THE JOINT TUBERCULOSIS COUNCIL. A meeting of the Joint Tuberculosis Council was held at the house of the Society of Medical Officers of Health, on May 18th, 1935, Dr. Lissant Cox occupying the chair. Twenty-two members were present. The resignation of Mr. Girdlestone was accepted with sincere regret. The filling of the vacancy thus created was postponed till the next meeting. The following committees were elected :Pneumothorax.-Dr. R. R. Trail (convener), Drs. S. Vere Pearson, G. Iessel, W. Brand, D. P. Sutherland, Jas. Watt, C. O. Hawthorne, D. A. Powell, and Peter W. Edwards. Employment.-Dr. J. B. McDougall (convener), Drs. D. P. Sutherland, Jane Walker. G. Ieasel, PeterW. Edwards, and C. O. Hawthorne. Entertainment.-The officers of the Society and Dr. F. Heaf. Milk.-Dr. C. O. Hawthorne (convener), Drs. Jas. Watt, W. H. Tytler. G. Lissant Cox, Jane Walker, Esther Carling, A. Neville Cox, D. P. Sutherland, and Professor W. W. Jameson. Contacts.-Dr. G. T. Hebert (convener), Drs. Ernest Ward, F. W. Goodbody, D. P. Sutherland, ]. C. Gilchrist. G. jesael, W. Burton Wood, L. S. T. Burrell, and Dawkins. The amendment to the Council's constitution (Rule 8), moved by Dr. James Watt, so that it shall read: "Meetings shall be held quarterly and at such other times as may be decided by the office bearers. or on the requisition of not less than 10 members of the Council." instead of as at present: .. Meetings shall be held quarterly and at other times a~. may be decided," was passed by the requisite twothirds majority. The Pneumothorax and Contacts Committees had nothing to report. On behalf of the Milk Committee, Dr. Hawthorne reported two incidents :(a) Two outbreaks of scarlet fever attributed to milk contamination; in one there were 90 cases with 2 deaths, in the other 11 cases, 10 of which were traced to a scarlet fever contact. (b) An experiment on feeding would shortly be commenced in which 2,000 children would be fed on raw milk and 2,000 on pasteurised milk. There were difficulties in the way of the experiment, but it was likely these would be overcome. Dr. Brand, who was unable to be present, reported that about 20 had followed the course at Victoria Park Hospital held from February 25th to March 2nd. Dr. Peter Edwards had held 3 courses this year, and proposed to hold
a fourth from July 2nd to 4th. Arrangements for the study tour in Denmark were approaching completion, and Brompton Hospital would give a post-graduate course from November 4th to 9th. The staff of the City Road Chest Hospital were forming teaching groups for the purpose of short intensive post-graduate courses. Sincere thanks were expressed to Dr. Brand, and he was asked to continue the good work as seemed best to him. The Hon. Secretary reported his visits to the College of Nursing and the General Nursing Council. in regard to post-graduate study for nurses. Professor Jameson and Dr. Heaf were asked to review the position and report at the next meeting. Dr. Heaf was thanked for his note on tuberculosis institutions and chest hospitals. which was referred to the Institutions Committee. The examination of sputum for tubercle bacilli was discussed. and it was suggested that the gasolene concentration method might prove more efficient than culture. as in 4 per cent. of specimens of sputum containing tubercle bacilli the bacilli were dead. Dr. Tytler and Dr. Peter Edwards promised to prepare a joint note on the subject for the next meeting. Concerning blood sedimentation tests, the Hon. Secretary reported that he had been in communication with Dr. Schuster, who had sent him a pamphlet detailing the standards advised by the Association of Clinical Pathologists. Dr. Ward was asked to circulate this for the next meeting. Saturday, November 23rd, 1935, at 10 a.m., were the date and time fixed for the next meeting. DR. ALLAN SEMPLE, Medical Officer of Health of Carlisle, has received an increase of salary of £100 per annum. THE Central Council for the Social Welfare of Girls and Women in London has recently published a sixth edition of the Handbook of Information as to Residential Clubs and Hostels in London providing accommodation for women and girls at a charge of two guineas a week or less. Copies of this extremely useful guide may be obtained from the offices of the Council at 53, Victoria Street, London, S.W.l, price one shilling each.