Arch. Protistenkd. 146 (1995): 101-106
© by Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena
Spirogyra salmonispora sp. nov. (Zygnematophyceae, Chlorophyta), a New Freshwater Species of the Section Conjugata N.
& E. J.
Departamento de Biologfa, Universidad Nacional de Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentina Summary: Details of the morphology and life history of Spirogyra salmonispora sp. nov. from the south of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, are described. This species has scalariform conjugation and produces two morphologically different types of zygospores. The mesospore is salmon-colored with a fine and irregularly reticulate surface. Key Words: Spirogyra salmonispora sp. nov.; Diagnosis; Life cycle; Morphology.
Introduction The section Conjugata was created by HANSGIRG in 1886 (see KADLUBOWSKA 1984) by segregating the species of Spirogyra with plane end walls and cells not joined by means of rings. KADLUBOWSKA (1984) divided the section into four groups: Longata, Nitida, Punctata and Maxima, based on zygospore characteristics and the number of chloroplasts per cell. The present work describes in detail the morphology and biology of Spirogyra salmonispora sp. nov., a new member of the section Conjugata, group Maxima. To date, 293 species have been described for this section throughout the world (KADLUBOWSKA 1984).
Material and Methods The study was carried out on natural popUlations growing in an artificial shallow lake situated in Parque de Mayo, Bahia Blanca, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina (38° 41'S, 62° 15'W). The lake receives water from the Naposta Creek and covers approximately 3 hectares. The cli-
mate can be described as arid temperate (Zonobiome VII) according to the climate classification of WALTER et al. (1975), with mean air temperatures ranging from 4.3-15.9 °C in winter and 16.6---42.5 °C in summer (DONNARI & TORRE 1974). Observations were carried out during 1989-1991 on recently collected plants and those in culture. Strains of S. salmonispora are regularly maintained in Woods-Hole medium (SIMONS et al. 1984) at 20-21 °C under 12:12 h LD regime or 10-12 °C under 8:16 LD regime by illumination with 20 W cool-white fluorescent lamps providing 67 !lmol . m-2 • S-l. Clonal cultures were started from small pieces of recently collected filaments 3 to 5 cells long. Cultures were transferred regularly each 30 ± 10 days. The growth pattern of the species was defined by periodic observation of undisturbed young replicates. A holotype and paratypes of S. salmonispora have been deposited in the Laboratorio de Plantas Avasculares, Departamento de Biologia, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentina and the Bahia Blanca Biologia Herbarium (BBB). Preparation of zygospores for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed using the methods described by HULL et al. (1985). Removal of the exospore was carried out mechanically.
N. c.
Spirogyra saimonispora sp. nov.
Description of the new species
Spirogyra salmonispora sp. nov.
Vegetative cells 66.3-93.6 /lm in diameter (x =78.84, S =5.02, n = 67); 187.2-468 /lm long (x =279.52, S = 71.32, n = 67), with plane end walls; (4) 5 (6) chloroplasts with midrib and irregularly spaced pyrenoids (5-15 /lm in diameter) making 1.5 to 3 turns in each cell. Conjugation scalariform, tubes well developed and formed by both gametangia; fertile cells cylindric. Zygospores ellipsoid or cylindric with rounded ends, 81-92 x 101-188 /lm, exospore smooth and colorless, mesospore thick and salmon-colored, fine and irregularly reticulate. Interphasic nucleus square in optical
Latin Diagnosis Cellulis vegetativis 66.3-93.6 /lm latis, 187.2-468 /lm longis; dissepimentis planis; chromatophoris (4) 5 (6), anfractibus 1.5 ad 3, pyrenoideis irregulariter dispositis; conjugatione scalari; cellulis fructiferis cylindricis; zygosporis ellipsoideis vel cylindricis apice rotundatis, 81-92 x 101-188 /lm, mesosporio crasso, salmoneo, subtiliter et irregulariter reticulato.
