662 ABERDEEN’ ROYAL LUNATIC ASYLUM.-Contains, with attached to main institution and agricultural branch, about 986 beds. Medical Superintendent : Dr. ...

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662 ABERDEEN’ ROYAL LUNATIC ASYLUM.-Contains, with attached to main institution and agricultural branch, about 986 beds. Medical Superintendent : Dr. William Reid. Assistant Physicians:Dr. Arthur Kellas, Dr. J. Scott Annandale, and Dr. Angus F. Legge. Clerk, Treasurer, and Factor: Mr. A. Scott Finnie, 343, Unionstreet, Aberdeen. Clinical instruction is given to students during three months in summer.






months, instruction in Practical Pharmacy;

signed by


the certifia member Great Britain, or the

teacher, who

must be

of the Pharmaceutical Society of superintendent of the laboratory of a public hospital or dispensary, or a registered practitioner who dispenses medicines to his patients, or a teacher of a class of Practical Pharmacy. (o) Of having attended for 27 months the Medical and Surgical practice of a public general hospital containing on an average at least 80 patients available for clinical instruction and possessing distinct staffs of physicians and of surgeons. Evidence must be produced that the candidate has acted as Surgical Dresser and Medical Clinical Clerk for not less than three months in the wards in each case, and has received practical instruction in administration of aneasthetics. (d) Of having attended for six months the practice of a public dispensary specially recognised by any of the above authorities, or the out-patient practice of a recognised general hospital or of having acted for six months as pupil to a registered practitioner who either holds such a public appointment, or has such opportunities of imparting practical knowledge as shall be satisfactory to the cooperating authorities ; this attendance should be made after the student has passed the First and Second examinations. (e) Of having been instructed in the Theory and Practice of Vaccination by a Public Vaccinator authorised by the Local Government Board to grant certificates of proficiency in vaccination and of having performed operations under the teacher’s inspection during a period of not less than six weeks.



cate to be




These Colleges have made arrangements by which, after series of examinations; held in Edinburgh or Glasgow, or both, the student may obtain the diplomas of the three Bodies. The three Bodies grant their Single Licences only to candidates who already possess legal qualifications in Medicine or Surgery. Copies of the Regulations for the Single Licence of any of the Bodies may be had on application to the respective secretaries. The above Course of Hospital Practice, and the above Professional Edizeation.-I. The candidate must produce certificates or other satisfactory evidence of having Courses of Clinical Medicine and Clinical Surgery shall be attended the following separate and distinct courses of attended at a recognised Public General Hospital, possessing instruction : Physics, three months ; Elementary Biology, distinct staffs of Physicians and of Surgeons, and containing three months; Chemistry, six months ; Practical or on an average not less than 80 patients available for Clinical Analytical Chemistry, three months; Anatomy, during at Instruction. least six months ; Practical Anatomy, twelve months ; PhyIn addition to the courses above prescribed, candidates are siology, six months ; Materia Medica, three months; required to attend the following courses : Diseases and Pathology (including Practical Pathology), six months ; Injuries of the Eye, three months; Insanity, three months; Practice of Medicine, six months ; Clinical Medicine, nine Infectious Diseases, three months. The curriculum lasts for five years ; the fifth year should months; Principles and Practice of Surgery, six months; Clinical Surgery, nine months ; Midwifery and the be devoted to clinical work at one or more public hospitals Diseases of Women and Children, three months; Medical or dispensaries. The period of three years devoted to Jurisprudence and Public Health, three months. The hospital practice may include clinical instruction in special certified attendance on lectures, demonstrations, and subjects, and must also include instruction in administrapractical work must not be less than three-fourths of tion of anaesthetics and attendance at post-mortem examinaII. The candidate must tions. The student’s regularity of attendance in the wards the total number of roll-calls. also produce the following certificates-(a) Of having and out-patients’ departments of the hospitals and at the personally attended not less than six cases of labour, post-mortem examinations should be duly ascertained and or alternatively attendance on 12 cases of labour, at noted on the certificate. least five of these to be conducted personally under Students are recommended to pay particular attention to the direct superintendence of the practitioner who practical work in connexion with all the departments of signs the certificate, who must be a registered medical study, and to avail themselves of opportunities of acquiring practitioner, but the practical midwifery applicable practical acquaintance with special departments of Clinical to students commencing medical study on and after Study, such as Diseases of the Ear, Throat, and Skin, Oct. lst, 1908, is as follows: 1. Every student before com- Diseases of Children, and Operative Surgery. The examinamencing the study of Practical Midwifery shall have ’, tions shall be so conducted as to test practical knowledge attended a course of lectures on Surgery and Midwifery and Candidates shall be subjected to four professional examibe required to have held the offices of Clinical Medical Clerk nations : and Surgical Dresser. 2. Every student shall be required First Exccnaination.--The First examination .hall embrace either-(l) to have attended the indoor practice of a lying- the following subjects-(1) Physics, (2) Chemistry, including in hospital or the lying-in wards of a general hospital for Practical Chemistry, and (3) Elementary Biology. The fees period of three months to the satisfaction of the medical payable for admission to the First examination shall be officer in charge, and after having received therein practical for the whole examination, £5, for re-entry in all the instruction in the conduct of labour, under the personal subjects, ;&3, in one or two subjects, £2 10.s. ;for each supervision of a medical officer, to have conducted 12 cases subject separately, :E22 lOs. ;and for re-entry, E2. of labour under official medical supervision ; or (2) to have Second Examination.-The Second examination shall conducted not less than 12 cases of labour, subject to the embrace Anatomy and Physiology including Histology; following conditions-That he has during one month given and candidates may be admitted to this examination regular daily attendance upon the indoor practice of a at the end of the second year of medical study. The lying-in hospital or the lying-in wards of a general fees payable for admission to the Second examination shall hospital or Poor-law infirmary recognised for that pur- be-for the whole examination, £ 5, and for re-entry after pose by any of the licensing bodies, and that he rejection, C3for both subjects, and for each of the subjects has therein conducted cases of labour under the separately, E3, and for re-entry for each subject after personal supervision of a medical officer of the hospital or rejection. £ 2. Third Examination.-The Third examination shall embrace infirmary, who shall, when satisfied of the student’s competence, authorise him to conduct outdoor cases under Pathology and Materia Medica with Pharmacy. The fees official medical supervision. 3. No certificate that the payable for admission to the Third examination shall bestuient has conducted the above-mentioned 12 cases of for the whole examination, £5; for re-entry in both subjects labour shall be accepted unless it is given by a member of after rejection, £3 ; and for each of the subjects separately, the staff of a lying-in hospital or of the maternity charity E3. and for re-entry for each subject after .B2. of a general hospital or of a dispensary having an obstetric Final Examination.-The Final examination shall not be staff recognised for that purpose by any of the licensing taken earlier than the end of the fifth year of study bodies or of a Po Dr-law infirmary having a resident medical and shall embrace the following subjects :-Medicine, officer so recognised. (b) Of having attended, for two and including Therapeutics, Medical Anatomy, and Clinical one





