Subject index to volume v

Subject index to volume v

SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME (E) = EditoriaI. (B.R.) = Book Review. bdomen, acute surgica1, 24 Apractica1 surgery of (B.R.), 429 608, 61 I, 615, 620, 6...

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= Book Review.

bdomen, acute surgica1, 24 Apractica1 surgery of (B.R.), 429

608, 61 I, 615, 620, 622, 633, 636

Anesthesia, thyroidectomy, m 4000 goiter operations, I70 Anesthetic mixture for short operations, 394 Anesthetics, local, in urinary tract, 480 Aneurysm of the innominate, 5 I 7 AnkyIosis, knee-joint, with unusua1 fracture of femur, 475 Anorectat tumors, 48 Apparatus for reduction of fracture disIocations of -_ cervica1 spine, 507 Appendicitis, acute (E), Sf$ 335 acute gangrenous, perItonea1 sepsis with hyperpyrexia, recovery, 329 chronic, medica aspects of, 372 complications, 5 16 AppIiances, extension, adjustabIe hand and foot, 55 Arthritis, gonorrheaI, end-resuIts of in 70 cases, 241 suppurative, 410 ack injuries in industria1 practice (E), 84 I3 Bacteria1 diseases and sodium salts of iodosobenzoic and iodoxybenzoic acids, 32 I BacterioIogy and immunoIogy, the newer knowIedge of (B.R.), 427 Biliary fistuIa, 400 tract lesions and surgica1 treatment, 460 Bladder, manometer, I 18 paralysis due to non-tabetic spina cord Iesions, 442 sarcoma, 406 tumors, 2 17 BIood changes, chemica1, produced by obstructive lesions of the urogenital tract, 440 _^ and urine chemistry, 1643 Bone, injuries and diseases of, seIected papers on (B.R.), 96 Iesions, interesting, 159 sarcoma, trauma and deveIopment of, 364 Book reviews, g6., 186, 316, 427, 534, 641 BooksheIf Browsrng, gr, 184, 302, 415. 526 Bougie, a new irrigating uretera1, 498 Brace, a cIub-foot, 506 Brain, the, from ape to man (B.R.), 186 British Letter (E), 86, 297, 522 Burn therapy, present status of, 61



D 633, Diagnostik

angers of spina anesthesia, eIimination of, 625, 636 mit freiem Auge (B.R.), 318 Dictionary of American MedicaI Biography (B.R.), 187 Diseases of bacteria1 origin, 321 of ear, nose and throat, 643 of gal1 bladder and biIe ducts (B.R.), 428 and injuries of bone,, seIected papers on (B.R.), g6 DiverticuIa, duodenal m 2 cases, 4gr DiverticuIosis of Iarge intestine, 81 vermiform appendix, 369 DiverticuIum, vesica1, containing caIcuIi, associated with impacted urethra1 caIcuIi, 395 DuodenaI diverticula, in 2 cases, 491 Duodenum, the (B.R.), 188 Dyschondroplasia, 75


