11th International subcellular methodology forum study of cellular roles of calcium

11th International subcellular methodology forum study of cellular roles of calcium

Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, 16 (1988) 243-246 J39evier 243 Announcements International Symposium on Current Separation Techniq...

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Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, 16 (1988) 243-246




International Symposium on Current Separation Techniques for Macromolecules Uppsala, 22-24


August 1988

Separation techniques for macromolecules have been a field of dynamic development during recent years. The purpose of this symposium is to highlight the new advancements and techniques in both chromatography and electrophoresis as well as related areas. The most recent developments in the different fields will be presented by well-known authorities, and new principles and applications will be presented in lecture and poster sessions New instrumentation and auxiliary materials will be exhibited by leading suppliers of chromatographic and electrophoretic equipment Preliminary program: Liquid Chromatography; Supercritical Fluid Chromatography; Field Flow Fractionation; Hydrodynamic Chromatography; Electrophoresis Submission of contributions: Those interested to contribute with a poster at the symposium should send a preliminary abstract (approx. 200 words) to The Swedish Chemical Society, not later than 20 May, 1988 All correspondence concerning the symposium should be addressed to: The Swedish Chemical Society, The Analytical Division, Wallingatan 26B, S-111 24 Stockhohn, Sweden Phone: +46-8 11 52 60 *





11th International Subcellular Methodology Forum

Study of cellular roles of calcium University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K. 6-9 September 1988 Organizers: E. Reid (Guilford) and C.A. Pasternak (London)

Approaches and pitfalls will be critically surveyed. The topic areas, centered on calcium, will include: its movement, binding and release; its role in intracellular signalling and modulation; secretion and other physiological processes (e.g. involving eicosanoids or cholesterol); biochemical pharmacology, and cell injury and its prevention. The range of test material will include liver, kidney, lung, endocrine cells and platelets. Neural tissue will be considered briefly, and cardiac muscle in depth with attention to cardiovascular pathology and drug effects. Besides the plasma membrane, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum will feature in various talks.

Information obtainable from: Dr. E. Reid, Guildford Academic Associates. 72 The Chase, Guildford, Surrey GU2 5UL,‘U.K. tel. 0483-65324; telex 859643 *





International Meeting on Physical Characterization of Biological Cells Restock, G.D.R. 25-29 September 1988 Organized by the Wilhelm-Pieck-University

Restock, Dept. of Internal Medicine

Topics: Cell Electrophoresis: Dielectrophoresis; Electrorotation; Magnetophoresis; Laser Scanning Microscopy; Video Imaging; Cytophotometry; Tunneling Scanning Microscopy

For preliminary registration and for further information Dr. W. Schiitt, Wilhelm-Pieck-Universitlit Restock Klinik fiir Innere Medizin Ernst-Heydemamr-Str. Restock 2500 G.D.R.