663 Medicine; Surgery, including Surgical Anatomy, Clinical Surgery, and Diseases and Injuries of the Eye; Midwifery and Diseases of Women and of New-born Children ; and Medical Jurisprudence and Public Health, but it is optional to candidates who have passed the Third Examination to be admitted to the subject of Medical Jurisprudence and

intention to present himself for examination must be given by the candidate to Mr. D. L. Eadie, 54, George-square, Edinburgh, clerk to the College, together with credentials signed by two Fellows of the College, one of whom must be a resident in Edinburgh, unless a special application be made to the President and the Council of the College.

Public Health on lodging certificates of having attended the necessary course in that subject at any time ; but the subjects of Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery shall be taken together at any time after the end of the fifth Winter Session, provided that a period of 24 months has elapsed since passing the Second Examination. All candidates shall be subjected, in addition to the written and oral examinations, to clinical examinations in Medicine and Surgery, which shall include the Examination of Patients, Physical Diagnosis, the Clinical use of the Microscope, Examination of the Urine and Urinary Deposits, Surgical The fees Appliances, Bandages, Surface Markings, &c. payable for the Final examination shall be,-for the whole examination, £15, for re-entry after rejection, £5, and for the subjects of Medical Jurisprudence and Public Health when taken separately, £5, with £for re-entry in that