in 2 cases of doubIe ureter, 3g

Calculus, Iarge renaI, 360

= Bookshelf

Cancer of cervix, hysterectomy versus radiation in, 44 reIative vaIue of the Wertheim and Schauta operations in, 468 of face, 352 internationa1 conference on (E), 297 Carcinoma, cervica1 stump, foIlowing supravaginal hysterectomy, 340 singIe trauma and workmen’s compensation, 433 Cecum, postoperative voIvuIus of, 398 Cervix, cancer of: hysterectomy versus radiation, 44 reIative value of Wertheim and Schauta operations in, 468 Chemical bIood changes produced by obstructive Iesions of the urogenital tract, 440 Chemistry, recent advances in, in reIation to medica praC&e (B.R.), 429 ChiIdren, uroIogy in, I 17 Chirurgie der haut und des UnterhautzeIIgewebes (B.R.), 430 die, der MuskeIn, Sehnen und Fascien (B.R.), g6 schematische Sk&en zur Einfiihrung in die (B.R.), 97 Cholecystectomy without drainage, 8 ChoIecystography, ora1, 349 Chronic intussusception,~ 274 abscess of bone (Brodre), 455 CIinicaI Medicine (B.R.), 316 CIitoris and vuIva, epitheIioma of, 133 CoIIected articIes (E), 414 CoIOn, muItipIe adenomas of, (poIyposis), 234 CoIonic, and Inhalation Anesthesia, 594 Colostomy spur crusher, 327 Common abuses (E), 182 CompIications possibIe, with spina anesthesia, 581 Compound injuries of the extremities, g cases, 281 Concerning SpinaI Anesthesia (E), 638 ControIIabIe spina anesthesia, 537 Coxa vara, epiphysea1, 387 Cuneiform osteotomy, principIes and technique of, 153 Cyst, soIitary, of kidney! 83 ovarian, large, comphcated by maIaria and ancylostomiasis, 5 I I pregnancy and hemorrhage into, 359 Cystadenoma, maIignant papiI[OmatOuS, 174 Cystography as an aid to uroIogica1 analysis, 454 Cystoscope, a new improved, 4gg Cystoscopic Iithotrite and rongeur, 503 Cysts, dermoid, of great omentum, 56 of mesentery, muItipIe, 5 14

AbdominaI wounds,, penetrating, 145 Aberrant pancreatic tissue simuIating duodena1 ulcer, 407 Abscess of bone, chronic (Brodie), 455 Acute appendicitis (E), 86, 335 surgical abdomen, 24 Addresses on surgica1 subjects (B.R.), 188 Adenomas, muItipIe, of colon (poIyposis), 234 Adenomata, thyroid, 265 AIIen Memorial MedicaI Library of CIeveIand, Ohio (B.B.), 639 American College of Surgeons’ 18th CIinicaI Congress (E), 300 Anastomosis,, end-end to side, 378 Anesthesia, Inhalation and coIonic, 594 Iumbar, in I IOO cases, 615 Anesthesia, spinal, 537, 554, 571, 577. 581, 602, 605,

aIcuIous obstruction





86, 182, 293,296,297,300,413,414,520,

EIectroco’aguIation and desiccation in proctoIogy, EIimination of dangers of spina anesthesia, 625





VOL. V, No.



End-end to side anastomosis, 378 EpiphyseaI coxa var?, 387 Epithelioma of cIitorls and vuIva, 133 of penis and tefatoid tumors of testis, 32 Ergot, z;operatlve and postoperative methods


Experience of twenty-four years in spinal anesthesia, 571 Extension appIiances, adjustable hand and foot, 55 Extraperitoneal ureterovesicostomy, 325 Extremities, compound injuries of, 9 cases, 281 Eye;postoperative infection of, 332 the (B.R.), 316


ace, cancer of, 352


repair, functional restoration as an eIement in, 16~ Fallacy of x-ray in abdomina1 diagnosis (E), 525 Fascia, muscIes and tendons, surgery of (B.R.), 96 FemoraI hernia, strangulated, treatment of, 280 Femur, fracture of, unusual, with knee-joint ankyIosis, 475 new roentgenographic demonstration of fractured neck of, 392 Fibrosarcoma of jejunum, 177 Fistula, biliary, 400 Foot splint, simpIe ambulatory, 504 Fracture of both bones of Ieg in 2 cases, 275 compound, Welch bacillus infection complicating, 345 Fractured neck of the femur, new roentgenographic demonstration of, 392 Fractures and dislocations, reduction of under IocaI anesthesia (E), 296 text book of (B.R.), 643 of finger tip, splint for, 508 operative treatment Of (E), 523 FundamentaIs of human motivation (B.R.), 642 (-+aII


