-Vol. 14, No.5
of Semiconductors, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany. The Conference, sponsored by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, will emphasize topics which are developing rapidly. These will include optical properties, including non-linear and highexcitation effects, magneto optics; light scattering; surface and interface properties; many-body effects; new materials; transport-phenomena, especially low mobiities and hot electrons;lattice dynamics, especially microscopic aspects; photoemission. Language of the conference will be English. No simultaneous translation wifi be provided. Participation will be limited to about 1000 to match the capacity of the lecture halls. Abstracts of invited and contributed papers must be submitted by 25 March 1974. Deadline for registration is 25 May 1974. All manuscripts must be submitted by 14 June 1974. Only significant papers which have not been published elsewhere will be considered for presentation. Information: Dr. O.G. Folberth, IBM Deutschland CmmH,P.O. Box 210, D-7030 Boeblingen, F.R.D. Telephone: (07031) 661-8318 Telex 7 365 705 ibm d
relevant experiments performed with other techniques or not falling into this energy range will be considered. The conference will consist of invited and contributed papers and will have no parallel sessions. The scheduled date fits just between the 12th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (July 15—19, Stuttgart) and the International Conference on X-ray Processes in Matter (July 20—August 1, Helsinki) but coincides with the 4th International Conference on Atomic.Physics (July 22—26, Heidelberg). Coordination of subjects will be made with the organizers of the Heidelberg Conference to allow interested people to attend both conferences. The conference language is English. No simultaneous translation wifi be provided. The conference will be financed by the Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and will be sponsored by the International Union of Pure and Applies Physics (IUPAP), by the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) and the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY). In order to estimate the number of participants and to get some information on the preferred topics write for a preliminary form to the Organizing Cornmittee of the Conference (do Deutsches ElektronenSynchroton DESY, 2 Hamburg 52, Notkestieg 1) before December 15, 1973.
22—26 July 1974 IV. International Conference on Vacuum Ultravoilet Radiation Physics, Hamburg, West Germany. This is the first announcement of the International Conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics to be held July 22—26, 1974 at the newly opened Congress Centrum in Hamburg. The previous conferences of this series were held at Los Angeles (1962), Gatlinburg (1968), and Tokyo (1971). The Hamburg conference will comprise experimental and theoretical contributions from the fields: optical properties of atoms, molecules and solids, characteristic energy loss of electrons, Photoemission, Luminescence, appearance potential spectroscopy and instrumentation. Generally contributions should deal with excitation energies above 5 eV, but
Major deadlines: January 15, 1974 Mailing of last announcement
March 20, 1974 April 15, 1974
June 1, 1974 June 15, 1974
containing a preliminary list of invited speakers, application forms, etc. Deadline for submission of abstracts. Mailing of notifications to the authors about acceptance or rejection of their papers. Deadline for registration. Deadline for submission of extended abstracts for inclusion in the conference digest.
22—26 July 1974
The conference is sponsored by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft and Deutsches ElektronenSynchrotron. The conference will comprise contributions from the following fields; optical properties of atoms, molecules and solids, characteristic energy loss of electrons, photoemission, luminescence, appearance potential spectroscopy and instrumentation. The language of the conference will be English. No simultaneous translation will be provided. Potential participants are to send their address and give a tentative title if presentation of a paper is intended. Information: Dr. C. Kunz, DESY, D-2000 Hamburg 52, Notkestieg 1, Federal Republic of Germany. For further information see Solid State Commun.
General Session 1. Molecular Structures and Applications 2. Band and Line Profiles Raman Scattering Rayleigh Scattering 3. Large Angle Intramolecular Motions Internal rotation, pseudo rotation, and large
Dr. C. Kunz, DESY, D-2000 Hamburg 52, Notkestieg 1, Federal Republic of Germany.
IV. International Conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics, Hamburg, West Germany.
amplitude skeletal vibrations 4. Intensities in Gasses, Liquids, and Solids Nonlinear, Resonance and Electronic Raman Spectroscopy
I. Resonance Raman Scattering 2. Picosecond Spectroscopy 3. Electronic Raman Scattering Solid State Raman Scattering
Biological, Optically Active, and Polymer
Molecules Instrumentation and New Techniques 1. Ultranmicro and Novel Sampling Techniques 2. Dye Lasers in Raman Spectroscopy 3. Mode Tunable Lasers 4. New Instrumentation and Data Processing 5. Rapid Scanning Raman Spectroscopy 6. Atmospheric and Water Pollution Studies 7. Flame and High Temperature Studies 8. Industrial Analytical Applicatioas 9. Unstable species and Matrix Isolation
Titles of proposed papers will be required by January 1, 1974. Abstracts of about 200 words must be received by April 15, 1974 on special forms available from the Conference Secretary. Acceptance notices will be sent at the end of April and a fInal program will be available in June 1974.
26—30 August 1974 Fourth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy. The Conference will be held at Bowdoin College, Brunswick Maine. This Conference is the fourth of the series which began in Ottawa (1969), followed by Oxford (1970), and Reims (1972). The programme of the Conference will include the following topics:
Vol. 14, No.5
Dr. James E. Griffiths, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey, U.S.A. 07974 (201) 582-3034