Two new microfungi from Burma

Two new microfungi from Burma

Notes and brief articles 333 TWO NEW MICROFUNGI FROM BURMA MAUNG MYA THAUNG 6o(A) Golden Valley, Shwegondaing P.O., Rangoon, Burma The only genus o...

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Notes and brief articles



6o(A) Golden Valley, Shwegondaing P.O., Rangoon, Burma The only genus of hyperparasitic hyphomycetes hi~e~to reported wi~h thickened scars on the conidiogenous cells IS Chin cmy ces Deighton & Pirozynski (1972) which the following taxon resembles to some extent, but differs in the morphology of the conidiophores. A new genus, Parachincmyces, is described to accommodate it.

Parachinomyces gen.nov. Deuteromycotina, hyphornycetes. Mycelium superficiale, hyperparasiticum, ex hyphis incoloribus, ut videtur aseptatis vel vix septatis, laevibus, repentibus, et conidiophora lateraliter et terminaliter gerentibus, compositum. Conidiophora macronernata, mononemata, incoloria, simplicia vel ramosa, recta vel flexuosa, adscendentia vel erecta, septata, geniculata, uniformia vel haud, ad apicem attenuato-truncata vel-obtusa, parietibus tenuibus, laevia, sympodialia, cicatricata, apice veto denique lateraliter summoto et persistenti, Cicatrices conidiaies truncato-obtusae, parvae sed manifeste, incra ssatae. Cellulae conidiogenae polyblasticae, integratae, terrninales, sympodiales, plus minusve cylindricae vel inflatae vel truncato-triangulae, cicatricatae. Conidia incoloria, simplicia, fusiformia, navicularia vel obclavata, apicern versus attenuata saepe rostrata, hilo truncate vel obtuse incrassato, 3 aut pluriseptata, laevia. Species typica : Parachinomyces acroconidiellinae Thaung

Mycelium superficial, hyperparasitic, composed of hyaline, apparently aseptate or hardly septate, smooth, repent hyphae which bear the conidiophores as lateral and terminal branches. Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, hyaline, simple or branched, straight or flexuous, ascending or erect, septate, geniculate, uniform in width or not, narrow-truncate or -obtuse at the apex, thinwalled, smooth, sympodial, cicatricized; the old apices eventually di splaced to one side and persistent. Conidial scars truncate-obtuse, small but prominent, thickened. Conidi ogenous cells polyblastic, integrated, terminal, sympodial, more or less cylindric or inflated or truncate-triangular, cicatricized. Conidia hyaline, simple, fu siform, navicular or obclavate, attenuated towards the apex and often rostrate, with a truncate or obtuse thickened hilum, three or more septate, smooth. Paraclzincmyces resembles Chincmyces Deighton & Pirozynski to some extent, but differs in having branched conidiophores with walls of uniform thickness and rounded or conoid processes, Trans. Br, mycol. Soc. 71. (2), (1979).

thicker but smaller conidial scars, and often thickened, protruding hila.

Parachinomyces (F ig. 1).



Coloniae tenuissimae, cinerascentes, vix visibiles, in plagulis Acroconidiellinae crescentes, praecipue in conidiis q.uarum .nidulantes. Mycelium superficiale, sparsurn, mconsprcuum: hyphae incolores, repentes laeves, ut videtur aseptatae aut vix septatae, interdum ramosae, circa 1-2(-2'5 pm ) latae, ad hyphas rnyceliales, conidiophora et conidia hospitis fungalis appressae, Conidiophora numerosa, ex hyphis rnycelialibus, praecipue conidia investientibus, lateraliter ct terminaiiter oriunda, solitaria vel conferta patentia vel assurgentia vel erecta, recta aut flexuosa, plerumque geniculata, uniformia vel haud, sympodialia simplicia vel ramosa, incoloria, laevia, ubique parietibus tenuibus, septata (cellulis circa 3'5-7'5(-8'5 pm) longis), cicatricata, usque 66'5 !tm longa, 3'5-4 pm lata, prope aut ad apicem circa 1-2 pm saepe attenuatotruncata vel-obtusa, conidia (blastosporas) terminaliter et singulatim et successive gerentia. Apices veti lateraliter dispositi, velut processus conoidei vel humeri rotundati, circa 1-2 pm alti et basi circa 2-3 . pm lati, persistentes, cicatrice truncata vel obtusa, circa 1-1'5 pm crassa, terminantes. Conidia (blastsporae ) sicca, solitaria, acropleurogcna, simplicia, incoloria, fusiformia vel navicularia vel obclavata, laevia, parieti tenui, apicern versus in rostrum vulgo curvaturn plerumque attenuata, saepe hila obconico aut obconico-truncato circa 0'5-1 pm crasso, 3-5(vulgo 3) septata, non constricta, (18'5- )22- 32(- 37 !tm) longa (rostro incluso), 3'5-4'5 Il.mlata; corpus interdum curvatum ; rostrum simplex, rigidum, rectum vel curvatum, continuum, ab septo summo usque 22 !im longurn, apicc circa 1-I's,um laturn. In coloniis Acroconidiellinae arecae (Berk. & Br.) M. B. Ellis in foliis vivis Arccae catechu L., Sinthawt village prope Yezin (Pyinrnana), Burma, t4 Oct. 1977, Maung Mya Thaung, IMI 217594 holotypus,