surgery of,


CZmgrenous intussusception, 273 Gastric resection, end resuIts of, in Q cases, 180 Ulcer, 277 GenitaI, maIe, tubercuIosis at BeIIevue Hospital, 212 Goiter, operations, 4000, methods of anesthesia in, 170 surgical pathoIogy of, in 173 cases? 483 Gonorrhea1 arthritis, end-results of, m 70 cases, 241 GynecoIogy (B.R.), 428 Sims MemoriaI address on (B.B.), 526 nandbuch der Rantgen und Radiumtherapie (B.R.), 111 428 Harvey, WiIIiam (B.R.), 302, 415 Hematuria. suDravesica1. due to renaI infarction. 161 I%zyn;rhage iit0 an ovarian cyst and pregnancy; 359 stranguIated femora1, treatment of, 280 inguina1, in infant twenty-seven days oId, 5 18 Hip-joint disease, treatment of, at the New York State Orthopedic HospitaI for ChiIdren, 472 Hodgkin’s disease, immunoIogica1 method in, 229 Hysterectomy, cervical stump carcinoma foIlowing supravagina1, in 2 cases, 340 vaginal, technique and indications in 123 cases, 252 versus radiation in cancer of cervix, 44




?mmunoIogy ,- - \ and bacteriology,


newer (B.K.1, 427 Infection of eye, postoperative, 332 Infections and traumatisms, 15 Inhalation and coIonic anesthesia, 594

disease, knowIedge






of Surgery


Injuries, back, in industria1 practice (E), 84 compound, of extremities, g cases, 281 and diseases of bone, selected papers on (B.R.), 96 Innominate, aneurysm of, 517 InoperabIe and postoperative urinary tubercuIosis, 209 International Conference on Cancer (E), 2.97 Internists’ viewpoint, surgery from, 21 Intestine, Iarge, diverticulosis of, 81 Intravenous injection, treatment for varicose veins (E), 522 Intussusception, 409 chronic, 274 gangrenous, 273 inversion of tumor of Meckel’s diverticulum in a doubIe iIeoceca1, 401 Inversion of tumor of Meckel’s diverticurum in a double iIeoceca1 intussusception, 401 Iodized oi1 as a pyelographic medium, 263

J Jejunum,

ejuna1 ulcers, postoperative, fibrosarcoma




of, 177

cyst of, 83

surgery, conservative, resection in, Igr tuberculosis of, 76, I 14 and uretera operation, spina anesthesia Knee joint, surgery of, in 55 operations, 1

in, 61 I

L Leg,

‘architecture ceIIuIaire normaIe de I’&zorce c&r&braIe (B.R.), 428 fracture of both bones of, in 2 cases, 275 Legg-Perthes disease, further observations on operative treatment of, 385 Lesions, bone, interesting, 159 L’exploration radioIogique en gyn&oIogie (B.R.), 642 Lithotriptoscope, a new, 501 LocaI anesthesia, reduction of fractures and disIocations under (E), 296 Lumbar anesthesia; remarks based on IIOO cases, 615 puncture, technique of, 577 Lung, massive coIIapse of, in 8 cases, 509 aIe genital tubercuIosis at BeIIevue Hospital, 212 IU Malignancies, 17 Manometer. bIadder. I 18 Massive colia se of iung in 8 cases, 509 Mechanics o P the digestive tract, the (B.R.), 534 Medical officer in the cabinet, a (E), 413 Medicine, American, John Morgan, founder of (B.B.), 91 cIinica1 (B.R.), 316 Mesentery, multipIe cysts of, 5 14 Mind of the growing child, the (B.R.), 428 Modern x-ray technique (B.R.)., 644 Morgan,. John, founder of American Medicine (B.B.), 9 I Motivation, human, fundamentals of (B.R.), 642 MuItipIe adenomas of colon (poIyposis), 234 Murphy button, resurrection of, (E), 293 Muscles, tendons and fascia, surgery of (B.R.), 96

