surgical apparatus, and the practical examination of logical Anatomy, three months ; Practical Pharmacy, three months. The applicant must also produce evidence of having patients. The Primary Examinations are held in the months of attended the practice of a public hospital (containing not fewer January, April, May, July, and November, and the Pass than eighty beds) during a period of not less than twenty-four Examinations generally in the ensuing week, respectively. months, twelve of which must have been spent in attendCandidates will not be admitted to the Primary Examina- ance on the medical wards. He must have attended for six tion until after the termination of the second winter months the practice of a public dispensary, or have acted for session of their attendance at a recognised school or schools; six months as clinical clerk or dresser in a hospital, or have been engaged for six months as visiting assistant to a regisnor to the Pass, or Surgical Examination, until after the termination of the fourth year of their professional educa- tered practitioner. He must produce a certificate of having tion. The fee of five guineas, paid prior to the first admis- attended at least six cases of Labour under the superinsion to the Primary Examination, is retained whether the tendence of a qualified medical practitioner, and that he has candidate pass or fail to pass the examination, but is studied Vaccination underacompetent and recognised teacher. allowed as part of the whole fee of twenty-two pouuds25 No candidate will be admitted to the first examination payable for the diploma. A candidate, after failure at any until the end of bis second winter session, or to the second Primary Examination, is required, on admission to any until he has completed four years of professional study. The subsequent Primary Examination, to pay a further fee of examinations will be conducted partly vivâ voce, partly by three guineas, which is retained, whether he pass or fail written papers. Candidates for the licence of the College to pass the examination, and which further fee is not who have passed the first Professional Examination before a allowed as part of the whole fee of twenty.two pounds for qualified body (provided it be as extensive as that required the diploma. by this College) will be at once admitted to the second part The fee of sixteen pounds fifteen shillings is payable prior of the examination. to each admission to the Pass Examination ; but on each Meetings for the examination of candidates, who already occasion of failure the balance of eleven pounds ten shillings possess a qualification from a recognised licensing body, will is returned to the candidate. A candidate having entered be held on the fitst Wednesday of every month (with the his name for either the Primary or Pass Examination, who exception of September and October), and, if necessary, on shall fail to attend, will not be allowed to present himself for the following days. No one is admissible to examination examination within the period of three months from the who has within the previous three months been rejected by date at which he shall have so failed to attend. A candidate any licensing board. The fee for the licence is fifteen referred on the Primary Examination is required, prior to guineas. his admission to re-examination, to produce a certificate Candidates may be admitted to Special Examination on that he has pursued, to the satisfaction of his teachers, his days other than those appointed above on bringing forward anatomical and physiological studies in a recognised reasons satisfactory to the Council, and on paying an extra medical school duiing not less than three months sub.;e- fee of five guineas. Should the candidate be unsuccessful, quently to the date ot his reference. A candidate referred the sum of eleven guineas will be returned to him. upon the Primary Examination, who shall not obtain more The Membership.—Any licentiate of a College of Phvthan half of the total minimum number of marks, is not sicians, or Graduate of a British or Irish University, with readmitted to examination until after the lapse of six whose knowledge of Medical and General Science the College months, and is then required to produce a certificate of the may he satisfied, may be admitted a Member of the College, performance of dissections during not less than three provided he shalt have attained the age of twenty-four ears. mon hs, and of having pursued, to the satisfaction of his The Fellowship.