OLR (1985) 32 (12)
C. Chemical Oceanography
Biol. Assoc., Dunstaffnage Mar. Res. Lab., P.O. Box 3, Oban, Argyll PA34 4AD, UK. 85:7044 Van Vleet, E.S., R.H. Pierce, R.C. Brown and S.B. Reinhardt, 1984. Sedimentary hydrocarbons from a subtropical marine estuary ICharlotte Harbor, Floridal. Org. Geochem., 6:249-257. Hydrocarbon concentrations generally ranged from 1 to 5 /xg g ~; little evidence of petrogenic or pyrogenic inputs was observed except for certain 'hot spots' associated with marina, land development and industrial activities. Sediments collected during the summer showed enhanced hydrocarbon concentrations over winter samples, reflecting increased biogenic input from both marine and terrestrial sources. Data suggest that, in subtropical areas, a steady state is established between hydrocarbon inputs and microbial degradation. Dept. of Mar. Sci., Univ. of So. Florida, 140 Seventh Ave. South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701, USA. 85:7045 Wakeham, S.G., J.W. Farrington and R.B. Gagosian, 1984. Variability in lipid flux and composition of particulate matter in the Peru Upwelling region. Org. Geochem., 6:203-215. Diel and depth-related variations in lipid composition and flux of an order of magnitude were not uncommon in the sediment trap samples. Two samplings of a single site four days apart produced significantly different results. The lipid composition of the suspended particles collected by in-situ filtration was quite different from that of sinking particles collected in sediment traps, reflecting complexities in differentiating between source, transport, and transformation processes affecting the two particle size fractions. Dept. of Chem., WHOI, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA. 85:7046 Whelan, J.K., J.M. Hunt, John Jasper and Alain Huc, 1984. Migration of C1-Cs hydrocarbons in marine sediments. Org. Geochem., 6:683-694. Primary migration of C~ and C 2 apparently is occurring in sedimentary rocks at all 3 sites examined (near the Canary Islands, off Walvis Ridge, Texas Gulf Coast). Primary migration of C3+ components becomes important only as fine-grained rocks enter the catagenetic hydrocarbon zone or over short distances in more permeable sections. Lateral migration along bedding planes was more important than vertical migration in rocks of all maturities; tightest hydrocarbons show greater fractionation. Calculations indicate light hydrocarbons
are present in amounts less than their reported solubilities in pure water at 25°C, suggesting that sediment organic matter substantially retards their movement. WHOI, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA.
C210. Pollution (see also B350-Atmospheric pollution, C l l 0 - R a d i o a c t i v i t y , radioisotopes, E300-Effects of pollution, F 2 5 0 Waste disposal) 85:7047 Aston, S.R. and S.W. Fowler, 1985. Mercury in the open Mediterranean: evidence of contamination? Sci. total Environment, 43(1-2):13-26. Previous observations of high tissue Hg in Mediterranean fish such as mackerel and tuna, relative to Atlantic fish, led to this review, in which oceanic Hg measurements were found to be sparse and inaccurate. Hg levels in small pelagic fish were insufficient to account for the high level in predators. Suggestions are made for future data acquisition (alkyl as well as inorganic Hg and ecological factor determinations). Intl. Lab. of Mar. Radioact., c/o Musee Oceanogr., Montecarlo 98000, Monaco. (gsb) 85:7048 Balls, P.W., 1985. Trace metals in the northern North Sea. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 16(5):203-207. Cd, Pb and Cu were determined in the dissolved and particulate phase for surface waters. Dissolved Cd and Cu show concentration gradients associated with salinity fronts which mark the boundary between coastal and ocean waters; Pb does not. The particulate phase represents only a small fraction of the total metal concentration. Processes likely to be responsible for the observed distribution are discussed. DAFS Mar. Lab., P.O. Box 101, Victoria Rd., Aberdeen, UK. 85:7049 Burns, K.A., J.-P. Villeneuve and S.W. Fowler, 1985. Fluxes and residence times of hydrocarbons in the coastal Mediterranean: how important are the biota? Estuar. coast. Shelf Sci., 20(3):313-330. Fluxes of petroleum hydrocarbons and PCB's were determined at a site 2 km off the Monaco coast through the analysis of surface water, zooplankton, fecal materials, and sediments. Data collected in time-series mid-water sediment traps, maintained for a three-year period were also used to show that mass and containment fluxes vary seasonally and are directly related to primary productivity in the surface water. PCB fluxes (2-4 ng/cm2/yr) and