Subject index No. 3: Pulmonary neoplasms

Subject index No. 3: Pulmonary neoplasms

SUBJECT INDEX NO. 3: PULMONARY NEOPLASMS A,,',c~, ( 5? Ah~orpUon c,.)ullict,:n(~, finc~r, of ur;nc. ".~at'~r Jnd blood, ta. hie. 160 Adcnoc-:lre...

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SUBJECT INDEX NO. 3: PULMONARY NEOPLASMS A,,',c~, ( 5? Ah~orpUon c,.)ullict,:n(~, finc~r, of ur;nc. ".~at'~r Jnd blood, ta. hie. 160 Adcnoc-:lremolna~ of rlghl lower lobe. figure. I ~ Adcnokl cy~.h~: carcinom;l~, figures. 227 22~ Adcnumu~. ~c'~'Bronchial udunoma~ Air bronuhocr;=m:L 107. 19~ (figure). 211 (figure) 9~tr mcnl~cUS zn hronchogun~c carc;nozqas. 192 in diffcrcmial diagnusi~ ef'plcu~ aJ lumu~:.. 24 l Alveolar cell ~'~rr ~t,c 13ronchiokJ.alvcolar cell curcinoma~ AmyIoH.~OMS. IT7. 17:~(figures) Ao:~tomy of mcd~a~;ina] lymph node group~.. 2L% 216, (figurcsL 2L7 Anterior mcd=;~s|inul lymph nodes (p:r nodc,,J. 21 ~. 216 ((igu r t'.~J Arlcriovcnous mJlfornl~ziion. 157 AlclCcIUM~.. cndohronchial extension of ccnlrllJ bronchogcn=c c~rcilloln;=s rc~ulfing in. 105. I(~ (figure) Atypical pulmonary collap!.c, figures. 194 196 Benign tumor~. 17~- 186 amyloidos=~ as. 177. rT~ (figure} diffuse mcsothcJloma~ confu~cd wi(h benign pJcurul neoplasms. 245 cndomctrlumu, fibromus, n,~,'ur al lumor.~ and chcmodr mus as. )83 t~ral~ular cell myoblastomas as. 18 I. 182 (figure) hamartomas ~s. 175. 176 (f~.urr 241 humangiomus as. I~l inflan;nta~ory pscudotumors a~, (57, J83, 1~4 (figUre). 1~5, 239 m~rJpulmonury lymph nodr as, i82-18J, 2]6 Iciomyomas ,s. 178. 179 (figure), I~l lipomas as. 176. 177 (ligurc) papillomas as. I~0 (figure), I~1 B~furcahon mcdia...linal lymph nodes ~mler trachcobronchial or suhc~tr)nal mediaslinnl lymph nodes). 215. 2lG (figure). 220 (figure) Bla:.Iomus. I ~.7.22~-229 Blood. linear absorption coefficients of. table. 160 Bor(lcr conligu r ation of peripheral bronuhogcnic carcinomas, 16~, IGg-J72 (figures). 173 of pulmonary nodules, I~g. I90(figutc) Bronchial adenomas. 157 mcsothcliomas confused with. 241 Bronchial carcinoids, 225. 226 (figures). 227 I:lronchial carcinomas, mucoid impact(on dis|al |o, figure. 198 Bronchial mcdiastinal lymph nodes (intr;~pulmonary. interhronchial or bronchopulmonary mcdiastinal lymph nodes). J~12 183, 216 Bronchial obstruction. J94-202 atypical pulmonary collapsc and. figures. 194 197 air hronchograms in. 197, 198 (figures) Scminat$in Roentgeno/ogy. Vol XII. N o 3 (JuIy). 1977