Colonies very thin, greyish, scarcely visible, overgrowing the Acroconidiellina colonies but mostly overgrowing the conidia of the Acroconidiellina. Mycelium superficial, sparse, inconspicuous; hyphae hyaline, repent, smooth, apparently aseptate or hardly septate, occasionally branched, about 1-2(-2'5 j.lm) wide, closely appressed to the mycelial hyphae, conidiophores and conidia of the host fungus. Conidiophores numerous, ari sing laterally and terminally from the mycelial hyphae, predominantly from the hyphae

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Notes and brief articles

Fig . 1. Parachinomyces acroconidiellina e. (A) Mycelial hyphae investing a conidium of Acroconidiellina arecae and bearing conidiophores ; (B) developing and developed conidiophores in sequence and detached conidia. x 850.

closely investing the conidia, solitary or crowded, patent or assurgent or erect, straight or flexuous, mostly geniculate, uniform in width or not, sympodial, simple or branched, hyaline, smooth, thin-walled throughout, septate (cells about 3'S-7'S(-8'S pm ) long), cicatricized, up to 66'S/lm long, 3'S-4 pm broad, often narrowed to a truncate or obtuse point of about 1-2 pm near or at the apex, each bearing conidia (blastospores) terminally and singly and successively, the old laterally displaced apices per sistent as conoid proce sses or rounded shoulders about 1-2 pm high and about 2-3 pm wide at the base, terminating with a truncate or obtuse scar about 1-1 '5 pm thick. Conidia (blastospores) dry, solitary, Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 72 (2), (1979).

acropleurogenous, simple, colourless, fusiform or navicular or obclavate, smooth, thin-walled, mostly attenuated towards the apex into a commonly curved beak, often with an obconic or obconic-truncate hilum about o'S-l/lm thick, 3-S (usually 3) septate, not constricted, (18'S-)22-32(-37 pm) long (including beak), 3'S4'S pm wide; body sometimes curved; beak simple, rigid, straight or curved, continuous, up to 22 /tm long from the uppermost septum, about 1-1' 5 JIm wide at the apex. Linotexis burmanica sp.nov , (Figs .a-g) Plagulae amphigenae sed plerumque epiphyllae, atrae, effusae, tenues, sparsae vel saepe confluentes, M ycelium

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Notes and brief articles


Fig. 2. Linotexis burmanica. Mycelium with hyphopodia, setae, and shortly stipitate or subsessile, immature perithecia. x 850.

superficiale, ex hyphis brunneis, rectis vel sinuosis, scabridis, septatis (cellulis usque 41 pm longis), circa 7'5 I'm crassis, opposite vel alternate latique ramosis, reticulatis compositum, Hyphopodia continua, scabrida, alternata vel unilateralia, subglobosa vel late oblonga, raro subcylindrica, apice late rotundata, integra, plerumque 7'5-11 I'm longa et 7'5-10 I'm lata. Setae myceliales numerosae praesertim circum basem peritheciorum, atrobrunneae, simplices, erectae, rectae, rigidaeque, scabridae, 0-3 septatae, usque 133 Itm longae et 7' latae, sursum len iter attenuatae 3'5-4 I'm et apice subacutae vel obtusae. Perithecia breviter stipitata praesertim ubi immatura vel juvenia aut subsessillia, urniformia ad subglobosa, glabra, ilia juvenilia opace atrobrunnea et tumescentia, mox in muco ochraceo diffluentia, 85-92'5(-148/tm) alta, 77'5-114'5(-133/~m) lata, ab basi perithecii hyphis meridianis numerosis intra parietem oriundis, ascos includentibus, subhyalinis ad pallide brunneis, simplicibus, apice obtusis, saepe 1-2 obscure septatis,

