METROPOLITAN ANCILLARY SCHOOLS AND HOSPITALS. one year of which shall have been spent in attendance on the Surgical Practice of a recognised hospital. The diploma of Fellow is not conferred upon successful candidates until they have attained the age of 25 years. The Regulations may be obtained on application to the Director of Examinations, Examination Hall, Queen-square, Bloomsbury, London, W.C. 1.
SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES OF LONDON. The Primary examination is held quarterly in two parts. Part 1. Elementary Biology; Chemistry, ’Chemical Physics ; Practical Chemistry ; and Materia Medica and Pharmacy. Part II. includes Anatomy, Physiology, and Histology. This examination cannot be passed before the completion of twelve months Practical Anatomy with Demonstrations, and these subjects cannot be taken separately except in the event of the candidate having previously passed in one. The Final examination is held monthly except in September. It is in two sections. Section I. consists ,of three parts. Part I. Principles and Practice of Surgery, Surgical Pathology, and Surgical Anatomy,
Operative Manipulation, Instruments, and Appliances. Part II. Medicine, Pharmacology, Pathology, and Morbid Histology ; Forensic Medicine, Hygiene, ’Theory and Practice of Vaccination ; and Mental Diseases. Part III. includes Midwifery, Gynaecology, and Diseases of New-born Children and the Use of Obstetric Instruments and Appliances. Section II. ,of the Final examination consists of two Parts. Part I. Clinical Surgery; Part II. Clinical Medicine and Medical Anatomy. The course of study for the Final examination, Section I., includes attendance on the Surgical and Medical Practice, with Post-mortem Examinations, at a hospital connected with a medical school for a period of two winter and two summer sessions, including a course of Practical Midwifery, with attendance on 20 Midwifery cases. The course of medical study must extend over 45 months, and the offices of dresser or clinical clerk must be held at a hospital or other institution recognised by the Society. Two years must elapse after a candidate has passed the examination in Anatomy and Physiology before sitting for any part of the Final examination. The course of study for the Final Examination, Section II., includes either attendance on the Practice of Medicine and Surgery at a hospital or other institution recognised by the Society for a further period of 12 months, or six months as above and six months as a pupil of a registered practitioner holding a public medical or surgical appointment, or attendance at two special hospitals for six months (three months at each hospital), and for six months at a general hospital, all such hospitals to be recognised by the Society. Evidence shall also be given of practical instruction in Infectious Diseases and in Mental Diseases (at a lunatic asylum or in the wards of an institution containing a special ward set apart for the treatment of mental diseases), and in any two of the following subjects: Ophthalmic Surgery, Laryngology with Rhinology and Otology, Dermatology, and Diseases of Children. Candidates intending to present them.selves for examination are required to give 14 days’ notice. The fee for the Licence is 20 guineas. Female candidates are admitted to examinations. The examination offices are open from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M.: on Saturdays from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. All letters should be addressed to the Secretary, Court of Examiners. ,Society of Apothecaries of London, Blackfriars, E.C. 4.
to the medical
student and medical graduate facilities for different forms of instruction and clinical observation. In each case further information can be obtained from the secretary of the hospital.
THE SEAMEN’S HOSPITAL SOCIETY possesses three at Greenwich, 250 beds, and the Branch Hospital in the Royal Victoria and Albert Docks, E.. 50 beds : the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Endsleigh-gardens, 50 beds, London, N.W. 1 ; King George’s Sanatorium for Sailors, Bramshott, Hants. and the Angas Home, 30 beds. It has also a Dispensary in the East India
hospitals-the Dreadnought Hospital
Dock-road from which
transferred to the
Michelli, C.M.G. WEST LONDON HOSPITAL, Hammersmith, W. 6.This hospital has 160 beds, all of which are constantly in use. 2294 in-patients and 35,466 out-patients, whose attendances numbered 195,930, were trea,ted last year. Attached to the hospital is the West London Post-Graduate College. The practice of the hospital is reserved exclusively for qualified men, no junior students being admitted. Instruction is given in the medical and surgical out-patient rooms and demonstrations are given in the wards every morning and afternoon. Lectures and demonstrations are given daily. Special classes are held in Diseases of the Throat and Nose, Skin, and Eye, and in Gynaecology. Medical Electricity, Operative Surgery, Bacteriology, Anaesthetics, Intestinal Surgery, Medical and Surgical Diseases of Children, Blood and Urine, Clinical Microscopy, Tropical Medicine, Cystoscopy, Venereal Diseases, and Operative Ophthalmology. The accommodation for post-graduates consists of a large lecture room, together with reading, writing, and class rooms, &c. The hospital has a fully equipped pathological laboratory at which instruction is given in elementary bacteriology, a class being held every month. The fees for hospital practice, including
hospitals. Secretary :
Sir P..T.
£9 9s. for three months,
£23 12s. 6d.
for one year. The certificate of the hospital is accepted by the Admiralty, War Office, Colonial Office, and India Office in cases of study leave. Further information can be obtained on application to the Deans, Dr. Arthur Saunders and Mr. Bishop Harman, at the Ho’3pital. Secretary of the Hospital: Mr. H. A. Madge. GREAT NORTHERN CENTRAL HOSPITAL, Hollowayroad, N. 7.-This hospital is recognised by the Examining Board in England of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons as a place of study during the fifth year of the medical curriculum. Besides the Honorary Staff there are six Anaesthetists, Pathologist, Resident Medical officer, two resident House Physicians three resident House Surgeons, and resident casualty officer. The hospital contains 210 beds, which are fully occupied. There is also a ward for children under five years of age. The large rectangular and circular wards, each of which contains 25 beds, the observation wards, the two operation theatres, general and special out-pat,ient and pathological departments, are specially designed with a view of offering the greatest facilities for clinical work. There is also a well-appointed physiotherapeutic department. The pathological department has been extended and is under the control of a Director of Clinical Pathology. The Reckitt Convalescent Home at Clacton-on-Sea belongs to the Hospital. It contains 30 beds. Special departments have also been established for the treatment of tuberculosis and venereal diseases. A Hospital of Recovery containing 60 beds has now been established at " Grovelands," Southgate, patients being removed from the main hospital by ambulance five or six days after operation. Medical practitioners are cordially invited to see the general and special practice of the hospital. Demonstrations are given daily in the wards and out-patients departments. Clinical assistants (qualified), clinical clerks, and pathological clerks are appointed in the general and special departments and may receive certificates at the end of their terms of office. Further particulars from the Secretary of the Medical Committee at the Hospital. PRINCE OF WALES’S GENERAL HOSPITAL, Tottenham. This hospital is in the midst of a densely populated neighbourhood and contains medical, surgical, gynaecological, and children’s wards, having 125 beds. There are special departments for gynaecological cases,