Abstractrand Reviews M02: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS AND TABLES 083001 (M02, B20) BevSIkerungsentwicldung und Finanzierung der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung. Erbsland M., Wille E., Zeitschrifi fiir die gesamte Versicherungswissenschafi, Volume 84, 1995, pp. 661686 This paper analyses the pure demographic effects on medical care expenditures and the contribution rate of the German statutory health insurance scheme covering the period from 1995 until 2040. To isolate these effects we assume that the age-specific expenditures for medical care as estimated in 1995 remain constant over the whole future period. The estimates show that ceteris paribus the double aging of the German population increases (average) per capita medical expenditures about 20 %. The corresponding increase in the (average) contribution rate sums up to approximately 3 percentage points. Taking into account, in addition, agespecific expenditure on statutory retirement, long-term care, and unemployment insurance, respectively, the rise in the aggregate contribution rate of the social insurance system may endanger the competitiveness of the German economy. Keywords: Health insurance. 083002 (M02, B20) Die BevSIkerungsentwicklung und die Finanzierung der Privaten Krankenversicherung. Beer H., Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft, Volume 84, 1995, pp. 687-696 The German private health insurance (referred to as PKV), having been independent from demographic trends for many years, increasingly gets under the influence of population trends. The financing system of the PKV is illustrated and it is presented in which way the situation of the PKV has changed since the middle of the eighties and has made the subject 'the older policyholders' the center of attention. The explosion of costs in public health in connection with further increasing life expectancy has risen questions concerning the payability of the premiums in retirement age. Measures are discussed which were taken by the supervising authority and the legislator as well as those measures initiated by the health insurance companies themselves in order to achieve a reasonable premium development. The measures taken by the legislator are described with the help of model calculations. However, these measures are not successful to achieve the defined
target values. Moreover, by said measured assessment components have gained entry into the financing system of the PKV: Younger policyholders are paying administrative fees for the older persons; part of the surplus of the younger policyholders is allocated to the older ones. Therefore, the premiums of the older policyholders depend on the portfolio structure of the individual company and, thus, on the extent of the prospective new business. As already said new business is influenced by the age structure of the whole German population, the following superannuation of the population will inevitably lead to a medium and longterm decline in new business including the consequences on the premium development as outlined.
Keywords: Health insurance. 083003 (M02, MOO) Review Of Adequacy Of 1983 Individual Annuity Mortality Table. Johansen R.J., Transactions of the Society of Actuaries, Volume XLVII, 1995, pp. 101-123. The paper analyzes recent individual annuity mortality experience, derives comparative annual mortality improvement rates and, in particular, examines in detail the 1976-86 experience in the most recent Report of the Individual Annuity Experience Committee. Some anomalies in the 1976-86 experience are pointed out, and some attempts to explain them are offered. Finally, the paper suggests that the 1983 Table a should be replaced as soon as possible-that it will not be viable for the second half of the 1990s. After discussing some special tests of the 1976-86 annuity experience, the paper concludes that instead of constructing a new table from the 1976-86 experience, Improvement Scale G should be used to derive an interim table from the 1983 Table a. The 1996 IAM Table in the paper is intended to be used for valuation until a larger, more detailed study of annuitant mortality can be compiled and analyzed-a task that might not be completed until the early 2000s. The new study would examine the comparative mortality of different classes of individual annuity business. It would also study the use of mortality improvement rates as an integral part of the valuation system similar to that adopted for group annuity valuation. Keywords: Mortality table, Annuity.