10 Engines (power generation and propulsion) the most efficient was found. The performance of that system was compared with a more conventional concept based on bagasse pressurized gasification. gas cleaning and turbine process. The present work may help to reach decisions concerning developments in the area of biomass power generation. 00/02067 A small scale biomass fueled gas turbine engine Craig, J. D. and Purvis. C. R. J. Eng. Cur Trrrhirws Power. 1999. 121. (I). 64-67. Based on a gas turbine (Brayton cycle) prime mover, a new generation of miniature (less than 20 Mwe) biomass fuelled power plants are being designed and constructed. These power plants are expected to increase the efficiency and lower the cost of generating power from fuels such as wood. The new power plants are also expected to economically utilize annual plant growth materials (such as rice hulls, cotton gin trash, nut shells, and various straws, grasses, and animal manures) that are not the normal fuel considerations for power plants. Summarized in this paper is new power generation concept with emphasis on the engineering challenges presented by the gas turbine component.
00102066 A study on aging of coal liquids by HPLC Norcio, L. P. and Kugler. E. L. Prep. - AM. Chm. Sock., Div. PP~. Chm.. 1999, 44. (2). 1788182. The stability of coal liquids during storage is measured by gum formation and it is adversely affected by temperature, for example the rate of gum formation increases with temperature. The main reactants in gum formation present in the coal liquids are aromatic and polar compounds.
00/02069 Combustion and gasification of coal. Knowledgebased gasifier control for clean power generation Anon, EI,~. Corn/n.. [Rep./ EL/R. 1999. I-177. For an advanced power generation system known as the air blown gasification cycle (ABGC) a rapid response instrumentation and control system software for the gasifier component of the cycle was developed. The aim behind the design of the combined control package was to maintain gasifier performance, meet load change requirements and maximize cycle efficiency.
Conditions in which vaporizing fuel drops reach a critical state in a diesel engine
Abraham, J. and Givler, S. D. Sot,. ~~o/no/. Org.. (S/W. PM./ SP. 1999. 141-152. In a vaporizing diesel spray the maximum penetration of the liquid is relatively short in comparison to the overall jet penetration and that this maximum is reached in 2-4” after start of injection. This implies that the drops that are formed by atomization vaporize in a short characteristic time and length relative to other physical processes. This paper addresses an important question related to this observation: are the vaporizing fuel drops disappearing because they reach a critical state? Single drops of pure component liquid hyrocarbons and their mixtures vaporizing in quiescent nitrogen or carbon dioxide gas environments with ambient pressures and temperatures at values typically found in diesel engines are studied. The results produced by the detailed computations of droplet vaporization suggest that the drop may reach the critical state if the ambient temperature and pressure exceed approximately twice that of the liquid species critical values. Results from computations of vaporizing single droplets and sprays using a multidimensional model are also presented. These computations which employ a simplified vaporization model indicate that the model appears to reproduce the criterion with adequate accuracy. Indeed. even the measured liquid penetration is reproduced if collisions, coalescence and secondary break-up are neglected in the spray model.
00102071 Effect of air extraction for cooling and/or gasification on combustor flow uniformity Wong, T. J. f3rg. Gas Turhim~.v POIW. 1999. I2 I. (I ). 46-54. Gas turbine manufacturers have recently been faced with the important issue of reducing emissions. Almost all of the previous and current research and development for reducing emissions has focused, however, on flow, heat transfer, and combustion behaviour in the combustor or on the uniformity of fuel injection without placing strong emphasis on the flow uniformity entering the combustors. In response to the incomplete understanding of combustor’s inlet air flow field. experiments were performed in a 48% scale, 360 degree model of the diffuser-comhustor section of an industrial gas turbine. In addition, the effect of air extraction for cooling or gasification on the flow distributions at the combustors’ inlets was also investigated. It was shown to vary with the distances between the extraction port and each individual combustor. Longer top hats were installed with the initial intention of increasing flow mixing prior to entering the combustor. However. the results suggested that longer top hats do not improve the flow uniformity: sometimes, adverse effects can be seen. Although a specific geometry was selected for this study. the results provide sufficient information to he a general benefit to other industrial gas turbines. 00/02072
Feasibility of using wood flash-pyrolysis oil in diesel
engines Frigo.
S. SW. A~/ww/.
Dr,e.. /S/W.,
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
1998. Ih55l 73.
July 2000
The experimental study concerning the feasibility of using bio-oil obtained from flash pyrolysis of wood for fuelling diesel power plants is described in this paper. The spray analyses show that there are problems involved in achieving satisfactory atomization with flash-pyrolysis. The engine experimentation demonstrates that flash-pyrolysis oil needs to be modified or mixed with alcohol to make self-ignition possible. Besides, unacceptable build-up of carbonaceous deposits, injection system clamping and engine seizure can occur. The main observation drawn from the test results in the thermo-gravimetric analysis apparatus is that large quantities of char are generated. The corrosion tests demonstrate that steel undergoes fast erosion by contact of flash-pyrolysis oil. All these findings suggest that the characteristics of the current-production of flash-pyrolysis oil are not suitable for use in diesel engines.
