389 Fellowship.-A registered pupil or licentiate is admitted Physiology, Dissections. Summer Session: Botany, Mato examination for the Fellowship if h...

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389 Fellowship.-A registered pupil or licentiate is admitted Physiology, Dissections. Summer Session: Botany, Mato examination for the Fellowship if he shall have laid teria Medica and Therapeutics, Practical Chemistry.* Second Year.-Winter Session: Anatomy and Physiology, before the Council the following documents :-A receipt showing that he has lodged in the Bank of Ireland, for the including Dissections and Demonstrations; Principles and Practice of Medicine; Clinical Medical Practice. Summer use of the College, if he be a licentiate, the sum of twenty guineas, or thirty-five in case he be a registered pupil, Session: Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children, provided in either case he intends to reside beyond ten and Vaccination,Forensic Medicine and Toxicology ; miles from Dublin. Should the candidate intend to reside Clinical Medical Practice. Third Year.-Winter Session: Principles and Practice of in Dublin, or within ten miles thereof, he shall lodge, if he be a licentiate, thirty guineas; or, if he be a registered Medicine, Clinical Medical Lectures, Morbid Anatomy, pupil, forty-five guineas. Fellows entering on the country Clinical Medical Practice. No certificates of lectures or of anatomical instructions list, who may subsequently settle as practitioners in Dublin, delivered in private to particular students, apart from the or within ten miles thereof, shall pay ten guineas to the College. Certificates that he is twenty-five years of age ; ordinary classes of recognised public medical schools, can that he is a Bachelor of Arts of some university, or that he be received by the Court of Examiners. All students are required personally to register the several has been examined in such a manner as the Council may from time to time direct, with a view to ascertain that he tickets of admission to lectures and medical practice within has obtained a liberal preliminary education; of good the first fifteen days of the months of October and May. Examination in Arts.-An Examination in Arts will take general conduct during his professional education; that he has been engaged in the acquisition of professional know- place at the Hall three times in the year-viz., on the last ledge for a period of not less than six years, during three of Friday and Saturday in the months of January, April, and which he must have studied in one or more of the schools September. Candidates applying to be admitted to any and hospitals recognised by the Council. He may have examination must pay the fee (one guinea) at least one week studied for the other three years in any school or schools before the examination, and must sign their names in the of the United Kingdom which shall be approved by the candidates’ book before 10 A.M. and 4 r.M. o’clock not later Council, or in any foreign school of repute. It is also re- than the previous Thursday. If a candidate fail to pass quired that the candidate shall have had opportunities of the examination, the fee will not be returned to him, but he practical instruction as house-surgeon or dressers in a re- will be admissible to either or both of the two next following cognised hospital. Certificates of attendance on the several examinations in Arts without the payment of an additional courses of lectures required to be attended by candidates fee, upon giving at least one week’s notice, and signing the for Letters Testimonial, together with one course of lectures candidates’ book. Testimonials of Proficiency in General Education will be received as exempting from the Examinaon Comparative Anatomy, and one course of lectures on Natural Philosophy. A thesis on some medical subject or tion in Arts at the Hall from the national, colonial, and clinical reports, with observations of six or more medical or foreign educational bodies recognised by the General Council, and also from any of the recognised licensing bodies. surgical cases taken by himself. Professional Examinations.-The Court of Examiners meet Midwifery.-Any Fellow or Licentiate of the College may be admitted to an examination for the diploma in Midwifery in the Hall every Wednesday and Thursday, where candiupon laying before the Council the following documents :- dates are required to attend at 4.30 P.m. Every person inA certificate showing that he has attended one course of tending to offer himself for examination must give notice lectures on Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children, in writing to the Clerk of the Society on or before the Mondelivered by a professor or lecturer in some school of medi- day previous to the day of examination, and must at the cine or surgery recognised by the Council. A certificate same time deposit all the required testimonials (as before showing that he has attended the practice of a lying-in hos- specified), with the fee, at the office of the Beadle, where pital, recognised by the Council, for a period of six months, attendance is given every day except Sunday, from 10 to 4 o’clock, and Saturdays from 10 to 2. The examination of or the practice of a dispensary for lying-in women and children recognised by the Council, and devoted to this candidates is divided into two parts, and is conducted partly branch of surgery alone. A certificate showing that he has in writing and partly viva voce. The written examination will take place on Wednesdays, conducted thirty labour cases at least. Candidates for the Midwifery diploma are publicly ex- and the vivâ voce examination on Thursdays. First Examination, which may be passed after the second amined on the Organisation of the Female, the Growth and Peculiarities of the Faetus, the Practice of Midwifery, and winter session, embraces the following subjects :-The Latin the Diseases of Women and Children ; and, if approved of, of Physicians’ Prescriptions and Pharmacy, Anatomy and shall receive a licence or diploma certifying the same. Physiology, General and Practical Chemistry, Botany and The candidate pays .81 6s. for the Midwifery diploma, Materia Medica. Second or Pass Examination, after the third winter sesprovided he takes it out within one month from the date of sion (the four years’ course of study being completed) :his Letters Testimonial; after that date, j822s. Principles and Practice of Medicine, Pathology, Therapeutics, Midwifery, including the Diseases of Women and THE SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES, LONDON. Children ; Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. 