

{translation. H lEMOPI-IlLIA, HJEMORRHAPH ILIA DISEASE) . (BLOOD By D R. FRIEDRICH SCHICK, of J(e,,·!,el1au. IN a long a rticle Schick discu sses ...

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{translation. H lEMOPI-IlLIA,



By D R. FRIEDRICH SCHICK, of J(e,,·!,el1au.

IN a long a rticle Schick discu sses the views of authors on the ca uses of hc:emophilia and gives a description of a case of hc:emophilia in a seven-year-old g reyhound, in which, at the wi sh of the lady owner, a wound was made at the inner side of t he left stifle j oint for the removal of a forei g n body. A lready , when originally inj ured, the do g had bled so profu sely that the attending veterinary surgeo n had encountered great difficulty in checking the severe hc:emorrhage . Schick on ly dilated the wound a li ttle and removed the forei gn body. Bleeding then set in so severely that he tried in vain t o arrest it from 9 o'clock in the m orning until 6 o'clock at ni g ht. In the meantime anc:em ic symptom s and heart weakness se t in and only then the hc:emorrhage came to a stand still. By means of a camphor injection the genera l condition was again improved, but on the next day bleeding occurred and lasted several hours, but it was checked; neverthele ss, it recurred in the evening and again the next morning. In spi te of this the animal recovered and the wo und healed. -B erliner tierarzt. W och.

Letters and Communications, &c. Mr. P ayne; Professo r Lia uta rd; Dr. A. Hughes; Mr. C. J. Dixson; Mr. W . M. Scott; Mr. G. Mayall; Capt. D eacon; Mr. A. E. Willett; Mr. T. B. Goodall; Mr. J . F. D. Tutt; Capt. P allin; Mr. Mitter; Professor Sisson; Professor Craig; Dr. Burton Rogers ; Professor L a w; Mr. Bevan; Mr. Haskell.

Books and Periodicals, &c., Received. The American Veterinary Review; Journal of the Roya l Army Medical Corps; Recu eil de Medecine Veterinaire; L 'Hygiene de la Viande et du L ait ; Revue Generale de Medecine Veterinaire; Der Tierarzt; Zeitschrift fUr Veterinarkunde; Berliner ti era r zt liche Wochen sc hrift ; Osterreichische W ochenschrift fUr Tierheilkunde; L a Clinica Ve terina ria; Revista de Medicina Veterinaria; Boa rd of Ag ri cu lture and Fi sheries; Department of Agricu lture and Technical Instruction for Ireland ; Kennel Gazette; Agricultural Journ a ls for the Union of South Afr ica and for Rhodesia; Ame ri can Journal of Veterinary Medicine. NOTE.-All communications should be addressed to 8.. Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C. T elephone, 4646 Gerrard . Telegrams, "Bailliere, London." Letters for th e JOURNAL, literary contributions, r epo rts, notices, books for r eview , exchanges, new inst rum ents or materia ls, and a ll matter for publication (except adverti sements ) shou l d be addressed to the E ditors. Manuscript-preferably type-written-should be on one side only of paper, marked with full nam e of a uthor. Illu strati ons for reproduction shou ld be in good bl ack or dark brown on white pape r or card. Advertisements and all business matters relating to the JOURNAL should be addressed to the publishers, Messrs. Bailliere, Tindall a nd Cox.