—No one shall be elected a Fellow of the :teachers, his anatomical and physiological studies in a College until he has been at least one year a Member thereof, recognised medical school during six months subsequently and has attained the age of twenty-five years. A candidate referred on to the date of his reference. The following additional regulations apply to all candithe Pass Examination is required, unless the Court of dates whose petitions are received after March st, 1882 :— Examiners shall otherwise determine, to produce, prior to Every candidate for the Membership (except in the case of his admision to re-examination, a certificate of at least six medical practitioners of ten years’ standing, distinguished months’ further attendance on the surgical practice of a for scientific attainments, whom the Council may see fit to lecognised hospital, together with lectures on clinical exempt) shall be required to pass an examination-On A the Principles and Practice of Medicine, surgery, subsequently to the date of his reference. Theracandidate, referred on the Pass or Surgical Examination for peutics. On one of the following subjects including to be selected by the diploma of Member, who shall have exhibited such the candidate :—(a) Pathology, including Morbid Anatomy ; extreme ignorance in the examination as, in the opinion of Medical Jurisprudence and Public Health; (c) Midwifeiy (b) the Court of Examiners, to render it desirable that he and the Diseases of Women ; (d) Psychological Medicine. should be referred for a longer period than six months, is The fee to be paid by a member is ;E31 1Os. When a required, before his admission to re-examination, to produce licentiate is raised to the rank of a member, he pays ;f21. a certificate of having attended the surgical practice and When a member is raised to the rank of a fellow, the fee is clinical lectures on Surgery of a recognised hospital for a £31 10s., exclusive of stamp duty, which amounts to £25. further period of nine or twelve months, as the Court shall All candidates for fellowship or membership must lodge determine. their fees, and the amount of stamp duty pavable at the time to Government, with the treasurer, previously to preROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, EDINBURGH. senting their petitions. Qualification in Public Health.-The College now confers The Licence. -No one can obtain the licence of the College certificates of competency in Public Health. Examinations until he has completed the age of twenty-one years. Every Fee for certificate, ;E10 10s. are held in April and October. applicant for the licence must produce evidence that he has been engaged in the study of Medicine during a period of at least four years subsequent to his registration as a medical student, which period shall include attendance during not ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, EDINBURGH. less than four winter sessions, or three winter and two Every candidate for a surgical diploma must have followed summer sessions, at a recognised medical school. He must his course of study in a university or in an established school produce certificates that he has attended the following of medicine, or in a provincial school specially recognised courses at a university, or at some medical school recognised by the College of Surgeons of that division of the United by the College :-Anatomy, six months; Practical Anatomy, Kingdom in which it is situate. six months; Chemistry, six months ; Practical Chemistry, Preliminary Examination.—All students who intend bethree months; Materia Medica and Pharmacy, three months ; coming candidates for the diploma of the College must have Physiology or Institutes of Medicine, three months; Practice pased the complete examination in general education as of Medicine, six months ; Clinical Medicine, six months; prescribed by the General Medical Council, and have had Principles and Practice ofSurgery, six months ; Clinical their names inscribed in the Register of Medical Students at Surgery, three months ; Midwifery, three months; Medical the commencement of their professional studies. ExamiJurisprudence, three months ; General Pathology or Patho- nations will be held on Oct. 14th, 16th, and 17th, 1882; April 10th, lltb, and 12th; July 6th, 7th, and 9th; Oct. 13th, 15th, and 16th, 1883. 25 This sum of £22 is exclusive of the fee of £2 Testimonials of profor the Prepaid liminary Examination. ficiency granted by educational bodies recognised by the
402 Medical Council exempt students from the Examination.
conducted in the same manner as the ordinary surgical. examinations. Candidates for the Dental Diploma must produce evidence. of having attained the age of twenty-one years, and will be required to produce a certificate of having parsed the Preliminary Examination in General Education required for the ordinary licence in Surgery, or an examination equivalent to this, and recognised by the General Medical Council, except in the case of candidates who shall have commenced their professional education previous to the first day of August, 1878. Candidates will also be required to produce certificates of having been engaged during four years in the acquirement of professional knowledge, and of having been during that period, or at some time previous to their examination, engaged for not less than three year-3 in the acquirement of a practical knowJerJge of Mechanical Dentistry with a practitioner registered under this Act. Lectures and other courses of instruction must have been attended at a ie. cognised medical school, and the number of lectures in each. of the general courses init.-t cotresriond with those required for the Surgical Diploma of the College. The fee for the diploma is £10 10s.