1. All graduates in Medicine of British universities will Every candidate for a Certificate of Qualification to practise as an Apothecary will be required to produce testimo- be admitted to a clinical and practical examination in the nials-Of having passed a Preliminary Examination in Practice of Medicine and Midwifery. 2. Licentiates of the Royal College of Physicians, LonArts, as a test of general education. Of having attained the full age of twenty-one years. Of good moral conduct. don; of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh; of Of having had three months’ Practical Pharmacy from some * By Practical Chemistry is intended a specific course of instruction in recognised hospital or dispensary, or from a qualified prac- the Laboratory, with an opportunity of personal manipulation in the ordiof Chemistry, and of acquiring a knowledge of the various titioner ; the apprenticeship not being required. And of nary processes for poisons. reagents a in course of medical having pursued conformity study t A certificate of attendance on not less than twenty eases will be rewith the regulations of the Court. Ofhaving served the ceived from a legally qualified practitioner. office of clinical clerk at a recognised hospital during the t The following is the syllabus of subjects for examination in 1876:The leading features of its History; its Structure period of six weeks at least ; and also that they have been 1.andT)ieEnglis7&Langvage: Grammar. English Composition. 2. The Latin Language: January examined at the class examinations instituted by the various Examination-Virgil; aeneid, Book IV. April Examination-Horace; lecturers and professors of their respective medical schools Odes, Book 1. September Examination-Cicero; De Senectute. Retranslation of easy sentences. Grammatical Questions will be introduced into and colleges. and each candidate will be expected to give satisfactory the Latin Course of Study.-Every candidate must attend the fol- answers toPaper, these. 3. Mathematics: The Ordinary Rules of Arithmetic. and lectures and Decimal medical than Fractions. Addition, Substraction, Multiplication, not less Vulgar lowing practice during three winter and two summer sessions; each winter session and Division of Algebraical Quantities. Simple Equations. The First Two Books of Euclid. 4. Greek: Xenophon; Anabasis, Books I. and to consist of not less than six months, and to commence not II. Grammatical Questions.(a) (b) French : Moliere ; L’Avare. Translation sooner than the 1st nor later than the 15th of October; from English into French. Grammatical Questions. (c) German, Fouqu6; Undine. Translation from English into German. Grammatical Questions. and each summer session to extend from the 1st of May to (d) Natural Philosophy : Mechanics. Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. [The the 31st of July. books recommended for study in this subject are Smith’s Statics," and First Year.-Winter Session : Chemistry, Anatomy and Smith’s " Hydrostatics," or Newth’s " Natural Philosophy."’) "

390 the Royal Colleges of Physicians and SurgeonF, Edinburgh ; Professional Education and Examination.-Every candidate of the King and Queen’s College of Physicians, Ireland ; of for the licence to practise must produce certificates to the the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow; and of, following efFect:—1. Of having passed an examination in the Apothecaries’ Hall, Dublin, will be admitted to a Arts, previously to entering on professional study. 2. Of clinical and practical examination in the Practice of Medi- being registered as a student in Medicine. 3. Of being at least twenty-one years of age, and of good moral character. cine, Midwifery, Forensic Medicine, and Toxicology. 3. Any candidate who has passed his first examination for 4. Of apprenticeship to a qualified apothecary, or of having the licence of the King and Queen’s College of Physicians, been engaged in Practical Pharmacy with an apothecary Ireland; the joint licence of the Royal Colleges of Phy- for three years subsequently to having passed the examinasicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh; or for the single licence tion in Arts. 5. Of having spent four years in professional of the College of Physicians, Edinburgh ; the licence of the study. 6. Of having attended the following coursesFaculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow ; the first namely : Chemistry, during one winter session ; Anatomy Professional Examination for the degree of M.B., or Master and Physiology, during two winter sessions; Demonstra. in Surgery in the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, or tions and Dissections, during two winter sessions; Botany London; or the second part of the Professional Examina- and Natural History, during one summer session; Practical tion for the degree of M.B. or Master in Surgery in the Pharmacy and Practical Chemistry (in a recognised labo. Universities of Edinburgh, Aberdeen, St. Andrews, and ratory), each during three months; Principles and Practice Glasgow; or the first Examination for medical and surgical of Medicine, and Therapeutics, during one winter session; degrees in the Irish universities ; or the first Examination Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children, during six for the licence of the Apothecaries’ Company, Dublin, will months; Practical Midwifery at a recognised hospital (at. be admitted to a single examination in Anatomy and tendance upon twenty cases) ; Surgery, during one winter Materia Medica (to those candidates who have not undergone session; Medical Jurisprudence, during one summer session; an examination in those subjects), Practice of Medicine, instruction in the practice of Vaccination. 