double lesson sign and. Jg~ cndobronchial extorts.inn of centred broncho~cni~: car,:tnomu~ wdh, t65. 156 (figur=}. fb8 figure S s1~n and, 106. lq? (figure) m feclvons and. 199.201 (~gutc). 202 mtlcoid impacllon in, 198 200(figurr ohsiructwc hypcr~crai~un in, 199 open bronchus stgn in. Jgg. 2~) (liguru) Brl)nch=cutasi~. bqu;.~mous carcinuma> wi~h. figuru. 20.<. Bronchlolo-;Jlvcolar cell carcinomas.. 157. 207 2].1 air bronchogram~ wilhln, figure. J98 corona r;~dial~ in pcriphcr;Jl, figure, tT0 open broochu~ sign in. 199, 200(figure) radiographic manifcstatron~;of, figures. 208 213 ]ltonchogcnic carcinomas. 157 (figure:). 16S-174. 2UJ (figure) alr broncho~Jrams distal to. figure. ;9~ ;.~ir m~:niscu~, in. figure. 19~' cavil:stkm in. 173. i')2 (figuz~) central. (6~. 166 (ligur~.). 167 (hgurc). 16~ infccllons and. ligurc. 201 me~othclioma~, conlus',:d with. 239. 242, 244 one.lobe ;Jrlcty sign in. f~gurC. 19.~ pcr.phcra]. 169-172 (figures). 173. I ~)( (figurcJ primary medias(thai. 201 (figure). 202 super:or [riang/r sign in. h~urc, igb va.~cular involvement with. 201 (figuro). 202 (figure) Bronchogranrs. 197. 198 (figurcs). 21 f (ligure) Bronchopufmonary mcdi;tsfinJJ lymph nodes (bronchial or hH~rbronchi~l or Hllrapulmonary olcdia~tmul lymph nodes). Ig2 Ig3.2If. Calcifieut~n in peripheral bronchogcnic carcinomas. 17.3 wilh pulmonary nodules. 188. 190. t91 (fi~ure) Carcmoids, bronchial. 225, 226 (figures), 227 Carcino~.arcomas. pcriphclal, ligure. 229 (~avliateon in bronchogumc Carcinomas;. 173. 102 (figures) in puhnonary nodules. 190 (figure). fgl. 192- 194(figures) Central bronchog=nic caronomas. 165. 166 (figure). 167 (figure). IbR Cunt ral cndobronchial carciooids, figure. 226 Chemodecloma>. 1~3 Chcst ,.~all, primary ncoptasm~ of. dilTusc mesolhclloma with cl|'u~ion coni'used with. 244 Chondromutous hamartomas. I ~7. 175. 176 (hgurc). 24 I Chronic obstructive pneumonia. I6S- 166. 168 Clear cell carcinomas, 22.', Collagen disease, dill'use mesothelioma~, with clTusion confused with. 244 Common large solitary pulmonary masses. ]57 Contouc. xee Border configure.Zion Corona radiation (corona maliyna) in peripheral bronchogenie curcinom~s. JTO(figurr (71 (figure). f?2- J7.3 Cy~.tiu carcinomas. ;Jdeno~l. figures. 227-22g




Cysts fiuitl-fifled, 157 hydalid. 24 I DifferentLd Oh)ghosts of plcu~al tumors, 239, 240-245 (figurcs). 246 247 Diffuse mesothcfiomas, 240 (figure). 242-244 (figures) Disease(s) associated, 20-~(figure). 205 (figure) collagen, diffuse mcsotholiomas with effusion confused with, 244 Disseminated nodular bronchiolo-alvcolar cell carcinomas, figure, 208 Double lesion sign, 198 Double primary carcinomas, 203 (figure). 204 (figure) Downhill varices, 2Ot (figure), 203 Drowned lung, I66, 202 Edema. diffuse mesothelioma confused v,ith serous, 245 Endobronchial careinoids, tigure, 226 Endobronchial cxlension of bronchogenic carcinomas v,ith obstruction. 165. 166 (ligure). 168 Endogenous lipoid pneumonia, organized, mesolheboma confused with, 239 Endometria, 183 Eodottachea{ adenoid cystic carcinomas, figure. 227 Exobronchial carcinuids. 227 Exotracheal adenoid cystic carcinomas, 227, 228 (figu to) Fihrin body with hyaloserosltis, 245 (figure), 246 Fibromas, 183, 239 Fibrosarcomas, 230 (figurc), 231 Fibrosis, diffuse mesothelioma contused with pleural. 245 Figure S sign, 196, 197 (figurc) Fluid-filled cysts. 157 Fungoidcs, mycosis, 234-235 Giant cell carcinomas, 225,226 (figure) Golden pneumonia. 166 Granular cell myoblastomas. 181,182 (ligure) Granulomus, 157 engulfed b~, carcinomas, figure, 191 mcso~heliomas confused with, 24 I Hamartomas (chondromatoas hamarlomas). IS7, 175. 176 (figure), 241 Hemangiomas. I8 I Hemangiopericytomas peripheral, figure. 235 primary, 235 (figure). 236 Hematomas, 157 Hibernomas. 176- t77 Hilar adenopathy, Hodgkin disease with, figure, 233 Hilar mass, transbronehial extension" of bronchngenie c~reinomas with. 167 (figure), Ibg Hodgltin disease. 231-233 (figures), 234 l-lyaloserositis, s ee Pleu ral hyaloserusitis Hydatid cysts, mesotheliomas confused with, 24 I Hydronephrosis with urinc-filled pelvis of less than soft tissue density, hgu re, l Hyperaeratioo, obstructive, 199

