Mathematics and Computers 0 North-llolland Publishing in Simulation Company XXII (1980) 55-60 BOOK REVIEWS Edited by P. VAN REMOORTERE T.T. McLar...

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Mathematics and Computers 0 North-llolland Publishing

in Simulation Company

XXII (1980)



T.T. McLarty: Rotorcraft flight simulation with coupled rotor aeroelastic stability analysis. Volume 1, Engineer’s manual. Bell Helicopter Textron, ADA042462/2, 1977, May, 347 pages.

1977 ---: Distributed Computer Control Systems. Conference IEEE No. 153. Colmore Press, London, 1977, 188 pages.

G.M. Nijssen (Editor): Architecture and Models in Data Base Management Systems. Proceedings of the Fourth IFIP, TC-2 Working Conference on Modelling in Data Base Management Systems, Nice, 3-7 January 1977. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1977,326 pages, Dfl. 85.00, US $ 41.50. ISBN 0 7204 0758 3. The study of data base management systems (DBMS) is gradually being approached from a more fundamental standpoint. That is, the conceptual foundations of this field are receiving considerable attention. The better insight gained in recent years into the problems encountered in data base management has led to the development of three principal schematic designs (‘architectures’) for a DBMS, in which the conceptual scheme itself plays the essential role. At present, there is an on-going professional debate, sometimes referred to as the Second Great Debate, on which of these schemata is to be preferred. These proceedings of the fourth annual IFIP TC-2 Working Conference represent the latest contributions of professionals to this debate on the conceptual schemata in particular, and the fundamental aspects of DBMS in general. Various data models are subjected to a penetrating comparative analysis, and the use of natural language in relational data bases is considered, as is the temporal dimension in information modeling. Contents: Preface. Concepts for the conceptual schema (H. Biller and E.J. Neuhold). Current issues in conceptual schema concepts (G.M. Nijssen). Entities and relationships in information (W. Kent). The temporal dimension in information modelling (J.A. Bu-

A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions: New Trends in Systems Analysis. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1977,759 pages. G.J. Bierman: Factorization Methods for Discrete Sequential Estimation. Academic Press, New York, 1977,241 pages. J.L. Casti: Dynamical Systems and Their Applications: Linear Theory. Academic Press, New York, 1977, 240 pages. R. Gnatz and K. Samelson (Editors): Methoden der Informatik fiir Rechneruntersttitztes Entwerfen und Konstruieren. GI-Fachtagung, Miinchen, 19-21 Oktober 1977. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, New-York, 1977, 327 Seiten, DM 3 1 .OO; US $ 15.50. ISBN 3 540 08473 8. Zum ersten Ma1 wendet sich die Gesellschaft fiir Informatik in einer eigenen Fachtaging dem stark anwendungsbezogenen Problemkreis des rechnerunterstiitzten Entwerfens und Konstruierens (CAD) zu. Der Tagungsband enthBlt zunichst eine Reihe von Vortdgen, ein ‘Tutorial’, in denen versucht wird, einen iiberblick aus der Sicht der Informatik zu geben. Sodann wird in mehreren Einzelbeitrigen auf C. Goodwin and R.J. Payne: Dynamic System Identification: Experiment Design and Data Analysis. Academic Press, New York, 1977,291 pages. V. Karmanov: Programmation Moscou, 1977,22 1 pages





Book reviews

benko Jr.). An analysis of some constructs for conceptual models (H.A. S&mid). Update reconsidered (B.M. Schueler). The problem of the cooperation between different DBMS (M. Adiba and C’.Delobel). Some tools for data independence in multilevel data base systems (J.-L. Hainaut). Some practical applications of CS4 ~ A DBMS for associative data bases (S. Berild and S. Nachmens). ILL: an English structured Query language for relational data bases (M. Lacroljc and A. Pirotte). The structuring of data bases at the implementation level (P.M. Stocker).

the principles of simulation technology. Contents: Random processes and random number generators; Simulation of probability experiments. Gaming, random walks, and linear equations; Gambler’s ruin with extensions to inventory control; Limiting processes for random walks and time series simulation; Monte Carlo integration and solution of differential equations; Index.

K.W. Schriek: Anwendungen der Kalman-FilterTechnik. R. Oldenbourg, Munchen, 1977,353 pages.

---: ijkonometrische Modelle und Systeme. Proceedings of the Wissenschaftliches Symposium 1977 IBM Deutschland, Bad Neuenahr 14- 16 September 1977. R. Oldenbourg Verlag, Munchen, 1978,281 Seiten, DM 36.00. ISBN 3 486 21981 2.

D. Wall (Editor): Organisation von Rechenzentren. Workshop der Gesellschaft fur Informatik, Gottingen, 1 l--l2 Oktober 1977. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, New York, 1978,310 Seiten, DM 29.50, US $ 14.80. ISBN 3 540 08879 4. Die Organisation von Rechenzentren ist ein Gebiet, in dem Ergebnisse der angewandten Informatik, der Betriebswirtschaftslehre und verschiedener technischer Disziplinen gleichermassen zusammentreffen. Unter dem Einfluss neuerer Entwicklungen und Tendenzen in der Datenverarbeitung mussen sich die Rechenzentren zunehmend mit Frage der Datenverarbeitung, der Rechnervemetzung und des distributed processing auseinandersetzen und nicht zuletzt such der allgemeinen Hardware-Software-Kostenverschiebung Rechnung tragen. Diese aspekte werden in den Beitragen aus verschiedenen Themenkreisen angesprochen. Der Band enthalt tiberdies die Zusammenfassung einer Diskussion zu dem provozierenden Thema “Das Rechenzentrum - eine iiberholte Organisationsform”, die den Hiihepunkt dieser Tagung darstellte. S.J. Yakowitz: Computational Probability and Simulation. Addison-Wesley Publication Company, Amsterdam, 177,240 pages, US $ 27.00. ISBN 0 201 08892 4. Aimed at advanced undergraduate and graduate students in probability theory and probabilistics simulation, this text is intended to strengthen the intuitive grasp of the facts and models of probability theory through computer experiments. The author takes a major step forward in combining this principle with


D. Achilles: Die Fourier Transformation in der Signalverarbeitung, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1978, 188 pages. F. Bauer, O.L. Betancourt and P. Garabedian: A Computational Method in Plasma Physics. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1978, 160 pages, DM 29.00, US $ 14.50. ISBN 3 540 08833 4. Contents: The variational principle. The discrete equations. Description of the computer code. Applications. References. Listing of the code with comment cards. This book presents a numerical method for computation and analysis of the equilibrium and stability of a plasma in toroidal geometry. A computer code that implements the method is described in detail and a Fortran listing is included. Examples are presented that compare numerical results with both exact theoretical solutions and experimental data. The material is relevant to high beta stellarator and Tokamak devices now in operation in connection with the magnetic fusion energy research program. V. Cappellini: Digital Filters and Their Applications. Academic Press, London, 1978,393 pages. C.H. Chen (Editor): Computer-Aided Seismic Analysis and Discremination. Elsevier Scientific, Amsterdam, 1978,175 pages, Dfl. 76.00, US $ 37.00. ISBN 0 444 41681 1.