15–19July 1974 twelfth international conference on the Physics of semiconductors, University of Stuttgart, Stutgartt, Federal Republic of Germany

15–19July 1974 twelfth international conference on the Physics of semiconductors, University of Stuttgart, Stutgartt, Federal Republic of Germany

ii CALENDAR OF SOLID STATE EVENTS tensorial properties, novel use of anomalous scattering, such as MOssbauer effect and electron scattering; other a...

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tensorial properties, novel use of anomalous scattering, such as MOssbauer effect and electron scattering; other applications of anomalous scattering, It is proposed to publish the proceedings of the Conference; Participation, which will be limited to total attendance of about 125 specialists is by invitation.

Vol. 14, No.7

The Conference, sponsored by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, will emphasize topics which are developing rapidly. These will include optical properties, including non-linear and highexcitation effects, magneto optics; light scattering; surface and interface properties; many-body effects; new materials; transport-phenomena, especially low mobilities and hot electrons; lattice dynamics, especially microscopic aspects; photoemission.

Information: S.C. Abrahams, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ. 07974, U.S.A.

29 May—I June 1974 International Symposium on Electronic Properties of Oxides/Applications and Science. A multi-sponsored International Symposium will be held at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana on May 29 through June 1, 1974. The charter of the Symposium is to assess the current status of the science and technologt pertaining to electronic properties of oxides, to determine the directions in which science and technology are currently progressing, and to determine what additional science is needed to accelcrate the rate of technological applications. In addition, it is hoped that the Symposium will aid in the transfer of knowledge to specific problems in fields other than electronics, such as catalysis. Session topics will include Switching, Catalysis, High Temperature Conductor/Insulators, Optical, Magnetic Semiconductors, Films and Coatings, and Low Temperature Conductivity. Information: Prof. R.W. Vest, Purdue University, School of Materials Engineering, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, U.S.A.

Language of the conference will be English. No simultaneous translation will be provided. Participation will be limited to about 1000 to match the capacity of the lecture halls. Abstracts of invited and contributed papers must be submitted by 25 March 1974. Deadline for registration is 25 May 1974. All manuscripts must be submitted by 14 June 1974. Only significant papers which have not been published elsewhere will be considered for presentation. Information: Dr. O.G. Folberth, IBM Deutschland Cmmh,P.O. D-7030 Boeblingen, F.R.D. Box 210,

Telephone: (07031) 661-8318 Telex 7 365 705 ibm d 22—26 July 1974 IV. International Conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics, Hamburg, West Germany. The conference is sponsored by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft and Deutsches ElektronenSynchrotron.The conference will comprise contributions from the following fields; optical properties of atoms, molecules and solids, characteristic energy loss of electrons, photoemission, luminescence, appearance potential spectroscopy and instrumentation. The language of the conference will be English. No simultaneous translation will be provided.

15—19 July 1974 Twelfth International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany.

Potential participants are to send their address and give a tentative title if presentation of a paper is intended.