Infcclions bronchial obstruction and, 199, 201 (figuxe).202 pleural, diffuse mesothclioma with cffusion confuscd with. 244 Infl;)mmatory pscudotumors, 157, 193. 184 (figure), 185, 239 lnterhronchial m'edi;Jstinallymph node.,,(intrapuhnonary, bronchopuimonary or bronchial media~tina[ {ymph nodes), 182- 183. 216 lnierlohar fluid, loculatcd, 157 lnlcrtrachcobroachial mcdiastiuul lymph nodes (bifurcatiou mcdiastinal lymph nodes; suhcarinal mediastinal lytnph nodes). 215,216 (figure), 220 (figure) Intrapulmonary mcdiastinal lymph nndcs (bronchial interhronchial or bronchopulmonury mediastinal lymph nodes), t82 183, 216 Intrathoracie mediastinal lymph nodes, parietal. 215-216

Large solitary pulmonary masses, 157 Left paratrachcal chain of mediastinal nodes, 215, 216 (figure) Leiomyomas, 178. 179 (figure), 181 Lciomyosarcomas. primary, 230 (figure), 231 I.inear absorption conllicicnts of urine, water and bluod, table, 160 [.ipoid pneumonia. 157 organized endogenous, mcsotheliorna confused with, 239 Lipornas, 176. 177 (figure) I.obulation with peripheral bronchogenic carcinomas. 169 (figure). 170 Loeulatcd interlobar fluid, 157 l.oculated pleural fluid. 157 Lung cancer Ics,r familiar Roentgen manifcstations of, 187, 18g (figure); see also 8ronchiat c,bstruc!.io~: Neoplastic

spread; Pulmonary nodules overviewof, 161 164 See also s p e c i e kinds o f cancer; fi)r exomph.: Broncho-

genic carcinomas Lymph nodes. 182-183; See a/so Mediastinal lymphadenopathy Lymphangitis eareinomatosa. 168 Lymphocytic lymphomas or th~ stomach, figure, 234 Lymphomas. 1.57 malignant, figure, 218 malignant, with rctrotracheal nodes, figurc, 223 uon-tiodgkin. 234-235 (figures). 236 Masses. ~ee Pulmonary nodulcs Matrix of peripheral bronchogenie carcinomas. 173 Mediastinal lymphadenopathy, 157, 215-223 anatomy of lymph node groups, 215, 216 (figu res), 217 discussion on, 220- 22 I, 223 radiographic evaluation of, 217, 2Ig-223 (figures) Meniscus, see Air monist;us Mesolheliomas, 157 differential diagnosis of. 239,240-244 (figures), 245 Metastasis. 157 adenoearcinomas of right lower loire metastatic to regional nodes, figure, 188 mesotheliomas confused with, 239

SUBJECT INDEX Metastasis (Cbminu(,d) ostcohlastic, of broucldoJo.alvcofur cell carcinomas. figure. 2[3 pleurul, diffus.3 mcsothclioma con fused with. 245 ploural with effusion, mcsothelioma with effusion confused with. 244 to posterior mediustinal lymph nodes from carcinoma of prostate, figure, 222 pulmonary carcinomas with nodal, figure. 218 M i~,cd tumors, 228,229 (figu re) Mucoepidcrmoid carcinomas, 228 Mucoid impaction, figures, 198-200 Mycosis funguidcs, 234-235 Myoblastomas. granular coil. 18 I, 182 (figure) Nc~)plasticspread. 202 204 of doublo primary carcinomas. 203 (figure~). 204 (figuro) primary mediustinal, bronchogenic carcinomas as, 201 (figurot. 202 vascular involvement and, 20l (figure). 202 (figure), 203 Neural tumors, 183 Nodules. s e e Pulmonary nodules Non-lfodgkln lymphomas. 234-235 (figures). 236 Obstruction. s e e Bronchial obstruction Obstructive hypcraeration, 199 Obstructive pneumonia, chronic, 165-166, 168 One-lobe artery sign. i94, i95 (figure) Open bronchus sign, 199. 200 (figure) Organized endogenous lipoid pneumonia, mesolhelioma confused with. 239 OsteoblustiL: metastases of bronchiolo-alveolar ecfi carcinomas, figure, 213 Papillomas. 180 (figure). 181 Paratracheal chains o f mediastinal nodes, 215. 216 (figure) Parietal intrathoracic mcdiastinal lymph nodos. 215-216 Peripheral bronchial carcinoids, 226 (figures), 227 Peripheral bronchogenic carcinomas, 168. 169-172 (figures). 173, 19[ (figure) Peripheral carcinosarcomas, figure. 2~9 Peripheral giant cell carcinomas, 226 (figure) Peripheral hemangiopericytomas,figure, 235 Peripheral line shadow in peripheral hronchogenio carcinomas, 172 (figure). 173 Peritrac, hr mOfliastinal nodes, 215.216 (figure) Plasmacytomas. 231 (figure). 232 Pleural fibrosis, diffuse mcsothclioma confiJsed with. 245 Ploural hyaloserositis (Zuckerguss pleura) diffuse mesothelioma confused with. 245 fibrin body with. 245 (figure). 246 pIoural infections, diffuse mesothclioma with effusion confused with, 244 Ploural im/olvement in bronchiolo-a|veolar cell carcinomas. figure. 212 Pleura[ metastases diffuse mesothefioma confused with, 245 with effusion, diffuse mesothelioma with effusion confused with. 244 PIcural tumors, differential diagnosis of. 239. 240-245 (figure). 246-247