Professional Examination.-Candidates are subjected to two Professional Examinations, conducted at separate sittings, partly in writing and partly orally. The First Examination embraces Anatomy, Physiology, Examinations will be held Oct l7th, 1882; and Jan. 23rd, March 27th, April 17tb, July 17tb, 1883. Candidates who desire to pass the First Professional Examination mustapply to the Secretary on or before the Friday preceding the day of examination, and must produce certificates of attendance in regard to all those courses of study which have reference to the subjects of that examination. They must also produce evidence of having passed the Preliminary Examination. The sum of X66s. must be paid to the treasurer of the College for this examination not later than 9 A.M. of the Saturday preceding it. This sum will be considered as paid to account of the entire fee of £15 15s. payable for the diploma. The Second Examination embraces Surgery and Surgical Anatomy ; also Medicine, Midwifery, Materia Medica, and Medical Jurisprudence ; and does not take place before the termination of the winter session of the last year of study ; in the case of candidates who began their course of study after 16th of September, 1866, it will not take place till fortyfive months after the examination in general education. Application for examination must be made to the secretary not later than the Monday previous to the day of the
examination. Every candidate must produce to the secretary-1. Satisfactory evidence of his having attained the age of twenty2. The one years, and of having been duly registered. certificates of his classes. 3. The certificate of his having passed the First Professional Examination. 4. A tabular statement (for which a printed form will be furnished) exhibiting the full amount of his professional education, and distinguishing the classes, hospitals, dispensaries, and schools attended during each session of his studies. If he have been an apprentice, he must also insert the name of his master, the date of his indenture, and the length of time for which he is bound. This statemear, accurately filled up, must be attested by his signature, and afterwards delivered bv the candidate to the officer of the College, to be preserved by the College. If the candidate have been an apprentice to a Fellow of the College, he must also produce his discharged indenture. The remaining fee payable to the College (being £9 9s.), together with the receipt for the fee paid for the First Professional Examination, must be lodged, not later than 9A.M. of the Tuesday preceding the examination day, in the hands of the treasurer. £55s. will. be returned to unsuccessful candidates. Candidates who have passed the First Examination in Anatomy, Physiology, and Chemistry, at any of the licensing boards recognised by the Medical Act, will be admissible to the Second Professional Examination on producing certificates of the whole course of study, of having passed their Preliminary and First Professional Examinations, and of having been registered. If any of the three subjects of the first examination have been omitted, such candidates will have to undergo the first examination on the omitted subjects ; and none of the subjects set done will be omitted at the second examination, even if some of them should have formed part of the first examination by another board. The fee is ;f15 15s. Unsuccessful candidates under this regulation receive back Ell 11s. In order to test more effectually the practical knowledge of candidates, recent dissections, anatomical specimens, and articles of the materia medica will be employed during the examinations ; and all candidates will be required to write out formulae of prescriptions. They will also be subjected to a practical clinical examination in the surgical hospital, including the application of surgical apparatus, &c. No candidate wilt be admissible to examination who has been rejected by any other licensing board within the three months preceding his application to be examined. The Dental Diploma -Every candidate for the Dental Diploma must have attended the general lectures and courses of instruction required at a University or an established medical school recognised by the College as qualifying for the diploma in Surgery. The special courses of instruction may have been followed in a recognised dental hospital or school, or by teachers recognised by the College. The examinations will be both written and oral, and be
ROYAL COLLEGES OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, EDINBURGH. The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, and the Royal College of Surgeous of Edinburgh, while they still continue to give ttieir diplomas separately, under separate regulation?, have made arrangements by which, after one series of examinations, the student may obtain the diplomas of both Colleges. The general principle of this joint examination is, that it sliall be conducted by a board in which each body is represented in those branches which are common to both medicine and surgery ; but that the College of Physicians shall take exclusive charge of -,be examination in Medicine, and the College of Surgeons of the examination in Surgery. The object of the joint examination is to give to students facilities for obtaining from two separate bodies, and at less expense, a qualitication in Medicine and a qualification in Surgery. Students passing that examination successfully will be enabled to register two qualificationsunder the Medical Act-Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, and Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. The arrangement for tons conferring a double qualification by the co-operation of thetwo Colleges is in couformity with Section 19 of the Medical Act, and has received the special sanction of the General Council of Medical Education and Registration. FACULTY OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF GLASGOW. Preliminary Examinations in General Literature, in ac. cordance with the regulations of the General Council, will be held in the Faculty Hall during the session 1882-83 on the following Fridays, commencing at 9 o’clock—namely, October 20th, 1882, March 30th, June 29th, and September 7th, 1883; and on each occasion the examination will be continued on the succeeding day. Those who are unsuccessful may appear at one subsequent examination without paying a second fee. Tbe fee for the examination and certificate is 10s. I The course of study for the diploma and the regulations correspond with tho-e required by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. ’, The Professional Examinatious are held at four periods in 1882—in January, April, July, and October. The following are the dates at which the first examination will begin in 1882-83: Oct. 18th, 1882; Jan. 9th, April 6th, July 18th, 1883. The second examination will commence on Oct. 23rd, 1882; Jan. 13th, April 10th, and July 23rd, 1883, Candidates wilt not be admitted to the final examination until the expiry of fotty-five months from the date of registration, which period must embrace at least three winter and two summer sessions, or four winter sessions, of study at a medical
school. ’,
The regulations regarding examinations are nearly similar to thooe of the Roval College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Al1 at the Primary Examination are required to dissect candidates in presence of the examiners. The fee for the diploma is fifteen guineas—six guineas for the first and nine guineas for the second examination. Can-