Assessing recent developments and opportunities in the promotton of health Communication across cultural and disciplinary boundaries in the soctomedtcal sctcnccs Concepts of rights and justice and their implication for policy EfTects of material deprivation on neurological functioning Female male differences in becoming ill and getting better Health and the migrant worker Health and unemployment Health systems as a defence against the consequences of poverty lmplicattons of comparative hospital organisation and structure (or Inter-professtonal behavtour and the delivery of care Indigenous and multi-national pharmaceutical companies: their contributtons. consequences and cotttrol Issues in the accessibility and confidentiality of patient records Processes in the formulation and legitimisation of professional ethtcs in a chdnging world Relattonships of lifestyles to patterns of health Social responsibilities of medical and social scientists in war and in the preservatton of pcacc The assessment and implementation of health care priorities in developtnp countries The family as a resource unit in health care: changing patterns The nature and inhuence of popular movements in health poltcy and modern health practtce The relevance of traditional medical cultures to modern primary health care Values in health care choices Working condittons and healthy --social epidemiology. patterns of stress. coptng and change
For further
and appltcatton
Dr P. J. M. McEwan Glengarden Ballater Aberdeenshire AB3 5UB Scotland