00/02073 Fuel-cycle energy and emissions impacts of propulsion system/fuel alternatives for tripled fuel-economy vehicles Mintz. M. M. SW. AIIIW~W/. E/I,~.. /S/W. Puhl./ SP. 1999. 23-40. The results of Argonne National Laboratory’s assessment of the fuel-cycle energy and emissions impacts of I3 combinations of fuels and propulsion systems that are potential candidates for light-duty vehicles with tripled fuel economy (3X vehicles) are presented in this paper. For a new generation of vehicles (PNGV), these vehicles are being developed by the partnership. The experimental investigation studied 11 fuels: reformulated gasoline (RFG), reformulated diesel (RFD), methanol, ethanol, di-Me ether, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), biodiesel, Fischer-Tropsch diesel and hydrogen. It was assumed that RFG, methanol, ethanol. LPG, CNG and LNG could be burned in spark-ignition, direct-injection (SIDI) engines. RFD, FischerTropsch diesel, biodiesel and di-Me ether were assumed to be burned in compression-ignition, direct-injection (CIDI) engines. It was also assumed that fuel-cell vehicles would use hydrogen, RFG and methanol. Impacts were analysed under alternative scenarios of potential 3X vehicle market penetration. Profiles of 3X and conventional vehicle stocks were then used to estimate fuel supply requirements and emissions produced by all lightduty vehicles (both 3X and conventional) expected to be on the road in each year of the analysis. For upstream fuel processing, energy consumption, and pollutant emissions and greenhouse gases were estimated. Emissions of criteria pollutants were further disaggregated into urban and non-urban components. From the results it is evident that the fuel efficiency gain by 3X vehicles translates directly into reductions in total energy demand, fossil energy demand, and greenhouse gas (primarily COz) emissions. The combination of fuel substitution and fuel efficiency results in substantial petroleum displacement and large reductions in urban emissions of volatile organic compounds and sulfur oxide for all propulsion system/fuel alternatives considered. Although urban emissions of particulate matter smaller than IO/fm increase for CID1 engines operating on RFD, biodiesel and Fischer-Tropsch diesel, such increases do not occur for CID1 engines operating on di-Me ether. There is a large reduction in urban emissions of nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide when fuel-cell vehicles are in use; compression-ignition engines operating on di-Me ether, RFD, FischerTropsch diesel or biodiesel also yield notable reductions in urban carbon monoxide emissions.
00102074 Gas-fueled gas turbine power generation apparatus Brown, J. A. G. Brit. UK Pat. Appl. GB 2,331,128 (Cl. FOZC7/22). 12 May 1999. Appl. 1997123.291, 4 Nov 1997:. 30. Power generation apparatus is discussed. The technology comprises of a generator, a gas turbine, arranged to drive the generator. fuel gas supply, including storage means and a control valve, which is operable to control the flow of fuel gas from its place of storage to the gas turbine. A gasification combined cycle power generating apparatus is also disclosed in which a gasification vessel (in which fuel gas is produced from carboniferous feedstock) is connected to a saturator vessel which is connected to a control valve at an inlet of a gas turbine engine unit. Between the gasification vessel and saturator vessel a controllable gasexpanding turbine, driving a generator is positioned. The control valve is monitored by a control computer which responds to power demand on the gas turbine engine. 00/02075
Gasification combined cycle power generation
equipment Koga. Y. Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho JP I I 1 In.971 199 I lh,971] (Cl. ClOJ3/ 46) 27 Apr 1999, Appl. 971281,824, IS Ott 1997. 8. (In Japanese) The components of a coal gasification combined-cycle power generation equipment include a char lock hopper system possessing a char buffer tank for recovery of char from the gasifier, a gas turbine and gas. 00/02076 Gasification combined cycle power plants Iwai, Y. Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho JP 11 117,711 [99 117,711] (Cl. FOIK23/ IO), 27 Apr 1999, Appl. 971281,584, I5 Ott 1997. 6. (In Japanese) Gasification combined cycle power plants are discussed. In order to maximize the thermal efficiency corresponding to the state of power generation by the plant, it is equipped with an air extraction control apparatus. It also contains a compressor. an air-extraction mechanism for extracting a part of air exited from the compressor, a combustor that uses the air from the compressor, a supply of nitrogen and fuel. It is also composed of a gas turbine, an oxygen manufacturing equipment, a gasification apparatus for generating combustible gas from coal and oxygen