N eIso;27


Iiving surgery,





NeopIa&& renal, observations on a series of gg, 120 Nephrectomv, transDeritoneaI. 272 Newer knowledge oibacterioIdg$ and immunoIogy, the (B.R.‘). 427 methbds ‘hf _ controIIabIe spina anesthesia, 620 Noguchi’s discovery of trachoma baciIIus (B.B.), 184 Nose, throat and ear, the (B.R.), 316 Nurses, patients and pocketbooks, 644

American Journal of Surgery





and practice


of (B.R.), 96

spina anesthesia in, 602 OiI, iodized, as a pyeIographic medium, 263 Omentum, great, dermoid cysts of, 56 Operation, sheIf: z cases, 41 I Operations, kidney and uretera1, spina anesthesia



shoe., anesthetic mixture for, 394 Operative surgery (B.R.), 188 treatment of fractures (E), 523 Oral choIecystography, 349 Orthopedic surgery, spina anesthesia in, 608 Osteotomy, cuneiform, principIes and technique of, 153 Ovarian cyst, Iarge, compIicated by maIignant maIaria and ancylostomiasis, 5II aIsy, primary brachia1, foIIowing disIocation of IshouIder, 66 Pancreatic tissue, aberrant, simuIating duodena1 uIcer,


spina cord ParaIy$i,7 bIadder, due to non-tabetic Iesions, 442 Past present and future of spinal anesthesia, 633 PeIvic tumors with associated uroIogica1 symptom!, 404 Penis. eoitheIioma of, and teratoid tumors of testIs, 32 Perit&aI sepsis with acute gangrenous appendicitis, hyperpyrexia, recovery, 329 Pneumoperitoneum, 82 PoIyposis or muItipIe adenomas of coIon, 234 PossibIe complications with spina anesthesia, 581 Postoperative infection Of eye, 332 and inoperabIe urinary tubercuIosis, 209 jejunal ulcers, 128 phases of spina anesthesia, 605 voIvuIus of the cecum, 398 PracticaI surgery of the abdomen (B.R.)., 429 Pregnancy and hemorrhage into an ovarian cyst, 359 intrauterine and extrauterine, 358 Preventive medicine (B.R.), 429 PrincipIes and practice of obstetrics (B.R.), 96 ProctoIogy, eIectrocoaguIation and desiccation in, 381 PyeIographic medium., iodized oi1 as, 263 PyeIonephritis, persistent, chronrc, and compIete organic urethra1 obstruction, 286



versus hysterectomy

in cancer of cervix, 44

Recent advances in surgery (B.R.), 642 chemistry in relation to medica practice (B.R.), 429 Reduction of fractures and dislocations under IocaI anesthesia (E), 296 Rena1 caIcuIus, Iarge, 360 infarction, supravesical hematuria due to, 163 neoplasms, observations on a series of gg, IZO non-surgical tubercuIosis, 99 Resection, gastric, end resuIts of, in 9 cases, 180 in kidcey surgev, 191 Restor;;:, functIona& as an eIement in faciaI repair, Resurrection

of Murphy


(E), 293

7 arcoma of bIadder, 406 b

bone, trauma and deveIopment of, 364 Schem:t&; S9k;zzen zur Emfiihrung m die Chirurgie

. .,

SheIf operation; 2 cases, 41 I ShouIder, dislocation of, folIowed by primary brachia1 paIsy, 66 Sims MemoriaI address on gynecoIogy (B.B.), 526 Sinus thrombophlebitis (B.R.), 642 Sodium salts of iodosobenzoic and iodoxybenzoic acids in diseases of bacteria1 origin, 321



