278 have studied in London, unless they shall have registered their tickets at the College, as required by the regulations, during the last ten days of January, March, and October in each year; nor from candidates who have studied elsewhere, unless their names shall duly appear in the registers transmitted during such studies from their respective schools. By order of the Council, EDMUND BELFOUR, Secretary. July 1st, 1852. N.B. In the certificates of attendance on hospital practice and on lectures, it is required that the dates of commencement and termination be clearly expressed; and no interlineation, erasnre, or alteration will be allowed. Blank forms of the required certificates may be obtained on application to the secretary, to whom they must be delivered, properly filled up, ten days before the candidate can be admitted to examination; and all such certificates are retained at the College.
The Court particularly request the attention of students to the increasing importance of Organic Chemistry and Structural and Physiological Botany. Every examination of an hour’s duration will be deemed equivalent to a lecture.::: Students must also produce testimonials of attendance on a course of clinical lectures; of instruction in morbid anatomy; and of having dissected the whole of the human body once at
THE SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES. CHARTERED 1616. Master-R. S. Eyles, Esq. Wardens-John Parrott, Esq., and N. B. Ward, Esq. The Court of Examiners-E. Tegart, Esq., Claairman; John Hunter, William Perrin Brodribb, Richard Hopkins Robertson, Robert Norton, Thomas Peregrine, R. Druitt, R. H. Semple, W. G. T. Dyer, Richard King, A. M. Randall, and S.
Esqrs. Secretary to the Court of Examiners-Henry Blatch, Esq. Clerk to the Society-Robert Brotherson Upton, Esq. Professor of Botany-John Lindley, Esq., Ph.D., F.R.S., G.S., &c. Professor of Chemistry and Materia Medica-William Thos. Brande, Esq., F.R.S. Examiner for the Society’s Prizes in Materia Medica and Therapeutics-J. Copland, M.D., F.R.S. Examiner for the Society’s Prizes in Botany-N. B. Ward, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S. Curator
Qfthe Botanic Garden-Mr. T. Moore. C. Rivers.
those who constitute the incorporated Society of Apothecaries; Licentiates, those who have obtained their licence to practise as Apothecaries.
The certificates of teachers recognised by the constituted medical authorities in Dublin, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Aberdeen, as also those of the medical professors in foreign universities, are received by the court. No hospital will be recognised by the court, unless it contain at least 100 beds, and it be under the care of two or more physicians, members of the Royal College of Physicians of London, or graduated Doctors of Medicine of a British university, who give a regular course of clinical lectures and instruction in morbid anatomy; also, unless the apothecary be legally qualified, either by having been in practice prior to the 1st of August, 1815, or by having received a certificate of qualification from this court. No dispensary will be recognised by the court, unless it be situated in some town where there is a recognised medical school, and be under the care of at least two physicians and
to be observed by Students intending to Qualify themselves to Practise as Apothecaries in England and Wales.
(Dated 1848.) Candidates will be required to produce testimonials1. Of having served an apprenticeship of not less than five
Those gentlemen whose attendance on lectures commenced before the 1st of October, 1849, will be allowed to complete their studies in conformity with the previous regulations of the court. The names of the lecturers recognised by the court may be known on application to the secretary, at the hall of the
H. Ward,
Practice of Medicine; Medical Practice.*-Summer Session: Medical Practice;* Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children; Forensic Medicine; Practical Chemistry;tMorbid Anatomy; Clinical Medicine. THIRD YEAR.-yYiaater Session: Dissections; Principles and Practice of Medicine; Medical Practice;* Morbid Anatomy and Clinical Medicine. Practical Midwifery at any time after the conclusion of the first course of midwifery lectures. The above course of study may be extended over a longer period than three winter and two summer sessions, provided the lectures and medical practice are attended in the order
apothecary legally qualified. practice will be available, unless it be attended conformity with the course of study prescribed for pupils.