Table 1. Comparison between S. salmonispora sp. nov. and S. malmeana HIRN. Characteristics of S. malmeana as given by KOLKWITZ & KruEGER (1944a), TRANSEAU (195P), RANDHAWA (1959c), GAUTHIER-LIEVRE (1965 d) and KADLUBOWSKA (1972e ;
S. salmonispora
S. malmeana
Vegetative Cells Diameter (in /lm)
76_91 a,b,c,e 83-90d 76-99 f
Length (in )lm)
4-6 with midrib
3-4a, b, c, e, f
Conjugation tubes
formed for both gametangia and well developed
formed for both gametangia and little developeda- f
ellipsoid and cylindric with rounded ends
ellipsoida- f
Zygospores Shape
Dimensions (in )lm)
81-92 x 101-188
52-65 x 74--98 a,e,f 65-83 x 75-100b,c 55-60 X 85-95 d
Position in the gametangia
parallel to the long axis of the cell
at an angle of 45° with the long axis of the cella- f
Mesospore color
yellow-brown a- f
Mesospore ornamentation
irregularly reticulate
irregularly reticulatea- f
Figs. 1-10. Spirogyra salmonispora. Fig. 1. Vegetative filament. Fig. 2. Detail of a vegetative cell. Figs. 3-6. Conjugating filaments. Figs. 3 and 5 show successive stages of the formation of the conjugation tubes. Figs. 7, 9. Zygospores in lateral view. Figs. 8,10. Gametangia with mature zygospores. Scale bar in Fig. 1 = 100 )lm, also for Figs. 4,8 and 10 and 10 )lm in Fig. 2, also for the rest of the figures.
Figs. 11-15. Spirogyra salmonispora. Figs. 11, 12. Light microscope. Fig. 11. Zygospores in lateral view. Fig. 12. Mesospore ornamentation. Figs. 13-15. SEM. Fig. 13. Zygospore in lateral view. Fig. 14. Zygospore in apical view. Fig. 15. Mesospore ornamentation. Scale bars = 10 /lm except for Fig. 15 = 1 /lm.
section, 20 x 20 /lm, with one nucleolus, 9-10 /lm in diameter. In the natural environment filaments of S. salmonispora appeared bright green and normally aggregated in very long masses, floating on the water surface and growing down to 30 cm deep. Conjugation took place during October-November with water temperatures up to 31°C and pH 7.5. In culture, filaments grew straight and tended to remain horizontal, loose and parallel to each other, thus forming initially ring-shaped and later disc-shaped masses. The diameters of the filaments were normally smaller than those in nature and the number of chloroplasts was observed to vary between 4 and 6. Conjugation could not been induced in culture.
Discussion With the sole exception of the work of SECKT (1929), the family Zygnemataceae has received little attention in phycological studies of Argentina. Although many species have been mentioned in different works (GUARRERA & KOHNEMANN 1949; TELL 1985), most of the knowledge we have on Argentine Zygnemataceae comes from studies in which they have been treated incidentally, with no precise details on their taxonomical state, morphology, biology or geographical distribution. TELL (1985) mentioned 28 species of the Conjugata section for Argentina, 4 of them belonging to the Maxima group.
Spirogyra salmonispora sp. nov.
For the description of this new species we have taken mainly into account the traits and characteristics used by KADLUBOWSKA (1983) in the treatment of the Zygnemataceae. We have emphasized the observation of the zygospore attributes in view of the dwindling relevance of other morphological traits such as filament diameter, wich is highly influenced by the level of ploidy (HOSHAW & HULL 1981; HOSHAW et al. 1985, 1987). The taxonomic significance of zygospore ornamentation as viewed with SEM has already been stressed in several works on Spirogyra and Sirogonium (HOSHAW 1980; ASHRAF & GODWARD 1980; SIMONS et al. 1982; DE VRIES et al. 1983; HULL et al. 1985). Since S. salmonispora shares with other species of the Maxima group (i.e. S. malmeana, S. anomala, S. brunnea) the reticulate ornamentation of the mesospore, we assume these three species to be the most related to the proposed new species, though no exhaustive comparisons can be made owing to the lack of SEM studies on these three species. Table 1 shows a comparison between S. salmonispora and S. malmeana, presumably the nearest relative with reticulate mesospore. S. salmonispora resembles S. malmeana in cell diameter and mesospore ornamentation, yet differs with respect to zygospore dimensions, color and position in the gametangia, the development of the conjugation tubes and the number and characteristics of the chloroplasts. Acknowledgements: This research was conducted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree of N.F. in the Universidad Nacional del Sur, and was supported by the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas de la Republica Argentina, grant PID 3-110-500/88. N.F. was the recipient of a fellowship from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas de la Republica Argentina and E. 1. C. is a research member of the Comision de Investigaciones Cientfficas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Special thanks are given to the late Dr. ROBERT W. HOSHAW of the University of Arizona, U.S.A. and to Dr. JOANNA Z. KADLUBOWSKA of the University of Lodz, Poland, for their competent opinions with respect to the creation of this new species and for their helpful comments on the manuscript.
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