Abstractsand Reviews
citizens to behave inefficiently in preparing for and responding to disasters also will cause inefficiencies in policies concerning catastrophic events. Among the more important expected pathologies of disaster policies are: ( I ) a failure to balance benefits and costs at the margin for different types of disasters, due to cognitive pathologies such as availability and overconfidence; (2) a tendency for policy to underinvest in protection and overinvest in response; and (3) a skepticism for policies based on sound insurance principles for spreading costs and assessing claims.
Keywords: Risk regulation, Natural disasters.
EIO: INSURANCE RELATED MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS, GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS 083053 (El0, B80) Probleme eines optimalen 0bergangs yon einer Planwirtschaft zu einer Marktwirtschaft. Krell D.H., Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte Versicherungs-
wissenschaft, Volume 84, 1995, pp. 1-25 The paper starts by stating that the year 1989 is the beginning of a new epoch in history, comparable to the year 1789 of the French Revolution. The reason for this change was the inability of the communist countries to keep pace with the economic development of the market economies. This is due, first, to the general impossibility of attaining an optimal allocation of resources through planning in a modem economy with millions of households and commodities. Secondly, it is due to specific faults in planning which are described in detail in the paper. In the following the problems arising of a change from a planned to a market system are listed. The paper deals specifically with one of the following questions: should firms which will become bankrupt during the transition period be subsidized in order to keep them alive, and if so, to what extent? This problem is dealt with from the point of view of subsidizing a specific sector of the economy (e.g. shipbuilding, coal mining or others), which is small with respect to the total economy so that repercussions can be neglected. The basic assumptions are linear distribution functions for the cash flow of the firms in the sector and a linear distribution of labor input coefficients. The demand function and the function for a government deficit are added as well as some definitional equations in order to close the system. Keywords: Market economy.
083054 (El0, B80) Die Systeme sozialer Sicherheit im Prozess der Umwandlung yon der Zentralverwaitungs- zur Marktwirtschaft. yon Maydell B., Zeitschrift far die gesamte
Versicherungswissenschaft, Volume 84, 1995, pp. 27-43 With but a certain delay in time, the transformation process has now also taken hold of the field of social security. This process is still in full swing and confronts the states affected by it with considerable difficulties. Following a first phase of rapid reforms, most of the states have now entered a second reform stage. Analyses of the social security instruments that have been handed down from the socialist era show that these are largely felt to be in need of reform. Yet in the final analysis, the theoretically interesting question as to whether changes in the economic and constitutional systems need to be accompanied by a change in the social order does not require a final answer. The first step is to build up a public social security system. Private law social protection schemes alone are probably unable to solve the problems of these states. Nevertheless, the framework conditions for establishing forms of supplementary private insurance should be created as soon as possible. The considerable need for advice in the reform states is currently being met by a multitude of largely uncoordinated advice offers by diverse international and national institutions. More harmonization is urgently required. Over and above this, sociopolitical consultation should as soon as possible be replaced by a policy of including the reform states in the sociopolitical dialogue developing within the European Union. Keywords: Market economy. 083055 (El0, BS0) Probleme bei dem [lbergang yon der Planwirtschaft zur Marktwirschaft in Ostdeutschland - das Beispiel Deutsche Versicherungs-AG/Allianz. Baden G.U., Zeitschrift fi~r die gesamte Versicherungs-
wissenschafi, Volume 84, 1995, pp. 45-50 In the middle of 1990, the Allianz Group acquired a majority stake in the newly rounded "Deutsche Versicherungs-AG", which had emerged from the former "Staatliche Versicherung der DDR" (state-owned insurer of the GDR). In December 1991, the rest of the shares held by the "Treuhand" was acquired by the Allianz Group. The transformation of a state-owned insurer with a monopoly status into a competitive company in a free