No medical
All testimonials must be given on a printed schedule, with which students will be supplied at the time of their first registo an as to an years apothecary, legally qualified practise apothecary, either by having been in practice prior to or on traction : In London, at the Hall. In the provincial towns, from the the 1st of August, 1815, or by having received a certificate of his qualification from the Court of Examiners, or of an gentlemen who keep the registers of the medical schools. All students, in London, are required personally to register apprenticeship for not less than five years to surgeons practhe several classes for which they have taken tickets; and tising as apothecaries in Ireland and Scotland. 2. Of having attained the full age of twenty-one years: As those only will be considered as complying with the regulaevidence of age, a copy of the baptismal register will be re- tions of the court whose names and classes in the register correspond with their schedules. quired in every case where it can possibly be obtained. Tickets of admission to lectures and medical practice must 3. Of good moral conduct: A testimony of moral character from the gentleman to whom the candidate has been an be registered in the months of October and May; but no ticket unless it be dated within seven days of the apprentice will always be more satisfactory than from any will be registered, the commencement of course; and certificates of attendance other person. 4. And of having pursued a course of medical study in con- must be registered in the months of April and August. The court also requires students at the provincial medical i formity with the regulations of the court. schools to register their names in their own handw riting, with the register of each respective school, within the first twentyCOURSE OF STUDY. one days of October, and first fourteen days of May; and to Every candidate whose attendance on lectures shall have register their certificates of having duly attended lectures on commenced on or after the 1st of October, 1849, must attend medical practice within fourteen days of the completion of the following lectures and medical practice during not less such attendance. than three winter and two summer sessions-each winter session to consist of not less than six months, and to com* Medical Practice must be attended during the full term of eighteen mence not sooner than the 1st, nor later than the 15th of months-twelve months at a recognised hospital, and six months either at hospital or dispensary. October; and each summer session to extend from the 1st of a recognised t By Practical Chemistry is intended a specifrc course of instruction in May to the 31st of July. the laboratory, with an opportunity of personal manipulation in the ordinary FIRST YEAR.- Winter Session :Chemistry; Anatomy and processes of chemistry, and of acquiring a knowledge of the various refor poisons. Physiology; Anatomical Demonstrations.-Summer Session: agents t The court particularly request attention to this clause. Materia Medica and Therapeutics; Botany and Vegetable § In place of the Second Course of Lectures on the Theory and Practice Medicine, the Court will admit a certificate of attendance on a course of Physiology; Midwifery, and Diseases of Women and Children. of Clinical Lectures, delivered in a recognised hospital by a distinct Professor, SECOND YEAR.- Winter Session: Anatomy and Physiology; consisting of not less than seventy-five lectures, attended by the student Anatomical Demonstrations; Dissectiotis; Principles and after the firt systematic course upon the Theory and Practice of Medicine.
Three times in each year an examination will take place in Classics and Mathematics for articled students who have not
yet completed
the first winter session of their
and students who pass this examination will not be subject to any subsequent examination in Latin, except the Pharma-
The hospital contains 600 beds, of which 420 are devoted to surgical cases and diseases of the eye, and 180 to medical cases and diseases of women. In 1851-52, 85,658 patients were relieved, including 5947 in-patients, 19,119 out-patients,
copœia, Londinensis and Prescriptions. The subjects of examination, and the dates, will be announced in the medical journals at least three months before each examination.
on Monday and Saturday, at halfSaturday in the months of November, December, past eleven, and on Thursday, at half-past twelve; Dr. Roupell, February, March, May, June, and July, those students who at half-past one, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; and have completed two winter sessions of their medical studies Dr. Burrows, at half-past one, on Tuesday, Thursday, and may be admitted to an examination in Celsus and Gregory, Saturday. Mr. Lawrence visits on Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday, at provided there be twenty names on the list. Candidates will be required to enter their names in a book kept at the beadle’s one; Mr. Stanley, on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, at office, on or before the preceding Monday, and to attend at half one; and Mr. Lloyd, on Saturday, at one, and on Monday and past three o’clock P.M., on the day of examination. Thursday, at half-past twelve. Those gentlemen who fail to pass this examination satisfacOne of the assistant-physicians attends the out-patients torily will not be re-admitted until they appear for theii daily, between eleven and two; and one of the assistantgeneral