SINGLE LICENCE. The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh admits to the examination for its Single Licence any candidate who already holds a Diploma in Medicine of any British, Indian, or Colonial university or of any British or Colonial College of Physicians, or of the Society of Apothecaries of London or Apothecaries’ Hall, Dublin, granted under the provisions of the Medical Act, 1886, whose preliminary examination and course of professional study is proved to be sufficient to fulfil the requirements of the College, or to those who have passed a full examination for any of the above. Female practitioners are now admitted to the Licence of the College but not to the Fellowship, and the regulations for the Licence apply to practitioners of either sex. Every candidate for a surgical diploma must have followed his course of study in a university, or in an established school of medicine, or in a provincial school specially recognised by the College of Surgeons of that division of the United Kingdom in which it is situate. Under the title Established School of Medicine are comprehended the medical schools of those cities of Great Britain and Ireland in which Diplomas in Surgery are granted, and such colonial and foreign schools as are similarly circumstanced in the countries in which they exist. Professional Examination for the Single Diploma of the College.-Candidates for the Diploma ofthe College will be subjected to one professional examination, partly in writing and partly practically and orally. Opportunities for the examinations will be presented four times in each year. On each of these occasions the candidates will assemble to write answers to the questions proposed, and the clinical and oral examinations shall be conducted on the days immediately succeeding. Unsuccessful candidates will be remitted to their studies for a period to be determined by the judgment of the examiners, but not in any case for less than three months. The examination will embrace the principles and practice of surgery (including operative surgery and surgical pathology), clinical surgery, and surgical anatomy, and will not take place before the termination of the full period of

subject. Candidates who enter on the footing of having passed the earlier examination at another Board shall pay the fees in respect of these examinations, as well as the Final examination fees. There are six periods of examination annually, four in Edinburgh and two in Glasgow, and candidates may present themselves at either examining centre irrespectively of the place of the previous examination. The Registrar in Edinburgh is Mr. J. Robertson, solicitor, 54, George-square; and the Registrar in Glasgow, Mr. A. Duncan, LL.D., 242, St. Vincent-street, to whom fees and certificates must be sent for the respective examinations. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF EDINBURGH THE MEMBERSHIP AND FELLOWSHIP. In addition to the

diplomas granted by

the Scottish Con-

joint Board the Royal College of Physicians grants its Single Licence to candidates already possessing legal qualifications for professional practice. The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh grants a Membership and a Fellowship. Membership.-A candidate, who must be a Licentiate of a British or Irish College of Physicians, or a graduate of a British or Irish University and 24 years of age, is examined study. in medicine, therapeutics, and in any branch of the departApplications for examination must be made to Mr. D. L. ments of medicine specially professed, such as general Eadie, not later than one week prior to the date of pathology, psychology, public health, obstetrics, gynaecology, examination. diseases of children, tropical medicine, or medical jurisOn the production of the required documents Mr. Eadie prudence. The fee for the Membership is £36 15.’!., will give the candidate an order authorising the examiners 15 guineas of which will be returned to any successful to admit him to examination. candidate who was already a Licentiate of the College at The fee of R15 15s. payable to the College must be lodged the time of qualifying for the Membership. in the hands of Mr. Eadie not later than one week preFellowship.-Tbe Fellows are selected, save with rare ceding the examination day. The sum of 910 10s. will be exceptions, from the ranks of the Members. They must be returned to each unsuccessful candidate. Under special 25 years of age. The fee is R64 l8s. circumstances candidates can be examined on days other The College grants its Single Licence on terms similar than those fixed by the regulations. The fee for a special to those of the Royal College of Sr.rgeons of Edinburgh, as examination is as follows, viz., R20 for examination, of ,

mentioned in the next section. Further information can be obtained from the secretary.

which RIO will be returned to candidates remitted on examination. In order to test more effectually the practical knowledge ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF EDINBURGH: of candidates recent dissections and anatomical specimens will be employed during examination. THE FELLOWSHIP. They will also be The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh grants a subjected to a practical clinical examination in the Surgical the application of surgical apparatus, diploma of Fellowship after examination to the holders of Hospital, including and may, if it be conthe surgical degrees of diplomas of such British examining bandages, surface markings, &c., sidered necessary to test their knowledge, be required to as well as of the holders of such bodies, surgical degrees of the Universities of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and perform operations on the dead body. the Indian Empire as are recognised by the College. The candidates for the examination must be 25 years of age and THE ROYAL FACULTY OF PHYSICIANS AND must have been engaged in practice for at least two years. SURGEONS OF GLASGOW. The examination is of a practical nature, partly written and Like the preceding corporations, the Hoyal faculty of partly viva voce, and must include surgery and surgical anatomy, operative surgery, and clinical practice. One Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow grants a Fellowship and optional subject must also be taken, the range of these a Licence to be held as separate qualifications. specialisms covering nearly every branch of medicine. The Fellowship.-The Fellowship of the Faculty is granted fee to be paid on entering for examination for Fellow- after examination in medicine or surgery, together with an ship is £45, £10 of which is remitted to those who optional subject, which may be anatomy or physiology or be already hold the Licentiateship of the College. Candidates selected from any special branch of medicine or surgery, and rejected at the examination obtain repayment of fee less £10 14 days’ notice must be given by the candidate of his retained for examination expenses. One month’s notice of intention to present himself to Mr. Alexander Duncan,