7. Of having Pathology, Therapeutics, Midwifery, Forensic Medicine, attended at a recognised hospital or hospitals the Practice and Toxicology, which examination will be partly written of Medicine and Clinical Lectures on Medicine during two and partly vivd, voce. winter and two summer sessions; also the Practice of Sur4. Members of the Royal College of Surgeons, England gery and Clinical Lectures on Surgery during one winter Licentiates of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, and one summer session. and Licentiates of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland The Professional Examinations will be held quarterly, and and all candidates who have passed the First Anatomica. will commence on the first Monday in the months of January, Examination of the Royal College of Surgeons, London April, July, and October. They will be divided into two the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh; and the Royal parts: the first comprehending Chemistry, Botany, Anatomy, College of Surgeons, Ireland, are exempt from writing on Physiology, and Pharmacy; the second, Medicine, TheraAnatomy and Physiology only in their first examination. peutics, Surgery, Pathology, Midwifery, Forensic Medicine, 5. Members of the Royal College of Surgeons, England j and Hygiene. Licentiates of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh; Candidates for the licence must lodge their testimonials, and Licentiates of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland; and enrol their names and addresses, with the clerk at the and all candidates who have passed the First Anatomical Hall, in Dublin, a week prior to the day of examination. Examination of the Royal College of Surgeons, London; Candidates who fail to pass the first part of the Profesthe Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh; the Royal Col- sional Examination will be remitted to their studies for lege of Surgeons, Ireland, are exempt from writing on three months, and unsuccessful candidates at the Pass Examination will not be readmitted until after the expiration Anatomy and Physiology only in their first examination. All candidates, unless registered, will be required to pro- of six months. duce their diploma. Doctors of Medicine of any of the universities of the The examination of candidates for certificates of qualifi- United Kingdom, and Licentiates of a Royal College of Phycation to act as Assistant, in compounding and dispensing sicians, or Surgeons of any of the Royal Colleges of Sur. medicines, will be as follows :-In translating Physicians’ geons, whose qualifications as such appear in the Medical Prescriptions ; in the British Pharmacopoeia; in Pharmacy, Register, and who, having first passed an examination in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Materia Medica,, and Botany. Arts, have also served an apprenticeship, or the required Any candidate who presents himself for the first examina- term at Practical Pharmacy, to a qualified apothecary, may tion, and is rejected, may be admitted to re-examination at obtain the licence of the Hall by undergoing an examinathe expiration of three months. A candidate who presents tion-the former in Pharmacy, and the latter in Medicine himself for the second or Pass Examination, and is rejected, and Pharmacy. Licentiates of the Society of Apothecaries cannot be admitted to re-examination until the expiration of London are admitted ad eundum. of six months. No rejected candidate can be re-examined An Honour Examination for Apprentices is held at the as an Assistant until the expiration of three months. Hall in the first week ofMay annually, upon some subject Fees.-For a Certificate of Qualification to practise, six of Medical or Pharmaceutical Chemistry, which is announced guineas, half of which is retained in case of rejection, to be by the Council of the Hall at the commencement of the accounted for at a, subsequent examination. For the First previous winter session, and a prize of five guineas is Examination, three guineas. For an Assistant’s Certificate, awarded to the successful competitor. two guineas. Both of these sums are retained in case of rejection, and accounted for subsequently. ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, Students’ Prizes.-The Society of Apothecaries annually offer two prizes for proficiency in the knowledge of Botany, 6, Whitehall-yard, S.W. and also two prizes for proficiency in the knowledge of candidate desirous of presenting himself for adEvery Materia Medica and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. The prizes mission to the Army Medical Service must be unmarried, consist of a Gold Medal, awarded to the candidate who dis- and not under twenty-one nor over twenty-eight years of tinguishes himself the most in the examination; and of a age. He must produce certificates of date of birth and of Silver Medal and a Book to the candidate who does so in moral character. the next degree. Regulations of competitors for the prizes The candidate must make a declaration that both his can be had on application. are of unmixed European blood, and he labours parents The Society’s Botanic Garden at Chelsea is open daily under no mental or constitutional disease, nor any imper. (except Sunday) from 10 till 5 P.M. Tickets of admission fection or disability that can interfere with the most may be had at the Beadle’s Office, Apothecaries’ Hall, efficient discharge of the duties of a medical officer in any Blackfriars, E.C. climate. His physical fitness will be determined bya Board of Medical Officers, who are required to certify that the APOTHECARIES’ HALL OF IRELAND. candidate’s vision is sufficiently good to enable him to perA Preliminary Examination will be held at the Hall four form any surgical operation without the aid of glasses. The times in the year-namely, on the third Thursday in the Board must also certify that he is free from organic or other months of January, April, July, and October, at 12 o’clock. disease, and from constitutional disability likely to unfit Subjects : English, 1B’Iathematics, French or German, Latin, him for military service in any country. The candidate must possess two diplomas or licences, one Greek, Natural Philosophy, Natural History. ,