755 is the individual who should incur the disapprobation of the profession. Balderson is his servant’s son! I had at first reason To the Editor of THE LANCET. to believe that Sir A. Cooper was my rival profession of general practiSiR,-It seems perfectly astounding that in his new as the medicines the first time came tioner, a man of Sir Astley Cooper’s fortune and in his name. Your publication has since be of the should guilty pettyreputation me, and I have now made u-p fogging practices which appear to attach to undeceived him in consequence of the facts lately made my mind as to the remedy I possess in cases. public in THE LANCET; but that there is future Can you, Sir, inform me if this Mr. ground for the charge the enclosed will Balderson is brother of the present serLto Mrs. went his house to prove. when a patient or a practivant, who, Sir and was there introconsult Astley, duced to a young man, who gave her the tioner enters the waiting room of Sir A. enclosed recipe, with a statementthat it Cooper, is to be seen reading the newsat his ease, and who seems was impossible to get it made up anywhere paper perfectly but at 112, Poland Street. The poor woman to make it a point not to rise until Sir bell rings? suspecting the trick, asked my opinion, Astlcy’s I am, Sir, your obedient servant, which I readily gave her, and I send the LONDINENSIS. prescription to you as proof-positive, offerJanuary 30th, 1834. ing to give you a little more upon the same subject, if acceptable. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, A CONSTANT READER. THE APOTHECARIES ACT. SUNDAY DOINGS IN CONDUIT-STREET.
January 24, 1834.
P.S. Dr., of G-also wants looking after.
Street, To the Editor
(The Prescription.) "R) Emp. Am. c. Hydrarg. Roller.
SIR,—On reading one of the late Numbers of THE LANCET, I find that a youth, "R v. F. Pulvis bis who is not qualified according to the Apothecaries Act, has been elected apotheto the York Hospital, though one or cary [On the back of the scrap of paper oni’ two gentlemen who are licentiates of the which the above is penned, the name andHall, and members of the College, were address of the patient are written, and for the office. underneath, " 112, Poland Street."] This is not without a precedent. In the year 1827, Mr. Edward Chandler Parkinson, a licentiate of the Hall and member MORE DOINGS IN CONDUIT-STREET. of the College, became a candidate for the of apothecary to the Finsbury To the Editor of THE LANCET. Dispensary, when a youth of the name of SIR,—I have perused in your valuable Bartlett, who at that time was neither a of the Hall, nor a member of journal, one or two letters relative to Sir A. Cooper’s professional conduct lately, the College of Surgeons, was elected, and with much interest, as it has enlightened Mr. Parkinson, a married man with a me with respect to a transaction which I family, was, in consequence, seriously inhas lately affected me in the same quar- jured in his circumstances. ter. The facts are these :-A patient of For some time past a Baptist minister, mine applied to Sir A, Cooper for his opi- whose name is Hemming, has been pracnion, and on his return told me that Sir tising the three branches of the profession Astley " had sent him the reduisite medi- for emolument at Kimbolton in Huntingcines." This, of course, astonished me donshire. How is it, Mr. Editor, that the not a little; but judge of my increased Company has not interfered in either of the above instances, although surprise, when I found that a little (this was all the information I or my pa- iapprized of the circumstances of each tient could glean of him) soon after case ? If it have no power, is it possible and proposed a further supply and that such an inefficient and disgraceful attendance. This, Sir, is not a "pauper"’ piece of legislation as the Apothecaries case, such as those cited in your journal. Act can remain unrepealed ? I remain, The patient pays his guinea to Sir A. Sir, with the greatest respect yours, A DISGUSTED LICENTIATE. Cooper every time he sees him. It useless to talk of Mr. Balderson, or any February, 1834. other ignotus, being the party really in Sodœ Carb. ss ; Pulv. Ipecac. gr. die."
i situation
called ’
regular .
fault in these transactions.
Sir A.