the Peru coastal current;


quite high nutrient concentration, and high productivity


R. W. (1971):


may be ascribed to this action of advection. However, the fact that the equatorial waters located in the mid-Pacific

along the equator suggests the evidence of intense upwell-


und des Auftriebs

A. (1961):


of discussions that this cold water might be the cold water upwelled, but not entirely the water transported by



Z., 5,69-80.


elongated cold water mass exactly at the equator, extending from the Ecuador coast westward to as far west as Polynesia. This suggests a possible occurrence of intense upwelling at the equator. According to the temperature charts, we can realize that the water off the west coast is


und Auftrieb


as an average value for the layer 0 - 60, m. They pointed



Kiisten; Arch. Met. Geophys.

by a


Steady coastal upwelling Phys. Oceanogr.



pointed out, the equatorial up-


H. (1923):

The effect of a steady wind on the sea-

level near a straight shore; Phil. Mag. 46, 115-125.

welling is highly sensitive to the variation of the trade winds. In the western part of the equatorial Pacific, there sometimes appear strong westerlies, choking the upwelling for some time. The result is that the swelling upward of the thermocline at and around the equator vanishes, and the water temperature becomes uniform from the


E. C. (1966):

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G. F. (1912): of upwelling.

. . . Int.

of Oceanography.

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The distribution

along the west coast of North theory


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of ocean temperatures


deduced from

Revue ges. Hydrobiol.




surface to thermocline. Thus, the density distribution


might suggest from time to time that upwelling in the sur-

G. F. (1918):

solar radiation

Ocean temperatures,

and oceanic circulation.

their relation


Bull. Scripps lnstn

biol. Res., 335-421.

face and subsurface layers does not exist at and around


the equator.

J. L. (1967):






S. K., ed., 1638-1640,


of Geo-



cline and the associated thermohaline


The ocean thermocirculation;



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sociated vegitation


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Cah. 0. R. S. T, 0. M. Noumea,



of vertical flow in the ocean;

Osaka Cy Univ., 2, ser. B l-4. Theory

of the transient

welling and coastal currents; Amer.

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and as-

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des lndischen

und Stillen



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Siidwest Afrikas, Nobert

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des 60 Lebensjahres


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and upwelling


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