examination. surgeons, daily, between twelve and two. ! GENERAL EXAMINATION. Dr. West sees the in-patients on Monday and Thursday, at Every person intending to offer himself for examination one, and out-patients on Saturday, at nine. The clinical clerks to the physicians are elected from the must give notice in writing to the clerk of the Society, on or before the Monday previously to the day of examination, and most diligent students. must at the same time deposit all the required testimonials at Dresserships, three months, X12 12s. ; six months, X18 18s.; the office of the beadle, where attendance is given every day, twelve months, X26 5s. The entrance to the medical or surgical practice confers except Sunday, from ten until four o’clock. The examination of the candidate for a certificate of a the right of attending the courses of clinical lectures by the or surgeons. qualification to practise as an apothecary will be as follows:- physicians Clinical lectures are delivered weekly during both the In translating portions of the first four books of Celsus de the summer sessions. On medicine, by Dr. Medicina, and of the first twenty-three chapters of winter and Roupell and Dr. Burrows. On surgery, by Mr. Lawrence, Gregory’s Conspectus Medicinæ Theoreticæ: In Physicians’ Prescriptions, and the Pharmacopœia Londi- Mr. Stanley, and Mr. Lloyd. Examinations after death are made in the Pathological nensis : Theatre, at eleven. Of medical cases, by Dr. Kirkes, registrar In Chemistry: In Practical Chemistry: to the hospital; of surgical cases, by the house-surgeons, under In Materia Medica and Therapeutics: superintendence of the surgeons. In Botany: In Anatomy: In Physiology: Surgical operations, on Saturday, at one o’clock. In the Principles and Practice of Medicine, including MidThe Abernethian Society meets every Thursday evening. and the Diseases of Children. wifery The examination of the candidate for a certificate of qualification to act as assistant to an apothecary, in oompounding ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S COLLEGE. and dispensing medicines, will be as follows:The Collegiate establishment is under the direction of the In translating Physicians’ Prescriptions and the Pharma- treasurer and a committee of the governors of the hospital, eopceia Londinensis: and the superintendence of the resident warden, Dr. Black. In Pharmacy and Materia Medica. Houses within the hosptal walls have been fitted up as a By the 22nd section of the Act of Parliament, no rejected college, for the residence of forty students. candidate for a certificate to practise as an apothecary can be WINTER SESSION. re-examined until the expiration of six months from his former examination; and no rejected candidate as an assistant until Medicine: Dr. George Burrows, Monday, Wednesday, and the expiration of three months. Friday, at half-past three o’clock. One course or session, The court meet in the Hall every Thursday, where candi£55s.; unlimited, 1;;77s. dates are required to attend at a quarter before four o’clock. Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy: Mr. Skey, daily, except Sums to be paid for certificates: Saturday, at half-past two o’clock. Half session, £55a.; whole session, X77s.; unlimited, .61010s. For London, and within ten miles thereof, ten guineas. General and Morbid Anatomy, and Physiology: Mr. Paget, For all other parts of England and Wales, six guineas. Persons having paid the latter sum become entitled to pracdaily, at nine in the morning. One course or half session, £5 5s. ; whole session, £77s.; unlimited, £10 10. The tise in London, and within ten miles thereof, by paying four dissecting-rooms areopen daily, from seven o’clock till four. guineas in addition. The entrance to the lectures on anatomy, or to those on For an assistant’s certificate, two guineas. physiology, confers the right of dissecting; but it may be For information relative to these regulations, students are also acquired by a separate entrance fee. referred to the beadle, at Apothecaries’ Hall, every day, Practical Anatomy. Demonstrators: Mr. Holden and Mr. between the of four hours ten and o’clock. (Sunday excepted,) Holmes Coote, daily, from half-past ten to half-past two. Surgery: Mr. Lawrence, Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, at seven o’clock in the evening. One course or session, X55s.; a second course, X33s.; unlimited, X77s. Metropolitan Hospitals & Medical Schools. Chemistry: Mr. Stenhouse, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at ten o’clock in the morning. Examination on Friday, at [IN the following list, the hospitals and medical schools of eleven. One course, X55s.; unlimited, X88s. the metropolis are placed in alphabetical order.—ED. L.]
Dr. Hue visits the wards
On the first
, .
Materia Medica and
Physicians-Dr. Hue, Roupell, and Dr. Burrows. Surgeons-Mr. Lawrence, ’Mr. Stanley, and Mr. Lloyd. Assistant-Physicians-Dr. F. J. Farre, Dr. Jeaffreson, and Dr.
Dr. Black.
Assistant-Surgeons Mr. Skey, Mr. Wormald, Paget. Physician-Accoucheur-Dr. West. -
and Mr.
Therapeutics: Dr. Roupell, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, at half-past two. One course or session, £ 5 5s.; unlimited, £ 7 7s.. Midwifery, and the Diseases of Women and Children: Dr. West, daily, (except Saturday,) at half-past three. One
course, £44s.; unlimited, X6 6s. Botany: Dr. Frederic J. Farre, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at nine. One course, X33s.; unlimited, X44s. Herborizing excursions during the course.