XAB NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) testimony to EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) on microbial pesticides. Docket number OPP-50668
XAB NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) testimony to EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) on microbial pesticides. Docket number OPP-50668
because our expertise is stronger in this area, but we have included information on herbaceous crops as appropriate. Plant genetic en...
because our expertise is stronger in this area, but we have included information on herbaceous crops as appropriate. Plant genetic engineering has the potential to improve plantation or stand establishment, biomass production, and structural or chemical properties for efficient biomass utilization by either direct combustion or by conversion. Such research programs must be highly interdisciplinary, involving new technologies in laboratory research, in addition to traditional field testing. 119 refs.
1443256 PB90-162355/XAB
NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) Testimony to EPA (Environnuntal Protection Agency) o n M icrobial Pesticides. Docket Number OPP-50668 National Inst. for Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, OH. Corp. Source Codes: 052678000 15 May 89 9p Languages: English Journal Announcement: GRAI9009 NTIS Prices: PC A02/MF A01 Country of Publication: United States The testimony concerned workers who may be exposed during release of microbial pesticides into the environment. However, some of the information would apply equally well to workers exposed prior to this phase. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has conducted a number of studies and developed several reports in the field of biotechnology that the Environmental Protection Agency may find relevant for developing regulations for microorganisms under the Federal Insecticide and Rodenticide Act. The potential for worker exposure would depend on the mechanisms used for delivery of the microorganisms, the composition of the final product, the size of the area to be treated, the intended use of the microorganisms, the capability of the microorganisms to survive and multiply in the environment, and the quantity of microorganisms released. To properly assess the risks posed to workers by environmental release of microorganisms, it is important to address the concept that naturally occurring microorganisms or their products are safe and that genetically manipulated organisms or their products are inherently hazardous or unsafe. Another factor that must be considered is that the degree of change in the genome of the m i c r o o r g a n i s m does not necessarily correlate with physiological properties that this change in genome confers.
1443041 PB90-159625/XAB
Consunuz Effects of Biotechnology (Agriculture information bulletin) Reilly, J. M. Economic Research Service, Washington, Corp. Source Codes: 010371000