Reminder — Awards ceremony 1986

Reminder — Awards ceremony 1986

ANNOUNCEMENTS REMINDER - AWARDS CEREMONY 1986 The resentation of awards will take place during the Annual Meetin of the Geoc f: emical Society in San ...

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ANNOUNCEMENTS REMINDER - AWARDS CEREMONY 1986 The resentation of awards will take place during the Annual Meetin of the Geoc f: emical Society in San Antonio, Texas, on Wednesday, November 18 from 12:00-I3:30. At that tima the Geochemical Society Distinguished Lecture will be given by Professor Claude Allegre, after a luncheon, and the following awards will be presented: V. M. GOLDSCHMIDT AWARD: Claude Allagre, Unlversity of Paris. F. W. CLARKE AWARD: Mark Kurt, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY DIVISION, BEST PAPER AWARD: Michael D. Lewan, AMOCO Production Company. The Alfred E. Treibs Award will not be presented this year.

THE METEORITICAL SOCIETY NOMINATIONS FOR THE LEONARD MEDAL The Leonard Medal was established in 1962 by the Meteoritical Society in memory of its first president, Professor Frederick C. Leonard, and with the pur ose of encouragin original research in the broad field of meteorites. The first meda ! struck was presen4 ed by the Society to'Rhoda W. Leonard, widow of the late Professor Leonard. Winners since then have been: C. S. Beals, H. M. Ninin er, E. J. Opik, H. C. Urey, F. L. Whlpple, E. L. Krinov, B. Mason, J. F. Reynolds, E. 1 nders, 6. J. Wasserburg, J. R. Arnold, H. Suess, J. A. Wood, P. Ramdohr, H. WIinke, 6. W. Wetherill, R. N. Clayton, J. Geiss. B. Levin, E. Shoemaker and R. B. Baldwin. The Leonard Medal shall be awarded by the Council of the Meteoritical Socfety not more often than once a year. The award shall be made on the basis of outstanding, o;;ilnz; contrlbutlons to the science of meteorites and closely allied ff;i;; g Any scientist, regardless of race, nationality, creed or sex, eligible'for nomination. The Leonard Medal Consnittee urges members of the Meteorltical Society to make nominations for this prestigious award. Nominations received on or before March 31 will be eligible for consideration for the following calendar year's award and ~111 remain In active consideration for at least three years. Nominations shall be made in wrltlng to the Secretar of the Meteoritical Society and should Include: (a) a blogra hical sketch of tK e candidate, (b) a susssar and evaluation of the relevant ! ishaents of the nominee and (c) a list of pub! ications covering the work to be accotnp considered for the award. It Is also preferred that the nomlnatfons be supported by one or two seconding letters which can provide supplemental information. Nomination of candidates for the Leonard Medal is an important Society function that re ulres active participation of the membership. Nominations and lnqufrles should be ma ? led to:

Dr. Donald D. Bogard, Secretary The Meteoritical Society SN4, Geochemistry Branch NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX 77058, U.S.A.