387 ment of his medical studies. Masters and Bachelors of Arts of any British or foreign university, whose course of study may from time to time be approved by the College, will be exempted from the Preliminary Examination ; also those who have passed the examination of the national educational bodies, or of any recognised licensing board. The Professional Examination will be into two parts, according to the following arrangement of subjects:2. Materia Medica 1. Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry. and Pharmacy, Pathology and Pathological Anatomy, Prac-
Examinations, conducted at separate sitin writing and partly orally. The First Examination embraces Anatomy, Physiology, and Chemistry. Candidates who desire to pass the First Professional Examination must apply to the Secretary on or before the Saturday preceding the day of examination, and must produce tickets and certificates of attendance in regard to all those courses of study which have reference to the subjects of that examination. They must also produce evidence of tice of Medicine, Surgery, Midwifery, Medical Jurispru- having passed the Preliminary Examination. The sum of .84must be paid to the treasurer of the Coldence, Clinical Medicine. No candidate will be admitted to the first examination until the end of his second winter lege for this examination not later than 10 A.M. of the day session, or to the second until he has completed four years preceding it. This sum will be considered as paid to account of professional study. The examinations will be partly of the entire fee of .610 payable for the diploma. In the case of a candidate being unsuccessful at this exoral, partly in writing. Candidates for the licence of the College who have passed amination, ae2will be returned to him, the remaining .63 the First Professional Examination before a qualifying being retained to meet the expenses of the examination. The Second Examination embraces Surgery and Surgical body (provided it be as extensive as that required by this College) will be at once admitted to the second part of the Anatomy; also Medicine, Midwifery, Materia Medica, and Medical Jurisprudence ; and does not take place before the examination. Meetings for the examination of candidates who already termination of the winter session of the last year of study. possess a qualification from a recognised licensing body will In the case of candidates who began their course of study be held on the first Wednesday of every month (except after 16th October, 1866, it will not take place till four years September and October), and, if necessary, on the following after the examination in general education. days. Candidates are required to communicate with the Application for examination must be made to the secresecretary to the College not less than eight days before the tary not later than the Tuesday previous to the day of the First Examination. date of the examination at which they propose to appear. No candidate is admissible to examination who has been Every candidate must produce to the secretary-1. Satisrejected by any licensing board within three months pre- factory evidence of his having attained the age of twentyone years, and of having been duly registered. 2. The vious to his examination. The fee payable by a licentiate is .610 10s. In the event tickets and certificates of his classes. 3. The certificate of of a candidate being unsuccessful at his examination, the his having passed the First Professional Examination. And 4. A tabular statement (for which a printed form will be sum of ae2 2s. will be retained to defray expenses. Candidates may be admitted to special examination, on furnished by the exhibiting the full amount of his days other than those appointed above, on bringing forward professional education, and distinguishing the classes, hosreasons satisfactory to the Council, and on paying an extra pitals, and dispensaries attended during each session of his fee of =85 5s. Should the candidate be unsuccessful, the studies. If he have been an apprentice, he must also insert the name of his master, the date of his indenture, and the sum of ae8 8s. will be returned to him. The Membership.-Any licentiate of a College of Physicians, length of time for which he was bound. This statement, or graduate of a British or Irish university, with whose accurately filled up, must be attested by his signature, and knowledge of medical and general science the College may will be preserved by the College. be satisfied, may be admitted a member of the College, proIf the candidate have been an apprentice to a Fellow of vided he shall have attained the age of twenty-four years. the College, he must also produce his discharged indenture. The Fellowship.-No one can be elected a Fellow of the The remaining fee payable to the College (being .,66), toCollege until he has been at least one year a member gether with the receipt for the fee paid for the First Professional Examination, must be lodged not later than 10 A.M. thereof, and has attained the age of twenty-five years. The fee to be paid by a member is .831 10s. When a of the day preceding the examination day in the hands of licentiate is raised to the rank of a member, he pays .821. the treasurer, who will certify this upon the secretary’s When a member is raised to the rank of a fellow, the fee ÌE letter..84 will be returned to unsuccessful candidates. .E31 10s., exclusive of stamp duty, which amounts to .825 Candidates who have passed the First Examination in All candidates for fellowship or membership must lodge Anatomy, Physiology, and Chemistry, at any of the licensing their fees, and the amount of stamp duty payable at thf boards recognised by the Medical Act, will be admissible to time to Government, with the treasurer, previously to pre. the Second Professional Examination on producing certificates of the whole course of study, of having passed their senting their petitions. Qualification in Public Health.-The College now confers Preliminary and First Professional Examinations, and of certificates of competency in Public Health. Examination! having been registered. If any of the three subjects of the are held in April and October. Fee for certificate =810 10s first examination have been omitted, such candidates will have to undergo an examination on the omitted subjects; and none of the subjects set down will be omitted at the ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, EDINBURGH. second examination, even if some of them should have formed part of the first examination by another board. The Every candidate for a surgical diploma must have fol- fee will be 210. Unsuccessful candidates under this regulowed his course of study in a university, or in an established school of medicine, or in a provincial school specially re- lation will receive back .88. more effectually the practical knowledge cognised by the College of Surgeons of that division of the of In order to test candidates, recent dissections, anatomical specimens, and United Kingdom in which it is situate. be employed during the Preliminary Examination.-All students who intend be- articles of the materia medica willwill be all candidates and to write examinations; must have candidates for the of the coming College diploma will also be subjected out formulae of They as the education prescriptions. passed complete examination in general prescribed by the General Medical Council (see ante), and to a practical clinical examination in the surgical hospital, have had their names inscribed in the Register of Medical including the application of surgical apparatus, bandages, &c. No candidate shall be admissible to examination who has Students at the commencement of their professional studies. Testimonials of proficiency granted by educational bodies been rejected by any other licensing board within the three recognised by the Medical Council exempt students from the months preceding his application to be examined. Preliminary Examination. Professional Education.-Candidates commencing profes- ROYAL COLLEGES OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, sional study after Oct. 1st, 1866, must have been engaged; EDINBURGH. during four years after the examination in general educa. The of in which shall include less than not tion, professional study, Royal College Physicians of Edinburgh and the four winter sessions’, or three winter and two summer ses. Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, while they still to give their diplomas separately, under separate sions’ attendance at a recognised medical school. Professional Examination -Candidates are subjected tc regulations, have made arrangements by which, after one two Professional
tings, partly