808 The whole business is said to be moving on with the secrecy of an act that will not bear the daylight, but the general practitioner will not fail to receive your able and eloquent advocacy, while Dr. Webster and his associates, and nine thousand licentiates of the Act of 1815, are ready to awake at your Your obedient servant, summons. CIVIS MEDICUS. February 24, 1842.
Want of space compels us to defer D,’. Sutherland’s communication. Publius.-A partial dislocation of the shoulder may undoubtedly exist. Many experiments framed on the principle suggested by Alpha have at various times been tried, but none of them with results that warranted their repetition. It is unnecessary, therefore, to publish his letter. G. I. K. may have supposed that in preWe shall see. The matter is in the hands of the great body of the profession. paring his letter for publication he was proThe last time of asking is at hand. It must moting sound principles in medical educasoon be known, far and wide, on what behalf tion, and advocating the views entertained in this Journal on the subject of medical rethey will announce themselves. form. For his mistake we cannot account. He will no where find in these pages any or (more comOPERATIONS IN THE LONDON advocacy of 11 acknowledged" 11 schools. It is monly recognised" called) HOSPITAL. not necessary to illustrate farther the diversity between two plans, for such schools To the Editor of THE LANCET. form the key-stone of G. I. K.’s plan of SIR,-In last week’s LANCET there is a medical reform. We may simply add that which G. I. K. considers paragraph containing a distinct accusation of the point respecting to be approfessional blundering against two gentle- that there is " the most difficulty men at the London Hospital. I beg to in- prehended" would, of all " difficulties," be form you that there is not an atom of truth in the least, simply because under any new law either of the assertions therein contained ; the person who is a legally-qualified practiyour correspondent is evidently no pupil of tioner now, would be a legally-qualified I am, Sir, your obedient practitioner then, with power to belong to our hospital. any new medical institution which the legisservant, AMICUS JUSTITIE. lature might create, either bv virtue of his None can regret more than ourselves present station, or at the least possible cost of the publication of erroneous statements, and money to him that reason and necessity ordain. The acquaintance of our corwe are ever ready on such occasions to do might whatever may be in our power to remove the respondent with the wants of the profession, not keep pace with his good feeling toimpression which they are calculated to pro- does duce. The above note has been authenti- wards that body. Mr. Claisse’s letter did not reach us until cated, and our correspondent informs us that after THE LANCET of Feb. 26 was at press, or " no case of empyema has been tapped in the his request should have been promptly comfor and that no hospital years," consequently intercostal artery could possibly be wounded. plied with. The 1st of March arrived before a number was to be issued. Moreover, he remarks that the mode of using new The letters of A Governor (Chelmsford), the trocar in the London Hospital is such as to render such an accident improbable. This Mr. Robert Graham, Dr. Cookson, Mr. J. explanation is most satisfactory as relates to T. Davies, and Mr. Dixon, reached us too the gentlemen whose professional ability has late for other notice or insertion this week. been impeached, but it is at the same time MR. HAMILTON.—With the greatest readimost disgraceful to the person who penned ness we contradict the assertion of the correthe communication of last week. For the spondent at page 774 in our last week’s future no such statements as that which we Number, under the head « Paracentesis now condemn shall appear in the pages of Thoracis," relating to a case alleged to have THE LANCET, unless authenticated by the terminated fatally after an operation by Mr. ’ name and address of the writer. Hamilton. The statement of the writer it appears is wholly an invention, and we regret the imposition which he attempted for a ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS brief space to practise by his communication. IN LONDON. Mr. Balman requests us to state that his name has been incorrectly spelt Balmain in LIST of gentlemen admitted members on the discussion at the University College Society, published in our last. We Friday, February 25, 1842 :—Charles Smith; Medical Edmund Henry Peters; Horatio Girdle- find it to be as printed in the manuscript. Erratum in our last, p. 755, for extract of stone ; Joseph Schofield ; Henry Norton Shaw; Thomas Patrick Matthew; Richard conium, poppies, and dandelion, of each, 3j, read j. Tilston; Edward Turner.