SpinaI anesthesia, 537, 554, 571, 577, 581,602, 605, 608, 611,, 615, 620, 625, 633, 636 concernmg, 636 controIIabIe, 537 newer methods of, 620 eIimination of the dangers of, 625 an experience of twenty-four years, 571 in kidney and ureteral operations, 61 I newer methods, of controIIabIe, 620 in obstetrics, 602 in orthopedic surgery, 608 past, present and future, (E), 633 possibIe compIications with, 581 postoperative phases of, 605 in surgery of head, neck, and thorax, 554 SpIint for finger-tip fractures, 508 a simpIe ambuIatory foot, 504 StranguIated femora1 hernia, treatment of, 280 inguinal hernia in infant twenty-seven days old, 518 SupravesicaI hematuria due to renal infarction, 163 Surgery of abdomen, practica1 (B.R.), 429 conservative kidney, resection in, 191 of gall bladder, 134 of head, neck and thorax, and spinal anesthesia, 554 from the internist’s viewpoint, 21 of knee joint in 55 operations, I NeIson’s Ioose-Ieaf Iiving, v and VI (B.R.), 187 orthopedic, in spinal anesthesia, 608 recent advances in (B.R.), 642 SurgicaI diagnosis in tabular outIine (B.R.), 641 pathoIogy of goiter in 173 cases, 483 treatment of biliary tract Iesions, 460 Technik

des Orthop%dischen


die (B.R.),3r8


Technique, Iumbar puncture, 577 Tendons, muscIes and fascia, surgery of (B.R.), g6 Testis, teratoid tumor of, and epitheIioma of penis, 32 Text book of fractures and disIocations (B.R.), 643 pharmacology and therapeutics, 644 surgery (B.R.), 4zg ThrombophIebitis, sinus (B.R.), 642 Thyroid adenomata, 265 Thyroidectomy anesthesia in 4000 goiter operations, 170 Tibia, giant ceI1 tumor of, 73 Trachoma baciIIus, Noguchi’s discovery of (B.B.), 184 Traiti: d’uroIogie (B.R.), 316 TransperitoneaI nephrectomy, 272 Trauma and deveIopment of bone sarcoma, 364 singIe, carcinoma and workmen’s compensation, 433 Traumatisms and infections, 15 Travaux et mkmoires (B.R.), 4zg TubercuIosis of kidney, 76, I 14 maIe, genita1, at BeIIevue HospitaI, 212 renaI, non-surgica1, gg urinary, treatment of inoperabIe and postoperative, 209 rumors, anorecta1, 48 bIadder, 2 17 giant cell, of tibia, 73 teratoid, of testrs, and epitheIioma of penis, 32 Icer duodena1, aberrant pancreatic tissue simuIatil;g, 407 gastric, 277 postoperative jejunal, 128 UnusuaI fracture of the femur with knee-joint ankyIosis, 475 Ureter, doubIe, caIcuIous obstruction in z cases of, 39 UreteraI obstruction in infancy, 445 Ureterovesicostomy, extraperitoneal, by a simpIified technique for postoperative uretero-abdomina1 fiStUIa, 325 Urethra1 obstruction, compIete organic, and persistent chronic pyeIonephritis, 286 U



Urinary tract, IocaI anesthetics in, 480 treatment of inoperabIe and posttubercuIosis, operative, 209 UrogenitaI tract, chemica1 bIood changes produced by obstructive Iesions of the, 440 UroIogicaI anaIysis, cystography as an aid to, 454 problems, present or potentia1, management of cases with, 19 symptoms associated with pelvic tumors, 404 UroIogy in children, I 17 aginal hysterectomy, technique and indications in 123 cases, 252 Varicose veins, intravenous injection treatment for (E), 522




American Journsi of Surgery


diver&&m containing caIcuIi associated with impacted urethral calculi, 395 VirgiI Pendleton Gibney memoria1 feIIowship of the Hospital for Ruptured and Crippled (E), 414 VoIvuIus of cecum, postoperative, 398 VuIva and clitoris, epitheIioma of, 133 elch baciIIus infection, complicating fracture, 345 MJ Who and what is a surgeon? (E), 520 William Harvey (B.B.), 302, 415 Workmen’s compensation, singIe trauma cinema, 433 x




of, in abdominal

modern (B.R.),




and (E),