Trans. Br. mycol, Soc. 72 (2), (1979).

usque 55'5 I'm longis et 3'5-4/~m latis, sursum incurvatis praedita, Asci 5-6, late clavati vel subglobosi ad globosi, sessiles, 8-spori, 44'5-48(-52 I'm) diam, tunicatis usque circa 6'5-7'5 I'm crassis. Ascosporae conglobatae, opace atrae, dense crasseque spinuloso -verrucosae, constricto-ellipticae, utrinque rotundatae, medio i -septatae et fort iter constrictae, cellulis subglobosis, ad septum truncatis, subaequalibus vel superiore leniter majore, 26-30 x 14-16 I'm. In foliis vivis ignotis, Bassein, Burma, 20 Apr. 1972, Maung Mya Thaung, IMI 172450 holotypus.

Colonies amphigenous but mostly epiphyllous, dark, effuse, thin, sparse and often confluent. Mycelium superficial, composed of brown, straight or sinuous, somewhat scabrous, septate hyphae about 7'S/lm thick, the cells up to 41 /lm long, reticulate, branching opposite or alternate at a wide angle, Hyphopodia continuous, scabrid,

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Fig. 3. Linotexis burmanica. (A) Diffluent perithecia with meridian hyphae; (B) ascus. x 850; (C) free ascospores. x 850. alternate or unilateral, subglobose or broadly oblong, rarely sub cylindric, broadly rounded at the apex, entire, mostly 7'5-11 pm long and 7'5-10 pm wide, Mycelial setae numerous especially around the base of the perithecia, dark brown, simple, erect, straight and rigid, scabrid, 0-3 septate, up to 133 pm long and 7'5 psn. wide, gently tapered towards the apex; to 3'5-4 pm and subacute or obtuse at the apex, Perithecia shortly stipulate especially when immature or young or subsessile, urniform to sub globose, glabrous, when young opaque dark brown and becoming swollen, soon diffluent into a firm yellowish gelatinous structureless mass in which asci are imbedded, 85-92'5(-148 pm) high, 77'5-114'5(-133 pm) wide; from the base of the perithecium, numerous subhyaline to pale brown meridian hyphae arise within the wall, simple, with obtuse apex, often Trans. Br. mycol, Soc. 72 (2), (1919),

obscurely 1-2 septate, up to 55'S pm long and 3'5-4 pm broad, incurved above, which loosely enclose the asci, Asci 5-6, broadly clavate or subglobose to globose, sessile, 8-spored, 44' 5-48 (-52 pm) in diameter, with walls up to about 6-57'5 lim thick, Ascospores conglobate, opaque dark when mature, densely and coarsely spinuloseverrucose, constricted-elliptic, with rounded ends, i-septate and strongly constricted at the middle, the cells subglobose, truncate at the septum, subequal or upper cell slightly larger, 26-30 x 14-16 pm, Four species of Linotexis Syd. have so far been reported (Deighton, 1960) all of which were transferred by Muller & von Arx (1962) and von Arx & Muller (1975) to Parenglerula Hohnel from which Linotexis differs in having ascending mycelial setae and fewer numbers of asci per perithecium than is usual or often one.

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Notes and brief articles From the related species of Linotexis particularly L. philippinensis H. & P. Sydow, with straight setae, it differs in having 5-6 asci and hyphopodia without lobes. REFERENCES

DEIGHTON, F. C. (1960). African Fungi 1. Mycological Papers 78, 1-43.