251 Pneumonia chronicobslructive, 165-166, ~68 lipoid, 157 organized endogenous lipoid, mesothelioma confused with. 239 Posterior mcdiastinul lymph nodes anatomy of, 215 metastasis to. from carcinoma of prostuto, figure. 222 Protracheai mediastinal lymph nodes, 2)5,216 (figure) Prcvaseular mcdiastinal lymph nodes (anterior mediaslinal lymph nodes). 214. 216 (figure) Primary carcinomas, double, 203 (figure), 204 (figure) Primary hemungiopericyt~mas, 235 (figure), 236 Primary Jeiomyosarcomas,230 (figure). 231 Primary mcdiastinal bronchogenic carcinomas, 201 (figure), 202 Primary neoplasms of chest ,,,,'all, mesothelioma with effusion confusedwith, 244 Primary sarcomas. 22% 230 (figures), 23 I Pscudotumors. inflammatory, 157. 183. 184 (figure). 18.5. 239 Pulmonary carcinomas, s e e Lung cancer Pulmonary collapse, atypical, figures. 194-196 Pulmonary nodules (pulmonary masses). 159 (figure). 187-194 in bronchiolo-alvoolar cell carcinomas, figure. 210 calcification with, 188. 190, 19t (figure) cavitation in. 190 (figure). 191. 192 f94 (figures) central, figure, 167 conlourof. 188. 190(figure) growth role and size of. 187-1~;8, 189 (figure). ]90 (figure) large. 157 periphcral line shadow at margin of. figure, 172 recurrent Hodgkin disease with. figure. 233 Pulmonary roots, mediastinal lymph of. 215 Pulmonary sequestration. 157 Recurrent Hodgkin disease. 232 (ligure), 233 (figure) Recurrent nodular sclerosing Hodgkin disease, figure. 23 I Rctrotracheal mediastinal lymph nodes. 215 malignant lymphomas with. figure. 223 Rib involvement in bronchiolo-alveolar cell carcinomas. figure, 212 Right paratrachcal chain of mediastinal nodes, 21S Sarcomas, 157 primary, 229. 230 (figures). 23 I systemic reticulum cell. figure. 234 Scar cancer, figure. 204 Sclerosing Hodgkin disease, recurrent nodular, figure. 23 i Serous edema, diffuse mcsothclioma confused with. 245 Silicosis. 157 Solitary mesotheliomas. 239. 240 2 4 2 (figures) Solitary metastases, mesothelioma confused with. 239 Solitary pu!monary masses, large. 157 Spiculation. log, 190 (figure) Squumous cell carcinomas. 190 (figure). 194 (figure). 203 (figure) associated with bronchicctasis, figure. 205 penetrating chest wall, figure. 204 Stomach. lymphocytic lympboma of. figure. 234

252 Suhcarin;d m~:diu~iin;d l),mph n~dcs (intcrtr;Lchcnhronchiat or hifurc~.tion mcdi;i~tinal Ivmpfi nodes), 215, 21(~ (I;.gur c), 220 (figure) Superior Ir~an~lc sign. 195. 196(ligurc) Systclnic rcticulum cell sarcum;Ls, figure,234 "['ransbn~nchi;~[u~tensi4.~nof bronuhogcnic car~:inom;Is w~th i~ihJrmass, 16"/(l'igurc).16~ Tr;msvcrsc mcdi~IsLm~[ lymph nodc~, 21.S Uncommon hLr'gcs~ditary pulmonary m:isscs, 157 LJrl~c. linear absorption uocil'IcicnLso[. table, ~60


t'rif,c-lillcd pelvis of less than scJ[; tissue d~Jf)~ily, h):druncphrosis with. fig.urc. [60 V;iricus. downh;ll, 201 (figure), 203 V:nscular ~;yslcun, ncophastir ~,prc:;Jd and involvement =11",201 (figure), 203 (fi~urt:), 203 W:Jter. linear ;lhsurption coefficients oC, I~ble. {60 Wc~ncr ~rar)ulomus, I.S'/ Zuckerguss pleur:l,.~'cl" Pleurul hyah)scrositis