DEIGHTON, F. C. & PIROZYNSKI, K . A. (1972). Microfungi V. Mycological Papers 128, 1-110. MULLER, E. & VON ARx, r, A. (1962). Die Gattungen der didymosporen Pyrenomyceten. Beitriige zur Kryp togamenflora der Schweiz 11 (2), 1-922. VON ARX, J. A. & MULLER, E. (1975). Are-evaluation of the bitunicate Ascomycetes with keys to families and genera. Studies in Mycology 9, 1-159.


Commonwealth M ycological Institute, Kew

The genus Phialophoropsis, with a single species, P. trypodendri, was described by Batra (1967) as a symbiont associated with the ambrosia beetle, Trypodendron scabricollis, infesting Pinus echinata in the U.S .A. It was isolated from mycangia, tunnels and pupal cells. The genus is characterized by sporodochia bearing short, septate conidiophores. Conidiogenesis is phialidic and a succession of catenate, hyaline, aseptate, truncate-based, thick-walled conidia is formed within the wide collarette. Cultures of a similar, but diminutive species isolated from a leaf lesion on Embothrium lanceolatum in Wales and sent to the Commonwealth Mycological Institute for identification, clearly represent a second species which is named here as P. cambrensis. Apart from the difference in origin, the cultures of P. cambrensis are salmon pink and lack the odour of ripe bananas quoted as characteristic of the type species. Furthermore, the two species differ markedly in dimensions. Con idiophores in P. trypodendri are 14-18 x 7-8'5 /lm whereas in P. cambrensis they are only 8-13 x 2-4/lm. First-formed conidia in P . trypodendri were described as 16-18 x 12'5 /lm, and subsequent ones 10-11 x 7-10 /lm. In P. cambrensis they measure 3'5-6(-8) x 2'5-4 /lm and are thin-walled. A closer comparison between the two species could not be made, for no cultures of P . trypodendri were available and the type (ex BPI) consists only of dead beetles and tunneled host substratum. Although a preparation from this spar se material was examined it was not found possible to either verify or expand upon the original account (Batra, 1967). In spite of this, there is sufficiently good general agreement in generic characteristics between the illustrations of P. trypodendri and the isolate from Embothrium lanceolatum to refer the latter to Phialophoropsis. Trans. Br . mycol. Soc. 7", (2) (1979).

Phialophoropsis cambrensis sp.nov. (Figs.1-3) Coloniae in agaro dextroso cum Solani tuberosi effusae, primo pallide salrnoneae, maturae aurantiacae, reversis salmoncae. Mycelium vegetabile superficialis, ramosurn, septatum, hyalinurn, e hyphis 1-1'5 /tm diam compositum; sporodochia superficialia, hemisphaerica, salrnonea. Conidiophora basim versus sparse septata et ramosa, plcrumque simplicia, hyalina. Cellulae conidiogenae enteroblasticae, phialidicae, in conidiophoris incorporatae vel discretae, hyalinae, 8-13 I' m longae x 2-4 fl m crassae, saepe cum collo magno. Conidia in massas pallide rosea vel aurantiaca formata, hyalina, ascptata, laevia,subglobosa vel late ellipsoidea, guttulata, apicem obtusa, basim truncata, 3'5-6(-8) x 2'5-4 psn, in catenas brevitas fermata, primum formatum cum segmenti marginali. In foliis vivis Embothrii lanceolati, Cambria, R. C. Sharro ck, 1975, holotypus IMI 199484, paratypus IM1 1994 83· Colonies on pot ato dextrose agar pale salmon pink, becoming orange with development of sporodochia, reverse salmon-pink, odourless. Mycelium superficial, 1-1'5 /lm wide, branched, septate. Sporodochia appear on colonies 18 days after inoculation at ± 22°, superficial, hemispherical; conidiophores only branched towards the base, comprised of 3-6 undifferentiated cells, 6-8 x 2-3 /lm; conidiogenous cells enteroblastic, phialidic, integrated or discrete, hyaline, cylindrical or slightly swollen medially, 8-13 x 2-4 /lm, often with a widely flared collarette, and occasionally showing percurrent proliferation. Conidia hyaline, pale pink to orange in mass, aseptate, smooth, subglobose to broadly ellipsoid, guttulate, with a truncate base, at least the first conidium with a marginal frill, 3·5-6(-8 ) x 2'5-4 JIm.

We are grateful to Dr P. Lentz (BP I) for loan of type material of P . trypodendri, and to Mr D. Fry for assistance with the photography.

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